Compare Records In A Table In Both Oracle - MSSQL?

Jan 13, 2009

I am trying to compare records in a table in both Oracle and MSSQL database against a single standard dataset in my test case. However, I'm getting different results for each when I sort using a "order by".

select COL1 from TABLE1 order by COL1

In MSSQL, I get:

In ORACLE, I get:

I mean, oracle result some what makes sense, because "." has bigger ascii value than "+". But is there anyway to make the ORACLE sort order look exactly like MSSQL result?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i - Block Logic To Fetch Records From Table And Compare

Dec 26, 2011

the following proble.The emp table is having 14 records.




The emp table is having 10 records.

SELECT * FROM emp_10 ORDER BY empno;



I have written the following PL/SQL block logic tofetch the records from the emp table and compare the records with emp_10 table to perform insert if the records are newelse to perform update the existed records in the emp_10 table.

CURSOR tranche_balance_cur
SELECT empno,


Execution scenario 1:

I have commented insert and update statements in that case I got the following out put.

Inserted Records4
Updated Records10

As per the logic it's giving the correct output because the cursor is fetching 14 records in that already 10 records are existed in emp_10 tableand 4 are new that it's showing the count for inserted records as 10 and updated records as 4.

Execution scenario 2:
I have uncommented insert and update statements in that case I got the following out put.

Inserted Records13
Updated Records1

As per the logic it's not giving the correct output.

I tried with using TRIM function in the comparision logic to avoid spaces.

TRIM(emp_10.empno) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.empno)
AND TRIM(emp_10.ename) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.ename)
AND TRIM(emp_10.sal) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.sal)
AND TRIM(emp_10.deptno) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.deptno)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: External Table Query (compare Number Records In File With External Table)

Jan 23, 2013

I have got a procedure that successfully creates an oracle external table and populates it with the contents of a file. This works fine until I have a situation where one of the fields is a VARCHAR2(2) and I try to insert say, a 5 character value. When this happens the record in question does not get populated in the external table (and rightly so), but I could do with working out if there is a discrepancy in the number of records in the file and the number of records that actually make it into the table so I could inform the user that there is a problem.

I have attached the code that creates the external table and populates it.

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Oct 30, 2006

I must create an INSERT trigger, on an Oracle table, which will do an insert into my MS-SQL 2000 DB table.

The tables are exactly the same in this case and I desire to insert the entire row that was just insterted into the Oracle table into the MS-SQL table.

I understand how to create an ODBC connection between the DB servers, I just can't seem to understand the trigger syntax.

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Compare Records In A Recordset?

Oct 28, 2010

Currently,I have this objective to meet. I need to query the database for certain results. After done so, I will need to compare the records: For example: the query return me with 10 rows of records, I then need to compare: row 1 with 2, row 2 with 3, row 3 with 4 ... row 9 with 10. The final result that I wish to have is 10 or less than 10 rows of records.

I have one approach currently. I do this within a function, hand have the variables call "previous" and "current". In a loop I will always compare previous and current which I populate through the record set using a cursor.

After I got each row of filtered result, I will then input it into a physical temporary table. After all the results are in this temporary table. I'll do a query on this table and insert the result into a cursor and then returning the cursor.

The problem is: how can I not use a temporary table. I've search through online about using nest tables. but somehow I just could not get it working.

how to replace the temp table with something else? or is there other approach that I can use to compare the row columns with other rows.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Compare Records In Two Columns

Oct 8, 2010

I need to compare records in the two columns (varchar). I need to find almost the same names from that columns.

For instance:

And I should see that these records are the same because different is only in the one word.

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What Software Is The Best To Backup Oracle / MySQL And MSSQL

Jan 24, 2011

tell me what software is the best to backup Oracle, MySQL and MSSQL?

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Networking And Gateways :: Connection Between Oracle And Mssql?

Jul 11, 2013

i have 2 instances (one on Oracle 11g and the otherone Mssql) i was asked to make a link between both.

btw i need excecute a procedure from Oracle against Mssql tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Previous Records With Current?

Aug 29, 2013

I am trying to set the min date if there is no gap between previous date2 value with current date1,if they are same then my new date will be min(date1).

source data

date1 iddate2 new_date

and I am expecting the out put like this

date1 id date2 new_date

how to achieve this with SQL

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How To Rewrite MSSQL Update Statement To Work In Oracle

Dec 29, 2011

How do I write this MSSQL statement so it works in Oracle?

update b1
set b1.b1_app_status = r3.application_status
from conv_app_status_update a, statyp r3, b1perm b1
where a.spc = r3.serv_code
and a.task_des = r3.r3_act_type_des
and a.task_status =r3.r3_act_stat_des
and a.process_code = r3.r3_process_code
and r3.application_status is not null
and a.spc = b1.serv_code
and a.id1 = b1.id1
and a.id2 = b1.id2
and a.id3 = b1.id3

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 10g - Update Records In Target Table Based On Records Coming In From Source

Jun 1, 2010

I am trying to update records in the target table based on the records coming in from source. For instance, if the incoming record is present in the target table I would update them in the target else I would simply insert. I have over one million records in my source while my target has 46 million records. The target table is partitioned based on calendar key. I implement this whole logic using Informatica. Looking at the informatica session log I find that the informatica code is perfectly fine but its in the update part it takes long time (more than 5 days to update one million records). find the TARGET TABLE query and the UPDATE query as below.


