Forms :: List Box Code

Apr 1, 2010

View the attached form image.

There are two List boxes namely :list_all (All) and :list_sel(Selected). :list_all show some data. What I want is to insert / delete records from the list_all to list_sel or vice versa using the buttons ( e.g.For one record using > and for all >>). The next step is to call a report to show data from the :list_sel.

I have populated the list_all with using the following query.

"select distinct all_ded,to_char(all_ded_id) from salary_temp order by all_ded"

Database: Oracle9i

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Forms :: How To Avoid (no List Elements Defined For List Item) Error

Sep 27, 2011

I am creating the Dynamic list but when i am compiling the form it gives the compilation error "No list elements defined for the list item".

I can eliminate it by entering the dummy list element but this dummy value will be displayed at form run time.

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Forms :: FRM-30351 / No List Elements Defined For List Item

Oct 30, 2011

SELECT RowNum rn, Letter_Group_ID||'-'||A_Desc AName,Letter_Group_ID
FROM Hrs_Group;
end loop;

FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.


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Reports & Discoverer :: Bar Code Reader Will Readout Code

Feb 12, 2009

I have no knowledge about Barcode. The problem is an issue of Loyalty Cards of a Hotel and Restaurant to various customers and then these cards will be presented by the customers time to time in the Hotel as well as Restaurant. The Owner of the Hotel and Restaurant wants to generate separate barcode for each card and when this card will be presented then the bar code reader will readout the code and the system will calculate the amount of discount/rebate. Because if the data entry operator enter the code of the card through key board the it will be a chance of leakage or misuse of that card.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare SVN Source Code With Production Code In Database

May 30, 2012

I have to compare my SVN source code (packages, views etc) with the production code in the database like views etc (actually we are not sure that what we have in the svn is the final version of production code, we have objects created in the production database, but we don't have latest scripts for that. we have to deploy the svn code in the UNIX box).

So here the comparison is between the OS files and the database objects.

I thought I would get scripts of all the packages, views etc from the production database by using DBMS_METADATA or some utility and save the code in OS files then compare one svn file with OS file manually by using some comparison tools e.g toad provide one comparison tool.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Type In Code To Make Few Tables Then Run Code

Feb 13, 2012

I downloaded oracle sql developer, i type my code into a worksheet but if i use the run statement option, it asks me to make a connection. I dont want to make a connection, just test the data locally.However, even if I do try and make a connection, i get ora-12560 error (local connection).

I just want to type up some data to make some table and test to retrieve or manipulate the data. I'll use any program, command line or gui.

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Forms :: Generate Bar Code In 6i?

Nov 2, 2011

i want to generate bar code in forms 6i but i don't know the code.

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Forms :: How To Call C++ Code In 6i

Jan 27, 2012

how to call this c++ code by using forms 6i To open and configure the COM port:

char str_com[10];
unsigned short no_com = 0;
sprintf( str_com, "\\.\COM%d�", no_com+1);
hCom = CreateFile(str_com,GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,


To close the port :


To monitor communications events :

SetCommMask(hCom, dwEvtMask );

dwEvtMask is logical or with :


and used WaitCommEvent function

BOOL WaitCommEvent(
LPDWORD lpEvtMask,

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Forms :: Code To Run Reports From Oracle 11g

Aug 8, 2011

I'm using the following piece of code to run reports from Oracle Forms 11g.

v_rep VARCHAR2(100);

v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);

On execution, the screen does not respond.Do I need to use WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT along with RUN_ REPORT_OBJECT?

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Forms :: Display Code Errors Above 10g

Jul 11, 2011

I have problem follow: i create a forms 10g and run it then errors. Now, i want to display code errors,how do i do?

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Forms :: Can't See PL/SQL Code While Debugging A Form

Jul 5, 2013

I am using FORMS 6i and while debugging applications (any form), the PL/SQL code inspector panel is always blank, without any PL/SQL code.

I'm using the version of the ifdbg60.EXE file.My OS. is windows XP SP 3 with 4GB of RAM.

I installed first the Oracle Developer v6.0.8.11 and after that, the v6.0.8.27 Patch 18.I also reinstall all Oracle again and nothing.

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Forms :: Explain Code In KEY-CLRFRM?

Oct 3, 2013

I saw code in KEY-CLRFRM trigger...

Itm1 varchar2(30) := :system.trigger_item;
:B1.NEW_FORM := :SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM; --Here B1 is the Block Name

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Forms :: Code Of Creating View In Pre_Form

Nov 25, 2010


create or replace view dept_list as
select 1 state, 1 depth, 'DEPARTMENT' displ_value, null icn, null pk, 'A' sort_value
from dual
select -1 state, 2 depth, dname displ_value, null icn, null pk, 'A' sort_value
from dept
select -1 state, 3 depth, 'EMPLOYEES' displ_value, null icn, null pk, 'A' sort_value
from dept;

is placed in Pre_Form Trigger it generated error.

Error 103 at line 1, column 1
Encountered the symbol "create" when expected the following.

