Forms :: Create Chatting Application With / Without Using Pjc Java Bean

Oct 3, 2013

I want to create chatting Application using/without using pjc java bean. I want to develop application internal chatting application without using IP address. if there is any possibility by using only System name users can chat. Because we are using dynamic IP address configuration.

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Forms :: Upload File Using Java Bean In 10g?

Apr 19, 2010

I want upload file to server and i know i can use Java Bean but i don't know how i use java beans?

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Forms :: Using A Java Program In Bean Area?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to use a java program in Bean Area.

But I can't understand the implement class and how it is implemented.

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Forms :: Chatting Application Using Developer 6i And Oracle 9i

Sep 7, 2013

I have given a task to design a form for chatting on the intranet using developer 6i and oracle 9i.

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Application Express :: BIP Report Using Webservice - Could Not Convert Null To Bean Field

Sep 13, 2012

I have a BI Suite implementation on one server. And a database with ApEx on another server.

I want to call a BIP report from within my ApEx application using the webservices (runReport) available in BIP 11g.

I used soapUI to test my webservice. Result : OK

When called from within ApEx, ApEx gives me a succes message but the report isn't generated. Instead the console on the BIP server shows the following error:

<Sep 12, 2012 10:28:37 PM BST> <Error> <org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanPropert
yTarget> <BEA-000000> <Could not convert null to bean field 'sizeOfDataChunkDown
load', type int>

'sizeOfDataChunkDownload' is a field of the webservice that is left empty. That indeed is the only difference between my soapUI test and the ApEx situation. In soapUI I removed all empty fields. In ApEx this does not seem possible...

Some extra information:

- the webservice is created on this WSDL : /xmlpserver/services v2/ReportService?wsdl

- it's defined as a SOAP v2

- no basic authentication

- the reports are defined in the BIP environment; not in ApEx

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Create Or Replace And Compile Java - Getting Ora 29531?

Dec 21, 2011

I've this java source create or replace and compile java source named "Decodificador" as
public class Decodificador {
public static String decodifica(String codigo)
return codigo;

and this function

create or replace function F_Decodificador(codigo varchar2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
LANGUAGE java NAME 'Decodificador.decodifica(String) return String';

when I execute the function the result is:

ORA-29531: no method decodifica in class Decodificador

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Forms :: WebUtil Host Bean Not Found

Jul 22, 2010

I have configues Webutil in Application Server and i am using Client_host to open imageviewer .. but when running the form it gives me error "Orace. bean not found Webuti_host.execute will not work" i have done the following configuration for webutil

File frmwebutil.jar
From folder: webutil_106webutil_106java To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java

File: jacob.jar
From folder: jacob_18 To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java

File: d2kwut60.dll, JNIsharedstubs.dll
From folder: webutil_106webutil_106webutil To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil

File: jacob.dll
From folder: jacob_18 To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil

Configuring Database:

1. Connect as Scott or your User

2. Run the script $ORACLE_HOME/forms/create_webutil_db.sql using SQLPLUS or any tool.

Setting up Form Builder:

1. Open Form builder Connect with SCOTT and in PL/SQL libraries open Webutil.pll file
2. File > Save as and Rename the file to different name e.g WebUtil_lib
(Trust me it works to avoid Webutil not found error)
3. Compile the new PLL file and generate it
4. Attached the new named Webutil_lib.pll to your form with Remove Path option YES.
5. Open WebUtil.olb file Object group in builder and copy or subclass it into your form.
6. Now compile your form and run it.

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Forms :: Bean Not Found When Form Is Loaded

Jan 14, 2009

when i run my form im immediately im geting geting this error message

oracle.forms.webutil.file.FileFunctions bean not found.CLIENT_TEXT_IO.fopen will not work

when i searched in meta link i found a solution but not know ing how to implement it..

Symptoms When running a customized Webutil Form an error similar with the following is displayed:

oracle.forms.webutil.file.FileFunctions bean not found. CLIENT_TEXT_IO.fopen will not work.

The exact function that "will not work" may change in the error message depending on the WebUtil code used. There are no errors displayed in the Java Console. The original WebUtil Demo Form runs successfully. Cause The WebUtil code that is failing is placed in triggers that are firing before Forms instantiates the WebUtil PJCs.

