Execute GRANT SELECT ON Xyz - Insufficient Privileges?
Sep 30, 2011
have an automated process which runs on an Oracle 8i database server as user abc. This process creates views/tables in other schemas, on the same database server, which point to objects owned by the abc user.
The issue I'm getting is that when I try to execute GRANT SELECT ON xyz.view123 TO PUBLIC as the abc user, I get an insufficient privileges.I should add that the abc user created the xyz.view123 table/view.
What grants/priviliges or whatever do I have to do to the abc schema?
I have an automated process which runs on an Oracle 8i database server as user abc.This process creates views/tables in other schemas, on the same database server, which point to objects owned by the abc user.
The issue I'm getting is that when I try to execute GRANT SELECT ON xyz.view123 TO PUBLIC as the abc user, I get an insufficient privileges.I should add that the abc user created the xyz.view123 table/view.
What grants/priviliges or whatever do I have to do to the abc schema?
I have installed oracle on my linux machne recently as an oracle2 user. To day i found my listener up when start my as database ( by logging in to the sqlplus ) sqlplus /nolog - i get into sqlplus
When i startup the database
SQL>startup - I get this error ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
I tried to check if my oracle user is in the dba and oinstall group. it wasn't
I added the user to the group by doing usermod -G dba,oinstall oracle2
i chek in the group to see if the user has been added to the group i see the user added but i still get the same error ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when i try to start the database.
I read some where that you can try to uncomment the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES line on sqlnet.ora file but on by my file (SQLNET.ORA) there is only one line written (NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (TNSNAMES, EZCONNECT))
i have created a context from schema 'Schema1' using "accessed globally" option and created on package to set the values for conext. It is working fine.
When i deploy the same package on schema2 (remember the context is on schema1) and try to execute it on schema2 then it is giving me the following error.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Release - Production SQL> exec krishna_pkg.MyProcedure BEGIN krishna_pkg.MyProcedure; END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SESSION", line 90 ORA-06512: at "LGE2008DEV.KRISHNA_PKG", line 6 ORA-06512: at line 1
I've some metadata tables on one schema (abcref@db1) and users updates this table everyday. I need to replicate these tables to other schemas on same database (defdev@db1) and different database (deftest@db2) everyday. So i created materialized views on target schemas and refresh these through a pl/sql procedure. Now i'm getting error while refreshing the materialized view from defdev@db1 and the materialized view refreshes successfully from deftest@db2.
Granted select access on abcref@db1 tables to defdev@db1 and deftest@db2 tables via role.
Getting below error from defdev@db1 schema.
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT_UTL", line 361 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT_UTL", line 443 ORA-06512: at line 1
i am unable to login to oracle 10g as 'sys' as sysdba it is throwing an error like ORA-01031 insufficient privilidges for sys.but when i connect to database with username=system and password = oracle i am able to connect to database.
i have installed oracle 10g database on windows.so how should i resolve this error so that i can connect to the database as 'sys as sysdba'.
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SO OUR DATABASE CANT BE SHUT IT DOWN.
I am new to Dynamic SQL..I create a procedure to get any DDL done against sample HR schema as follows.it goes well! Now when i try to test my procedure with some DDL command passing to the procedure i've created..strange! oracle throws an error as in the /*ERROR!!!!*/ block..
I don't understand why i am facing such an error..
/* Product an Version on my machine */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production [code]...
Say we have db1 and db2 two databases installed on two different servers.For internal needs, I have to insert some data from a table t1 on db1 to a table t2 in db2. This can be done by issuing from a user on db1 :
insert into t2@dblink2 select * from t1;
where dblink2 is a correct database link that points to u2 (the t2 owner for example) on db2.
Now what I want to do is to grant privileges remotely.Is there a way to issue somthing like
I have a update statement that works fine when its run in SQL window but when i try it as part of a Stored Procedure its giving me the Insufficient privileges error on that table.
If i dont have privilege to update that table wont it not let me update while doing it outside the stored procedure as well?
from sysdba i grant to my user hospital creat any synonym but give me this error why ?
SQL> conn sys as sysdba Enter password: Connected. SQL> grant create any synonym to hospital 2 ;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn hospital Enter password: Connected. SQL> create public synonym Sur 2 for surgeries; create public synonym Sur * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
if i run select query it works fine .. also the user has create materialized view and query rewrite privs .. not sure why i am getting insufficient privileges error still ..
create view TodaySurgeries as select s.surgery "Surgery", p.full_name"Patient Name",e.full_name"Doctor Name", f.floor_id"FloorID",r.room_id"RoomID", to_char(s.surgery_date,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')"Surgery Date" from floors f,rooms r,employees e ,patients p, surgeries s where f.floor_id=r.floor_id and p.patient_id= s.patient_id and r.room_id= s.room_id and s.doctor_id= e.employee_id
I had been granted to the user grant session and resource
but the error is
create view TodaySurgeries * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
how to grant compile access for stored procedures..? I got execute access so that i can execute procedure from another user but not able to save/modify once i edited.
i am trying to compile using SQL developer. Error Message :Error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
i am trying to configure a standby on grid infrstructure, on standby machine when i copied password file from primary i gave it the name orapwdg2 as dg2 is my sid for standby, on primary sid is dg1 and passwd file there is orapwdg1 why it is saying insufficient privileges, i am easily able to connect to primary with dg1 on primary, but not here on standby, everything is set oracle home sid everything but why insufficient privileges
BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
I bought Selftestsoftware for 1z0-147 for 9i and 10g. Selftestsoftware is endorsed by Oracle, should be high quality.
But its below sample question and answer seem to be wrong: It says that privilege for subprogram can be granted via role. But from Urman 9i book: the grant the execute privilege must be done explicitly and not through a role.
Did Selftestsoftware made a mistake? Or the question did not mention or assume that the subprogram is based on invoker rights not definer right?
Quote: Question: All users in the HR_EMP role have UPDATE privileges on the EMPLOYEE table. You create the UPDATE_EMPLOYEE procedure. HR_EMP users should only be able to update the EMPLOYEE table using this procedure. Which two statements should you execute? (Choose two.)
GRANT UPDATE ON employee TO hr_emp; GRANT SELECT ON employee to hr_emp; REVOKE UPDATE ON employee FROM hr_emp; REVOKE UPDATE ON employee FROM public; GRANT EXECUTE ON update_employee TO hr_emp;
Explanation: The two statements you should execute are: REVOKE UPDATE ON employee FROM hr_emp; GRANT EXECUTE ON update_employee TO hr_emp;
Unless you are the owner of the PL/SQL construct, you must be granted the EXECUTE object privilege to run it or have the EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE system privilege. By default, a PL/SQL procedure executes under the security domain of its owner. This means that a user can invoke the procedure without privileges on the procedures underlying objects. To allow HR_EMP users to execute the procedure, you must issue the GRANT EXECUTE ON update_employee TO hr_emp; statement. To prevent HR_EMP users from updating the EMPLOYEE table unless they are using the UPDATE_EMPLOYEE procedure, you must issue the REVOKE UPDATE ON employee FROM hr_emp;
All of the other options are incorrect because they will not meet the specified requirements.