Forms :: Using 2nd Table In Execute_query?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a form screen based on a table say Table A. This screen is populated from a value selected on the previous screen. I take the value in the previous screen and create a onetime where clause and use the execute_query on table A to populate the screen. But what i need is if the value provided is not found in Table A then i have to look up an other table say table B and populate the screen based on Table B. Now how can i do it since the screen is based on Table A and if that value is not found i have to get values from the second table.

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Forms :: Retrieving Values From Mater Table In Child Table?

May 21, 2011

I have got two tables emp_dtl and iou_tab. i have already made entries i.e booking no, emp_cd, emp_name etc in emp_dtl snc its my master table. I want to retrieve the booking nos through lov in iou_tab which are generated in emp_dtl and corresponding info of emp_cd and emp_name should come in the respected fields in iou_tab.

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Forms :: Read Data From Table And Insert To Another Table With A Cursor?

Feb 20, 2013

I have a table with a BLOB column ;

I want read data from table and insert to another table with a cursor

My code is :

procedure read_data is
cursor get_data is
select id,image from picture1;
id1 number;
pic blob;
open get_data;


when I run form , error FRM-40734 occurred

error in line " fetch .... "

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Forms :: When User Change / Delete Any Record / Row In Forms Data Automatically Move To Other Table

Dec 25, 2011

when a user change or delete any record or row in forms data automatically move to other table because i want to compare old and new record.

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Forms :: Table B Has Foreign Key Reference To Table A

Jan 11, 2012

There are 2 tables : Table A and Table B.Table B has foreign key reference to Table A.There are 2 forms in the application based on table A (form 1) and table B (form 2).

Now when we open form 2, the functionality is such that it acquires a lock on table B for the selected record during the search criteria. Lock is acquired by using "select 1 from table_B where column = :column for update no wait".So when the form 2 is opened by any other user/session and same record is tried to be selected, then an exception is raised to the user that the current record is being edited by some other user and does not allow him to edit that record.

Now imagine if User has opened screen 2 (One record in Table B has been locked). With this lock existing, we open form 1, and click a button which performs a COMMIT_FORM. At this point the form hangs. On checking the locked objects, there is a lock on both table A and table B. When the Form 2 is closed, then the Form 1 which was hanging a while ago starts responding.

When the foreign key relationship is dropped and the above scenario is tried, there is no issue encountered. Form 1 works fine even if form 2 is open.We are not supposed to drop the Foreign key relationship as well.

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Forms :: Checkbox Value Insertion In Table

Nov 4, 2010

I am using oracle form builder 6i and oracle database 10g

1:I have table named 'info' column name 'InfoId'and some other.And another table named 'Handing' with column names HtId, Value1 and value2.

2:I made form that consist of three data blocks, first block takes criteria and second block display record against that criteria from table 'info'.

3:i want checkboxes agianst that display record,and want that when I select some checkboxes against 'InfoId' these selected 'InfoIds'

should save in another table named 'handing' in column 'HtId'.and in same table data in column value1 and value2 will be inserted through textboxes that are in the third datablock of the thae same form .

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Forms :: Details Should Be Updated From One To Other Table

Mar 19, 2011

when the tables are updated, the following detals must be correct to ensure that the links in the affected tables are in place.

PLUPDATE_NEW(PLUP_SAVE_SEQ field value) must be the same with PLUPDATE_BENEF_NEW (PLUP_NEW_BENEF_SAVE_SEQ field value)
PLUPDATE_OLD(PLUP_SAVE_SEQ field value) must be the same with PLUPDATE_BENEF_OLD (PLUP_OLD_BENEF_SAVE_SEQ field value)?


i tried this code, what should i do in the link for this tables?

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Forms :: Oracle Spread Table OCX

Nov 17, 2005

Any example of how to load data into an oracle spread table OCX control

I have successfully inserted the the oracle spread control in a form and also created the program units form the control but unable to load data into the it at run time.

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Forms :: Populate Table From A Block In 10g?

Dec 3, 2010

TABLE_FROM_BLOCK built-in Package is working in Forms 6i but not in Forms 10g. is there any other built -in available instead of this. how do we populate table from a block in Forms 10g?

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Forms :: Populating A Combo Box From A Table

Mar 26, 2010

I want to populate a combo box using values from a table, I know you can manually enter values in the combo box's property palette using the 'Elements in List' option, but this combo box will have changing values and I would prefer it to come from a table rather than manual entry so that when users add a new staff name to the table it will automatically be in the combo box.

I would need to use a trigger on this combo box, but which is the best to use and im guessing the SQL needed is more than just 'select * from staffname'?

