Backup & Recovery :: Restore A Database On Another Database With Another SID?

Aug 24, 2011

i need to restore a database on another database with another SID.

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore RMAN Backup Of Database To A New Database

Jan 25, 2011

I have oracle 10g installed on my system and name of the database is "ORCL" for which I have schedule the incremental backup everyday. Mentioned below are the steps followed

*************PARAMETERS TO BE CHANGED******************
configure channel 1 device type disk
format '\';
configure channel 2 device type disk
format '\';
TO '\';

rman LOG = \
rmanlog_%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10%.txt APPEND

********INCREMENTAL BACKUP COMMAND*********************

Now I want to restore this backup to some other system with new database. How to do this recovery to some other database on new system.

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Database From Obsolete Backup Using RMAN

Dec 13, 2011

can we restore database from obsolete backup using rman

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Oracle Database

Feb 12, 2012

I would like to know is there any way i can create a Backup of Oracle Db and Restore it Like SQL has?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Datafiles In Another Database

Jun 29, 2011

Can we restore a database if we have only the datafiles available? The database has been dropped but we have just the datafiles with NO system, sysaux,users and undo datafiles that were saved after taking the database offline and then dropping the database. I know this is strange but if possible, I want to see if we can retrieve some of the data from those datafiles to another database. BTW, There is no backup available for this database except the dbf files on OS.

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Backup & Recovery :: Partly Restore A Database?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a task which is to get an export of an account.Easy, you will say, use Data Pump but I have not the database only a complete RMAN backup of it (including control file and spfile). Easy once again, restore the database and export but I have not the space to restore the complete database.

all segments of the account are in a couple of tablespaces I know the name (and I know I have space enough to restore them).

Unfortunately, I don't know the other tablespace names (but of course SYSTEM and SYSAUX), in particular I don't know the name of the undo tablespace and, of course, I have no connection with the source database and no way to know these tablespace names.

So here's the question, how can I restore part of the database (SYSTEM, SYSAUX, undo tablespace and a couple of other ones) from a complete backup without knowing the name of the undo tablespace and of the tablespaces I don't need?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Restore Database From Different Server

May 30, 2013

We have a database server running oracle 12G on linux which is the production then we have a DR using the same version of DB and linux, I want to restore from tape into the DR from the production backup. the UNIX admin has restored already from tape the rman backup, i would like to know what are the steps to restore the backup from tape, also the DR database server was created identical like production using the same spfile etc.

were do i copy restored file into on the DR server? also then in RMAN do i just start the DR database and run the command restore database? what else do i need?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Database From Another Server

Nov 14, 2011

I have taken cold back-up of a complete database using below rcv from a server.

connect target /
set command id to 'bkp_EMCPROD_db';
allocate channel c1 type 'sbt_tape' parms="BLKSIZE=1048576, ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/tdpo.opt)";
backup current controlfile format 'ct_t%t_T%T_d%d_s%s.ctl';
backup database format 'db_t%t_T%T_d%d_s%s_p%p.db';
backup current controlfile format 'ct_t%t_T%T_d%d_s%s.ctl';
release channel c1;

I need to restore this back-up on another server of the same Database Name. Below is the rcv which my sr. dba asked me to look into for the restore.

/* From the new server to restore the back-up */
connect target "rman/xxxxx@emcprod"
connect auxiliary /
run {
set until time "to_date('Nov 03 2011 19:00:00','Mon DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS')";
allocate auxiliary channel c1 type 'sbt_tape' parms="ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64/tdpo.sacsun8.opt)";
restore database;

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Database In Oracle 10g Enterprise?

Apr 13, 2011

I am new in oracle. I want to restore my database in oracle 10g enterprise. Actually i have a backup file(.bkp file) from oracle 10g xe and now i wanna restore in oracle 10g enterprise.

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Database / Copied Archivelogs

Dec 14, 2011

Question: does oracle recover past the scn mentioned in the control file or do you need recover using backup control file for it? No specific scn,time specified.

Scenario: Restore database on new server + copy archivelogs from original to minimize data loss.
Backup : 5 AM
Archivelogs: 7 AM

New server:
Configure dummy instance
Restore spfile from tape
Restore controlfile from tape: SCN 5AM
Restore database (no scn specified) from tape: : SCN 5AM
Copy archivelogs from old server to archivelog new location: SCN 7AM.
Recover database
open database -> SCN 5AM or 7AM?

Does it recover till SCN 5AM (controlfile) or SCN 7AM (latest scn in copied archivelog)

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Backup Of Database A From Into B

Jun 16, 2013

I need to restore a backup of database A from into Database B. Both have the same names. Database B is already up and running.

I have a full rman backup of Database A ( it was taken with a recovery catalog which I don't have access to now as it was deleted ). I just have the full backup pieces including the control files. Is it possible to recover this database into Database B from this stand point.