This is not allowed when using WebUtil and it is explained in the WebUtil User Guide release 1.0.6, section 5.3: "Once the WebUtil library has been attached to your form you can start to add calls to the various PL/SQL APIs defined by the utility. However, there is an important restriction in the use of WebUtil functions: WebUtil can only start to communicate with the client once the Form has instantiated the WebUtil PJCs. This means that you cannot call WebUtil functions before the Forms user interface is rendered.

This would include triggers such as PRE-FORM, WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE and WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE for the first block in the Form." SolutionDo not use Webutil code in triggers like PRE-FORM, WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE and WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE because these triggers are firing before Forms instantiates the WebUtil PJCs Instead, you can test the WebUtil functionality with a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger and you can use it in your application in other allowed locations.

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Forms :: How To Extract Selected Color From ColorPicker Bean

Mar 31, 2010

How to extract the selected color from the ColorPicker bean. I managed to display the ColorPicker bean but i am not able to retrive the color.

How to set the selected color from ColorPicker as background of the form.

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Forms :: Webutil - File Functions Bean Not Found

Dec 21, 2011

I got this message but i dont no what i can do. I finish setup webutil success but when i try to use it i got this message

oracle.forms.webutil.file.File Functions bean not found. WEBUTIL_FILE.FILE_SELECTION_DIALOG_INT will not work.

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Security :: Create User Using Java Shell

Mar 29, 2012

How to create user using java shell basis to using sysdba or sysoper access on isplplus and what is the location of java home in linux.

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Application Express Listener :: How To Use Java With 4.1

Jun 5, 2012

i m using apex 4.1 and the database is oracle *11g* i want to know how to use the java (servlet,jsp,all technologies of java in apex ) and what i have to do to use the java in apex

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Java Application - Connection Reset During Insert

Jun 6, 2012

I have a java application (jdk 6) that use a db oracle 11g with ojdbc6.jar version on linux.

Sometimes (one or two cases on 11k sql insert on table in one day) I obtain, the error:

java.sql.SQLRecoverableException I/O Error: Connection reset
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.executeForDescribe(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Use JSF And AJAX In Oracle IStore Application?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to use JSF framework and use AJAX to customize Oracle iStore R12 JSP pages.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Add Trend Line And 3D Graphs In Application

Mar 21, 2011

I am new to OA Framework development i want to develop some smart GRAPHS in my application. The current Version of JDeveloper I am using is as per the OA Framework version - 12.0.1. I want to add trend line and 3-D graphs in my application.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Oracle Reports With Java Barcodes

May 24, 2010

how to create Oracle Reports with Java Barcodes.

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Real Application Clusters :: Java Null Exception While Modifying Scan Listener?

Nov 5, 2013

Getting below error while including TCPS protocal at 1523 port .

 bash-3.2$ srvctl modify scan_listener -p TCP:1521/TCPS:1523Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException        at oracle.cluster.impl.scan.ScanFactoryImpl.modifyScanListener(        at oracle.cluster.scan.ScanFactory.modifyScanListener(        at oracle.ops.opsctl.ModifyAction.executeSCANListener(        at


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TimesTen In-Memory :: How Big Heap Size Of JVM To Be Set For Java Application When Enabling Direct Model

Nov 24, 2012

For applications and Timesten databases on the same server we can use direct model to gain the base performance. But I want to know that how big heap size of JVM to be set for my java application when enabling direct model?

Does my application need more head memory when direct model than other local communication protocols, such as Unix domain socket or IPC? Supposing my Timesten database takes 12GB memory from OS, does it mean I need specify the same size for JVM heap(-Xmx12G)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01000 Maximum Open Cursors Exceeded Frequently While Running Application In Java

Jun 23, 2011

I am working on SQL,PLSQL and my application is in Java. I have 2 schemas in same database.

In one schema, the DML operations are very slow while in other schema is fine.

Also I am getting an error ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded frequently while running application in Java.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Create XML File From XSD File?

Dec 14, 2010

get me an example where i create a XML file from a xsd file?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Using Java.lang.Math In Oracle / ORA-31011 / Parsing Failed

Apr 26, 2013

I am trying to execute an xslt (for XML transformation) using xmltype.transform function.

I can't paste XSLT code here, but below is similar what I am doing.


I have used a reference of random() method of java.lang.Math in xslt file, and it's giving me below error.

ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LPX-00607: Invalid reference: 'random'.

I doubt, it's because of "Math" class, which is not present in Oracle, how to load standard java classes.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Java Stored Procedure Invoking Windows Run Time Process

May 22, 2012

I am trying to invoke program from my local Windows machine (exactly java executor, which is in my environment on c:javajdkinjava) using database package with Java stored procedure.

Everything is fired by SQLPLUS script, this script invokes package with Java stored procedure (jar loaded into Oracle) and that procedure is trying to invoke runtime process (syntax:

c:javajdkinjava -cp

and here ara my classes and main jar) using my local java executor. I added all permissions using dbms_java.grant_permisions (execution forced me to give permissions to <<ALL_FILES>> for execute), moreover I added to my database user JAVASYSPRIV and JAVAUSERPRIV role. Unfortunately, beside this I am still getting error:

C:javajdkinjava not found (Note that lookup with PATH isn't done due to the oracle executable being setuid.)

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Java.sql.SQLException - Execute Batch - Exception Equal To 1?

Jul 14, 2011

I was getting java.sql.SQLException: executeBatch, Exception = 1when i tried to use executeBatch().could not understand why i am getting it.

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Forms :: 10g With Java 1.6.0-20?

Jun 16, 2010

Everytime when i want to start up my 10g the Applet freez and nothing happend, the Browser hangs and i only able to kill the Browser.i open my Controllpanel of the Java and go under:

general -> Temporary Internet Data (Button)--> Settings

then a new window pop up. Then i Press delete data, after that Press ok and it works the first time. When i try to start again without delete it does not work again.

I use Forms and JRE 1.6.0_20. I read about that there is a new check in this Version (jar files signed and unsigned) but the files are Signed.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Calling Java Stored Procedure From Oracle

Jun 20, 2011

I am writing a java stored procedure in my package. In the java procedure I want to issue a query to be fired on the user table from which I am calling the java procedure.

Some thing like following:

I am logged in to USER1 and my package is inside USER1. From this package I am calling the Java Stored Procedure. In java procedure I want to make a jdbc connection to USER2. The details of USER2(password, hostname,portno) are stored in a table called 'connection_details' and this table is in the USER1.

My problem is how can I issue the


so that i can get the details..?

Do i need to first make jdbc connection to USER1 and then execute the above query for which i need similar details of USER1. How can i obtain the details of USER1 here.

I am thinking if I am already in USER1 then do I need to make the jdbc connection to USER1 and then execute the query?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Best Driver For Java To Oracle Database Connection

Jul 30, 2012

Which is the best driver for java to Oracle database connection ?

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Forms :: How To Use Java Instead Of Jinitiator

Apr 18, 2010

problem in my current Operating System Windows 7 that I installed Oracle DB and Developer suite Ver "" and I tried to install Jinitiator latest one that version jinit13130 and with no success to be installed even I copied the jvm.dll from latest Java to initiator directory and still didn't work. I even tried to disable Add-ons and still didn't work.

I heard that I have to use Java instead than Jinitiator I did as is mentioned in this page [URL] and also in this documentation pdf but still with no avail. In the website is mentioned that I have to put in the forms formsweb.cfg to add these thing

"instead of the archive_jini tag, use the archive tag archive=frmall.jar,...,my_jar.jar"

I found that my_jar.jar is not in any folder so I escaped this file from the line and only mentioned frmall.jar. and I did the rest but still didn't work, by the way I received this message when I run a form "FRM-10142: the http listener is not running on Candy-PC at port 8890. start the listener or check your runtime preferences".


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Call DB Function From Java Hibernate

Feb 10, 2011

I need to call DB function through Java Hibernate.

My Sample XML File looks like.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
<sql-query name="getchequeno" callable="true">
?:=call cz_nab_mw_fn_gen_ol_chq_no()
I am getting below error while reading the file

"java.lang.RuntimeException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Errors in named queries: getchequeno"

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Pass Any Array From Java To Oracle

Feb 4, 2005

Here is a problem. I have to pass an array e.g ('Account','Marketing',Computer' ) from java to Oracle 9i.

Would I be able to do in Oracle, if yes then how ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Native Java In Oracle Versus PL/SQL?

Aug 26, 2011

we can you java code natively with Oracle. But I didn't get how to decide when to use native java in oracle and when to use pl/sql.

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