Counting Rows - Difference In Values That Are Returned?

Sep 26, 2010

difference in the values that are returned?

select count(*) from aaa;

select num_rows from dba_tables where table_name = 'AAA';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Counting Rows Of All The Tables In Database?

May 18, 2010

i work on oracle 8i with around 950 tables in my database. when i export or import it gives me the no of rows exported / imported from each table. is it possible to take a print out of the no of rows in each table through a single query .

select count(*) from each table takes a long time , since there are 950 tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: De-normalizing A Log Table And Counting Distinct Rows?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a table in which I can see via which communication channel we have previously communicated with our customers on different dates.

customer_interaction_log (I removed the date column)

customer_id channel

My goal is to have a de-normalized summary table in which total communication volume for each distinct channel is displayed per customer.Briefly, I would like to reach the following output


customer_id sms_countemail_count
210 (or null)

When I run the sql below I am not able to de-normalize by customer id; counts are accurate.

SELECT distinct cil.customer_id,
(CASE channel WHEN 'SMS'
THEN (SELECT COUNT (channel) FROM customer_interaction_log cil1
where'SMS' and cil1.customer_id=cil.customer_id) END) SMS_COUNT,
(CASE channel WHEN 'Email'
THEN (SELECT COUNT (channel) FROM customer_interaction_log cil2
where'Email' and cil2.customer_id=cil.customer_id) END) EMAIL_COUNT
FROM customer_interaction_log cil;


customer_id sms_countemail_count
1 3
1 2

I am trying to have one row per customer, however as you can see above it is not the case.

Insert into customer_interaction_log (CUSTOMER_ID, CHANNEL) Values (1, 'SMS');
Insert into customer_interaction_log (CUSTOMER_ID, CHANNEL) Values (1, 'SMS');


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PL/SQL :: ORA-00947 - Not Enough Values But Enough Values Are Being Returned

Dec 18, 2012

I created a package with some types, and every was compiling fine. However, when I ran the new function, I got an error: ORA-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete

After a little research, I realized that the types would have to be declared outside the package. As soon as I did that, I suddenly started getting the "not enough values" errors on all my types. I compared the number of columns being returned, and the number of columns in the type, and they match.Here is my type code:

   LP_Key number,  -- The member key of the plan that is going away
   LP_Type varchar2(20),
   LP_Dept varchar2(12),
   LP_SubDept varchar2(12),
   LP_Class varchar2(12),
   LP_VendorName varchar2(50)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pipeline Function - No Rows Returned

Aug 11, 2011

I need to create a function where in data from 5 rows is clubbed into one row. Like this I have around 425 rows which should be clubbed to 85 rows. Requirement is similar to pivot but not exactly like a pivot as different columns need to be taken from those 5 rows. This is for reporting purpose in order to get data in the desired report format.

SQL mentioned below works fine. It does return data.When below code is used as a normal procedure with OUT parameter as Index by table of Record type code works fine. It returns data. Functionality is met. But when used as a pipeline function, it returns no data.

Below code gets compiled but returns nothing. I didn't find anything on Google or any website for same.

CREATE TYPE r_report_mth_rec_obj AS OBJECT (
acct_num VARCHAR2 (20),
acct_name VARCHAR2 (80),
fund_group VARCHAR2 (80),
fund_type VARCHAR2 (80),
share_class_code VARCHAR2 (10),
share_class_description VARCHAR2 (20),
curr_code VARCHAR2 (10),

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Total Number Of Rows Returned By Query?

Sep 17, 2010

l_query VARCHAR2(4000);
TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR;


How can I get the total number of rows returned by the query?

I want to be able to check omething like c1.ROWS = 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Record Event If No Rows Are Returned Between Two Timestamp?

