SQL & PL/SQL :: Check If Multiple Column Values Are Same?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a table as follows

create table teststr (indname varchar2(20),
counter1 number,counter2 number,counter3 number,counter4 number);
insert into teststr values('a',10,20,30,30);
insert into teststr values('b',10,20,5,3);
insert into teststr values('c',2,4,5,2);
insert into teststr values('d',1,2,3,4);
insert into teststr values('e',4,5,4,4);

Now i need the output if any of the column values are same.

output should be

select indname from teststr where counter1=counter2
or counter1=counter3 or counter1=counter4
or counter2=counter3 or counter2=counter4
or counter3=counter4


Is ther any other way to write the query instead of the numerous or conditions if i want to compare the column values in a table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Displaying Multiple Row Values As Multiple Column And Row Values

May 4, 2010

find the Test Case below.

--Creation of Table

create table tb1
(ID number(4),
event varchar2(20),
vdate date);

--Inserting Values into the Table.

INSERT ALL INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V1', '01-JAN-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V2', '02-FEB-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V3', '04-MAR-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V4', '03-APR-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V5', '05-MAY-2009')


--Selecting data from Table.


---------- -------------------- ---------
1 V1 01-JAN-09
1 V2 02-FEB-09
1 V3 04-MAR-09
1 V4 03-APR-09
1 V5 05-MAY-09
2 V1 01-JAN-10
2 V2 02-FEB-10
2 V3 04-MAR-10
2 V4 03-APR-10
2 V5 05-MAY-10

10 rows selected.

how can i display the data as below format using Oracle 9i SQL.

IDV1 V2 V3 V4 V5
--- ---------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- ------------

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PL/SQL :: Check For Any Duplicate Values In COUNT() Column

May 13, 2013

I'm going to do some testing, and for that I require to retrieve some data based on a single column e.g test_data_col, which -

1. Has 3 or more count(test_data_col) for a given set of group by columns e.g grp_col1, grp_col2, grp_col3
2. Within the set of rows retrieved, that particular column holds some duplicate values. I don't need the duplicates displayed, just know if duplicates exist or not.

This might explain what I'm trying to do -

grp_col1, grp_col2, grp_col3, test_data_col

1, A, xyz, HELLO
1, A, xyz, HELLO
1, A, xyz, BYE
1, A, xyz, GOODBYE

2, C, pqr, WELCOME
2, C, pqr, BAD MORNING

So for condition 1, I do something like this -

SELECT COUNT(test_data_col) cnt, grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3
FROM test_tab
GROUP BY grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3
HAVING COUNT(test_data_col) >= 3;

In this same query, I want to do something that will tell me if the aggregate COUNT(test_data_col) has any duplicate values within it. Again, displaying the duplicates is not important here.

SELECT COUNT(test_data_col) cnt, grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3,
/*some logic*/ dup_val
FROM test_tab
GROUP BY grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3
HAVING COUNT(test_data_col) >= 3;With the proper coding to replace /*some logic*/, I get following values -

cnt, grp_col_1, grp_col2, grp_col3, dup_val

4, 1, A, xyz, Y
3, 2, C, pqr, N

I just gave dup_val column to explain what I'm trying to achieve.. any other way to know the existence of duplicates in the count aggregate will be fine.My Oracle version is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Convert Multiple Column Values Into Single Column

Jul 19, 2013

c1_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c2_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c3_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c4_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c5_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c6_type VARCHAR2 (10),

actual output of the below query, but i want to display in different way

select * from type;

Region_D Region_E Region_F Region_D Region_E Region_D Region_M Region_D Region_E

The expected output should be like this below, how to write a query or which built in function used to get the below result,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Values In One Column?

Nov 20, 2010

i'm trying to put more than one value in one column (by putting value '26','63' in column), so i have next problem:

1. Query select cr_pjid from acc_users where username='ACCBTPS121' give result

2. Query select * from acc_accbtp_nova_view where ed_id=2 and to_char(pj_id) in ('26','63'); return 186 rows.

3. Query: select * from acc_accbtp_nova_view where ed_id=2 and
to_char(pj_id) in (select cr_pjid
from acc_users
where username='ACCBTPS121'); doesn't return any row...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Values In Column

Jan 10, 2013

Most of the code is working properly except when it come to a person with more than one email type in the table:

Below is the

select emal_pidm, emal_email_address, emal_emal_code,
when emal_emal_code = 'PER'
and lag(emal_emal_code,1,'?') over (partition by emal_pidm order by emal_email_code) = 'EMPL'
then emal_email_address

Below is Sample data for testing

INSERT INTO emal (emal_pidm, emal_email_address, emal_emal_code)
VALUES (1024069, 'emmaus.ferdinand@xxxx.edu','EMPL');
INSERT INTO emal (emal_pidm, emal_email_address, emal_emal_code)
VALUES (1024069, 'emfer1@xxxx.edu','PER');

The attachment is what the output should look like.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Multiple Column Values In A Row

Oct 30, 2012

Here is my requirement..... I am pretty new to PL/SQL.