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Forms :: Update Table With Cursor

Oct 5, 2010

I have made changes in my form

1st step:-

for Inserting records created below cursor, records are inserted and I can see on my screen (form) also.

select * from Tempinvest;
OPEN Invest;

2nd step:-

Updating records
I wan to update some columns in this table so I created a 2nd cursor to update records but this cursor is not working accordingly. my requirement is: before Update first of all Find inv_co_code & inv_fnd_code when find then update column Redunits

2nd Cursor

ddate date; refdate date; co_code number; co_name varchar2(50); fnd_code number; fnd_name varchar2(50); units number; amount number; stat varchar2(1);

select Ddate,refdate,co_code,co_name,fnd_code,fnd_name,units,amount,stat from (
select inv_date DDate,Vdate RefDate,inv_co_code Co_code,inv_co_name Co_name,inv_fnd_code Fnd_code,inv_fnd_name Fnd_name,
inv_nofu Units,inv_amount Amount,Status Stat from (
------------- Bonus -------------------
select inv_date,vdate,inv_co_code,inv_co_name,inv_fnd_code,inv_fnd_name,inv_nofu,Inv_amount,inv_uprice,'B' Status from investment
where code is null and inv_date <= :dd1
---------------- Redemption --------------
Union All
select red_date,null,red_co_code,red_co_name,red_fnd_code,red_fnd_name,red_nofu,red_amount,red_uprice,'R' Status from redemption
where red_date <= :dd1
where co_code = 13 and fnd_code = 1
order by co_code,fnd_code,ddate ;
vrefdate refdate%type;

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Forms :: Display All Records Of DB In A Table?

Dec 29, 2012

i want to display all the records of my database in a table with scrollingexample if i have 3records in my DB so a table must have 3records too !!!this is my code :

Cursor cur IS
SELECT numb_ph AS phone,
name_emp AS name


but the problem 's all records of my DB are display in one record (to view another record i use the scrolling ..

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Forms :: Backup Of User Table

Jul 20, 2011

Im using oracle forms 10g. i want to take backup of user's table.

i.e, scott user has 4 tables. if i login as scott user and select the tables what i have to take backup using check box and click a backup button,the selected tables backup and stored in .MDB(MS Access).

How to achive this?

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Forms :: How To Validate Salary Regarding To Its MIN And MAX Value From Another Table

Jun 16, 2012

I have a created data block using employees table so am trying to validate item salary using max_salary and min_salary from table jobs how to do this kind of validation.

[How can i validate input number into a Field of type char in oracle form?]

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Forms :: Insert Values In A Table Through Ref

Aug 26, 2011

Table Structure:
Name of Table: info
Column: ID, Name, Cell,Cell1,Ref

i want to insert these values in a table through ref (key next item).
Key next Item Triger
but when i press enter(ref Key_next_item) it will return error:


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Forms :: Delete Record To Table

Jun 5, 2011

How can I delete a record simultaneously to table?

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Forms :: Master Detail From One Table

Jun 9, 2011

Is there any way to design a form to act like Master Detail from one table which is not normalized?

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Forms :: Dynamic Table In Form

Dec 22, 2011

create a table in forms .

i tried to do it with forms_table(--) but i am in confusion.

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Forms :: How To Pass Table Name By Reference To Function

Oct 1, 2011

I have to create a function which count the max id in the provided table.

For example: I have two table customer and book


create or replace function Row_Count(tab_nam) return varchar2 is

CONTR_NO varchar2;
select NVL(MAX(t.contract_num), 0) + 1
FROM tab_nam t;
end Row_Count;

when I call

Function( customer) ;
Function( book) ;

It should tell the max number with addition of one.

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Forms :: Dynamic List From One Table And Insert Into Another?

Jan 10, 2013

Im facing some issues with my form, getting stuck... prob desc below : I have Table A which has columns; car_year, car_type, line_num, line_text. Table B has country, car_year, car_type, line_num, data_entry_amt.

Table A contains data which gets updated once every year only. Contains what year model is the car, what type of car it is.. Line_num has numbers starting from 1 which indicates the different part number and line_text has description for that line_num. eg :
2010 Toyota 1 Windshield
2010 Toyota 2 Door
2010 Toyota 3 Tire
2010 BMW 1 Windshield
2010 BMW 2 Door
2010 BMW 3 Tire
2010 BMW 4 Rear_mirror

Table B contains specific data related to table A, Contains country where car details n prices are, car_year, car_type, line_num, and amount($) for that part. for example :
Australia 2010 Toyota 1 400.50
Australia 2010 Toyota 2 200.40
Australia 2010 Toyota 3 308.25

So in year 2010, in Australia, Toyota's Door was sold at $200.40 Now, Table A will have similar data for this year and users will enter data for table B throughout this year. I tried master-detail form for this but it doesnt work. Because every year line_num change in table A and therefore cant implement a fixed number or rows on the form for amount for table B.

How to use dynamic listing but im not familiar with it. So how i should go about doing this. My form has structure has below :

Country Car_year
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt
table_A.line_num table_A.line_text table_B.data_entry_amt

When clicked on save, data on table_B.data_entry_amt on this form should go n insert into table B.