Feb 21, 2013

I have employees under a supervisor defines as below:


Now I need to determine if all above employees are clocked in , clocked out or not clocked between yesterday and today using following:

select to_char(CLOCK_IN_DATE,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ) ClockIn,to_char(CLOCK_OUT_DATE,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ) ClockOut ,LOGIN_USER_ID,--CLOCK_IN_DATE,CLOCK_OUT_DATE, CLOCK_OUT_DATE-CLOCK_IN_DATE,trunc(sysdate) , trunc(sysdate-1),
case when CLOCK_OUT_DATE is null then
'Not clocked out'


The first SQL gives me 66 rows while second gives me 40 rows. For 26 people , no rows are returned which means these people donot have a clock in record between two timestamps.

How can we modify query to show those 26 people as 'Not clocked In'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Rows Returned By Complex Join Query

Apr 5, 2013

How Can I delete the returned two rows?

1 select s.reg_no,s.course_code,
2 s.section src_sec,a.section a_sec,a.att_date,a.att_flag
3 from attendance a ,src s
4 where a.semester_code=1
5 and a.semester_year=2013
6 and s.semester_code=1

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Storing List Of Values Which Are Returned By A Select Query?

Oct 9, 2012

I have a requirement like getting list of values from one table and inserting them into another table.I have tried with sub querying but didn't worked out because the select query is returning multiple values.

how to proceed further and the ways how can I write this requirement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Order By Field Containing Characters And Numbers (split From Convert No Rows Returned To Zero)

Jan 13, 2012

I Want to make a query to select finished goods product in sales having product code greater than 280 but i have face a problem that order by is not working because products column have character code as well as number. how to sort that column.

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Server Utilities :: Possible To Configure Auditing To Get Number Of Rows Returned By Select Statements

Aug 22, 2011

I am importing some data from Oracle into another database on a regular basis. It works fine for most of the queries but couple of queries don't work sometimes (random). I don't get any errors or any data.

We switched on the Oracle auditing to find out the queries being sent to oracle db. We can see all the queries in the Audit log. Is it possible to configure Auditing to get the "Number of Rows" returned by Select statements so that we can be sure that some data was returned.

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Application Express :: Assign Values In Many Rows Based On Search Values?

Jul 25, 2013

I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by. 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Difference Between Two Rows Of Same Column

Aug 3, 2013

Calculating the difference between the two rows of same columns? Example of my Scenario is as follows

I have a table as shown below, there are checks thats has been issued per week (to tell how its been issued per week ,if you see the week number ,there is a change in week no for period of 7 days i.e. what i have to show on my results tables based on week no and probably we may need to take into account for check no too.)

wekno ! checkno ! end date
------ ! ------ ! ------
1 ! 1 ! 1/7/2012
1 ! 2 ! 1/8/2012
1 ! 3 !1/9/2012
2 ! 1 ! 1/14/2012
2 ! 2 ! 1/15/2012
3 ! 1 ! 1/21/2012

result table and date range i picked up was 1/1/2012-1/31/2012

wekno ! checkno ! end date ! previous period ! Daysin period
------ ! ------ ! ------ ! ------------- ! ------------
1 ! 1 ! 1/7/2012 ! null (as previous period is 2011 and so prvs year i dont count) ! 7 this because we see change in wkno per 7 days
1 ! 2 ! 1/8/2012 !null becoz this one falls same week and therefore previous peroid would be the same as above ! 7 above reason
1 ! 3 ! 1/9/2012 ! null becoz this one falls same week and therefore previous peroid would be the same as above ! 7 above reason
2 ! 1 ! 1/14/2012 ! 1/7/2012 becoz this a second week as you see the change in wekno and therefore its previosu period is 1/7/2012 ! 7 above reason
2 ! 2 ! 1/15/2012 ! 1/7/2012 becoz this check falls on the same second week so previosu would be 1/7/2012 ! 7 above reason
3 ! 1 ! 1/21/2012 ! 1/14/2012 as a new week no starts this gonn be 1/4/2012 ! 7 above reason

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Difference In Values From Two Subqueries

Jul 1, 2013

I have a scenario where I need to get field name upc_id that do not exist in other subquery.

having MIN(APPROVAL_DATE)>=to_date('2011/01/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
AND MIN(APPROVAL_DATE)<to_date ('2011/04/01','yyyy/mm/dd'))


Now from Q-2) I want to get UPC_ID that do not exist in UPC_ID of Q-1).How can I write this.

