Forms :: 10g - Debug And Check Values Of Defined Variables
Sep 22, 2010I am currently working in form 10g and i m newbie to that technology...I want to debug my form and also check step step by values of variables which i defined.
View 1 RepliesI am currently working in form 10g and i m newbie to that technology...I want to debug my form and also check step step by values of variables which i defined.
View 1 RepliesI have a set of code being perform in the package body of a program unit I want to debug step by step and see what values are being stored during executing or running the form
/* Without HP and deposit, Down Payment(GST) = Total(GST) */
if nvl(v_deposit, 0) = 0 and nvl(v_loan_amt, 0) = 0 then
v_gst_fr_dps := 0;
v_gst_hp := 0;
v_gst_bal_pay := v_total_gst;
Like in the above example I want to see the value in v_gst_fr_dps,v_gst_hp,v_gst_bal_pay etc when executing and display in the screen.
assigning values to a particular variable that i need for my button trigger. I Understand that you can assign multiple values to a variable that has a varchar or char data there a way to assign multiple values to a variable that has a 'number' data type?? I need this for my 'where' clause
usergrade varchar(4) := 'pass';
user_unitcode number(6) := ;--needs three unit codes to equal pass
I have this requirement, I have a following Record type within a package, instead of selecting datas into this i need to assign variables to this record type
TYPE xx_delivery_detail_rectype IS RECORD ( p_delivery_id NUMBER, p_ultimate_dropoff_location_id NUMBER, p_creation_date DATE, p_last_update_date DATE, p_container_name VARCHAR2 (30), p_inventory_item_id NUMBER, p_shipped_quantity NUMBER, p_shipment_line_id NUMBER ); TYPE xx_delivery_table_rectype IS TABLE OF xx_delivery_detail_rectype INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
Say i have variables to assign to all the values within the record type, How do i do it within the package
i want to produce a function who return XmlType element if she checks that a parameter (that i passed to here is contained in a row in a defined table)
for example
create table sec_form(
form_code VARCHAR2(8)
, sec_code VARCHAR2(5)
) ;
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section1');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section2');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section3');
then i got my function
create or replace function checkIfSectionEnabled (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2)
return XmlType
is v XmlType;
CURSOR myCursor IS select * from sec_form where form_code = 'CSA';
open myCursor;
now i'm gonna call the function (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2) and pass here "section1" for example ; and she must return me my xmltype element if she find "section1" finds section1 present;
when i try t compile i got:
Error(18,13): PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Error(18,26): PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'MYCURSOR' reference is out of scope
I have created a Data block - 'CONTACTS' (Database data block) and has database item - 'Code', 'Descr'
The number of records displayed is set to 5.
Value When checked - 'Y'
Value When Unchecked - 'N'
Check box mapping of other values - 'unchecked'
The requirement is when i check one or multiple checkboxes, i should pass the 'Code' item values to the WHERE clause.
Right now whenver i am trying to do so, only the current record value is copied to the WHERE clause.
I have tried using basic loop as well as while loop but things havmt worked. Below is a basic code which will work for one record, request to guide me with muliple checkbox ticked.
IF :contacts.cb = 'Y' THEN
IF p_where is null then
p_where := :contacts.code;
p_where := p_where ||','||:contacts.code;
end if;
end if;
p_where:= 'where code in ('||p_where||')';
I want to run form 10g in mode debug, however when i set break point in code and press shift+ F9 ( or run Debug by click icon on Form 10) then Form still run but not run in mode debug. Now i want to run form 10g in mode debug, how do i do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to extract values from string to variables as below.
str varchar2(100):='Acknowledgment=1234,Order Requester=5678,Site Contact=9999,Other Contact=1456,Pre=1234,23445,56767';
l_a varchar2(100);
l_or varchar2(100);
l_s varchar2(100);
l_ot varchar2(100);
l_pre varchar2(100);
But here challenge is order of alignment change dynamically. ex as below.
str varchar2(100):='Order Requester=5678,Acknowledgment=1234,Site Contact=9999,Other Contact=1456,Pre=1234,23445,56767';
str varchar2(100):='Pre=1234,23445,56767,Order Requester=5678,Acknowledgment=1234,Site Contact=9999,Other Contact=1456';
So how to extract Acknowledgement to l_a,Order requester to l_or ...
I have two tables A and B.
variable value
-------- ------
a 10
b 20
How can the variables be replaced with values(10,20) using a single query...?
