Forms :: How To Put Exceptions While Defining Summary Item
Sep 20, 2013
how to put exceptions while defining the summary item ? In one of my datablock there are certain lines whose "inactive_flag" gets a "Y" value on certain events. I want my summary item to exclude such amounts from summing up.
ck_amt is checkbox.. ck_amt_tot is total of jtt_amt_1 [but total only those record whose checkbox is checked]
My task is like this When i checked checkbox whatever value in jtt_amt transfer to jtt_amt_1 field
but i can change value in jtt_amt_1 field ...i want to take addition of that changed field and show that sumation in ck_amt_tot.
I write trigger when-checkbox-changed like this ------------------------------------------------- IF :jou_tra1_tab.ck_amt = 'Y' THEN set_item_INSTANCE_property ('jou_tra1_tab.jtt_amt_1',CURRENT_RECORD, UPDATE_ALLOWED, PROPERTY_TRUE); :jou_tra1_tab.jtt_amt_1 := :jou_tra1_tab.jtt_amt; else :jou_tra1_tab.jtt_amt_1 := 0; END IF;
and when validation item trigger for jtt_amt_1 : -------------------------------------------------- IF :jou_tra1_tab.ck_amt = 'Y' then :jou_tra1_tab.ck_amt_tot := :jou_tra1_tab.ck_amt_tot + :jtt_amt_1 ; else :jou_tra1_tab.ck_amt_tot := :jou_tra1_tab.ck_amt_tot - :jtt_amt_1 ;
But when i changed value in jtt_amt_1 field i cant get write summation .
In my sql developer I have created a table. Created primary keys. Using alter table I have also created the foreign key. Now I need to add one more foreign key to the same table. Do I have to drop the existing foreign key and then create the 2 new foreign keys using the alter table condition or can I retain the existing FK and just use alter table to add another FK.
Upon form load, TList will be populated with predefined item. The behavior i am trying to achieve is to have a text item so user could entered specific text which will then filter the values in TList .
I would like to know if there is a way to define values in a field to a defined new data.
As an example: If field A value is equals to May, then set field "Quarter" data value to "2nd Quarter". If field A value is equals to January, then set field "Quarter" data value to 1st Quarter".
I'm trying to create a web service via the WSDL wizard (Apex 4.0.2). We are behind a firewall and connect to the internet via a proxy server. The proxy server requires authentication with a username and password. How to include the username and password in defining the Proxy Server in the Application Definition page or optionally in the alternate location in the Manual Web Service wizard page?
I assume the base definition for the proxy server is [http://]host[:port][]
I am having trouble changing a non-displayed field when a displayed field is changed.
When a user wants to un-assign a territory they want to just null the ID field (non-database item). I then need to null the PIDM field(not visible, database item) for that one record.
I tried this, but I end up putting null on all the records instead of just the one record, which ends up un-assigning all the territories not just the one.
Is there a way to assign the null to the PIDM field associated to the ID field of that particular record.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Condition LOOP BEGIN Insert into table1 values(......);
EXCEPTION When OTHERS THEN <capture the error while inserting into an Error table> END; END LOOP; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now I want that If one of the insert statement within the loop fails (say table2) the exception should be captured and next insert statement (table3) should be executed.
How can I do this ? I guess I wont even need a loop
from the above code I want to execute both the inner block exception and outer block exception and is there any way to pl/sql engine that execute the outer exception first and inner next
java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection java.sql.SQLException: XA error: XAResource.XAER_RMERR start() failed on resource 'weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource': XAER_RMERR : A resource manager error has occured in the transaction branch javax.transaction.xa.XAException: Unexpected error during start for XAResource 'EOD': null at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.XA.createException( at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.start( at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.start( at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.xaStart(
I have a set of 500 insert queries which i need to execute. I have included exception handler to catch any errors encountered. I don't want the execution to halt when an exception is encountered, i want the next insert statement to be executed
For the following procedure if I send the existed employee number of emp table as input. The procedure is executing successfully. But if I send the employee number as input which does not exist in the emp table . The execution block does not handling the exception.
I am getting the following error.
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at "RAKULA.SP_TEST_EXCEPTION_BULK", line 8 ORA-06512: at line 7
If I use WHEN OTHERS exception then I am able to handle that exception. Why it's happening like this.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE RAKULA.sp_test_exception_bulk(i_empno NUMBER) IS t type_test1; BEGIN SELECT deptno BULK COLLECT INTO t FROM emp WHERE empno=i_empno; [code].......
how to handle that exception.
If I create the procedure without using
BULK COLLECT then I am able to handle that exception using WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
In the following procedure I am able to handle the exception.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE RAKULA.sp_test_exception(i_empno NUMBER,v_dept_no OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN SELECT deptno INTO v_dept_no FROM emp WHERE empno=i_empno; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN dbms_output.put_line('employee number' ||i_empno|| 'does not exist'); END sp_test_exception; /
Is it possible to insert a table in case of exceptions. For example, i have a function like this:
Create or replace Function test_function(p_Parameter_ID number) Return number is
l_Variable number; Begin Select output into l_Variable from test_table where id=p_Parameter_ID; Exception when others then Insert into exception_Table values('No Data Found', p_Parameter_ID); return l_Variable; End test_function;
In this function, if you notice, i wanted to populate an exception table for further analysis in case data is not found. The function gets compiled without any error in this case.However when i execute this and the Select query does not return any output for a particular parameter_ID, then the exception part fails. It gives me an error "cannot perform a DML operation inside a query".