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PL/SQL :: Compare Two Rows From Same Table And Show Field And Difference?

Aug 28, 2013

How can I compare two rows from the same table and show the field and the difference?


select ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, deptno
from EMP t
where t.empno = 7782
or t.empno = 7788

1 CLARK MANAGER 7839 6/9/1981 2450.00 10
2 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 6/9/1981 3000.00 20

My report comparing fields should be:

MGR 7839 7566 --
SAL 2450 3000 550 --(Show difference only for numbers)
DEPTNO 10 20 --

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge And Add Rows Values Into One?

Jun 4, 2012

code NUMBER(4),
name VARCHAR2(15),
salary NUMBER(5),
ovt NUMBER(4),
sal_mon DATE,
dept number (3)


9 rows selected.

Required Output is

---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- -----------
1068 ALI 18500 2385 31-OCT-11 1021068,1793
1908 ASGHAR 17000 1900 31-OCT-11 1021908,1802
1960 ZAHID 16000 775 31-OCT-11 1021960,1952
1188 RAZA 9500 2910 31-OCT-11 1111188
1275 RAHIL 15300 3480 31-OCT-11 1111275,1176

Merge 02 rows of same department having sum(salary) <=20000. select those rows who have lower salary.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: All Rows With Denormalized Values

Sep 12, 2013

I'd like to get all rows for one particular id. I have data stored in two different tables. I'd like the values to be "denormalized" such that for each unique date I want the values(washer_val, widget_val) for each id from each table to be displayed(or null if no data for that date).

I'm not stating the exact requirements correctly

9/12/20131, 2 1, 2
9/14/2013 1

I've created two different example views("tables") of my data with a "with" statement(washers, widgets). I tried to denormalize each set of data (washers_val, widgets_val) and then get all the unique dates (unique_dates). I then join the "views" and display all possible rows with their data. This is the type of output I want BUT is there an easier way to achieve it??

with washers as
(select 1 id, trunc(sysdate) event_date, 1 val
from dual


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting The Rows And Columns Values

Sep 3, 2010

I want to get the values and put them into html template since i want to configure mime settings. My table's name is rawticket_voip and it has 150.000rows and 20 columns so instead of COL1, COL2 what should i write there? How can i get the spesific row's and column's value and how can integrate loops in this html?

<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="Light Blue">


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Concatenated Values Separated In Rows

Mar 1, 2012

I have input like below

ID | Name
1 | ABC, BCA, AAA, BBB (all in one column)

and I want to get concatenated values separated

ID | Name
1 | ABC
1 | BCA
1 | AAA
1 | BBB
2 | ABC
2 | DBA

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Values In A Column Instead Of Rows

Mar 10, 2011

Consider the following (example)table.,

1 CS CS_100


To display CRS from TABLE_A where DEPT = 'MATH' but in the following format.,

1 MATH MATH_400, MATH_550, MATH_230

instead of.,

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PL/SQL :: Rows Into Comma Separated Values

Oct 30, 2012

I would like get rows into comma separated values expected output


create table test1 (name1 varchar2(10));

insert into test1 values ('JOHN');
insert into test1 values ('YING');
insert into test1 values ('KAREN');
insert into test1 values ('PEDRO');

SQL> select * from test1;

PEDROHow can I get this to printed as

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PL/SQL :: How To Compare Two Rows And Retrieve The Values

Aug 15, 2012

I have two tables which have identical schemas, one table (tbl_store) is used to hold the latest version, and the other table (tbl_store_audit) holds previous versions. When the latest record is updated, it is inserted into the tbl_store_audit table as a revision, and the updated details are used as the latest record.

For example: The latest version is held in tbl_store, however the tbl_store_audit may hold 5 records which are the past records used before changes were made - these are seen as revisions.