This is the procedure


For each account number (I_AC), we have multiple rows in ABC_SVC table. I want to return these values in the refcursor. The issue with above SQL program, the row is returning only when the account(I_AC) have values for all the products 100,101,102. If the row does not exist for one account, then the account row is returned with other products.

I want my output should be in the below format


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Unique Values In One Column?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a problem with some tables in database.

Table has three columns: userid, pname, pvalue.

Userid has unique values, for example: 234, 123, 587, etc.

In the field pname, there is three possible values: MAC, IP, S/N.

So if I go like this:

select pvalue
from table
where pname = 'MAC';

i get the values of MAC.

If I go like this:

select pvalue
from table
where pname = 'IP';

i get the values of IP.How can I join MAC with IP that is matching this MAC? I need an SQL statement for this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select Only Records That Have Multiple Values For A Column

Nov 21, 2011

I'm trying to select id's in a table that have 2 certain values for another column. Example below explains:

idCoupon Type

I would like to write a sql statement that would select all rows where id=123, because id 123 has both coupon types "Amount" and "Percent". So the result set of the sql statement would look like:

idCoupon Type

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Values Concatenation From Multiple Rows

May 30, 2013

I am currently doing column values concatenation from multiple rows and then removing duplicates as in the following example:

SQL> select pid
2 , regexp_replace(ltrim(sentence), '([A-Za-z0-9]+,)1+', '1')
3 from ( select pid
4 , seq
5 , sentence
6 from b
7 model
8 partition by (pid)
9 dimension by (seq)

but for some reason regexp_replace does not seem to work with clob and I get:

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB
00932. 00000 - "inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s"

Is it possible to eliminate duplicates in the model before the concatenation?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Multiple Values Into Single Column

Oct 5, 2011

I have following tables with data as under:

table1: table2:
column1 (char) column1 (char) column2 (num)
A A 10
B A 20
C B 15
D C 12
E D 25
D 9

I need to generate output as :

column1 column2
A A10, A20
B B15
C C12
D D25,D9
E null

Is there anyway to achieve this thru simple SELECT ...and if not, then thru any PL/SQL construct..?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Check Constraints

Feb 17, 2011

why my code wont work. Am trying to create a constraint so that the only data that can be entered into the size field is a number between 4 and 15.

CREATE TABLE accommodation
(chalet_no NUMBER (3) PRIMARY KEY,
chalet_name VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
size NUMBER CHECK (size >3) AND CHECK (size <16),
priceperweek NUMBER (4,2) NOT NULL);

Does seem to like line 4 of the code.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check For Alphanumeric Values

Sep 8, 2011

i need a function which checks if v_rand carrying a value is alphanumeric if nt this value of 6 alpha numeric characters must be generated again... here is the actual fn.

Function alphanumeric
Return varchar2
v_rand varchar2(10) := 0;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check For Those Ukeys With Multiple Eids

Feb 27, 2013

I want to check for those ukeys with multiple eids and different tds values ('ukey1' and 'ukey3' below), if the correspoding tds value in abdtab is null,so our query *should ignore 'ukey4' (multiple eids but same tds value), and ukey5 (not even mulltiple eids)*points to consider:

1. ukeys from aetab table should have multiple eids
2. for those records, go to abdtab and check if tds value is null or not, join condition for aetab and abdtab is

aetab.bkey = abdtab.addkey;
create table aetab(ukey varchar2(100),eid number, bkey varchar2(100), tds varchar2(100));
create table abdtab(tds varchar2(100), addkey varchar2(100));

insert into abdtab values (NULL, 'ukey1');
insert into abdtab values ('somevalukey3','ukey3');
insert into abdtab values('somevalukey4','ukey4');
insert into abdtab values('somevalukey5','ukey5');

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Or Condition To Check If 6 Col Values In A Row Is NULL

Aug 23, 2010

How can I use OR condition in sql to check whether if the 6 col values in a row is NULL, I need something like below, but idk the syntax of checking if either of the mentioned cols is null using an or condition.

select a.mid
FROM table_a a
JOIN table_b b
ON a.dept = b.dept
JOIN table_c c
ON b.eid = c.eid
WHERE a.tid = :tid
AND (a.i1 or a.i2 or a.i3 or a.n1 or a.n2 or a.n3 or a.t1 or a.t2 or a.t3 ) IS NULL

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Forms :: Passing Check Box Values To WHERE Clause?

Oct 26, 2013

I have created a Data block - 'CONTACTS' (Database data block) and has database item - 'Code', 'Descr'

The number of records displayed is set to 5.

Value When checked - 'Y'
Value When Unchecked - 'N'
Check box mapping of other values - 'unchecked'

The requirement is when i check one or multiple checkboxes, i should pass the 'Code' item values to the WHERE clause.

Right now whenver i am trying to do so, only the current record value is copied to the WHERE clause.

I have tried using basic loop as well as while loop but things havmt worked. Below is a basic code which will work for one record, request to guide me with muliple checkbox ticked.

