Forms :: Alert Cancel Button Gives Non Oracle Exception

Jan 20, 2011

i've created an alert with 2 buttons and the code for cancel button is as follows:

if alert_id = alert_button2
raise form_trigger_failure;
end if;

this code is in a pll and when called from a form it displays a non oracle exception message. How to do nothing when the user presses cancel on alert pop-up? apart from using null instead of raising the above exception?

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Forms :: PB-CANCEL Master-button?

Aug 16, 2012

my problem is with cancel masterbutton, when i clear form through this cancel masterbutton it clear the form. but after this when i click on show button it is not working, although show button is working correctly before pressing cancel_query masterbutton. what should i consider for correct working.

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Forms :: Execute Last Query Fired On Form When Someone Press CANCEL Button

Nov 8, 2005

i am writing a code on form "CANCEL" button which mean to cancel the current user action .now if the last action was execute_query so when user click the cancel button so my logic should capture the last query fired on form through ":SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY" and then execute the last query through EXECUTE_QUERY but my problem is that how i execute my last_query through execute_query.

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Forms :: ORA-305500 Exception On When-Button-Pressed Trigger?

Jun 20, 2005

why this exception is occuring .my code is below.

Procedure Edit_File
(v_linked_file in out file_link.linked_file%type,
v_copy_status in out file_link.copy_status%type,
i_ext in varchar2) is


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Forms :: FRM-40735 / WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception

Aug 17, 2011

I have a form which contains tabular layout which i can fill a text item with date format. I set the data type properties to "Date" with format mask "dd-mm-yyyy".When I click a "save" button, it will call a procedure to insert into table. But i'm getting this error message : "FRM-40735: WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502"

I did some search on google and error 06502 means numeric or value error. But I don't understand what caused my error. Is it at my text item's properties?

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Application Express :: Transaction Control - How To Handle Cancel Button

Apr 11, 2013

[save] button can be done but how to handle [cancel] button

Master record
Transaction record 1
Transaction record 2
Transaction record 3the user does one/all of the following changes

Master record
Transaction record 1 : deleted
Transaction record 2
Transaction record 3 :edited
Transaction record 4 :new added

now the Requirement is :

when the user hits [ save ] all the records are saved
with in *new master record ID*


when the user hits [ ignore/cancel ] all the *Actions on transaction is rolledback*

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Forms :: FRM-40735 When Button Pressed Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception ORA-01843

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to insert some values into a table from a form i get the below error;

which says not a valid month;

FRM-40735 WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01843

after i do google i added the below one to the insert statement and again i receive the error;


My Insert Statement

insert into Invoice123
(Invoiceno, invdate, gross_tot, discount)

by which format we can achieve this!

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Forms :: FRM-40735 / WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception ORA-06502

Oct 3, 2013

I have Forms 6i, installed in a system at remote location with OS Windows 7. Previously the same was installed in Windows XP it was working fine. Now in Windows 7 also its working fine for most of the things, for some data loading options its not working and showing below shown error.

FRM-40735:WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502

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FRM 40735 - WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger Raised Unhanded Exception ORA-305500?

May 8, 2007

I have a piece of code which imports data from EXCEL to ORACLE forms.But after this I am getting the exception

FRM 40735:WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger Raised unhandled Exception ORA - 305500

My Coding is below,
--Cursor To Get The Number Of Columns Of the table
CURSOR c_get_table_columns IS


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Forms :: Implement Exception Handling In Exception Block Of A Trigger

Oct 10, 2011

I have to implement exception handling in the exception block of a trigger, Quote:exception

when ora_java.java_error then
message( 'Unable to call out to java, ' || ora_java.last_error );

message( Exception_.toString(ex));
-- lv_exception := Exception_.getMessage(ex);

I get an error for the line: 'message( Exception_.toString(ex));'I have imported the java classes FException et IObject with their methods.

I have to create a Web Service Client, so I wonder if the paragraph Quote:when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_ JAVA. LAST_ EXCEPTION; is mandatory.

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Forms :: How To Cancel Enter-Query Mode

Aug 31, 2011

When i entered for modification/deletion process initially i prefer to entry-query mode then execute the query.

Suppose when i am in entry-query mode but i want to cancel(abort) the mode ie. entry query. How to achieve this.

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Forms :: Cancel Update If Record Has Been Reported

Nov 19, 2010

I don't want the users to be able to update a record where the date reported field has a date.I have used the set_block_property(blk_id, update_ allowed, property_false). But it still prompts me if I do change something and I try to exit the form.

How can I stop the "Do you want to save changes you have made" box from showing?

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Forms :: How To Cancel A Report And Remove It From Queue

Feb 18, 2010

I am calling a report from a parameter form - the report is launched using a run report button, that all works great. What I want to do now is to add a 'Cancel Report' button to the form so that the end user can cancel the report and remove it from the reports queue.

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Forms :: Oracle Checkbox / Submit Button?

Aug 1, 2012

My requirement is I have placed a check Box in the Detailed Block and i have assigned values for the check box as

Checked - R
Unchecked - P
Initial Value - R

by default the check box would be displayed as Checked while inserting the values in to table the value of check box is not getting inserted but when the check box is unchecked the the value is getting inserted as P when the submit button is pressed.

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Forms :: How To Track Radio Button ID Or Name In Oracle

Jun 27, 2010

I have a form which contains some block (each block with some text item, two radio groups and a list item). I want to enable/disable and set visible property as true/false for first to last items of each block conditionally. I can do that for all items but radio buttons.

Because to set item or radio button property I need to pass that items ID or Name as parameter. I can get items name/type using get_block_property and next item of that item using get_item_property but unable to get radio button ID/Name using get_radio_button_property or any other built in. To execute get_radio_button_property or set_radio_button_property I need to pass radio button ID/Name. So, how I track radio button id or name in oracle forms? Is it limitations of Oracle forms?

