Finding Time Between Last Two Redolog Switches?

Sep 6, 2010

how to find the time between the last two redolog switches?

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Exadata :: How To Get The Serial Numbers From Switches

Mar 20, 2013

My management is wanting to know the serial numbers of all the components of our two Exadata machines: one quarter-rack V2 and one half-rack V1

I can use dmidecode to get the appropriate information for comp nodes and storage cells, but not for the Cisco/Voltaire switch, nor the IB switches. I read MOS 1299791.1 and the thought of asking a DOC operative to pull out the label ‘which could damage the switch’ worries me quite a bit.

Is it still true that we are unable to obtain the serial number for the IB switches and the Cisco/Voltaire switches from the CLI of the switches themselves? Sad face.

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Server Administration :: Redo Log Switches In Every 3 Minutes

Oct 5, 2012

Today i noticed one problem with my database,my redologs switches in every 3mins,i also noticed there is no more transaction changes happening in database but still redo switches.

Fri Oct 05 06:10:05 2012
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 79244
Current log# 2 seq# 79244 mem# 0: D:ORADATAORACIREDO02.LOG
Fri Oct 05 06:12:16 2012
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 79245
Current log# 1 seq# 79245 mem# 0: D:ORADATAORACIREDO01.LOG
Fri Oct 05 06:14:28 2012

why redo switch happening,any internal problem causes redo to switch .

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Bulk Collect Cursor That Can Reduce Number Of Context Switches

Oct 4, 2008

Create a table with 100 records.Then write a BULK COLLECT Cursor that can reduce the number of context switches by using a bulk fetch to query records in sets or all at once.

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Server Utilities :: Alter The Status Of Redolog

Jan 12, 2011

I have This output




when perform this both select
select * from v$logfile;

Why the status values is null in the first select and how i can update the status. in the second select How I can Update the status of group 1 of redo log to current Value and i need to shutdown the database to update status.

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Server Administration :: Increasing Size Of Redolog Member

Feb 27, 2008

The size of redolog member is 12m . Can I increase the size of that member dynamically, without adding a new member to that group and dropping the old one.

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Backup & Recovery :: Disable RedoLog For A Single User

Jun 6, 2013

I would like all operations on all tables of a SINGLE user not to generate archive redo logs.

I see this was not possible six years ago:


Did the Oracle got smarter? Is it possible to do this now?

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Resize Online Redolog Files And Make RMAN Absolute Backups As Usable?

Jun 19, 2013

why can not we resize online redolog files instead of re-creating the same with large size and remove the older onces.2. How can we make RMAN obsolute backups as usable ?

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PL/SQL :: Finding The Max Value

Jun 19, 2013

I have the following query where i need to find the max value[code]  with t as 

(   select 'L1' R_nm ,'Data' R_Data , 'Obj' R_Obj , 'Wd' r_prec , '2' val 
from dual   union all   select 'L1' , 'Data', 'Obj' , 'No', '4'
from dualunion all   select 'L2' , 'Data', 'Obj' , 'No', '4' from dual )  
select t.*, max(val) over(partition by r_nm,r_data,r_obj)  rk from t[/code] 

My expected output should be

r_nm    r_data     r_obj   r_prec   val     rkL1        Data         Obj     Wd       2       1L1        Data         Obj     No       4        2L2        Data         Obj     Yes      1       1


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Not Finding The Foreign Key?

Dec 4, 2011

I'm not really sure why oracle is not finding my Foreing Key, I'm creating an easy set of table for a company and I'm declaring all Primary keys and foreing keys as necessary and this is my

Description VARCHAR2(30),
ListPrice NUMBER(9,2) NOT NULL,
QtyOnHand Number(5),
ReorderPoint NUMBER(3),
ReorderQty NUMBER(3),
OnBackOrder Number(3),

[Code] ............

There's three sets of inserts the first two successfully inserts the data NO problem but when i try to insert the data on SupplierItems comes as:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (jcarter.SUPPLIERITEMSFK2) violated - parent key not found

I looked on the forum and it appears this happens when someone is doing a Insert ALL but this is not my case..

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PL/SQL :: Finding ID Max (salary)

Oct 31, 2012

Select * from one:

10 1000
20 2000
30 3200

Select * from two:

10     1000
20     2000
40     4000
10     3000
20     4000
30     3000

When i try to find ID,MAX(SALARY) from these two tables, i am getting this output:

Select id,max(salary)
(select * from one
select * from two)
group by id
order by max(salary) desc;


20     4000
40     4000
30     3200
10     3000

I want OUTPUT to be like this:

20     4000
40     4000

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Date Time Omits Time Part

Jun 4, 2012

When I try to extract the date tag value from XML data, the time stored in 20120602153021 format i.e., YYYYMMDD24HHMISS format. The following statement extracts only date as 02-JUN-12 however do not extract the time part.

If I try the same in SQLplus with to_date it works however fails in PL/SQL.

XML data:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

PL/SQL Extract:

CURSOR c_xml_record
SELECT extract(value(d), '//ACTIVATIONTS/text()').getStringVal() AS REGTIMESTAMP,
FROM t_xml_data x,

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Finding 10 Most Recent Missions

Jun 23, 2008

What i have is table with:

mission_id, mission_type_id, security_level and code_name.

What i have to do is get the 10 most recent missions and change their security level to the highest one in their mission_type_id but ONLY if code_name length is >7

So far I have this, the problem is that the oracle moans about the order and wants me to close the bracket before the order


UPDATE missions m
SET m.security_level = (
SELECT max(m2.security_level)
FROM missions m2
WHERE m2.mission_type_id = m.mission_type_id
AND length(m2.code_name) > 7
WHERE m.mission_ID IN (
Select m3.mission_id
From missions m3
ORDER BY m3.mission_id desc)

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Finding Alert Log File

Dec 23, 2011

How can i come to know that which current alert log file is being used for database? Is their a command at database level to find out the current alert log file to which database is using ?

