Find High CPU User In Oracle 10g

Jan 25, 2013

clould you sand me sqary for find high cpu user in oarcle 10g

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CPU Time Per User Call / High Or Low?

Aug 10, 2012

I've plan to use "CPU Time Per User Call" metrics.

The thresholds are:

Warning: 8000
Critical: 10000

But this alarm raise every minute.

I think it's too low.But which is the correct value to identify performance problems?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Find Tables In Database On Which High DMLs Firing

Feb 4, 2011

How to find the tables in the database on which high DMLs are firing.

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Performance Tuning :: How To Find Out Session Consuming High Resource In Past

Mar 28, 2013

How can I find out the particular oracle session which was consuming high memory in the past?

I can't get the data in v$sessstat
Unable to get the information in AWR

dba_hist_active_session_history do not have field which indicate memory related information
Shall I concetrate on EVENT in dba_hist_active_session_history which continuosly had sort, direct path read
Locate sql_id from dba_hist_sqlstat with high SORTS_DELTA for snapshots belonging to problematic time period and then using the sql_id query dba_hist_active_session_history

which approach I shall take to find out the session which consumed most memory in the past?

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Security :: How To Find User And IP Address From Oracle Database

Jun 19, 2013

Last week we have realized that a user who connects through SQL Developer(as nothing wrong found in application server logs) has made a serious change in the database which created a real mess. The user has done some mischief in some calculations by making some inserts and updates in some important tables in our production database.

How can I find which user or from which IP the change is made.

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Replication :: Oracle Materialized View - High Redo Generation

Nov 15, 2007

I have created 5 materialize view with REFRESH FORCE option.

REFRESH is done with every 10 min.
My destination database is MySQL.
DBlink is created in ORACLE 10g
Materialize view is created using DBLINK.

Since refresh materialize view done with every 15 min, my Redo generate gone on toss.System is generating 1 redo file for 1 min. The size for redo log is 500MB.Since materialize views are created base on mysql table, system is doing complete refresh every time which causing to generate more and more redo.

Is there any setting/option/or solution to reduce high redo generation.

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Performance Tuning :: Oracle 11g High Memory Usage Dbw0 And Dbw1

Jul 31, 2012

We are using the 11g AMM feature and Memory_Target set to 96GB and total RAM on the Server is 128GB Now the top and free shows up only 200MB memory free on the system.

There are 2 process dbw0 and dbw1 which consumes the top memory and this is 30GB per dbw.

Why is the dbw process taking up so much memory when there is not much load on the database.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Oracle ASM Normal / High And External Redundancy?

Jun 27, 2013

, I have a few doubts in Normal,High and External redundancy levels in ASM concept. External - No failure group. No mirroring. Normal - Two Way Mirroring. One failure group. High - Three Way Mirroring. Two failure group. 1.

above mentioned 3 types in correct.2. My main question is what is the minimum number of disks needed in Disk group creation in Normal and External redundancy??

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How To Find CPU Usage By Each User Session

Sep 7, 2011

I can get "CPU used by this session' value from v$sesstat. That is the value in centiseconds used by each session. How to convert the value into a percentage of total CPU resource ?

Or there are some other ways to gain the value. i.e. Percentage of Total CPU usage for each Oracle session.

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Find Youngest User In Database?

Feb 6, 2007

How do you find the youngest user in a certain table

select a.illness_desc
from uma.pc_illness a, uma.pc_patient b, uma.pc_diagnosis c
where b.patient_no = c.patient_no and c.illness_code = a.illness_code
and b.age = '21';

i currently have this (it also needs to display their illness which i have done) but i can do only if i cheat and see what the youngest user is, so instead of b.age = 21 i need something that will search the database and find that youngest age

we are using SQL+

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Security :: To Find Out Which Row Locked By Particular User

May 14, 2011

If the user has locked some row in the database how to find out the row id or the row which is locked by that particular USER.

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Performance Tuning :: Query Taking High CPU And Execution Time In Oracle 11gR2

Dec 24, 2012

The below query is taking high CPU almost 98% and longer time to execute.

