Application Express :: To Automatically Update The Value Every Time A New Row Is Inserted

Dec 3, 2012

I have a procedure I need to feed a number into in order to generate some thumbnails.

I'm trying to automatically update the value every time a new row is inserted but I'm having trouble with the code.



end;I get the error +'ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error'+

If I run the query SELECT MAX(IMAGE_ID) FROM IMAGES, it returns the last row ID I created just as it should. The create_blob_thumbnail(varInt) procedure works fine if I manually put in a number.

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Generate Application Prototype Automatically?

May 11, 2013

I am working with APEX 4.2. I have a schema with tables and views create and with data all tables.

Question : There is some way that I can generate automatically a application for all those tables & views. I remember that version 2 have this option.

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Application Express :: Capturing Insert Done And Storing Value Inserted?

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to insert In multiple table where one tbl PK is FK of other , I achieved that functionality using Instead of Insert trigger.(PK is handled by another trigger) -- main functionNow On successfully insert i need to captured the PK in Hidden variable to pass it on further for more insert on other table (Pk again being Fk to this table)--- secondary function

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Application Express :: Any Way To Add Text To Image Automatically

Dec 18, 2012

I have an image that shows flags of 2 countries... I want to show revenues that they generate every day. is there a way to add text to the image (on it) using values from a table.

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Application Express :: Procedure Automatically Called Again After 5 Minutes?

Jun 13, 2013

Apex 3.2. I have a page with a button. Once the user clicks the button a call is made to a procedure in a package.This procedure acesses a couple more procedures and functions, inorder to import data from one table to another. If the procedure takes more than 5 minutes to complete, the user receives an error message.This is actually the error message the user should get if he tries to do an import while another user’s import is running. Is it possible that if the called procedure doesn’t return in under 5 minutes the page is reloaded and the procedure called again resulting in the above error message. 

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Application Express :: How To Automatically Send Report After It Is Created

Sep 16, 2013

I am beginner . I found this tutorial how to save and access report.Storing and Accessing Reports in the Database In that tutorial report is saved onclick.Is there a way to automatically email report everytime report is generate or I should first save it (PDF, CSV,..) with SQL script and then email it? I also found that in Interactive report there is page process that can send e-mails. Is it possible that page process send e-mail with report or report should be also saved before sending? The reason for this is that we want to have a history of created reports.

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Application Express :: How To Create Automatically Item If Value Insert Into Masters

Oct 14, 2013

 i have create service rate card Form for transport Service and i have declare transport component into master lookup table .There is 11 component into master.To Difine rate for a particular transport service i have insert these component name with there rate into another table transport_rate _card.

 To do this i have created page with these 11 component name item and there 11 rate item to enter component rate  with respective services. Problem is if i create 11 component name text item and 11 text item to enter there conmponent rate but if user add 3 or 4 or 5 more componenet name into master then i'll be need to add extra component name text item and component rate text i need to create form where if user add more component into master then component name item and component rate item should be increase automaticaly. 

How i can create form where item added auotmaticaly acording to component which are exist into master table. there is only component name into master table. 

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PL/SQL :: Select Data Which Is Inserted At Same Time?

Mar 20, 2013

I wanted to select data which is inserted on the same time.

Is that possible? I am trying with below query but facing isses.

SQL> SELECT a,b,c,d FROM tb;

no rows selected

SQL> SELECT a,b,c,d FROM (INSERT INTO tb VALUES(1,1,1,1));
SELECT a,b,c,d FROM (INSERT INTO tb VALUES(1,1,1,1))
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find The Time Of A Record Inserted Into Table

Oct 20, 2010

I have a table which is getting populated from a source. I dont have a time-stamp column in the table. Is there anyway to find the time when a record was inserted into the table?

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Forms :: New Record With Same ID Inserted Every Time - Duplication

Mar 4, 2013

I have a form that used to enter new employees , if the employee ID already registerd then the user can ONLY update the information and NOT adding the same ID with new info.

int the ID item in when-validat-item trigger I put this code


declare --chg#13-3169 nada


in the save button the code is : commit;

The problem Is : a new record with same ID is inserted every time !! Duplication is happining

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Application Express :: How To Update Application From One Instance To Another Without Losing SIR

Aug 21, 2013

We have several prod instances and many applications on each of these... and interactive reports saved by many users.Each prod application have its own ID, distinct from the dev application ID.

