I have job, working hours, employee id, employee name in test_emp table. The job name and employees are not fixed in this table and it varies from project to project. We don't know how many employees are there and needs to be fetching on runtime.
I tried creating the required view using 'CASE' statement and group by but its returning multiple rows.
select case when PropertyID=1 then VALUE end as Attrib1, case when PropertyID=2 then ValueID end as Attrib2, case when PropertyID=3 then ValueID end as Attrib3 case when PropertyID=4 then ValueID end as Attrib4 from ( select Phone, PropertyID, ValueID,Value from PropertyValue group by Phone, PropertyID, ValueID,Value )
WITH table1 AS -- this table contain a list of column names ( SELECT 11 cid, 'TEK' group_nm, 'TYPE DESC' column_nm FROM dual UNION ALL
i have 3 tables, one that contains name of columns(table1), another one contain number of rows (table2) and the last table contain
the values for columns in table1 for each row in table2.
what i want to do is join all 3 tables and display the output as follow
TYPE DESC NAME P DATE TYPE_PCT ==================================================== Good John 8/21/2010 0.009 BAD Ken 4/11/2010 10.009 Medium Rob 8/1/2010 0.001
as you can see the columns names comes from table1, and the values comes from table3. i want to join these tables so that it display the output above
This query result attached
The red coln is the total I want to place it in row-wise
Date loc_1 loc_2 loc_3 loc_4 Total May 2012 4,554 6,644 11,198 June 2012 4,986 5,838 777 11,601 22,799
Here columns should be created based purchase dates dynamically with respect to quantity. Query out put will be like matrix format. So i feel that PIVOT & SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH will not serve my requirement.
INSERT INTO CFL VALUES (11, 1, 'JAN-10', 10); INSERT INTO CFL VALUES (21, 1, 'FEB-10', 20); INSERT INTO CFL VALUES (31, 1, 'MAR-10', 10); and so on (12 records for a year with same quota_id, e.g. here it is 1) [code].......
Also this column values period is dynamic.. it can be for any year.
The select will return values like
Select per_id, PERIOD, amount from cfl where quota_id = 1
Basically 12 rows will be the output: per_id period amount 1 JAN-10 10 1 FEB-10 20 1 MAR-10 10 ..............and so on
INSERT INTO TEST_TBL VALUES( 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 ) ;
Expected result
A1 1000 A2 2000 A3 3000 A4 4000
A1, A2, A3, A4 are hard coded fixed values.
I could have done this but not a good idea in case table TEST_TBL is not a single row table but an inline query on 1,00,00,000 records with summary functions. In my table I've a summary query instead of single row table.
i have master and detail form. In detail(tabular form) i want to restrict user to enter only 10 rows.if he tries to go for 11th row he shud get a message (Only 10 records can be created at a time).
i had an issue last week with enabling and disabling a column in a tabular view. and i have it working now.... when the page loads i disable the column in the 25 rows being displayed.
the problem i now have is when i use the pagination to move through the rows the columns are all now enabled.
so what i am trying to do is this:
i have a tabular view showing 25 rows at a time. there is one column with a code and one with a description. when the code is changed, via a popup LOV, the description is changed based on the valus in a lookup table in the database.
i need the description column disabled, so the user cannot simply just type in the column. but when the page is submitted, the column needs to be enabled so i have modified the sumbit button to respond to a dynamic action which runs some enabling code then submits the page.
SO.... this all seems to be working except for when you use the pagination, the description column is all enabled.
is there a way of running some javascript when the pagination is refreshed? some better way of doing it?
I have been requested to create a tabular form, but end user should have ability to hide/show columns, also they should rename the column headers. So I have created a table with column name called "attribute1", attribute2", etc. Based on that table, create a tabular form, which has column header as "attrbute1", "attrbute2", etc.
Now end user wants to rename attrbute1 as he wants. And he/she also wants to have a link called "hide/show" next to the column header, so end user can control which column they want to hide/show. It is so easy to do that control from developer side, however, shift that function to end user from front end seems very difficult to me
I need to transpose the following table columns to rows and rows to columns...Im not quite sure how to acheive this...I have the following table with fixed number of columns and dynamic number of rows based on date filter in query
MONTH_YEAR RMS RMS_OCC TTL_RMS --------------------------------------- SEPTEMBER 200917790017790 OCTOBER 2009183831278818347 NOVEMBER 2009177901460517762
and I need to display this as
COL1 SEPTEMBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 NOVEMBER 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------- RMS 17790 18383 17790 RMS_OCC 0 12788 14605 TTL_RMS 17790 18347 17762
When I build simple tabular form in APEX 4.2 it displayed 10 rows per page by default. When I changed that number in Number of Rows field to 15 nothing happens. Again only 10 rows per page were displayed. Next field on the right to Number of Rows is Number of Rows (Item). Tabular form works as expected when I use this field and define number of rows with hidden page item. So workaround issue (bug?) is easy. Is this some kind of bug or I miss something obvious?
I have a tabular form (report) multi-record. It display only the records 1-15 with pagination to the other pages. When I set the field 'Number of Rows' to 100, it still displays record 1-15 only. I just want to see the complete dataset on one page, without pagination. (There is a filter on it so there will never be more than 100 records displayed)
How i can show the new added rows to tabular form after submit? what I want is to show my customer new added rows that recently added. but according to how I sort the tabular form, the new added rows distributed in multi pagination in tabular form. I'm not good in English, excuse me for my mistakes. I use apex 4.2.0 On Oracle 11g r2 on windows Server 2008
Is it possible to create a validation for tabular form which will be fired only for created?
There is a possibility in APEX 4.1 to choose two types of "*Execution scope*" first is "*For created and Modified Rows*" and second is "*All Submitted Rows*".
create type emp_obj_dtl as OBJECT (ename varchar2(50),mgr NUMBER) create type emp_dtl_obj_typ as TABLE of emp_obj_dtl
Using the these object i have created on function as
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp_test_func (peno NUMBER) RETURN emp_dtl_obj_typ AS lv_emp_dtl emp_dtl_obj_typ := emp_dtl_obj_typ (); BEGIN SELECT emp_dtl_obj_typ(emp_obj_dtl (ename, mgr)) INTO lv_emp_dtl FROM emp WHERE empno = peno;
RETURN lv_emp_dtl; END;
Now if i am executing query as
SELECT empno, emp_test_func (empno) emp_dtls FROM emp
In this query split is a pipe line function to convert row(rows stored with , delimited) as columns like below
for ex for below query SELECT * from TABLE(SPLIT('bbb003,bb004'));
out put is bbb003 bb004
now i have to apply same function on column,column is storing data with ',' separated.and i have tried like but it's throwing missing expression. how i can use this function on entire column from this table.
SELECT * from TABLE(SPLIT(select candidates FROM ibis.cw_uploads_inprogress ));