I want to be able to compare what has changed between each revision in the tbl_store_audit table. For example: Out of the 10 columns, the change between revision 1 and revision 2 was the size from XL to XXL. The change between revision 3 and revision 4 was the size XS to M and price 4.99 to 10.99, and so on.

Eventually i will create an APEX report that will show the user the revision number and what was changed from and to.

I seen in a previous post i need to note my oracle version: Oracle version

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Rows Where All Values Not In Another Table?

Jul 18, 2013

This is my table design: 


How do I limit my query to show the information from REQUEST but only where the all of the wips associated between REQUEST and WIPS are not in the SHIPPING table.  For example, the SHIPPING table has all of the WIPS that have been shipped, I only want to show the REQUEST rows where all of the WIPS have not shipped. 

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Listagg Function In 11g For Concatenating Values From Different Rows

Sep 11, 2013

I'm Trying to use Listagg function in oracle 11g for concatenating values from different rows,but i'm getting error as FROM KEYWORD NOT FOUND.

Query is:
select listagg(column_name,'') within group (order by column_name) "column_name"
from table_name;

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Insert Rows Based On Text Values?

Mar 22, 2007

I am an Oracle beginner and I am having some trouble with the following insert query.

I am inputting values into text boxes and then this is carried out as a trigger upon clicking a button.

INSERT INTO client VALUES(':student.txtclientid', ':student.txtclientname', ':student.clientaddress', 13564338);
INSERT INTO enrolment VALUES(':student.txtclientid', ':student.lstoccurrence', null, null);

The above text boxes are all working fine as I have viewed the values using the message command. My proplem is that if i leave the fields blank it inserts ':student.txtclientname' into the row, otherwise it returns "Could not insert record"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Hold Multiple Rows Values Using Array

Jun 1, 2010

How to hold the multiple rows values using array? And I have to pass this values to some other procedure.

Ex: SQL> select ename from emp;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Only Rows Where Certain Column Repeating Values

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to come up with a sql select statement that provides all rows for employees with 2 or more cities.

with sample_table as (
select 'John' name,'city' ValueType,'Toronto' Value from dual union all
select 'John' name,'city' ValueType,'Vancouver' Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Toronto' Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Seattle' Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'age' ValueType,30 Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Atlanta' Value from dual union all


----------- ------------- ------------
John City Toronto
John City Vancouver
Susan City Toronto
Susan City Seattle
Susan Age 30
Susan City Atlanta
David City Chicago
David age 35
David Status married
David City Dallas

The above code is just to describe the sample table and the desired result set. Please note that Mary is not on the result set since she has no city assigned to her. Also Julia is not on the result set since she only has one city assigned to her. The others are there because they had at least 2 cities assigned to them.

I need the sql syntax that would return this result set.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Rows With Certain Values And Replace Them In The Same Script

Jun 17, 2010

I have a large table with a few billion rows. I need to find ITEM_NAME values in ITEM_MASTER table containing " " (spaces) and replace them with other values. This has to be done within the same script. The replacement values could be any characters or numbers, but not spaces.

The whole reason for this table is testing big databases, so it does not matter what it contains. The reason I need to replace them is that this table will be dumped to a space delimited flat file and spaces within values are not acceptable.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert All Rows Values Fetched By Cursor?

Aug 12, 2010

I have written code as below. I want to insert all rows values fetched by cursor INTO table emp2 (blank as column as employees) . How Can I insert it.

what parameter or code I should used ?

I have marked with color row as below.

CURSOR C1 IS select * from employees;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Values Concatenation From Multiple Rows

May 30, 2013

I am currently doing column values concatenation from multiple rows and then removing duplicates as in the following example:

SQL> select pid
2 , regexp_replace(ltrim(sentence), '([A-Za-z0-9]+,)1+', '1')
3 from ( select pid
4 , seq
5 , sentence
6 from b
7 model
8 partition by (pid)
9 dimension by (seq)

but for some reason regexp_replace does not seem to work with clob and I get:

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB
00932. 00000 - "inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s"

Is it possible to eliminate duplicates in the model before the concatenation?

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