I am trying to debug a remote form ( on AS) in Oracle forms developer 10g . I had done everything as told and attached the port name and number to my local form builder, but debugger window doesn't popup at the time of break point. Also, i don't have any firewall installed on my application server.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe goal is to create a stored procedure that will retrieve multiple values from a table.
GUI is in Java and they will trigger our procedure to show list of all employees and their roles , doj etc.
So I wrote the following procedure.
create or replace
PROCEDURE emp_test(
OPEN c_cursor
SELECT emp_name, emp_doj, emp_role FROM emp_table ;
I'm using sql developer, stored procedure is compiled and I can manually run it by right clicking on the procedure and click 'Run'.
When I intend to run it by executing the script "Execute Procedure name ", I get errors.
In SQL Developer, I open new SQL file and key in
EXECUTE emp_test;
Highlight it and run the script, here is the list of errors that I get.
Error starting at line 18 in command:
execute frm_lst
Error report:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'emp_test'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:
*Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
Issue 2:
Instead of using cursor, is there a way to use multiple parameters and insert the data retrieved from select column_name from table into these parameters and build it in a stored procedure. I tried something like below which did not work.
(e_name OUT emp_name%TYPE,
e_dob OUT Edob%TYPE)
SELECT emp_nam, Edob
INTO e_name, e_dob
FROM emp_table
END emp_test1;
Just so you know, there is no input parameter or input feed, when called the procedure should return all the values.
I want to put one check box to check all the check can i do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI executed the following PL/SQL block in SqlDeveloper :
v_dept_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&p_dept_name';
v_max NUMBER(4,0);
SELECT MAX(department_id) INTO v_max FROM departments;
:max_dept_no := v_max + 20;
INSERT INTO departments VALUES (:max_dept_no,v_dept_name, NULL,NULL) ;
And it gave the error : Quote:Error report:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("HR"."DEPARTMENTS"."DEPARTMENT_ID")
ORA-06512: at line 7
01400. 00000 - "cannot insert NULL into (%s)"
The same code when executed in iSqlPlus gave no error.
i need a function which checks if v_rand carrying a value is alphanumeric if nt this value of 6 alpha numeric characters must be generated again... here is the actual fn.
Function alphanumeric
Return varchar2
v_rand varchar2(10) := 0;
I have a table as follows
create table teststr (indname varchar2(20),
counter1 number,counter2 number,counter3 number,counter4 number);
insert into teststr values('a',10,20,30,30);
insert into teststr values('b',10,20,5,3);
insert into teststr values('c',2,4,5,2);
insert into teststr values('d',1,2,3,4);
insert into teststr values('e',4,5,4,4);
Now i need the output if any of the column values are same.
output should be
select indname from teststr where counter1=counter2
or counter1=counter3 or counter1=counter4
or counter2=counter3 or counter2=counter4
or counter3=counter4
Is ther any other way to write the query instead of the numerous or conditions if i want to compare the column values in a table.
How can I use OR condition in sql to check whether if the 6 col values in a row is NULL, I need something like below, but idk the syntax of checking if either of the mentioned cols is null using an or condition.
select a.mid
FROM table_a a
JOIN table_b b
ON a.dept = b.dept
JOIN table_c c
ON b.eid = c.eid
WHERE a.tid = :tid
AND (a.i1 or a.i2 or a.i3 or a.n1 or a.n2 or a.n3 or a.t1 or a.t2 or a.t3 ) IS NULL
I'm going to do some testing, and for that I require to retrieve some data based on a single column e.g test_data_col, which -
1. Has 3 or more count(test_data_col) for a given set of group by columns e.g grp_col1, grp_col2, grp_col3
2. Within the set of rows retrieved, that particular column holds some duplicate values. I don't need the duplicates displayed, just know if duplicates exist or not.
This might explain what I'm trying to do -
grp_col1, grp_col2, grp_col3, test_data_col
1, A, xyz, HELLO
1, A, xyz, HELLO
1, A, xyz, BYE
1, A, xyz, GOODBYE
2, C, pqr, WELCOME
2, C, pqr, BAD MORNING
So for condition 1, I do something like this -
SELECT COUNT(test_data_col) cnt, grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3
FROM test_tab
GROUP BY grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3
HAVING COUNT(test_data_col) >= 3;
In this same query, I want to do something that will tell me if the aggregate COUNT(test_data_col) has any duplicate values within it. Again, displaying the duplicates is not important here.