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Finding Primary Key In A Table?

Oct 4, 2007

Whats the command to show the name of the primary key in a table using oracle sql plus?

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Finding Unused Index

Nov 3, 2008

I have read and used the AWR script (mentioned in the page Finding unused index for finding unused customised (Z) indexes in our SAP system using oracle as the SAP database.

But this returns no rows. Is there any precondition? I want to know how much / many times the indexes are used...We are smelling that lot of unused index are there in the database.

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Finding Permission Tables

May 30, 2011

How to find the list of tables which has permission select only and tables which has both read and write access permission for a particular user.

I'm using ORACLE database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding The Difference Between IN And EXIST?

Nov 22, 2011

finding the difference between IN and EXIST.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Session IDs Initiated By Particular Job

Feb 7, 2012

I want to track the session id that has been initiated by a particular job (I have job ids with me). Which dictionary views I can get this result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Values In A Range?

Nov 1, 2011

accept 1 num prompt 'enter begin value '
accept 2 num prompt 'enter end value '

Need to display all values between the above given inputs.
No tables involved.
Need SQL level solution in version 8i.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Duplicate Records

May 20, 2010

i have table with name, count, flag with dublicate records


with swayam name , counts are 3, 4
with ramana name, counts are 5,5
with reddy name, counts are 1,2,3

i want to update the flag

if count are same then update one of record (flag='A') and other should be flag='R'
if count are different then update the max count (flag='A') and other should be reject remaing (flag='R'). use below quires


Insert into TEST_DUB (NAME, V_COUNT)
('SWAYAM', 3);
Insert into TEST_DUB


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding The Corresponding Index Partition?

Aug 1, 2012

I have a partitioned tables and local partitioned index on the same.

I want to know that a particular index partition belong to which table partition.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Value Of Bits From Hex Number?

Jan 12, 2012

Version : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

I have a source which is of datatype RAW(1). Basic requirement is to convert it into binary, and then lookup the value of the 4th and 6th bit. Is this possible using simple SQL ?


----- -------
EF1110 1111

From this binary output, i need to find the value of 4th and 5th bit.
So if the 4th bit is 1, I need to perform some operations if 0 then some other.

Create table test_hex_to_bin (col1 raw(1));

INSERT into test_hex_to_bin values ('99');
INSERT into test_hex_to_bin values ('EF');
INSERT into test_hex_to_bin values ('AB');

Basically the output should read as

Bit_number Value
4 1
5 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Mac Address Finding Using Oracle

Sep 26, 2011

we can find the IP address in V$session table. Is it possible to find the mac address of user's computer?

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Finding Correct DB Process?

Feb 7, 2013

1. I have 6 data bases, one process is running slowly, how do you find which data base that process belongs to?

2. I have 6 data bases, only one data base we have ASM instance, how do you find which data base has ASM?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Double Vowels

Dec 14, 2010

I am reading Section 4-8 (page 42/216) in the Oracle Database 2-day Developer Guide from here:


It reads:

Suppose that you want to select every employee whose last name has a double vowel(two adjacent occurrences of the same vowel).

Example 4.9 shows how you can do this.

The regular expression ([AEIOU]) represents any vowel. The metacharacter 1 represents the first (and in this case, only) regular expression. The third function parameter, 'i', specifies that the match is case-insensitive.

Example 4.9 Selecting All Employees Whose Last Names Have Double Vowels


Result is similar to:

-------------------- -------------------------
Harrison Bloom
Lex De Haan
Kevin Feeney
Ki Gee
Nancy Greenberg
Danielle Greene
Alexander Khoo
David Lee

8 rows selected.

I don't understand how [AEIOU])1 would find a double vowel(two adjacent occurrences of the same vowel).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding The Cost Of Query

Sep 2, 2010

I am using oracle 10g, i want to know the cost of query. In the explain plan and by auto trace am able to get some query cost, but i dont know how to calculate the query cost.

How i will know the query is costly and take more time..? But i know about the hash table and nested tables in the explain plan.
Other than this how to calculate the query cost..?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding A String With Different Substrings?

Mar 28, 2012

I tried this query .. but no luck / I know it has some errors

SQL> select invoice_num from ap_invoices_all where rownum < 10 and invoice_num in ('%1%','%2%');

no rows selected

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PL/SQL :: Finding Table_name Or Column_name

Jan 15, 2013

I have inserted through frontend which is ORACLE ADF and if i want to see those inserted data's in a table then how to check it when i dont know the table names and if there are large number of tables available.. Its I need a solution in this way as i know the values of fields so by giving values alone I want to fetch the table and column names as wherever this values are present...I am already aware about user_tab_columns and user_tables or all_tables .. So i want to try through fetching of tables or column names though values or data's as reference ...

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Forms :: Finding Data

Jan 26, 2010

I have simple table:

code = CHAR(5) as primary key
name = VARCHAR2(bla blal ba)

There is one-block-form based on this table. Block's datasource type = table and datatarget type = pl/sql procedure

Table API, Module API - all generated, all valid and seems correct. Now.. I try to update "name" from form. As soon as I type in something in the field, I get message "Row no longer exists". When digging deeper it seems that problem raises from lock_prodecure:

bk_data CGC$CL_1_9_DKD.cgc$rec_tab;

It seems, it has some problems on populating the "code" attribute in bk_data.

how to solve this problem without massive re-coding??.

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