SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Drop Partitions And Local Indexes

Sep 29, 2011

writing a trigger to drop partitions with zero rows which are older than 6months and drop the local indexes and rebuild the global indexes for any schema in a databaase ?

I have tried the below code :

v_statement varchar2(600);
v_rows number;
for x in (select *
from dba_tab_partitions

I want to avoid using row number and also want to dynamically select a schema when executing the script.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop Partitions With Zero Rows

Sep 26, 2011

Query to drop partitions on a table who have no.of rows as zero.

select 'ALTER' || '' || 'TABLE' || TABLE_NAME || 'DROP' || 'PARTITION' || PARTITION_NAME from dba_tab_partitions where TABLE_OWNER='xyz' ;
select count(*) from table_name partition (partition_name);

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Drop Some Partitions In Table On Production Environment

Jul 8, 2011

I have to drop some partitions in table on production environment (to get free space). The environment have to be continuously available. I was considering of use ALTER TABLE ... DROP PARTITION ... UPDATE INDEXES but it is slow, because of use clause UPDATE INDEXES. Is there another possibility to remove these data?

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Drop Partitions Stale Percent Of Stats?

Nov 12, 2012

In my database,stale_percent is set to 10. and i have table which has partition. i have dropped table partition dropped which has 10% of data. I would like to know whether oracle will consider only insert,update,delete as stale percent or will it include the dropping paritition data also. Because my stats gather is not running. When i include drop partition data it exceed 10% of stale_percent,But excluding dropped partition it is not exceeds 10% of stale.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --- -------------
sample_DATA_DATA 235825577 0 0 11-NOV-2012 NO 3
test_DATA_DATA 811618472 0 0 11-NOV-2012 NO 12
sample_DATA_DATA SYS_P2665099 3005966 0 0 11-NOV-2012 NO 0
sample_DATA_DATA SYS_P2665119 3873671 0 0 11-NOV-2012 NO 0


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When Do Global And Local Indexes Becoming UNUSABLE?

Nov 29, 2012

RDMS Version :
Platfomrm : AIX 6.1

For partitioned tables (RANGE, LIST types ) what are circumstances when a Global or a Local Index become UNUSABLE ? I was told that in some circumstances where the Indexes become UNUSABLE , not even a SELECT query against the table will work. Is this true ? For partitioned tables with Global Index, the global index will be listed in DBA_INDEXES . Right ?

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Takes Long Time To Drop Tables With Large Numbers Of Partitions

Jul 17, 2013 This is for a build. We are still in development. No risk of data loss. As part of the build, I drop the user,re-create it, re-create the objects. Allows us to test the build all the way through. Its our process. This user has some tables with several 1000 partitions. I ran a 10046 trace and oracle is using pl/sql to do loops to do DML against the data dictionary. Anyway to speed this up? I am going to turn off the recyclebin during the build and turn it back on. anything else I can do? Right now I just issue 'drop user cascade'. Part of is the weak hardware we have in the development/environment. Takes about 20 minutes just to run through this part of the script (the script has alot more pieces than this) and we do fairly frequent builds. I can't change the build process. My only option is to try to make this run a little faster.

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Local Partitioned Indexes (adding Additional)?

Jan 11, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to ADD new partitions to local indexes and at the same time specify their tablespaces without having to DROP and RECREATE.

Here´s an example table based on yearly partitioning:



Here´s an index def for the table:


OK. Now I want to add partitions for 2013 so for the table I use:


and this works fine for the table but I can't find a similar command to simply add additional partitions to the indexes. I know that I can drop and recreate the indexes with the additional partition defs but on some of my tables, I'm dealing with hundreds of millions of rows and I think it would take way too long to drop and recreate all indexes on all partitions.

Also related is the PRIMARY KEY index partitions. Is there a way to add partitions (specifying the tablespaces) without having to DROP and re-ADD the CONSTRAINT with the additional partition for 2013?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Find Local And Global Indexes On Particular Table

Mar 19, 2012

getting how many local and global indexes on particular oracle table

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Performance Tuning :: Only LOCAL Bitmap Indexes Are Permitted On Partitioned Tables

Feb 4, 2005

16:28:32 SQL> create bitmap index bp_idx_ag_id on transactions(type);

create bitmap index bp_idx_ag_id on transactions(type)
ERROR at line 1:ORA-25122: Only LOCAL bitmap indexes are permitted on partitioned tables

how to create bitmap index on partitiioned tables

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Truncate / Drop Partitions In Table Having Nested Table Columns

Sep 7, 2012

I have a table that has 2 columns of type nested table. Now in the purge process, when I try to truncate or drop a partition from this table, I get error that I can't do this (because table has nested tables). how I will be able to truncate/drop partition from this table? IF I change column types from nested table to varray type, will it work?