Until today I used the apex_application_install inside the first wokspace only, and it works fine, but I need to update applications on every instances. It seems the only way to keep a saved report during an update is to use the same application Id (use the app n°200 to overwrite the n°200).So it means the only available method is : release the dev app on the dev workspace ; export 50 apps from it and import those 50 times, maybe more in the future. 

My configuration :Oracle Standard or XEApex 4.1.1OHS

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Application Express :: Validate Date And Time

Jul 18, 2012

I am using Apex 3.2

I have a field on my form called P4_START..It has a format mask of DD.MM.YYYY HH24 MI and a default value of TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI').

I need to create a validation which fires on save, to ensure the user is inputting a date and time

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Forms :: Insert Date And Time Automatically In Table

Apr 29, 2013

i have emp table of 5 columns empno,ename,dept,sal,edit_timing(edit timing datatype is timestamp).and my form contains empno,ename,dept,sal. is if i insert a record into forms it automatically insert the date and timing into edit_timing columns.

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Application Express :: Manual Update Of Two Reports

Sep 7, 2012

I have two SQL reports on the same page.

Those SQL reports are built with apex_items. Afterwards I'm updating them with a manual process (apex_application.g_fxx for ..loop). I'm using different IDs on both reports for the apex_items.

It's working fine for the first report displayed. But not for the second one. If I swap the two reports, it's always the first that will be updated.

Does it mean that we cannot use the apex_application to update more than one report and that I have to use a page per report?

I'm using APEX

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Application Express :: Update Values When Logout

Sep 14, 2013

I want to make DML process when the user logout :-i do the following steps :-1-I change the url &LOGOUT_URL to another page not the login page like 10  , as wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout?p_this_flow=&APP_ID.&p_next_flow_page_sess=&APP_ID.:102- Make tow process in the pageone (on-load before header) to do dml code like this

where upper(:p101_username)  like upper(USER_NAME);
END;and another process after header
apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
p_this_flow => :APP_ID,
p_next_flow_page_sess => :APP_ID ||':101'

to go to the login pagebut the dml code not executeand when try to login again i have this errorContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Set-Cookie: ORA_WWV_APP_100=-1; HttpOnly Location: /apex/f?p=100:101

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Application Express :: Current_timestamp Vs Daylight Saving Time

Jan 27, 2013

the time in my online application is 1 hour later than is actually is. So 21.30is actually 20.30. This is my code:

    select 1
    from   vex_rondes rde
    where rde.datum_einde < current_timestamp
    and = b_rde_idrde.datum_einde

is a date column filled with dates of course ins this format: 10-01-2013 20:45 (10th January 2013 20h45).How can I get this current_timestamp correct?

select 1
    from   vex_rondes rde
    where rde.datum_einde+(1/24) < current_timestamp
    and = b_rde_idbut that's not very elegant nor generic...

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Application Express :: Plugin For Academic Time Table?

Sep 18, 2013

need to build an application for registering the teaching hours of academic staff based on faculty's Time TableWhat is the best plugin for doing that?

For example, is this the best from your point of view - Region Plugin - SkillBuilders Calendaror the calendar region of apex can do that I need ability of adding lectures with their detail in flexible

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Server Administration :: MView Not Refreshing Automatically At Time Interval Specified?

Sep 14, 2011

I have create a mview using a dblink with the refresh difference of every 10min. Suddenly I check the mview refresh date and time it was not getting refreshed automatically at the time interval specified.

drop MATERIALIZED view log on afccv.tbl_voicechat;


I am trying to find out what is the cause of not refreshing and also googled for the same. got some link also either not linked to same problem or not cleared.. Where should i checked regarding the error cause.

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Application Express :: Change Read Only Condition From Always To None On Real Time

Sep 4, 2012

Can we change the condition of an item from always to none on the real time ? How ?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Not Updating Report Every Time

Aug 29, 2013

I have a page which downloads statspack reports from different servers and stores them in APEX. As well as this it also display a summary of data (top 5 wait events & load profile info) when hovering an icon: [URL]... The chart will refresh itself and display the data based on the value of P10_SNAPVAL (storing the PK value). The report does not do as I expect it to do (it isn't refreshing the table). I have the following:

PL/SQL Dynamic Content region making the report Dynamic Action- Event: Change- Item: P10_SNAPVAL- Action: Refresh- Affected Element: Region - Load Profile (the PL/SQL Dynamic Content)- Event scope:

I've tried both bind & live The value of P10_SNAPVAL is changed whenever the user hovers a penguin icon (this works because the chart works). 