IF :contacts.cb = 'Y' THEN

IF p_where is null then

p_where := :contacts.code;
p_where := p_where ||','||:contacts.code;
end if;
end if;
p_where:= 'where code in ('||p_where||')';

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Forms :: 10g - Debug And Check Values Of Defined Variables

Sep 22, 2010

I am currently working in form 10g and i m newbie to that technology...I want to debug my form and also check step step by values of variables which i defined.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Values Into Another Column By Comparing Values Of Two Columns Of Same Table

Dec 23, 2010

My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.

The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.

fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.

i_e NUMBER(10);
FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL)
FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)


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Forms :: Multiple Sort Options / Check Boxes On Header Block

Sep 15, 2013

I have a master detail based transaction form, i want to create three check boxes on header block, based on selection sorting must happen on detail block which has three fields, for example there are three fields item_code,item_name,item_qty, if user selects first check box then sorting will be on item_code, if he presses second then sorting should be based on item_name, likewise if he presses check box three then sorting will be based on qty, if choses two or more fields then sorting will according to that combined order.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Listener Time Zone Settings / Values In Oracle 10g Database?

Nov 28, 2011

How to check the listener time zone settings/values in Oracle 10g database?

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PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Values From Two Columns Using Values From One Column

Jul 25, 2013

From two given tables, how do you fetch the values from two columns using values from one column(get values from col.A if col.A is not null and get values from col.B if col.A is null)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Do Spell Check Of A Column

Nov 3, 2010

how to run a spell check on a column (contains desriptions) of a table and find out if any spelling mistakes are there in the text of that column. I want to run this in pl/sql.

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Application Express :: Hyperlink Column With Link Parameters As Region Column Values

Apr 10, 2013

On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.

I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.

So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:

a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?

The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.


"Application Express"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Check On A Number Column

May 16, 2011

I have a column defined as Number( 8 ) which is supposed to have date values. I would like to check if all the rows in that table have valid dates. We could use to_date(coulmn_name, 'YYYYMMDD') and catch the rownums for error conditions using pl/sql. I would like to know if we could just do it using sql only and return the row numbers for those that are invalid dates?

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Application Express :: Can Pass More Than 3 Column Values With A Column Link

Jun 19, 2012

I want to pass multiple column values of a row in an interactive report page to hidden items in another page through column link. And I did it successfully. However, I found I need to pass more than 3 columns of a row in this report, while a column link only permits me to pass 3 column value at most. Is there anyway that I can pass more column values to hidden items in another page?

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PL/SQL :: Multiple Rows To Multiple Column

May 6, 2013

I have a table TableA containing 2 columns ( Name and Value). Here I know what are the values for column Name

Name Parameter
Nexus 11
GPlay 21
Demo 31

I need a query which provides the below output

Desired Output:
First Second Third
11 21 31

I have tried the below query
DECODE (name,'Nexus', parameter) First,
DECODE (name, 'GPlay', parameter) Second,
DECODE (name, 'Demo', parameter) Third
FROM (SELECT name, parameter FROM TableA where name in ('Nexus','GPlay','Demo'));

This gives me the output

First Second Third
11 <Empty> <empty>
<empty> 21 <empty?>
<empty?> <empty?> 31

Is there any way to get the output in single line.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Is NOT NULL Needed If A CHECK Constraint Is On Column

Dec 13, 2010

In the below code, do I need the 'NOT NULL' after the 'state char(2)'? I am guessing that I do not need it since I have the CHECK constraint on the column.

CREATE TABLE employee(
first varchar(20) NOT NULL,
middle varchar(20),

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check If Element Present In Defined Column Of Cursor?

Apr 29, 2010

i want to produce a function who return XmlType element if she checks that a parameter (that i passed to here is contained in a row in a defined table)

for example

create table sec_form(
form_code VARCHAR2(8)
, sec_code VARCHAR2(5)
) ;
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section1');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section2');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section3');

then i got my function

create or replace function checkIfSectionEnabled (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2)
return XmlType
is v XmlType;
CURSOR myCursor IS select * from sec_form where form_code = 'CSA';
open myCursor;


now i'm gonna call the function (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2) and pass here "section1" for example ; and she must return me my xmltype element if she find "section1" finds section1 present;

when i try t compile i got:

Error(18,13): PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Error(18,26): PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'MYCURSOR' reference is out of scope

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Constraint To Disallow Number In Varchar2 Column

Apr 21, 2010

I have table customer which contains a column CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME


What will be sql statement to add a constraint on the CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table so that the value inserted in the column does not have numbers ?

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PL/SQL :: Check If Data Stored In Varchar2 Type Column Is Date Or Not

Jun 29, 2012

Is there a seeded function by which I can check all the rows which stored dates in varchar column.

I have a table say test (test_data varchar2(100));

Now I will insert all types of records into the table varchar,number dates and then i will write q query to etch all those records only which has dates only

INSERT INTO test(1);
INSERT INTO test('15/01/2012');

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