C++ Call Interface :: ORA-01804 - Failure To Initialize Timezone Information
Jun 14, 2012
I am having an issue to connect my C++ application to my Oracle DB. When my code calls
I get an error "ORA-01804: failure to initialize timezone information".
The application works on other people's Windows machine with their Oracle DB. But it doesn't work from my machine connecting to their Oracle instance. So I guess the issue does not come from my instance but rather from my Oracle dlls maybe?
I work with oracle 10g, on windows 7. sometime when i try to start my sqlplus in prompt command this message display.
C:UsersSony>sqlplus SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly
But the solution people have proposed into the forum are:
1 - check the environment variable Oracle_home and modify if it ending by ""
2 - or try tho run my promt command as Administrator.
I try the both, but only the second works. while now i don't understand why it works when i start the promt command as Administrator and why it no works when i don't run it like administrator. Another thing is i am the only user of my computer, i have only one session (administor session).
when i try to connect with sqlplus or toad then i get an error
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:Users>sqlplus SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly C:Users>
and i want to tell what i do before it-my all files were be converted in .FLT then i shorted out this problem after that when i tried to connect with sqlplus or toad then i get above error.and i have restarted my system but throwing same error.
I am completely new to anything with Oracle or OCI,
Also, basic information:
Language: C Oracle DB version: 11g
Trying to use OCI
I am trying to write a client that connects to an Oracle database and gets some information (obviously). On the OCILogon() step, I need the username, password, and db address. However, someone said there will be a tnsnames.ora file, and that should be enough.I've searched online and I have not been able to find anything that relates OCILogon() to tnsnames.ora, so here are my questions:
1) Can OCILogon() use tnsnames.ora at all? 2) Is there any other function that I should use instead of OCILogon() that would work with the tnsnames.ora
Actually i am not using OCI directly. I have a Delphi application in which I would need to clone an open db connection. Not only username, password, and target database (this is easy and i already do that).
What I would need is also inherit context variables and global temporary tables content status at the moment in which the cloning operation takes place. It seems a very difficult, if not impossible, thing to achieve.
We have a occi application which is linked dynamically to occi lib on Solaris. Now during build we linked it with occi of Oracle client but we want the same build to be able to run under Oracle 10G client as well as Oracle 11G client. But it seems that occi is not forward not backward compatible as name of dynamic occi lib has a version in it.
I am using OCI and instant_client ( in my C++ program (on Windows 7) to connect remotely to 11G database. While doing a connection using server name as well as servername:port/service_name as connection strings, I am getting error of ORA-12504 TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA. According to instant client FAQ & white paper at [URL]..., no tnsnames.ora is required for instant client. Then why could I be getting this error? I ensured that only the instant client directory is in Path environment variable. There was a ODBC driver installed on this same host.
I wrote a simple OCCI program and ran valgrind with it. I got some memory leak in the program. I tried to search around but couldn't get any answers. I have tried to compile the program using gcc version 4.5, and icpc version 12.0.4 and they both gave the same errors. The OS I am using is RedHat Linux 6.1.
int main() { oracle::occi::Environment *theOCCIEnvPtr = NULL;
[Code] .......
and one of the leaks is :
==9744== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 61 of 224 ==9744== at 0x4A07279: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:263) ==9744== by 0x62D9147: slzsetevar (in /apps/oracle_client/libclntsh.so.11.1)...
We have code that occasionally errors with ORA-12151, with tracing indicating some funk surrounding OCI calls to OCIPing(), OCIBreak(), and OCIReset(). What the code is trying to do here is release a connection from a pool (our implementation, not OCIPool) and before releasing it trying to make sure nothing is actively running on the connection etc. The environment is created in THREADED mode (ie not non-blocking).
Reading the documentation its not really clear to me if OCIBreak() and OCIReset() are really intended to be called while in THREADED mode.
Is it a bad idea to call break/reset as part of a general connection-reset routine?
The basic control flow (minus error handling etc) is:
I install Oracle instant client 11g in my Windows 7(32bit), and use MSVC6++ to test program occidml.cpp, compile is no problem, but when I run it, it crash on create Connection. I have tried to link with different version of OCCI library ( v8,v9), but all crash on create Connection.
