Forms :: How To Pull Off Report From Builder 6i Within Specific Date(s)
Sep 9, 2011
SQL Plus version Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release Production
Forms Version : 6i
Reports Version: 6i
O/S : Microsoft Windows Xp professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3
With regards to the above version description here is my query. I have a form which calls report it accepts various parameters like date between, appeal and so on . I want the report to be restricted to the date parameter as passed by the user.Here is my coding which runs report
Pl_id ParamList;
where_cond varchar2(2500);
upper(ltrim(rtrim(:appeal)))<> 'ALL' then
where_cond:= where_cond ||'and tbl_donation.appeal_code='||ltrim(rtrim(:blk_ihelp.appeal_code));
where_cond:= where_cond||' and tbl_donation.appeal_code is not null';
end if;
-------------Date Option----------------
:date_option is not null then
:date_option = 'BETWEEN'then
where_cond:=' and tbl_donation.donation_date between '''||ltrim(rtrim(:fdate))||''' and ''' ||ltrim(rtrim(:tdate))||'''';
where_cond:=' and tbl_donation.donation_date '||:date_option||''''||ltrim(rtrim(:fdate))||'''';
end if;
end if;
upper (ltrim(rtrim(:country))) <> 'ALL'then
where_cond:= where_cond||'and tbl_donation.country_code='||ltrim(rtrim(:blk_ihelp.country_code));
where_cond:= where_cond||'and tbl_donation.country_code is not null';
end if;
-------------Contact Code---------------
:contact_code is not null then
:contact_code = 'BETWEEN'then
I want to start by saying I am brand new to SQL. I have an access database linked to my oracle and am trying to query a very specific set of data and I can't seem to narroe it down. I have 244,000 lines in the DB and I'm trying to find items on a specific trype of vendor agreement. I may have the same item on multiple agreements. ex 1-, 1a-, 2-,2a-,3-,3a-,4-,4a-,5-,5a-,6-,6a-,7-,7a-,8-,8a-.
I need to find a way to select just items that appear on a 4- or 4a- and no other agreement reference. The query I did so far pulls all of the 4- and 4a- agreements but will also pull items,like #233 in the example above, but not showing the 1a- agreement. I need it to overlook that item eventhough it does appear on the agreement I am looking for but also has an agreement I am not. the statement I am using right now is:
SELECT item, ven_item, ven_agrmt_ref, base_cost, vendor FROM "all items by agreement" WHERE ven_agrmt_ref >= '4' ORDER BY item
i want to use Graphic builder for make a chart in report builder. how can i use them for create a chart report? i need to see some samples for create my project. put a sample of .OGD and .rdf
I used Report Builder, and i want to call 1 report name is "DOCK_RECEIPT.rdf" from Form when click into button name is "Print". I write code in When-button-press follow: This is code call report from Form.
Declare pl_id paramlist; Begin pl_id := get_parameter_list('tmpdata'); [code]....
On report "DOCK_RECEIPT" has parameter same parameter on Form. But when i click button "Print" then can't call report,while form and report that together folder.Now, i want to question, how must configure report builder for call report from form that? example: about directories,path, etc
i tried to call Report Designer 5.0u Editor (MRD) it is not supported Oracle tools products from form builder Ver6i i try to use RUN_PRODUCT built-in but is not work, how i can call products not supported by oracle like Crystal Reports XI , Report Designer. I located my file in my local PC C: empVD.mrd
I want to reset my date to this format: 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM - see code below:
DECLARE v_latest_close DATE; BEGIN v_latest_close := TO_DATE ('12/31/2012 23:59:59 ','MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The new date format is : '|| v_latest_close); END;
the code above displays only : 12/31/2012 instead of 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM
i am creating a report using a function in the select query..suppose this is my function that i created in the program unit of the report
FUNCTION is_numeric_rep (p_strval in varchar2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_numval NUMBER; BEGIN l_numval := TO_NUMBER(p_strval); RETURN 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN 0; END is_numeric_rep;
and also suppose this is the query of the report
Select is_numeric_rep('343aa43') From dual
when pressing ok on the query statment in the report it give me this error: ORA-00904 "is_numeric_rep":invalid identifier although when i create this function as a stored function in the database schema and use it in the report it works fine with no problems.
My own created software is running since last 4 years but now when I am trying to run a report then I got a message "REP-0002 unable to retrieve a string from the report builder" and as a result my report don't run. Please note that some other reports are working properly, this problem is happens only with some of them reports.
In our office one of our pc was worn out and d2k source files in the server were not able to open in another system for that we need to install the below D2k6i Version of Report;
Report Builder
if we try to open the file it shows the below error
"Warning: Opening a report saved with a newer version of Report Builder. Functionality may be lost. Continue? "
Currently we are using "Report Builder" is it possible to download the version?
i am using one stored procedure where in one variable which is declare as date value is coming like that '10-OCT-12 11.30.54 AM' and i am inserting this value in one table which has one column vdate with date datatype but it is not inserting there.
I want to select a specific date/time range in a query. I want to select from 6 AM yesterday through 6 AM today. I know that CURRENT_DATE - 1 will give me yesterday, and I can search between that and the current_date. However, how do I incorporate the specific time in the query?
As we know that date datatype can store both date part and time part. If I specify the Date format for my database as 'DD-MM-YYYY HH@$:MI:SS' can i ensure i anyways for a particular columns in the database containing date values the format is 'DD-MM-YYYY' i.e without the time part.Can we specify seperate date formats for specific columsn in database during table creation?
We are using on solaris 10 facing slow performance, following are the Wait Events in AWR report, Also if any specific document to analyze AWR report and to pin point the performance bottleneck.
Foreground Wait Events ********************** Avg %Time Total Wait wait Waits % DB Event Waits -outs Time (s) (ms) /txn time -------------------------- ------------ ----- ---------- ------- -------- ------ direct path read 308,729 0 21,191 69 58.0 39.5 db file sequential read 208,754 0 3,742 18 39.2 7.0 cursor: pin S 19,541,899 0 2,561 0 3,668.5 4.8 [code]....
i have IR report page and download column as blob,how can security applied in specific column wise?e.g. Report page have more rows, and applied query in condition.
Select ID,dbms_lob.getlength(Blob_file) Download from Document_master where Created_by=UPPER(:APP_USER) OR (exists (select '' from apex_workspace_group_users awgu where awgu.user_name =:app_user AND awgu.GROUP_NAME='EMPLOYEE_GROUP' ) )
Now all the rows with Download column to see EMPLOYEE_GROUP users,but i need control the download column only except Created_by=UPPER(:APP_USER) ,this case how can do the security.