Also, is there any short method of moving existing data from a nested table column to a varray column (having same fields as nested table)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Drop A Trigger?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a trigger called DDL_TRIG which is used to audit all DDL level operation on the Database. The trigger script is as below:-

(user_name, ddl_date, ddl_type,


The Table DDL_LOG exists.Now i want to disable or drop this trigger and it wont allow us. While doing on one schema it fails and with below error:

when logged in schema1 and give drop or disable command it fails

ORA:04098:trigger schema2.ddl_trig is invalid and failed re-validation.

when logged in schema2 and give drop or disable command it fails

ORA:04098:trigger schema1.ddl_trig is invalid and failed re-validation.

how can we drop this trigger in both the schema's. This trigger is not allowing us to do any activity on the Database and causing lot of problem.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Drop Partition Based Indexes From A Particular Partition

Mar 3, 2011

I have partition based table one the basis of year month. And we have 8 local indexes on this table. Every month we have to create a new partition and load data into this partition and the volume of the data is around 14million and the load process is taking long time due to indexes. Is it possible to drop the indexes from particular partition?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Move Data From Old Partitions To Corresponding New Partitions?

Jul 1, 2010

Initially 2008 to 2010 and 2009 to 2011 partitions are created, After that two more new partitions are created 2008 to 2009 and 2009 to 2010.

How can we move data from old partitions to corresponding new partitions.

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Real Application Clusters :: Listener Status Showing Local Virtual IP / But Not Local IP

Jan 19, 2013

Version TNSLSNR for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
Start Date 19-JAN-2013 00:50:10
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 29 min. 51 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication

In every oracle documentation for e.g:11.2 Scan and Node TNS Listener Setup Examples [ID 1070607.1] we found the local listener status showing both local-ip and vip. Why is not showing in our case?

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Convert Indexes Of Non-partitioned Table To Hash Partitioned Indexes?

Sep 10, 2012

RDBMS -, I it possible to convert indexes of a non-partitioned table to hash partitioned indexes by retaining table as non-partitioned?

If yes, is this what it is Creating a Hash-Partitioned Global Index - can be created for partitioned and non-partitioned tables?

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Metadata For Some Of Partitions

Nov 10, 2010

i have many partitions in one table. i need metadata for some of the partitions. We have any option to get the metadata for partitions only.because while selecthing the table meatdata i am getting long script.

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PL/SQL :: Query To Get Last N Used Partitions

Aug 20, 2013

I have a day based partitioned table TAB1.Let say for month Aug 2013 Partitions are like P010813,P020813,P030813 up to P310813.When gather stats job will run i want to analyze only the last 3 used partitions based on current date, this would be P180813,P190813,P200813. write a query which will give the last 3 used partitions.e.g.

If run query on 20-AUG-2013.P180813P190813P200813FOR 25-AUG-2013P230813P240813P250813

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PL/SQL :: Dropping Partitions At Once

Nov 2, 2012

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION (partition_1000);
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION (partition_1001);
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION(partition_1320);(b

it is a delta partition,so trying to remove 320 partitions at once in pl/sql developer for a single table.

Like this i have to remove for more then 15 tables one by one, will this effect the database like filling up the archinve log destination by writing more logs.

kind of problems that i am going to face , as i am doing it on the production box directly.

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Create Table As With Partitions?

Jan 8, 2011

If I try create table from the following syntax

create table a as select * from table b;

Then I could get only base table structure alone, I would like to get partition syntax as well.

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Select From Multiple Partitions

Nov 2, 2010

I have more 100 partition in a table, I would like to query 10 partitions alone in single statement, Hope it could be possible like query data for single partitions, provide the syntax for the same.

Because if I try to query for all the partition then the query is Hanging due to the large no of data, then I can query single partition by partition then it takes more than a day. so, I would like query data for 10 partition in a single select.

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PL/SQL :: Ranking Partitions - Value Identifier

Jul 4, 2012

Lets say I have a table like the following -

101----- 01/01/2012 14:00:00 ---12
101----- 11/01/2012 23:00:00 ---17
101----- 13/01/2012 10:00:00 ---22
101----- 19/03/2012 08:00:00 ---7
101----- 19/03/2012 19:00:00 ---7
101----- 19/03/2012 20:00:00 ---7
101----- 20/03/2012 02:00:00 ---3
101----- 20/03/2012 03:00:00 ---3
101----- 21/03/2012 13:00:00 ---14
101----- 21/03/2012 14:00:00 ---14
101----- 21/03/2012 21:00:00 ---13
101----- 21/03/2012 22:00:00 ---13
101----- 21/03/2012 23:00:00 ---13
101----- 22/03/2012 00:00:00 ---13

I'm looking for a script to partition the data into sections where the VALUE is the same over a constant period of time with no breaks. I'd like to give each partition a value to identify it by.