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Forms :: Code To Get Label Of Radio Button

Aug 30, 2006

I am working on forms 10g(version ) with Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release on windows 2000 platform. My requirement is to dynamically get the label of the radio button item in a radio group.I am able to get the label of the radio group as shown below

Item :Radio group
Label : Gender

m_label:=Get_Item_Property(m_Item ,label);

There two Radio buttons inside this radio group which are
item : Radio button
Label : Male

item :Radio button
Label :female

What is the code to get the label of radio button(i.e) male and female ?

How will I get the count of radio buttons in a radio group at runtime?

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Forms :: Block Is Populating Values From Code

Jul 7, 2011

I want to search values with F11.for example i will enter some value and i will press should be display that record. That block is populating values from code.

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Forms :: Export Source Code Of Object?

Jul 1, 2010

i build a form to get the source code of an object from the database and export the result into a text file but i face a problem I cannot get more than 780 line of code because i have a package with 24080 line and i have to put all this line in the text file

I attached the form

I know that the problem with the size

CM: removed unnecessary colour coding - it doesn't make it easier to read you know.

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Forms :: Disable Menu - Code Not Working?

Nov 19, 2011

i tried to disable menu but the code didnt work.My

Procedure Pu_Check_Open_Form_Prc(Pv_Menu_Code Varchar2) Is
vn_open_pvg Number(1) := 0;
vm_menu_id MenuItem;


and my menu in the attached pic.

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Forms :: Code To Store Images Inside Database

Jan 11, 2011

//To load an image from the Hard Disk
//Level : Item
//Type : Trigger
//Name : When Button Pressed

Now what should be the code to store this image from the image box inside the database? I done a lot of time with Oracle Data Base 11g with the Form Builder 6i and 10g but all in vain . No image store inside the database but browse button work well.

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Forms :: Fetch Record From Table Using Item Code

Jun 7, 2013

i want to fetch the data in my form from table, by using item_code.

eg when i write the item_code its value get matched in same table and fetch the another

columns by item_code.

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Forms :: Oracle Code To Export Data To Excel

Jan 8, 2010

I do the codding procedur in oracle form code to export data to Excel.But when i run the form and call that procedure. The data is come to excel, but it's autometic create a new sheet(as "Sheet4").

The problem is.. How can specify the Sheetname or fix it as "Sheet1"?

---Following it's my code

cursor dtl is select * from SG_TMP_REPORT_RESULT
row_num number;
col_num number;
cell_val number;


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Forms :: List Forms Global Variables At Runtime

Jan 9, 2012

we are currently migrating from forms 6i to 11g. We would like to cleanup our global variables at runtime.

Is there any way to list the global variables at runtime?

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Forms :: Delete A Record By Writing Code In When_button_pressed Trigger

May 4, 2010

How can I delete a record by writing code in when_button_pressed trigger.

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Forms :: List Of Values

Jul 8, 2010

I have developed one sample form using oracle Internet developer Suite 10g. It has two fields.

1.all employees(I set as combobox)
2.members (i set as text box)

In runtime all employees column has all the employee name displayed . If i select the employee name one by one it added into the members textbox. How to solve that issue?

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Forms :: Validate From List

Mar 25, 2009

I have a non-database text item (name: profession_temp) on a block and it is a also return item for an lov.

When I change the property "validate from list" of the item(name: profession_temp), to YES, and closing the form without inserting, updating, deleting any record , a message is displayed "do you want to save the changes?".

When I change the above property back to "No", the message is not displayed in this case. I wonder why this message appears while there is no change occurred in the underlying records?

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List Products List Of Client Grouped By Type Of Product?

Dec 14, 2011

Im trying to list the products list of a client grouped by type of the product. Ex:

product type

prod.A acid
prod.B flavour
prod.C acid
prod.D cleaner
prod.E flavour

I want to list something as:







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Forms :: Use Of Validate From List Property

Jul 19, 2013

What is the uses of "Validate From List" Property(Yes/No) in LOV's Properties.

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Forms :: How To Count In List Block

Oct 1, 2011

I have a list block of two fields item_name, item_price. User can enter as many item`s as she/he wants. But, before saving the record system should calculate the total and give error if sum is grater then or less than 100.

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Forms :: Random Selection From List

Oct 21, 2013

i have a parameter form where user will input from item to item and items within this range will be come as output , but i want an option to select the random items from the list, like i may not select all the items from 1 to 10 , but instead i want to pick or select randomly , i may opt for 1,3,4 and 7.

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Forms :: How To Validate List Item

Nov 22, 2010

I am working on form 6i..

I have developed a form with some text items,a list item and a image item...

list item......account_list(,individual)
text_item..... company_name..

i have attached a pop up menu to image item... Add image and upload image...

When i click on 'Add image' the image path is getting enabled.. it is fine but when i am changing the account_list i need enable and disable the 'Company_name' text item... How can i achieve this??

I have tried it in when-validate-trigger on account_list...

if account_list=individual then
end if;

But no use of this....

how can i achieve it??

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Forms :: Populate List Dynamically?

Mar 15, 2013

i want to create the list item dynamically on the when new form instance this is the code....

group_id := create_group_from_query('lst','select (imt.item_id), to_char(imt.item_code, from items_mt imt');
v_num := Populate_group(group_id);

but the list is not the populate.

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