$('img[name=summary]').mouseover(function() {
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value, nu

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Application Express :: Database Link Slows Down The Response Time

Jul 11, 2013

I have a question regarding db link. I have a query that uses a database link, i speed it up by adding the DRIVING_SITE hint and it worked when executed from

sql*plus or pl/sql developer.

It returns results in 3 seconds or even less. However, when i put this query back into the APEX application, specifically into an interactive report page -- it runs for 3 mins!

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Application Express :: File Upload Abort After Long Time

Aug 2, 2012

I am trying to upload big files to individual table with BLOB column. During upload process after long time approx. 2h I get the following error message:

tID=4cec5fc8-b9e1-4017-a859-8759ec1f5d37;|oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleBlobOutputStream.flushBuffer( ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

I am using Glassfish Server v2.1.1 with APEX Listener v1. Timeout parameters for JDBC settings in APEX Listener are default. Thus I would expect to abort earlier to be an issue of JDBC Connection?

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Application Express :: Response Time Too Long - 4.2 RESTful WebService

Aug 26, 2013

i need to consume web services within my apex Apps, i tried sample app from here: worked, but response time is about 15 seconds, then i tried another with Google Geocode APIURL.... and again time is 15-16 seconds. It's normal response time from Apex Web Services or is there something to do.

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Application Express :: Default Time In Data Picker Calendar

Aug 3, 2012

I'm using one of the new Date/Time picker items in Apex 4.0.2. When the user clicks the Calendar image the Calendar is displayed with the current date and time. However I would like it to display by default the current date and a time of 1000hrs.

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Application Express :: Automatic Update Of Collection And Table?

Oct 29, 2013

I am trying to update a collection and a table.I got some example code and installed on, but I just can't seem to get it to work.I always get an errorORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process.I think the problem lies with comparing the checksums, but I cannot spot the mistake 

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Application Express :: Update Field On Change For SQL Query

Nov 26, 2012

We are using APEX 4.2, 10GR2, RedHat5.

I have a report that comes from SQL Query (updateable report). I'm using the apex_item.text and apex_item.hidden on fields. I'm using a button to submit and after submit process to add some logic that I need.

There could be 1 - 10 records in the report. There is only 1 field that is needed to enter a value, but the value of this field determines the value of another field. I think that I can do this with a submit button and an after submit process where I loop through all the records. I think I have this handled.

This is the question

When the value of that field is changed then the value of another field in the same row changes immediately. All the examples I've seen so far are for a single record and that doesn't work for us.

I guess this is a MRU process but I haven't seen an example where a dynamic action is possible on a Multi Row Update.

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Application Express :: Update Record In Another Row When Date Changed

Oct 10, 2013

As all of you know, In the Apex,  when you create a form with report in the page, you are able to insert and edit data. But when you edit the data, the data will be modified in the same row. In other word, you loose the old data.

What I need to do is: I have revised_num field and production_date field. I want to create a form with report and insert and edit data as is in the apex and insert 0 to the revised num until production date is null. But when  production date is not null, then from that point, I want to insert data to another row and modify revised num to 1. and I want the revised num be incremented by 1 each time the user modifies the data after the production date is not null.I don't know where I should start.

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Application Express :: Send Link To Update Some Record

Mar 8, 2013

Is there some simple solution how to send email to user with link ('I don't want to receive emails from you in the future') ?

The link should contain some key information for each user.

If user click the link - update of the table should be done. (some IDC updates from 'Y' to 'N').

Specs: APEX 4.1.1
Listener 1.1.3
DB 11G
Apache Tomcat 6.0

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Application Express :: How To Add Update Process To Printing A Report

Jun 29, 2012

I followed the directions to print a report using this documentation [URL]....where I setup a report query and a report layout and then add the url to a button that when clicked opens up the report in my chosen format. This all work very nicely. However, I need to update the table behind each record that gets printed and I cannot figure out how to couple the print request and an update process in APEX.

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Application Express :: Assigning Value To Select List Only First Time Page Loads

Jan 3, 2013

I am trying to set the intial value of "Select List" to APP_USER the only first time when the page loads and use it to filter the report, any other time once the page is loaded the user should select another value from the Select List then click the submit button to display the details in the report, i tried to achieve this by setting "select List" creating LOV for Select List then set default=APP_USER but now the problem any time you click the submit button it reset the "Select List" from selected value back to default so how can you achieve this to set the value of Select List only the first time the page loads?

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