So the outcome of the script would be the following -

101----- 01/01/2012 14:00:00 ---12----------1
101----- 11/01/2012 23:00:00 ---17----------2
101----- 13/01/2012 10:00:00 ---22----------3
101----- 19/03/2012 08:00:00 ---7------------4
101----- 19/03/2012 19:00:00 ---7------------5
101----- 19/03/2012 20:00:00 ---7------------5
101----- 20/03/2012 02:00:00 ---3------------6
101----- 20/03/2012 03:00:00 ---3------------6
101----- 21/03/2012 13:00:00 ---14----------7
101----- 21/03/2012 14:00:00 ---14----------7
101----- 21/03/2012 21:00:00 ---13----------8
101----- 21/03/2012 22:00:00 ---13----------8
101----- 21/03/2012 23:00:00 ---13----------8
101----- 22/03/2012 00:00:00 ---13----------8

I was trying to do something with trunc(date_time) but that didnt work out right as the blocks of data can carry over several days as seen in the rows with IDENTIFIER = 8.

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Partitions On Materialized Views?

Nov 29, 2012

Can we add partitions for materialized views like tables ? ALTER TABLE owner.tablename ADD PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (2012,12);

Like is there any syntax for mview ALTER TABLE mv.mviewname ADD PARTITION ..... ?

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PL/SQL :: Create Partitions On Table

Sep 13, 2012

My developer came with a requirement of creating partitions on a table which has 40 million records. His exact requirement is to create as many as partitions in such a way that 1 partition should not exceed 5k-10k records and these records should be inserted/updated on the same date (i.e. using a column as source_timestamp field). How to accomplish this?

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Table DDL Extraction For Mentioned Partitions

Nov 10, 2010

I have tables in production which has got huge no of partitions(say more than 100), but I would like to extract table definiation along with mentioned few partitions(say 10 partitions) alone. How to do that, which way is the best to extract DDL with right format.

because when I use metadata package the format for the extraction is not good, is there a way to extract table definition with mentioned partition names.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Partition Existed Table Into 3 Partitions

Mar 9, 2010

How can we partition the existed table.

The table is like this

CREATE TABLE my_table (
description VARCHAR2(50)


I want to partition this table into 3 partitions.

The first partition should contain the values less than 3.

The Second partition should contain the values less than 5.

The third partition should contain the values less than 6.

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PL/SQL :: Dictionary For Materialized View Partitions

Sep 2, 2012

I created a materilaized view with partitions and i need to add partitions dynamicaaly using stored procedure for that i need to check whther the partiions with the same name existing.where can i see the partition names for a materilaized view is there any table like "USER_TAB_PARTITIONS"?.if the same query exists in the forum

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Swap Multiple Partitions Into A Table?

Sep 28, 2012

We are using partition exchnage to swap individual partitions into table which then backed up.

This being done one partition at a time.

Is it possible to swap several partitions of a tabel in one go.

using Oracle

partioned by date, one partition of reach day.

Is it possible say to move the last 7 days partitions into the other table for backup using partition exchange?

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PL/SQL :: How To Truncate Data In Table Partitions

Aug 9, 2013

I couldn't either DROP or TRUNCATE the table partitions that were created. Here are the DDLs and DMLs I'm using. 

Create table student(no number(2),name varchar(2)) partition by range(no) (partition 
p1 values less than(10), partition p2 values less than(20), partition p3 values less     
than(30),partition p4 values less than(40)); 
Insert into student values(1,'a');
Insert into student values(11,'b');
Insert into student values(21,'c');
Insert into student values(31,'d'); 

When I do the following query, it returns data.


But, when I try to perform any of the following queries, it says invalid partition name. 


I am using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

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Range Partitions On A Date Column

Jul 7, 2012

I have a table which has 2 range partitions on a date column currently.


I am planning to drop one partition i.e DATAONE. So table will have one partition left for MAXVALUE. Does it make sense to have a partition with MAXVALUE? Isn't it same as TABLEA in terms of number of records? TABLEA is also in tablespace SPACE2. Should i remove partition DATATWO also? If i have to what is the best way to move all DATATWO records to base table TABLEA?

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Max Limit On Number Of Partitions / Can Have In A Table In Oracle

Feb 11, 2013

What is the limit on number of partitions on a table.on many forums , 1024k-1 is given the maximum limit.But Exactly , I am not able to understand this 1024k-1.

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