Drop Tempfile Without Bouncing Instance?

Jul 4, 2012

we have lost a Tempfile due to SAN problem ( the temp tables has 7 tempfiles ) Problem is that some application servers have still that tempfile available since they are connected since a longteime and therefore some users receive an error while trying to use it .

I just wanted to drop it from the system dictionary but i can't i always receive and error ( datafile cannot be dropped at this time)

and i can't see what session is using it, that query wouldn't be useful since i have 7 datafiles and it's based on Tablespace name only .

How can i drop that tempfile without bouncing the instance ?

I'm running Oracle on windows 2003

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Data Guard :: Possible To Use Dataguard From Single Instance To RAC Instance?

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use oracle dataguard from single instance to RAC instance ? Does Oracle dataguard support this ?

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Server Administration :: How To Get Disk List On Any DB Instance That Uses ASM Instance

Mar 16, 2011

My context on our servers is the following one:

- one ASM instance
- X DB instances
- each DB instance uses 2 or more dedicated diskgroups from the ASM instance
- there is one diskgroup named FREEDISK that contains spare disks

On each DB instance you can see:

- the list and global parameters of all diskgroups using v$asm_diskgroup view
- the list and parameters of all disks the instance is using with v$asm_disk view

So my question is: how (if this is possible) to know the list of (spare) disks in FREE DISK disk group?

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Single Instance Non-Grid To Single Instance Grid Database

Aug 27, 2012

I'm trying to test moving a single instance 11202 database to single instance w/ grid infra.

Here is what I've done:

1. Install a database (11202), single instance and create a database
2. Install Grid Software only (user: grid)
3. start the cluster
4. "srvctl add database -d orclsidb -o $ORACLE_HOME" to register the database with grid.
4.1> I was able to start/stop the database with srvctl command here onwards
5. configure disks using asmlib and start the asm
6. "srvctl add asm" to register asm with grid.
7. PROBLEM ... when I try to "backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';" from oracle user it errors out as below:

RMAN> backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';

Starting backup at 24-AUG-12
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=134 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy
input datafile file number=00011 name=/fs0/oracle/oradata/orclsidb/sjc883p_indx_large_01.dbf

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_1 channel at 08/24/2012 08:53:29
ORA-19504: failed to create file "+ASM_DATA_DG"
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
ORA-15001: diskgroup "ASM_DATA_DG" does not exist or is not mounted
ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contactConsidering "TNS: lost contact" I tried to see if grid listener is aware of ASM instance:


All rights reserved.

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=usracdb03.rwcats.com)(PORT=1522)))
Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                22-AUG-2012 06:08:53
Uptime                    2 days 2 hr. 50 min. 48 sec
Trace Level               off


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Sum Of All Drop Down Values

Nov 28, 2012

I have a dropdown in my jsp with all users from database. When I select a user I'm able to get the details of the corresponding result, but when I click on all it should give the total individually. Below is the code that I use to get individually.

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@include file="DBCon.jsp" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta charset="utf-8" />

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How To Drop Column

Aug 25, 2010

i am tring to drop column but it is taking much time . And there is not locking session also. The table size is 500GB. We have any way to drop to column in fast?

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop A Table?

Apr 6, 2010

When drop a table what happen to view,sequence,synonyms,index,constraint for the table

View 9 Replies View Related

PL/SQL :: Drop All Procedures At One Go?

Aug 29, 2012

I have a schema sys_eg .I dont have any DBA privileges .How can i delete all the procedure with one sql or pl/sql.

I am using sql developer 3.2 version tool

View 6 Replies View Related

Oracle - How To Drop Partition

Apr 19, 2012

we have our production database running on I have a user table which has partitions. i would like to drop the partition and seeing weird issue:

The command to drop the partition i have is:

alter table SA.accounts drop partition dec_20111203 update global indexes;

Say after 10 minutes, the session is terminated and we are seeing the following: ORA-00028. We don't have a process that kills the session so we are trying to find the root cause why the session is being killed. what might be going on? also as an alternative - i was looking to do the following and want to know - if this works or not:

ALTER TABLE sa.accounts TRUNCATE PARTITION dec_20111203;

Then try to do the drop partition again.

View 7 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Determine Index Drop?

Apr 3, 2012

How to find out who has dropped and when was the index created in database?

View 39 Replies View Related

Drop All Tables In Oracle 8

Dec 17, 2012

i want drop all tables in oracle8

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop Partitions With Zero Rows

Sep 26, 2011

Query to drop partitions on a table who have no.of rows as zero.

select 'ALTER' || '' || 'TABLE' || TABLE_NAME || 'DROP' || 'PARTITION' || PARTITION_NAME from dba_tab_partitions where TABLE_OWNER='xyz' ;
select count(*) from table_name partition (partition_name);

View 14 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Drop A Trigger?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a trigger called DDL_TRIG which is used to audit all DDL level operation on the Database. The trigger script is as below:-

(user_name, ddl_date, ddl_type,


The Table DDL_LOG exists.Now i want to disable or drop this trigger and it wont allow us. While doing on one schema it fails and with below error:

when logged in schema1 and give drop or disable command it fails

ORA:04098:trigger schema2.ddl_trig is invalid and failed re-validation.

when logged in schema2 and give drop or disable command it fails

ORA:04098:trigger schema1.ddl_trig is invalid and failed re-validation.

how can we drop this trigger in both the schema's. This trigger is not allowing us to do any activity on the Database and causing lot of problem.

View 7 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Drop-down Field?