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Client Tools :: Migration From Windows Mssql To Linux Oracle

Dec 10, 2012

Env destination-linux:2.6.18-308.13.1.el5,oracle: ,source:windows.mssql v:8.00760

I was try migrate one sample database from mssql "Pubs" using Oracle SQL Developer Tool.

After migraton i've got prefixes in tables like MD_<table_name> but i can not see tables from Pubs only a lot of tables like :


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Networking And Gateways :: Unable To Test Dblink Between Oracle XE And MSSQL?

Jul 30, 2013

i have created a dblink between oracle and mssql and tried testing the link its giving me below error.

SQL Error: ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified {IM002}
ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from MSSQL
28500. 00000 - "connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:"
*Cause: The cause is explained in the forwarded message.
*Action: See the non-Oracle system's documentation of the forwarded message.

I have checked the dsn data source i have created, i am able to test the DSN successfully.

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Networking And Gateways :: How To Set Oracle Gateways 11g For Mssql

Feb 21, 2010

I want connect mssql in oracle by orale Gateways 11g

my environment:
windows Wista
Oracle Database Gateways

these soft in one computer.

my steps :

1. set initdg4mssql.ora
2.set listener.ora
3. set tnsnames.ora
4.start lsnrctl

logined. create dblink and test.

but it's error. i want to know where is the error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Two Different Table?

Jul 11, 2011

I want to compare two tables column by column and find out which columns are matching and inserting matching columns value into another table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Skipping Of Records - Oracle External Table?

Sep 24, 2011

I have a flat file on an unix system.The file is required to be loaded through Oracle External Table.

Not sure how to skip the first record when loading through Oracle External Table.How to suppress data while loading through External Table.

Requiremen syntax where in I can skip the first record. syntax for suppressing values in columns that are not required. How the same needs to be handled in case of Number datatype and Varchar2 datatype. Example - In case of Number can it be replaced with 0 and for datatype can be same be replaced with NULL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Columns Of Two Table?

Apr 5, 2013

I need to compare columns of two tables in oracle 10g. If columns of both tables match with each other, then i need to create new table dynamically with matched column name and datatype. For example, table1 contains name, ID, Phone_no and address table2 contains name, Id, address, area and pincode. now , i need to create table3 which will contains name, ID,address, Phone_no, area and pincode as columns( I mean matched columns should not be repeated in table3). how to do this..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Two Table Data

Mar 5, 2010

How to identify the columns which are different between two oracle tables. I have nearly 30 columns in each table comprising of million rows

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PL/SQL :: Oracle 11g Table Function Returns No Records On First Call?

Jul 13, 2012

On a Oracle 11g R2 I've a table function ( PIPELINED ) returning rows selected from a table.The first time the function is selected, in a session ( I've tried to disconnect and log in again ), it returns no rows.I've tried to log the call using DBMS_OUTPUT and from what I see the select on the table function returns no rows and no output is printed. So I presume Oracle is not calling the function.

The same function on a similar environment ( same db versions, patches and database structure ) works fine. The second environment is a production environment so it has more memory and some other settings enabled.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare Data In Nested Table

Mar 12, 2012

create type nesttype as table of clob;

create table emp
(empno number,
ename varchar2(1000),
language_known nesttype

I want to check whether language is already there in database or not.

i have written the below query

select * from emp where language_known =nesttype('english','hindi');

i am getting the below error

SQL Error: ORA-22901: cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type
22901. 00000 - "cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type"
*Cause: Comparison of nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an
object type was attempted in the absence of a MAP or ORDER
*Action: define a MAP or ORDER method for the object type.

How to compare data in nested table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inserting 300 Million Records Into Oracle Table Using Database Links?

Dec 19, 2011

I would like to know if we can insert 300 million records into an oracle table using a database link. The target table is inproduction and the source table is in development on different servers.The target table will be empty and have its indexes disabled before the insert. if this can be accomplished in less than 1 hour.

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PL/SQL :: Compare A Row Of A Table With Its Previous Row / Rows In A Query

Oct 1, 2013

create table a(sourcerow number(2),  test_level number(2),  dpn varchar2(1),  qty number(5)); T

he insert scripts are as follows:  

insert into a  values(1,3,'Y',5); insert into a values(2,2,'Y',4);  insert into a values(3,3,'N',3); insert into a  values(4,4,'Y',3);  insert into a  values(5,1,'N',6);  insert into a values(6,2,'N',5);  insert into a  values(7,2,'Y',4);  insert into a  values(8,3,'N',2);  insert into a values(9,4,'Y',2);  insert into a  values(10,1,'Y',3); .  SQL>select * from v$version;  Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production 

My logic should have the output as follows without 5th column:  sourcerowleveldpnqtyremark13Y522Y4This row in main table shouldn't be displayed in the query result as it has

dpn='N'44Y3*3=9In this row qty=9 will bedisplayed.