Can't i write insert statements inside the exception section?
Why exceptions does not raise in cursors declared by user like in the following program
create or replace function sal (p_id employees.department_id%Type) return number is ----sal1 employees.salary%type:=0; cursor cx is select * from employees where department_id=p_id; begin for i in cx
create or replace procedure except_handle is v_errorcode VARCHAR2(10); v_errormsg varchar2(200); constr_violation Exception; PRAGMA Exception_Init(constr_violation,-2292); [code]..........
Here, I have assigned values to the variables 'v_errorcode' and 'v_errormsg' directly inside the exception block so that I can use them in both exception types 'constr_violation' and 'others'. I am getting an error message like,
Error(22,1): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "V_ERRORCODE" when expecting one of the following: pragma when
how to define user defined exceptions for cases like, ==> when anyone tries to insert string values without using single quotation marks " '...' "? ==> update the column which is not present in table.
how can I define user defined exceptions for such cases?
Table: temp_user_access NAME Null? Type ------------------------------- --------- ----- USERGROUP VARCHAR2(255) USERNAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(40) NICKNAME VARCHAR2(40) AAACC VARCHAR2(70) SYSTEM VARCHAR2(10)
I have one table which has two columns name,qty and it has data like arif,3 pcs i want to display it in 3 lines if the qty is 3 and in 2 lines if the qty is 2 using sql query
I brought in the Northwind database 2003 in to SQL Developer. I was looking at the view 'Summary of Sales by Quarter' But this report brings in everything. It doesent give me summary of sales for Qtr1, Qtr4 etc
These are the columns:
How can i recreate this view to show me summary data for qtr1, qtr2, qtr3 and qtr 4 for the year 1997??
EFFECTIVE_START_DATE: SCD field, Date ABACUS moves from one department to another.
EFFECTIVE_END_DATE: SCD field, Date ABACUS left the department from another. To keep history of movement.
The sample report shows possible scenario on my data.
I want to build monthly report to cater from departmental headcount on monthly basis, starting from from ABACUS start date.
see sample report below
Create a procedure generate_daily_session_summary that will read the pcm_session_summary (pk sess_id) table and create a per day summary in the pcm_session_summary_daily table.
1. Summarize all records from pcm_session_summary for session start timestamp (START_TS) greater than the max existing SESS_DT from pcm_session_summary_daily table and less than the start of current day. Insert the records into the pcm_session_summary_daily table.
2. Populate the fields in pcm_session_summary_daily as follows :
sess_dt - truncated date from pcm_session_summary.start_ts unique_user_cnt - count of unique cws ids encountered in that day, sess_cnt number - count of total sessions in that day , max_concurrent_sess_cnt number - maximum number of concurrent sessions at any point of time in that day. Concurrent sessions are defined as those that have overlapping start_ts or end_ts - sessions that were active at the same moment in time would be concurrent with each other.
3. The procedure will be scheduled to run every day in a batch job and will summarize session data until the end of the previous day
I have the table with below details.
I have written the below query to get the result for question no:1
select trunc(start_ts,'DDD') start_ts,count(distinct(user_cupid)) user_cnt,count(SESS_ID) Sess_cnt from PCM_SESSION_SUMMARY where START_TS < sysdate or START_TS > (select max(sess_dt) from pcm_session_summary_daily where sess_dt < sysdate) group by trunc(start_ts,'DDD') order by start_ts;
However i tried a lot but not sure how to get maximum concurrent session count for a day.One of my friend comment below.
The Pcm_session_summary_daily is empty so you need to handle nulls when doing max. That will fix the issue of no results for the Greater Than condition.
You need to get concurrent count of sessions with respect to one another, the query that you have will not work. Do it in PL/SQL using procedural logic. The queries would return multiple rows, you need to handle that.
I've been experiencing strange Oracle behavior from time to time when using "explain plan". what could be the reason? (I'm going to create an Oracle ticket when I could find the cause...)
The total cost of a query was low (ex. ~500) while sub-parts of the query has high cost (ex. ~10000).I don't want to provide the query itself as the issue is observed for huge queries (like 2M characters!).The execution plan looks like this:
and we click on create summary folders we got this error Summary management not available because : this user has no privilige or quota to create materialized view in the current schema External summary registeration not available because : this user has no privilige or quota to create materialized view in the current schema
I have one group wise report and my requirement is i need to print both the Outputs in one single report first, is group with details and the summary in the last page showing machine code and summary of qty as totals ,I have given below test case .
insert into ot_cut_detail values ('L1','01','1001',2); insert into ot_cut_detail values ('L1','01','1002',2); insert into ot_cut_detail values ('L1','01','1003',2); insert into ot_cut_detail values ('L2','01','1004',2); insert into ot_cut_detail values ('L2','01','1005',2);