i'm issuing drop procedure generatePasswordForEportalUser
i have an
error ORA-00600: [kqlobjlod-no-result-from-proc$], [1403], [659858], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []. i found on metalink then Doc ID 1267554.1
is about this error i'm using oracle in this document there is an info that solves the issue Interesting thing is that select * from user_procedures where upper(object_name) like upper ('generatePasswordForEportalUser');
generatePasswordForEportalUser6598581PROCEDURENONONONONODEFINERobject name is in lovercase it was created by create procedure generatePasswordForEportalUser asbeginnull;end ;without " name " why it is in lowercase in data dictionary
I am trying to Truncate the table but it doesnt get truncated. When I issue the command it even doesnt throw the error. I also tried to drop the table but cant even able to drop the table. I thought table might be locked. But it allows me delete a row from the table.
writing a trigger to drop partitions with zero rows which are older than 6months and drop the local indexes and rebuild the global indexes for any schema in a databaase ?
I have tried the below code :
declare v_statement varchar2(600); v_rows number; begin for x in (select * from dba_tab_partitions [code]........
I want to avoid using row number and also want to dynamically select a schema when executing the script.
When I try to drop the roles in dbartisan tool, I get an error saying "Drop DDL for **_***********_ROLE has not been generated because it is a system object", but if i go to sql prompt and say "drop role rolename", it is working. How do I remove the role in dbartisan itself?
,I am trying to set up Streams on a on a Windows 2008R2 server. Due to an error in running propagation, i a, trying to delete both Capture and Apply queues. I have deleted the Apply queues but unable to drop the Catpure,
SQL>EXEC DBMS_APPLY_ADM.STOP_APPLY(apply_name =>'LAO_NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY'); SQL> select * from dba_apply; LAO_NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY_Q STRMADMIN YES RULESET$_732 STRMADMIN STRMADMIN 301355 ABORTED 09/10/2013 17:34:21 1013 ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation CAPTURED STREAMS APPLY SQL> select * from dba_queues; STRMADMIN NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY_Q
I performed the Table Redefinition process on one of my transaction tables. I wanted to redefine the existing table to a new table with partitions. Everything worked fine until i reached the last step where we had to drop the interim table. Now in between the redefinition , we created the interim table with partition along with the constraints and indexes and then atlast ran the "dbms_redefinition.finish_redef_table" proc to finish the redefinition.
And after that when I tried to drop the interim table , I am getting the below error message
"ERROR at line 1: ORA-02449: unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys"
So this means all the constraints from my actual table were swapped with the interim table and hence I am getting this error.So is this a normal case or I have missed something while performing the redefinition? If thats normal then should i Just Drop table tablename CASCADE CONSTRAINTS?
We are unable to drop user due to below error, how to drop the below user without shutdown the database.
SQL> drop user mvm_2010 cascade; drop user mvm_2010 cascade * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use
I have created a procedure to build trigger dynamically using Dynamic SQL. Here procedure created successfully, when we execute the procedure to build trigger getting the following error.
Note: We are able to create a Trigger, but it is INVALID. if we get the code of a trigger and execute, trigger created a successfully with Valid Status.
ERROR: ORA-24344: success with compilation error ORA-06512: at "APPS.CREATE_TRIGGER", line 28 ORA-06512: at line 2
SQL*Plus internal error state 2087, context 47:0:0 Unsafe to proceed
I have schema a and b in the same database with synonym table a (schema a) to schema b. When I try to disable trigger from table a in schema b; I got this message:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I have granted all permissions to schema b and I am able to SELECT FROM table a in schema b
One of my Customer had followed the document applied pertaining to mitigate against vulnerability CVE-2012-3132.
New Document Mitigation steps for CVE-2012-3132 [ID 1482694.1]
This was applied to a database and it stopped the 'password' command from succeeding in SQLPLUS. Once the trigger was disabled, it worked fine.
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection ORA-06512: at "SYS.NAME_SECURITY", line 165 ORA-06512: at line 2
Why is this behavior seen? By the way, he was able to change the password using TOAD. Only sqlplus is the issue.
I have a dropdown in my jsp with all users from database. When I select a user I'm able to get the details of the corresponding result, but when I click on all it should give the total individually. Below is the code that I use to get individually.
i am tring to drop column but it is taking much time . And there is not locking session also. The table size is 500GB. We have any way to drop to column in fast?
we have our production database running on I have a user table which has partitions. i would like to drop the partition and seeing weird issue:
The command to drop the partition i have is:
alter table SA.accounts drop partition dec_20111203 update global indexes;
Say after 10 minutes, the session is terminated and we are seeing the following: ORA-00028. We don't have a process that kills the session so we are trying to find the root cause why the session is being killed. what might be going on? also as an alternative - i was looking to do the following and want to know - if this works or not:
ALTER TABLE sa.accounts TRUNCATE PARTITION dec_20111203;
i want to create a dropdown field it will display list of currencies for selection derived from
sy_curr_code (columns currency_code and des1) in the s_sales_center(table ) -If INF_SRC_DB = AUS, will default to USD, otherwise default to BPS. i have created this so far vSQl := 'select toValueText(a.code1, a.descr) from (select currency_code code1, DES1 descr1 '|| 'from sy_curr_code where active = ''Y'' '|| 'and subcat1 = ''Y'' '|| ') a ';
i tried creating an context index. But it is aborted in the middle. do to reuse the spce i want to drop the index. But it shows an error that " cannot drop index marked as process" how to delete the index.