SELECT COUNT(test_data_col) cnt, grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3,
/*some logic*/ dup_val
FROM test_tab
GROUP BY grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3
HAVING COUNT(test_data_col) >= 3;With the proper coding to replace /*some logic*/, I get following values -
cnt, grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3, dup_val
4, 1, A, xyz, Y
3, 2, C, pqr, N
I just gave dup_val column to explain what I'm trying to achieve.. any other way to know the existence of duplicates in the count aggregate will be fine.My Oracle version is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
How to check the listener time zone settings/values in Oracle 10g database?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have flash item on canvas weh nthe nw form insatance i have that erros frm 41344 ole object not defined
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have designed a Login form which takes username, password and connect string is hardcoded.I have compiled it, made an fmx file. created a shortcut to desktop. given the BIN path in shortcut.
when i want to lauch it, oracle's default login popup is shown.It can be by passed while defining username/password@string in shortcut properties but it reveals the password. every one can access it. I want to launch my own form without logging in to oracle. how can i avoid default login popup?
my problem is this that i have developed a form.fmb in 6i for images scanning direct from scanner but its generating error something like that "FRM-41344 OLE not defined for SCAN in the current record"
li have a winxp enviroment i have already downloaded and installed "IMAGING FOR WINDOW"(GLOBAL 360) but despite this its not working same error is still there .
one more thing why imgscan.ocx is not registering in winxp.
we are currently migrating from forms 6i to 11g. We would like to cleanup our global variables at runtime.
Is there any way to list the global variables at runtime?
Is it Possible to create User - defined Search forms in runtime oracle forms 6i . If One Having sample Forms
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to hide/suppress an user defined alert message in Oracle Forms application?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhich of the below is considered a bind variable. In example one proc. Test the parameter p1 is directly used in the query, so this can be considered as a bind variable.
Is that true about the second proc. where p1 is assigned to a local variable v1 , or this needs hard parsing because v1 is not a bind variable ?
Create or replace procedure test(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=p1;
Create or replace procedure test1(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
v1 varchar2(100):=p1;
OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=v1;
We have an application, where we invoke a URL pointing to a folder on the Application Server, so that users can download files from the same.
There is user authentication provided for the URL.
Example :
Our application ABC (example) which is built with Oracle Forms 10g, hosted on Application server (itxxx123) inovkes a module GEN9999 which on pressing a button calls a URL which is open in the Internet Explorer browser.
If the URL has been called from the Forms or the Application (ABC), then it should be allowed.
If the URL is called standalone, by Opening IE Browser and invoking the URL, this should not be allowed.
However, there have been security concerns raised during Audit, saying that users can access the URL directly from the Browser instead of the Application. Also the URL is saved the Browser history, so even if the user is no longer working in the Application Team, and has moved out of the team, then the ex-user can still access the URL and view and download files.
Is there any way to restrict access to the URL such that is only accessible when it is called from the Application, and that access is restricted when directly called from the Browser.
I have seen that environment variables in httpd.conf may be usable for the above. However, not sure how to use them from Oracle Forms.
Any ways for Debugging in PLSQL.
Ex:In a package or procedure i have thousands lines of Code how can i Debug.
how to debug PL/SQL code.
I mean if
procedure1 --calls---> procedure2
procedure2 --calls---> procedure3
procedure3 --calls---> procedure4
If procedure1 is my main procedure how do we know in procedure there is an unhandled exception or bug.
I have written a package including 13 procedures to insert data into a temp table but i am getting duplicate rows in dat table how to track from which procedure i am getting duplicate rows.
step 1 : procedures are inserting data using some joins into a temp table.
step 2: from temp table data will get stored into a target table where if the data already exist it will update the target table else will insert the data.(its a procedure where i used merge).
as i have duplicate data on temp table i am not able to update data on target table.
I am not able to debug PL/SQL and i have following I can enable privileges and I want to know the steps of debugging. Connecting to the database My_connection.
Executing PL/SQL: ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_DEBUG=TRUEExecuting PL/SQL: CALL DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCPORA-01031: insufficient privilegesORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP", line 68ORA-06512: at line 1This session requires DEBUG CONNECT SESSION and DEBUG ANY PROCEDURE user privileges.Process exited.Disconnecting from the database My_connection.