SELECT ancestor,
Max(D.alarmstate) ALARMSTATE,
Max(D.sialarmstate) SIALARMSTATE,
Max(D.uncralarmstate) UNCRALARMSTATE,
Max(M.commstate) COMMSTATE,
Max(M.nncommstate) NNCOMMSTATE,
Max(M.servicestate) SERVICESTATE,
Max(M.abnormal) ABNORMAL,

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Find Which User / Program Is Using USERS Tablespace?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a database in which there are lots of programs running by default user or programs started by some oracle users.

Now, I know that the USER tablespace is growing at very high speed - But I dont know which user/program is causing this growth of USER tablespace.

how to identify the program/user who is responsible for this growth of USERS tablespace.

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Security :: How To Find Current User In Database

Sep 22, 2011

query to find the current user accessing the database

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Security :: Find Out The User Access The Database?

Nov 8, 2011

Is there a way to find out the user access the database?

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How To Find Length Of User Account Password In A Database

Jun 13, 2013

how to find length of the user account password in a database?

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Find Details Of User Who Modified Structure Of Table?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a small question is it possible to find the details of a user who modified the structure of a table, including what command he ran to change the structure of the table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Find User Who Did Not Login From Past 3 Years?

Nov 2, 2012

I have two table APPLICATION_1 and APPLICATION_2, where user's login date is captured.There will be multiple records for each user.Same user may or may not be present in both tables.

The requirement is to find those users who have not logged-in in the last 3 years.

-- Test Case

DROP TABLE application_1;
DROP TABLE application_2;
CREATE TABLE application_1
seq NUMBER ,
user_id VARCHAR2(30),


Using the below query I'm able to get the desired output.

SELECT user_id, MAX(login_date) last_login_date FROM (
SELECT user_id, MAX(login_date) login_date FROM application_1 GROUP BY user_id
SELECT user_id, MAX(login_date) login_date FROM application_2 GROUP BY user_id
) GROUP BY user_id


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Performance Tuning :: Find The Last User Analyzed Particular Table?

Aug 9, 2012

How can i find the last user analyzed particular table?

I can able to find last analyzed date, but can't able find the which user has done it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Constraint Name From User Table - Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Apr 30, 2010

I want to find the constraint name from User_Constraints table using the following query:

Select * From User_Constraints Where Table_Name='CHARGECODE' and Constraint_Type='C' And Search_Condition = '"PERCENTAGE" IS NOT NULL';

Then it shows "ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype" error.

Is there any way to compare with long type value.

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Server Administration :: How To Find Out List Of DB_LINKS That Uses User Account In Database

Jun 6, 2011

How to find out list of DB_LINKS that uses user account in database ?

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Security :: Authenticating Oracle User Based On Windows User ID?

Mar 11, 2011

We are trying to implement the following security to our database.

As of now, the access rights are same for all the windows users logging into the Oracle application with the same Oracle user Id.

But now, we want to improve our security by granting different levels of rights to the users based on their Network Id even though they use the same Oracle User Id to log into the application.

We are not looking for the users to be identified externally.


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OS User Occupying Shared Memory As Oracle User

Dec 11, 2012

we are trying ti implement BMC monitoring tool for our oracle 11g2 RAC/solaris10 environment. for the purpose we create a user called bmcuser in OS level, this user connecting database to monitor, this user occupy shared memory as oracle. Explain why this user taking that much shared memory just to connect database using sqlplus.

oracle taking 55% bmcuser taking 44%,

SQL> show parameters memory

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
memory_max_target big integer 3232M
memory_target big integer 3232M
shared_memory_address integer 0
SQL> show parameters sga

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3232M
sga_target big integer 0
6449 bmcuser 47M 44M sleep 23 10 0:57:31 0.2% PatrolAgent/1

pga & uga usage sessionwise

252     (null)     oracle (ARC3)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
227     (null)     oracle (ARC2)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
177     (null)     oracle (ARC0)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
576     (null)     oracle (LGWR)     racdev1.     16693544     21281064     181056     181056
326     (null)     oracle (LMS0)     racdev1.     13753080     13753080     181056     181056
376     (null)     oracle (LMS2)     racdev1.     13556472     13556472     181056     181056