I am trying to fetch the data from system table "FLOWS_020100.WWV_FLOW_ACTIVITY_LOG1$" in Oracle Express edition database, using the OCI library on Windows with C++
This table has a TIMESTAMP column of date type.
I've the following query as below:
select TIME_STAMP from FLOWS_020100.WWV_FLOW_ACTIVITY_LOG1$ where TIME_STAMP > to_date('31/OCT/12 23:59:59', 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') order by TIME_STAMP asc;
For this, first I am preparing the query as below:
select TIME_STAMP from FLOWS_020100.WWV_FLOW_ACTIVITY_LOG1$ where TIME_STAMP > :PKVAL order by TIME_STAMP asc;
Before calling OCIExecute(), I am setting the PKVAL buffer to following value:
I want to monitor the stream activity with strmmon tool. How to compile the strmmon.mk? I was seeing with visual studio command prompt but it does not work properly.
In Oracle 10.2 installation there are OCI headers in rdbms/public directory: 10.2.0/rdbms/public/ocidem.h 10.2.0/rdbms/public/ocidfn.h 10.2.0/rdbms/public/ocikpr.h 10.2.0/rdbms/public/oci.h 10.2.0/rdbms/public/oci1.h ...
What should be installed additionally to have OCI headers in rdbms/public in Oracle 9.2.0?
I am in the process of converting my skill in oracle and this time PRO*C from Windows to Linux. I have oracle 11g R2 installed on a UBUNTU (12.04) server and have installed the instant client as described in
This has a query which will run in SQLPLUS but fails with PRO*C
:~/Projects/proc/proctest1$ proc INAME=proctest.pc SQLCHECK=NONE ONAME=proctest.c LNAME=proctest.lis LTYPE=long Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Mon Apr 22 21:00:18 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. System default option values taken from: /home/neill.rutherford/instantclient_11_2/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg PCC-W-02109, SQLCHECK=NONE is no longer supported.. using SYNTAX
In my application, when I passed a Type Array as parameter to the stored procedure and when the Type Array is large enough(normally 3000 type objects, each objects has about 15 attributes), the OCIObjectSetAttr performance deteriorates large enough from below 1 millisecond to 1~3 miliseconds.
I'm having some hard times with attempts to initialize a set of values, Of a specific column from a table into a variable containing it as an array(like a single column table).
Then I am trying to compile a function that gets a parameter - a number. The function should check whether this number exists in this list(return 1), or not(return 0).
I want to initialize key1 column of table TEST_TAB *into* v_my_array(this will be my list), just to see that I can have a set of values in this variable. Then I will want to see if the number is in that list, and return 1 or 0 accordingly.
I get the following error compiling, and can't seem to understand what's wrong:
SQL> create or replace function is_num_in_list (p_number number) 2 return number 3 is 4 TYPE varray_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER(10) INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; 5 v_my_array varray_type; 6 begin 7 select key1 into v_my_array from TEST_TAB; 8 --if the number provided exists in the list, then 1(TRUE) 9 if p_number in v_my_array then 10 return(1); 11 else 12 --if the number provided *IS NOT* in the list, then 0(FALSE) 13 return(0); 14 end if; 15 end; 16 /
Warning: Function created with compilation errors.
SQL> show error Errors for FUNCTION IS_NUM_IN_LIST:
LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9/16 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "V_MY_ARRAY" when expecting one of the following: ( SQL>
Error - FRM-18103:Failed to initialize the Development Environment I have installed Oracle 11g and Oracle Developer Suite 10g in separate oracle homes.
When I try to open Oracle form builder I am receiving 'FRM-18103:Failed to initialize the Development Environment' error.
I need the timezone of the server that the DB sits on. I don't want the offset. I need the region name. This is because some regions use daylight savings time and some do not. Plus an SA can change the time of the OS. Another company manages our servers and DBs in production and we don't have contact with them. We could use a lookup talbe and just populate it, then update it when we find out what it is in production. The problem is that I have seen cases where the timezone on servers change. Considering the lack of contact between the teams, we really need a reliable way to get the timezone out of the DB.