It will compare the value of level column with its previous row level col,if it is the parent of the current(ex.current is 4 and previous is 3 parent of 4),then it will check the dpn of previous row ,if dpn='N' then qty of parent will be multiplied with qty of current row and displayed under qty column.this row will not be displayed as dpn='N'this row will not be displayed as dpn='N'72Y4*6=24in its previous row level value is same so it will check the previous to previous row  where level is 1(parent of current row) and dpn='N' ,then it will multiply the qty of that row with current row and display the value in qty column.this row will not be displayed as dpn='N'94Y2*2=4In this row qty=4 will be displayed.It will compare the value of level column with its previous row level col,if it is the parent of the current(ex.current is 4 and previous is 3 parent of 4),then it will check the dpn of previous row ,if dpn='N' then qty of parent will be multiplied with qty of current row and displayed under qty column.101Y3It will not check for the previous rows as level 1 doesn't have any parent. 

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PL/SQL :: Create Query To Compare Values From Same Table

Jul 10, 2012

Suppose you have the below table, same ID's occur for same month as well as different month

ID Month Value
226220      201203     100
1660      201204     200
26739      201204     1010
7750     201205     31.1

I need a query to determine the below laid result

ID Month Prior_month_value Prior_Month Value
1234 201203 10 201201 100
3456 201206 56.1 201204 78

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Networking And Gateways :: Compare Table Data From Two Different Databases

Jun 1, 2010

1) how to to compare sybase table data with oracle database table data?

2) how to connect sybase database from oracle database?

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PL/SQL :: Compare Two Tables And Delete The Common Rows From Table 1

Jul 23, 2012

I want to compare two tables , and delete the common rows from the first table

Here is what i have done :

Create table test1(Test1C1 Number,
Test1C2 varchar2(50));

Create table test2(Test2C1 Number,
Test2C2 varchar2(50));

Insert into test1 values(1,'testdata1');
Insert into test1 values(2,'testdata2');
Insert into test1 values(3,'testdata3');

it deletes all the records from Table test1. What should I modify here ? or should I write a different query ?

The desired contents in table test1 will be

2 testdata2
4 testdata4
6 testdata6
8 testdata8
10 testdata10

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PL/SQL :: Compare Two Rows From Same Table And Show Field And Difference?

Aug 28, 2013

How can I compare two rows from the same table and show the field and the difference?


select ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, deptno
from EMP t
where t.empno = 7782
or t.empno = 7788

1 CLARK MANAGER 7839 6/9/1981 2450.00 10
2 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 6/9/1981 3000.00 20

My report comparing fields should be:

MGR 7839 7566 --
SAL 2450 3000 550 --(Show difference only for numbers)
DEPTNO 10 20 --

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Load Huge XML File With Hundreds Of Records Into Oracle Table?

Jun 29, 2011

I need to load (using SQL Loader) an huge XML file, with several hundreds of records into an Oracle Table.The XML file schema is pretty simple, and it's anything like this:

<companyname>LimitSoft S.A.</companyname>
<address>Street Number 1</address>


I'm trying to use the help included in this link [URL]...

When they refer to schema[URL].... what should I use?? I do not need to use the Oracle website to register anything, right?

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Client Tools :: Connect To Mssql Express 2008

Jan 29, 2011

I have installed and loaded a mssql express database on my pc for migration testing. When I test a connection from sql developer 3 receive "Failure -Test failed Cannot connect to Microsoft SQL Server on localhost. I am using windows authentication and SQL Server authentication and the default port 1433.

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Application Express :: Compare Entries Of Tabular Form Column Against Lookup Table Or Item

Mar 28, 2013

I use APEX 4.2.0. In Tabular form, I have column of Select list type. This list has too many values and the end user must choose all these values along the tabular form rows. In other words, If the LOV consists of X, Y , Z, The End user should add three rows and choose a unique value for each row.

The problem is : This LOV is supposed to have too many values. What comes to mind is:

1- Whenever the end user picks a value, this value should disappear from the LOV of the second row ? But I have no clue how to do it?
2- Whenever the end use picks a value, I should notify him/her about the remaining values that he should pick . But I have no clue how to do it ?

At the end the purpose is to make the user aware that he still has some rows to add ( values to choose ... )

I simplified the issue in simple example here:


workspace: somefeto
user: test
pwd: test

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ad Hoc MINUS - Compare Values In Code To Values In Table

Oct 28, 2013

I am searching the simplest way for ad hoc MINUS.I do:

FROM uam_rss_user_XXXXXXX
WHERE host_name IN

and look in the table which values are missing (values that are in host_name IN but not in actual table).is there a simpler way for doing an ad hoc MINUS? I know to insert values in temp. Table. How are experienced Oracle pros doing this task?

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