Oct 16, 2013

i want to create a dropdown field it will display list of currencies for selection derived from

sy_curr_code (columns currency_code and des1)
in the s_sales_center(table )
-If INF_SRC_DB = AUS, will default to USD, otherwise default to BPS.
i have created this so far
vSQl := 'select toValueText(a.code1, a.descr) from (select currency_code code1, DES1 descr1 '||
'from sy_curr_code where active = ''Y'' '||
'and subcat1 = ''Y'' '||
') a ';

how to add the other logic into my code

View 37 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Drop A Procedure?

Nov 29, 2012

I tried to Drop a procedure we have created, but an error is raised while droping it.

ora-04043 object does not exist

View 28 Replies View Related

PL/SQL :: Unable To Drop A Broken Job

Jan 3, 2013

i want to drop a broken job but it is taking long time why?

i am using below syntax:

dbms_job.broken(job=> 345,FALSE);

View 5 Replies View Related

How To Drop More Than One User At Time

Nov 3, 2012

in one short i want to drop more than one user?

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PL/SQL :: Drop Context Index

Nov 9, 2012

i tried creating an context index. But it is aborted in the middle. do to reuse the spce i want to drop the index. But it shows an error that " cannot drop index marked as process" how to delete the index.

View 1 Replies View Related

XE :: How To Drop User And Schema

Aug 31, 2012

I want to free up some space , as i have created some testing users and schema.

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How To Monitor Drop User

Jan 31, 2013

How to monitor the DROP USER command?

OS: AIX, Oracle:

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Drop Or Disable A Scheduled Job

Oct 11, 2012

I have a job running under HUMADM user and would like disable or drop it.I do not have the login credentials of HUMADM user but can log into the database as system/sys user.

When I run the below commands as sys/system user it says humadmjob must be a job or it is not running.This is because it is looking for the job under sys/system user.

exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.drop_job (job_name => 'humadmjob');
exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.stop_job (job_name => 'humadmjob');

SELECT owner, job_name, job_class, enabled FROM dba_scheduler_jobs;

====== ========= ======= ======

how to stop/disable this job? My oracle version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

View 8 Replies View Related

Unable To Drop Procedure

Oct 29, 2013

i'm  issuing drop procedure  generatePasswordForEportalUser  

i have an

error ORA-00600:  [kqlobjlod-no-result-from-proc$], [1403], [659858], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []. i found on metalink then  Doc ID 1267554.1 

  is about this error i'm using oracle  in this document there is an info that  solves the issue  Interesting thing is that select * from user_procedures where upper(object_name) like  upper ('generatePasswordForEportalUser');

generatePasswordForEportalUser6598581PROCEDURENONONONONODEFINERobject name is in lovercase it was created by create procedure generatePasswordForEportalUser  asbeginnull;end ;without " name "   why it is in lowercase in data dictionary

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Fast Method To Drop Many Users

Oct 21, 2010

I have 2 tests Oracle instances (a 10g and a 11g) in which somebody added many users (almost 50k), every user having a TEST table with no rows in its schema.

I have to drop these users without recreating the instances, but DROP USER username CASCADE is taking almost 1 minute for each user. This will take me to almost a month.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Privilege - Just Drop Special One Table?

Jul 3, 2013

There two users a and b,and the table b.test_part.And one procedure under a ,text like below:

create or replace procedure a.sp_test
vs_sqls varchar2(32767);
vs_sqls:='alter table b.test_part truncate partition p_day';
execute immediate vs_sqls;

now,i have to grant drop any table to a.but in fact,i prefer to drop the special one table "b.test_partany" rather than any other table.how ? no by trigger!

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Server Administration :: How To Drop Datafile

May 25, 2012

I can not drop datafile in a tablespace, how can i do?

SQL> Alter Database Datafile '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl06.dbf'
Offline 2
3 /

Database altered.

SQL> Alter Tablespace tps_hxl
Drop Datafile '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl06.dbf'; 2
Alter Tablespace tps_hxl
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03264: cannot drop offline datafile of locally managed tablespace

View 5 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Truncate / Drop Table

May 13, 2011

I am trying to Truncate the table but it doesnt get truncated. When I issue the command it even doesnt throw the error. I also tried to drop the table but cant even able to drop the table. I thought table might be locked. But it allows me delete a row from the table.

I am using Oracle 11g Release

View 17 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop Table With Special Character?

Jul 15, 2011

I have created a table with space by mistake.how to drop that..?

QL> select * from cat where table_name like 'OM_DW_RTNORD%';

------------------------------ -----------


no rows selected

SQL> drop table OM_DW_RTNORD? purge;
drop table OM_DW_RTNORD? purge
ERROR at line 1:ORA-00911: invalid character

View 3 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop Global Temporary Table?

Dec 6, 2011

how to drop global temporary table?

while droping global temporary table we are getting below error

"ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use"

View 1 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Script To Drop Database Objects?

May 13, 2011

I am looking for sql script which would drop all database objects like


The script should fetch the drop commands first and then execute drop objects.

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Server Administration :: How To Drop A Datafile

Dec 31, 2011

How to drop a datafile of tablespace.

SQL> alter database datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl01.dbf' offline drop;

Database altered.The command success,but the dic view show the datafile also.

SQL> select file_name,tablespace_name from dba_data_files;
--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/users01.dbf USERS
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/sysaux01.dbf SYSAUX
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/undotbs01.dbf UNDOTBS1
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/system01.dbf SYSTEM
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl02.dbf TPS_TEST
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl01.dbf TPS_TEST
6 rows selected.

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