We tried several ways. My list is below and I explain why this is not working.
sessiontimezone: this is the timezone of my server. In theory it should be the same as the DB. We cannot take the risk that this will be out of sync. dbtimezone: This gives the offset. Such as -5:00 for US EST. There are multiple regions that have this. Some do not use daylight savings time and some do. We would need America/New York instead.
sessiontimezone gives the timezone setting for the client. This can be altered. dbtimezone just gives the offset such as -5:00
We get data feeds from different parts of the world. We get some data based data that is local to that regions timezone. We need to partition on this field. So we need to add a field to the DB and normalize it to the time local to our DB Server. So if we get a record from california and the DB is on a server in US EAST, we add 3 hours. The offset won't work...
1. a timezone that we are getting from may not be in daylight savings time. We are partitioning by hour.
2. We would hit daylight savings time in New York before we hit it in California, so we would need to account for that in the math.
This hourly partition is a fixed and hard requirement. We need this to be absolutely accurate.
Here is what we tried:
What I want (pseudo-code): “Select XXX as timezone_region_name” to return “America/New_York” or “UTC”. It may be that the timezone was not set for the database at install time, and if it were, these queuries would work.
--FAILED select systimestamp, to_char(systimestamp, 'TZR'), extract (timezone_region from systimestamp) from dual;
--FAILED select to_char(systimestamp, 'TZR') from dual;
This code makes me unlucky while run that jsp report on web and comes up with orror no out put for the job.RegEdit REPORTS_CLASSPATH set to my oraclebarcode.jar with others jar files.
At Report builder web layout works fine [With Barcode generation] but not through Report server.
RAC installation on vmware is failing with following errors. I followed below link for installation. URL..... Found the following errors:
[root@rac2 ~]# cd /crs/oracle/bin/ [root@rac2 bin]# ./vipca PRKR-1062 : Failed to find configuration for node rac1 PRKR-1062 : Failed to find configuration for node rac1 [code]....
The "/crs/oracle/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.The "/crs/ oracle/cfgtoollogs/configToolAllCommands" script contains all commands to be executed by the configuration assistants. This file may be used to run the configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.
[root@rac2 bin]# /crs/oracle/bin/racgons add_config rac1.localdomain:6200 rac2.localdomain:6200 [root@rac2 bin]# /crs/oracle/bin/oifcfg setif -global eth0/ eth1/ PRIF-10: failed to initialize the cluster registry [root@rac2 bin]# /crs/oracle/bin/oifcfg setif -global eth0/ eth1/ PRIF-10: failed to initialize the cluster registry
I have an interesting problem. I have a server in the UK and I have three databases globally - UK (FINUKQ1), NY (FINNYQ1) and TK (FINTKQ1). The NY and TK databases will be migrated to the UK server as part of a consolidation project. Obviously, Time Zones and DST are the biggest concern for me.Here was my plan for the implementation (concentrating on Time Zone/DST issues).
Added to .profile: -------------------- if [[ "$ORACLE_SID" = "FINTKQ1" ]]; then export TZ="Asia/Tokyo" elif [[ "$ORACLE_SID" = "FINNYQ1" ]]; then export TZ="America/New_York" else unset TZ fi echo "TZ=$TZ"
Once environment has been set start database and listener.
Change database TZ: ----------------- alter database set time_zone='Asia/Tokyo'; alter database set time_zone='America/New_York';
Check database TZ: select dbtimezone from dual;
Add trigger: ------------ CREATE OR replace TRIGGER sys.timezone_check AFTER startup ON DATABASE DECLARE
The trigger was there to put the database in restricted session if it is started in the wrong TZ and an error written to the alert log. The check was done on the dbtimezone and the dbname. Quite simple. Only issue is that it doesn't work as I wanted as dbtimezone and TZ are separate and disparate entities. i.e. I can start the TK database up in UK time (which will be incorrect for this project), and check the dbtimezone and it will show as 'Asia/Tokyo'.
Is there a better way of checking? Any trigger like this to compare TZs etc?