I was thinking

2. Shutdown database B
3. Mount database B. It has same name as Database A.
4. With RMAN restore controlfile. Will a new controlfile be created from the backup directory I have the rman pieces for the full backup in ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Database Using Control File Until Cancel

May 17, 2012

In order for the following command to work:

> recover database using backup control file until cancel;

what command must precede it, is it:

> alter database backup control file to trace;

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore And Recover Database Excluding Tablespace

Jul 27, 2011

I am doing some test, seeking your expert opinion.I have a database and have the following backup strategy.

1) Database running in archive log mode.
2) First I backup all the table space excluding one tablespace 'DP_TS_LOB'.


3) I take a separate Backup of DP_TS_LOB tablespace.


4) I backup all the archived redo logs.

RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input;

Now I wanted to restore the database from the backup excluding the DP_TS_LOB and bring it up and running. DP_TS_LOB is huge and used only on certain work flows. I don't want the database to be down until we restore DP_TS_LOB. I wanted to restore all the other tablespace and bring the database up operational and restore and recover the DP_TS_LOB tablespace datafile's in background taking the datafiles of DP_TS_LOB tablespace offline.I tried the following but unsuccessful.

RMAN> restore controlfile to 'g:ctl_bckctl_01' from autobackup;
RMAN> restore spfile to 'g:ctl_bckspfile' from autobackup;
RMAN> sql "create PFILE = ''G:ctl_bckPFILE'' from SPFILE = ''G:ctl_bckSPFILE''";

Update the new parameter with new control file name. Copied the control file and parameter file to corresponding location.

RMAN> startup nomount pfile=D:appdivaproduct11.1.0db_1databasepfile;
RMAN> restore database skip tablespace 'dp_ts_lob';
RMAN> alter database mount;
RMAN> sql 'alter database datafile 8 offline'; ==> datafile of DP_TS_LOB tablespace.

First I assumed "Recover Database" will only recover online database files. But got the following error.

RMAN> recover database;

Starting recover at 27-JUL-11
using channel ORA_DISK_1
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 07/27/2011 18:23:03
RMAN-06094: datafile 8 must be restored

Then I tried recovering data file separately, but same error.

RMAN> recover datafile 1;

Starting recover at 27-JUL-11
using channel ORA_DISK_1

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 07/27/2011 18:24:30
RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-01139 - RESETLOGS Option Only Valid After Incomplete Database Restore

May 21, 2013

restored from tape a backup then issued rman command

RMAN> restore database;

Starting restore at 21-MAY-13
Finished restore at 21-MAY-13

RMAN> alter database open;

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of alter db command at 05/21/2013 15:36:15
ORA-01190: control file or data file 1 is from before the last RESETLOGS
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u02/oradata/system01.dbf'

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Using Target Database Control File / Separate Catalog Database

Mar 14, 2012

How one should know whether RMAN is using target database control file or using separate catalog database. Also what one should do if he dont have catalog users credentials.

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Restore Database From Backup Using Emc Bcv Technology?

Oct 15, 2010

can we restore oracle database using backup using emc bcv technology? i dont have experience with bcv.

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To Restore Database From A Cold Backup

Feb 28, 2013

I've got a database I need to restore from a cold backup, but I don't have a copy of the multiplexed members of the redo groups - each group has 2 members, and we've only got a backup of the first.

I know this won't stop the database from starting, and I can recreate them, but for ease can you copy and rename a redo log file from a multiplexed copy to correct location like you can with a control file?

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RMAN :: Restore Backup In Different Database On Same RAC

Nov 6, 2013

We have 11gR2 2 node RAC on Linux. ASM and OMF is used for database. The database on it is backed up using RMAN. We want to test the RMAN backup by restoring it to a new database on same server.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Perform Database Recovery And Up Database

Jan 16, 2012

1) i lost my control file number 'some loc'contol01.ctl

2) i have restore my old backup control file (single one).

3) while starting database i got error..

ORA-00214: control file '/...../control01.ctl' version 15166739 inconsistent with file '/...../control01.ctl'

how to perform database recovery and up the database?

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Error While Backup And Restore Database To New Host?

Jul 22, 2011

I have 2 server install oracle : server 1 and server 2

server 1 run database DB01

i use rman backup DB01 ( this command : BACKUP FULL DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG DELETE INPUT; ) and move ( The database backup pieces , Controlfile backup piece, The parameter file i.e init.ora file) to server 2 .

At server 2 :

After start database with init.ora file and restore controlfile error :

RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 07/22/2011 02:56:04
RMAN-06172: no AUTOBACKUP found or specified handle is not a valid copy or piece

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Restore Of RMAN Backup Into Duplicate Database

Oct 5, 2013

I am running into a strange issue with a restore of an RMAN backup into a duplicate database,. 

1). I restored the control file from a recent backup.
 2). restored the datafiles ( about 800) 

Now when doing a recover, its giving me an error of Future recovery of a datafile marked datafile marked 350.

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: How To Restore Database If Catalog Corrupted

Feb 27, 2013

How to restore database if rman catalog corrupted and we we dont have bacup of catalog db ..all the backup info are stored in catalog db for prod databases.