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Replication :: Oracle Forms 10g Access Key Property For Button

Jan 22, 2013

just i want to ask about access key property for button..i'm using oracle forms 10g ,

suppose that i have 3 buttons in a module like the following:

1- buttonOne --access key property for this button is "1"
2- buttonTwo --access key property for this button is "2"
3- buttonThree --access key property for this button is "3"

when run this module then the user press "1" the trigger when-button-pressed not fire until he press the user can press the "1" only to fire the trigger when-button-pressed? just like form 6i?

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Forms :: How To Create Browse Button In Oracle Form Builder

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to create a browser button which enables to browse a tree directory and to select a file. how can i do it?

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Forms :: Run Report Developed By Crystal Reports By Click On Button In Oracle Developer 6i?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to run a report developed by crystal reports by click on a button in oracle developer 6i.

Is it possible. If yes then how can i do this.

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Forms :: Getting Error When Cancel File Selection In File Open Dialogue

Mar 18, 2010

I have created the below stored procedure and calling the procedure in when-button-pressed trigger. Problem here is that when I cancel the file selection in file open dialogue box its raising exception.

buffer_lines client_text_io.file_type;
v_outputstr VARCHAR2 (32767);
p_delimiter VARCHAR2 (10) := '","';
v_transaction_no VARCHAR2 (10);

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Application Express :: Exception Handling Pl Packages And APEX Exception Handler

Oct 7, 2013

APEX 4.2Oracle 11g Database We are using the standard exception handler that was introduced in APEX 4.1, and we have code in packages & procedures in the database (following proper processes of keeping code in the database where possible).  When an exception is found in the procedures/ packages/functions, should the APEX application level exception handler catch any errors that occur or should they be handled in the package/procedure/function they occurred in? Why I ask if, we right now have exception handling code in the pl/code bodies BUT they write their errors to the same table that Apex's Exception handler does, but the errors are NOT presented to the user using the APEX exception handling mechanism.

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Forms :: Pop-up Or Alert On Desktop?

Nov 10, 2012

i am using .dot net frame work to show a pop up on desktop like reminder , can i do that using any oracle tools i am using oracle 10g along with forms 6i , i am using one query for this.

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Forms :: Alert While Deleting The Record

Mar 20, 2013

I want to create one alert while deleting the record from the custom form. So i have written the below code in the when-remove-record trigger.

alert_button NUMBER;
alert_button := SHOW_ALERT ('DELETE_ALERT');


When i click on the delete(X) symbol in the form, it is showing alert but when i click on "No" also its removing the record..what i need to write.

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Forms :: How To Display First Canvas Before Alert

Aug 31, 2010

I need to display my alert prompt right after I detect the discrepancy on amount. I place my code on POST-BLOCK. The problem is, after the query, the alert pops out right before the new canvas where the block with POST-BLOCK trigger shows.

I need to display first the canvas before the alert but seems like the process of displaying canvas is the last job oracle does. So even if I place my code on post-record or any other trigger it will be the same.

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Forms :: Raise Alert When Browser Closed In 11g

Feb 27, 2012

I am working on Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production). OS is Win 7 (32 bit). Internet Explorer 8. My Requirement is I need to raise an alert when user close the browser window before closing the Form.

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Forms :: Calling Multiple Reports Through Alert

Feb 15, 2011

I need code for calling two reports using alerts.

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Oracle Database Alert Engine

Mar 15, 2011

I am running Oracle XE . This database collects information about server statistics in my organization ( memory usage, threads running, etc). Now , I need to send alert/ notification emails if the certain thresholds are crossed by server ( ex: if number of threads increase more than 100, send an alert email).

One way to do this is to write stored procedures and schedule them to run every hour and send alert email if conditions are met.

But what I want to do is to use some sort of rule engine where I can specify the rules/conditions which have to be true for alerts to be sent. The reason I want this approach is so that every time there is a new rule, I do not have to write a new stored procedure and I can just specify the condition in the rule engine . So are there any Rule Engines out there that I can use (preferably open source and free to use)?

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Forms :: Creating Alert After Records Retrieved From Query

Jun 26, 2013

I want to raise a alert after the records retrieved from a query. i.e, if the query fetches 0 records then the alert show be displayed. Is is possible? If yes tell me the trigger to be used to raise such kind of alert.

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Forms :: How To Create Library Functions To Show Alert

May 24, 2010

Am using Oracle 10g Forms and Databse.

My form Consists data block blk_user with two items username and password

Both user name and Password are required Fields.

When user left these items Empty To show Alert

I Created Below Procedure and Called in Form_Level ON-ERROR Trigger.

PROCEDURE pcd_io_alert IS
itm_name VARCHAR2(20);


how to call or create this procedure as Library functions and call the created library in form To Show Alert. Actually I want to create library functions to Validate and Show Alert Mesages.

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Forms :: Alert Windows Appear To Be Hidden And Application Locks Up

May 6, 2011

I have a forms 11g application that of course has several message and alert windows that pop up when various errors or messages need to be displayed. This all works great on the developer machine, but when I try and run the form on another machine using any browser the message and alert windows appear to be hidden and the application locks up with the rolling bar across the bottom. I would guess it is waiting for a response, but I cannot get the window to appear.

Following is an example of an alert to be displayed:
vAlertButton number;
vAlertButton := show_alert('NO_EMAIL');

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Forms :: Customize Position Of ALERT Message On Screen As Per Requirement

Mar 19, 2010

I am using Oracle developer Suite 10g, and i want to customize the position of ALERT message on the screen as per requirement.

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