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Which User Can Set Up A New User In Oracle 11.2.0

Mar 21, 2011

Which user can I set up a new user in Oracle 11.2.0 ?

i connect with scott/tiger as normal (i cant connect with sysdba)

how i can create new user ?

how to connect with power user for this ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding High And Low To Zip Plus Four Values?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a table with zip codes and their plus four values. For ex: zip code of 10000, which has corresponding plus four values of 001, 002, 003, and 008, 009, 010. The issue is just that--a zip code can have sequential plus four values, and then it will skip several potential plus four values, and then start again. I would like to assign a low plus 4 value and high plus four value to a zip code, keeping in mind that the plus four values are not always sequential. So, it would be similar to this:

zip plus4 low plus4 high
10000 001 003
10000 008 010

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SQL & PL/SQL :: COBOL High / Low Values

Jun 24, 2010

My requirement is while sending a data file from oracle to mainframe, first 3 bytes for the header row should contain low values and trailer should contain high value.

How to pass oracle values to mainframe high and low values ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: 70% / 30% From High And Low Priority Element

Oct 27, 2011

I have a priority column(possible values are 1 or 0) in a table where

i need to get 70% of high(1) and 30% of low (0) and max i can fetch for select is 50 records.

Eg1: Total if i have 60 in which 20 high and 40 low then 70% of 20 = 14 and remaining should be taken from Low i.e. 36 from low. so total will be 50 transactions.

Eg2: Total if i have 60 in which 40 high and 20 low then 70% of 40 28 + remaining should be taken from Low i.e. 22 from Low.

Eg 3: If i don't have any high then total should be picked from low vise versa.

I have below query but it is having problem when there is no low priority.

SELECT ID,PRI FROM temp tbl WHERE pri = '1' AND ROWNUM < ((70/100)*50)+1
AND ROWNUM < 50-(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM temp WHERE pri = '1' AND ROWNUM < ((70/100)*50)+1)

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High Availability Of EM-Database Control

Oct 22, 2010

I have setup of two node (prod-db1, prod-db2) clustered database 11gR2 on windows 2008 R2 server. Everything is working fine at this setup.

My question is: Is there a way to make the Enterprise manager Database control run and be available at both the nodes independently. What I see that even at node 2 (which is prod-db2) the EM-DBControl is (https://prod-db1:1158/em) - which means the agent is running at node 1 (prod-db1) only.

My question is that how to make the EM-DBControl also run separately at prod-db2. My idea is to make the high availability of EM-DBControl (in case Prod-db1 machine is down).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: High Volume Similarity Grouping

Nov 15, 2010

I am in the very early planning stages of a project the goal of which is to identify separate organizations which may in fact be the same organization.

Our first implementation of this task was a process designed to look for a few thousand organizations in a pool of a few hundred thousand organizations. To accomplish this we made heavy use of Oracle's Text index as well as a custom index type we created which utilized n-grams. This approach worked quite well for on-demand editing of the organizations, in which a user might log in and say in addition to what we already know about organization A we also know x, y and z does that change anything and worked acceptably well for the bulk processing we did on our "known" information once a week running for a couple of hours on the weekend.

We have now been tasked with reworking this initial implementation only now we want to look at a set consisting of several million organizations for potential matches which exist within the set. As in our initial implementation we will be breaking what we know about organizations into groupings so we aren't comparing a phone number to an email address and normalizing the data as much as we can so we ignore things like case and punctuation. Even after all this we are still talking about looking for similar values in a group which might be in the tens of millions (some types of data will have more than one value per organization).

My initial thought on the problem is to use n-grams though not in the way we did in the past. The basic idea here is that we break the search values up into all the substrings it is made of and look for other values which have a high number of those substrings in common.

SQL & PL/SQL was the best place for the question, but I could not think of a better one.

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Performance Tuning :: Low Cost And High Cpu?

Jul 23, 2010

I am facing one performance issue, in which the query cost is very low compare to cpu cost and as a result the cpu always show the high graph.I am also attaching the gv$sql and gv$sql_plan data of this query.

This is the query:


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