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Forms :: Moving To Next Record From Detail Table?

Feb 1, 2013

I have create Master block and a Detail block.When i am clicking on the Master block, then details records are displaying.But when i m moving from 1st record of detail block to 2nd record of master block, then detail block's data is not not displaying.It just firing the validation of detail block's first field.

when from Detail block (Cursor on the field Mapping code field) clicking on the 2nd records i.e Ord.No. =2 , at that time validation is getting fired.)

What i really wants that if click on the 2nd record of Master, automatically records should display in detail block.

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Forms :: Fields Not Writing To Database Table

Jul 27, 2010

I have an Oracle Form 6i. There are two blocks. One is a database block called CUSTOMER and the other is a non-database block called CONTROL.

In the PRE-INSERT trigger of the database block, values from the non-database table block are passed to the database table block. When I pass values I use the :BLOCK_NAME.field_name eg. :CUSTOMER.scale_code := :CONTROL.scale.

In this form the values passed to the database block from the non-database block in the PRE-INSERT trigger do not use the block name e.g. :-

:warehouse := :global.default_warehouse;
:capturer :=captured
:scale_code := scale;
:date_captured := sysdate;
insert into dd_audit(cus_id,cap_date) values(:CONTROL.cus_id,SYSDATE);

This application used to work fine for months, last week when writing the values in the PRE-INSERT trigger, just the warehouse field had a value. The remaining fields after the warehouse did not pass any values, although it was verified that values would have been present in the non-database block. The date_captured field should have at least had the system date. The last insert into dd_audit was successful.

I have done numerous tests on our test database and could not replicate the problem. Would passing the values from the non-database block to the database block without the :BLOCK_name preceding the field name cause this problem.

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Forms :: Update Random Rows In Table?

May 24, 2010

I have this requirement in Oracle FORMS ver 6i where I populate some records in a table in a datablock and display them on the screen. A facility needs to be provided to the end users to select the records randomly by just entering the count of the records in a non-d/b text field. The number entered in the count field will decide how many records are to be selected randomly.

I tried using the query -

UPDATE <table a>
SET <col 1> = <value 1>
WHERE <col 2> = <value 2>)

which I found on the link [URL] but while compiling, the Form gives a compilation error for the ORDER by clause - i'm sure there's no syntax error in the way I have written it...

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Forms :: Formula Column Value Not Updating In Table?

Sep 5, 2011

I create the sample for master/detail form. In detail for prdcode,rate,qty,amount is there. When select prdcode it fetching prdcode,rate in a record and if you type the qty the amout will come based on formula(property) :qty*:rate.

It is available on screen. But when i store the data, in backend table the amount is be a null.

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Forms :: ORA-00942 - Table Or View Does Not Exist

Jun 8, 2011

The form actually consists of one block that refers to a table in DB(Datablock). The functionality of the form is to run some logic and then just insert data in the table .This happens on press of a button.

The problem is when I run the form thru' Admin Id it runs successfully but when I run the form through some other user it gives me the error.

The grants on the table are Public. GRANT DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON XYZ TO PUBLIC;

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Forms :: Update Table Data Via Oracle 10g

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to develop a form consisting of a key block and a single data block. The problem is that the driving table is not the table that needs to be updated.

user wants the following layout:student Advisor
ID# name degree major Concentration ID# name
The driving table (TABLE A) will supply the first 5 fields. The advisor ID comes from (TABLE B).

The user needs to update the adviser ID# field associated with the student ID# field. The form is to be tabular listing all students. I've seen some info on using procedures to insert, delete, update, query and lock tables, but i'm just not sure if that's what is needed.

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Forms :: How To Create A Table With Multiple Columns

Dec 27, 2011

to create a table using forms with multiple columns

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Forms :: Inserting Into A Table Using Data From A Text Box

Feb 16, 2010

I have a form that has one text box in it, and I want this value to be inserted into a table called Staff Name, which has only one column, but im unsure as to how I would get my SQL statement to pick up this value.

I tried:

insert into StaffName values ('addstaffmember');

Add staff member is the name of the text box. this statement compiled but when I ran the form and tried to click save it would not work.

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Forms :: Table Oriented User Rights

Nov 10, 2009

I have build a sw containing 20 forms & 35 reports. I have created users table.

Now I want to assign different rights to different users like update, view , update, print, delete etc etc. Enable disable add/delete/update buttons on basis of user rights.

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Forms :: Dynamic Form According To Rows In Another Table?

Oct 28, 2010

i want to create a form & show some columns accordingly rows entered in another table

for eg.

a table name temp have three columns (no,name,date) in name it shows some rows like

i want to create a new dummy form which shows
a b c d

if i remove b from temp table then new form shows only
a c d

is it possible

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