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-16004 / Backup Database Requires Recovery

Oct 20, 2011

Here is the details

[oracle@localhost dbs]$ export ORACLE_SID=stby
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 20 09:47:34 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> !
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ pwd
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ exit


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Backup Flashback Data Archive And Restore On New Database?

Oct 14, 2012

Is there anyway to backup Flashback Data Archive (FBDA) data and can be restore on new database. I cannot find Oracle's document or any document explain about backing up this data.

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: To Restore 11gr2 Database To Point In Time

Dec 15, 2012

I am trying to restore 11gr2 database to point in time. using following steps:

Control files are fine, that are not restored.

RMAN> run
set until time "to_time('2012-12-13 12:12:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;

Here my problem is it is restore complete data what ever i was having, but i don't was it, i has to restore up to specified time only.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Restore / Recovery To Previous Cold Backups

Aug 13, 2013

My scenario is: database is in archivelog mode.

I run DLY cold backups including controlfile & archivelogs and keep 3 gens of backups and archivelogs to 3 days also. What is the correct procedure to restore back to an old cold backup. Database is backed up Mon,Tue,Wed on Thur we require to bring database back to Tuesday DLY security.

I have tried:
startup mount
restore database from tag 'DLYTUE'
recover database

( this just rolls forward on all archive logs once it restores datafiles, not getting to point to alter database open resetlogs.)

Next tried to :

recover database archivelog tag 'DLYTUE'
( same outcome )

What is the correct rman procedure including should I remove old archive logs from working OS directory ? Also need to know once I restore back and open database to TUE security how do you tidy up the archive logs and dumps which are no longer require i.e. : weds..

I have read about using the set until time option but how to I get absolute time from when cold backup completed if this is the correct procedure.

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Backup & Recovery :: Finding Rman Restore And Recovery Process?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a doubt regarding the process the RMAN follows for restore and recovery of the database.

My Level 0 full backup completes on Saturdays at around 11 am after taking 8 hours (It starts at 3am).On Sunday, I ask RMAN to restore (on a different box) till Saturday 11:30 am.Then, after the restore is successful, I recover it till 11:45 am.

The recovery also goes fine and Iam able to clone to test box.

Till what time is the database restored? I assume its till 11 am since the L0 backup finishes at 11 am though I have asked it to restore till 11:30 am

During the recovery, ONLY the archives generated between Saturday 3 am and till the time i asked for recovery (Saturday 11:45 am ) are required. But, checking the recovery log file, i was surprised to see that RMAN has restored archive files starting from Friday 9:30 pm (Much before the time the Level 0 backup even started).

why does RMAN require the old archive log files.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Duplicate Set Until Time Using Wrong Backup Piece Name To Restore?

Feb 26, 2012

We are doing RMAN Duplicate set until time to refresh daily our test database for our developers and it taking long time to finish. We noticed on the restore log that RMAN was using a day old old backup pieces to refresh the test database and don't immediately use the latest backup pieces instead.

For additional details here's the rman duplicate command we are using which we run daily(mon-sat) at 4am once daily full backup on production completed.

RMAN Duplicate commands:
set until time "to_date(to_char(sysdate,'Mon DD YYYY') || ' 04:00:00', 'Mon DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS')";
allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type disk;
duplicate target database to testdb;

Is there a way on how to let RMAN use the latest backup pieces instead?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Dropped Or Wrongly Updated Table Using RMAN Backup?

Feb 9, 2011

Is it possible to restore dropped table OR wrongly updated table using RMAN backup.

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore RMAN Backup In New Server / Got Error 06172

Jun 21, 2011

We are using Oracle 10g R2 in Windows Server 2003. I'm trying to restore a database in a new server, using RMAN backups.

Our external consultant configured RMAN scripts for full and incremental backups but never tested them . Since he just doesn't show up, I'm forced to tested them, restoring the whole database in a new server.

My instance is named MTDPROD, and I will create all from scratch.

At current server, RMAN files are generated in:

At new server, I run all these commands:

C:>oradim -new -sid MTDPROD -intpwd mtdprod
Instance created
-- I created the relevant folder hierarchy under <ORACLE_BASE>
-- Then, I created the relevant directories for Oracle Database, as
--a. Create BDUMP, CDUMP, and UDUMP directories under '<ORACLE_ BASE>


By instance, I see a lot of this kind of files:

- FULL_MTDPROD_20110529_386_1.BAK
- INCR_MTDPROD_20110621_480_7.BAK
And only see these two files:
- C-2169285856-20110527-03
- C-2169285856-20110527-04

It seems that this C-2169285856-.... files only were on 27/05/2011 and then no more. However, the FULL_... and INCR_.. files are generated every day. The FULL is generated at the end of each month and INCR is generated every day.

This is the backfull.sql:

run {
allocate channel c1 type disk maxpiecesize=4G;
CROSSCHECK archivelog all;
incremental level 0


This is the backincr.sql:

run {
allocate channel c1 type disk maxpiecesize=4G;
CROSSCHECK archivelog all;
incremental level 1 cumulative


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