Application Express :: 4.2.2 Upgrade Not Working?

Aug 7, 2013

We have upgraded our apex installation from APEX 4.0.2 to 4.2.2 and APEX listener to 2.0.2

Below is our configuration

Host 1 : Oracle databaseOracle database - - 1.1.3
Host 2 : Apex listener on Weblogic serverWeblogic server - 10.3.5 APEX listener - 2.0.2

Post the upgrade , applications that were existing before the upgrade are not working properly.

Errors faced:1.When we edit any page in application - we get no data found error2.

When we run any application - We get no data found error We are able to create new applications without any issues.Luckily , we had the export backup of one application taken before upgrade. We imported that back( only one application ) and that application is working fine. We imported the application in as well and get the same error[URL]... occurs during page 'Edit' as well.

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Application Express :: Email Not Working After 4.1 Upgrade

Jun 11, 2012

O/S: Windows 2003
DB: 11gR1

Email no longer working for users after upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1. New 'principal' APEX_040100 added to same ACL as previous version's principal APEX_040000. In fact, both still exist in ACL.

Error code in APEX Admin Mail Queue: ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)

What could be causing the email facility within APEX to no longer work?

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Application Express :: Oracle SSO Authorization Not Working After Upgrade To 4.2.1

Jan 3, 2013

I have enabled SSO for my application. It was working in 4.1 version. I have upgraded to 4.2 now and the same code doesn't work now.I have created an authentication scheme where i check if a particular person is an employee based on a flag. If he is, then I return 1 to the authorization scheme i have created. This always returns 0 even if the flag is set to 'Y'. I have tried hard coding the user_id as well. It doesn't work.

I tried printing the :APP_USER but it does not give any output.

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Application Express :: JQuery Mobile Layout Grid Not Working After 4.2 Upgrade

Nov 4, 2012

I'm running a mobile application on a hosted Apex environment which uses lots of jQuery mobile. The environment has been updated to 4.2 recently, and since that happened pages that I had setup to use the content grid, to show content in 3 columns no longer works, there only appears to be 1 column now.

Code as below: -
<div class="ui-grid-b">
<div class="ui-block-a">Block A</div>
<div class="ui-block-b">Block B</div>
<div class="ui-block-c">Block C</div>

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Application Express :: Errors In Lib After 4.2 Upgrade

Jan 15, 2013

We have upgraded our environment to Apex 4.2.1. We have an older application that makes use of Apex Lib. We cannot remove Apex Lib from the application without a lot of work.

Apex Lib is now throwing an error:

in package apexlib_error procedure addApexValidationErrors WWV_Flow.g_validation_ids_in_error does not exist.

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Application Express :: Oracle 11g XE - 4.2.3 Upgrade

Nov 13, 2013

I have downloaded Oracle 11g XE and installed it on my laptop, Win 7 Enterprise Everything works great, DB admin page comes up, APEX comes up (4.0.2.x). I download the I extract the zip file and then follow the instructions in, Downloading from Oracle Technology Network  essentially the apexins.sql, apxldimg.sql with the admin password changes and anonymous user unlock. 
This is the install command, @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ 

I get the  Error processing request  ORA-010403: no data found.

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Application Express Listener :: How To Upgrade From 1.1.4 To 2

Feb 18, 2013

how to upgrade Oracle apex listener from 1.1.4 to 2.We are using Oracle apex listener with Glassfish 3.1.2.

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Application Express :: Upgrade Failed In Database From 10g To 11g

Jul 30, 2012

When we upgraded the database from 10g to 11g, Apex upgrade failed. Due to the failure, I removed the old schema and did a fresh install of Apex 4.1. It is working but we lost the applications from previous Apex.

What is the best strategy when you need both database and Apex upgrades? We are a Linux workshop, setting up Apex in Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g environment.

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Application Express :: Cache In 4.2 - Not Working?

Oct 2, 2013

I have an application built in Apex 4.2It's been running fine for several weeksI've not made any changes to the codeSuddenly it developed what seems to be a cache problem.If I enter a search criteria; it displays results. I enter a different search criteria and it brings back the same results as the first criteria.I enter a search criteria in a different field and I still get the results from the first searchI go from Internet Explorer to Mozilla.

DIfferent search criteria, but same issue. Google chrome - same issueThe obvious answer is to clear the cache.I have a process set up that is clear Cache for Items , on submit after computations and validations  and then I list all the items individually.This process has been there all along.

I never had this problem before.If I log out and come back in, same issue. What ever I enter as the first search criteria is the results no matter how I search

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Application Express :: Delete Message Not Displaying When Upgrade To 4.1

Jul 31, 2012

I am in the middle of upgrading my application to Apex 4.1 from 3.2.1. I have been using the default delete message and now it won't work.

<script langues="javascript" type ="text/javascript"
button action

redirect to url ----> javascript:confirmDelete(htmldb_delete_message,'DELETE_RATING');

now all I receive is a message from the webpage, instead of the message.

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Application Express :: 4.2 Theme Upgrade - Best Way To Reorganize Pages

Nov 14, 2012

I have been given the task to modify our company's Apex from 4.1 to 4.2. The upgrade has been completed; in addition, the current UI, blue and tan has been updated to BlueJay. I have noticed the structure of the page gets shuffled as well as contents within modules. What would be the best way to "re-organize" my pages.

- Would it be easy for me modify the page, if so how do I do this. The settings look identical, so what would I change ?
- Do I recreate the entire page from scratch ?

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Application Express :: No Page Edit Functionality After Upgrade To 4.2.2?

Jul 12, 2013

Apex has been upgraded from 4.1 to 4.2.2. I don't know if the upgrade was done correct or not by the administrator, but I don't have the page edit link anymore,

and anytime I run a individual page from the Edit Application, I have to Log in. Did something went wrong during the upgrade or is this the behavior of Apex now, which I don't think so.

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Application Express :: GET_BLOB_FILE_SRC Not Working With Zero Session ID

Jul 17, 2012

I have an application where I use the zero session ID for public users. The problem is, I have a region that contains a report linking to PDF files contained in a BLOB and I use GET_BLOB_FILE_SRC to link to the PDFs. I've included the report in my global content (page 0) and want it to be available to all visitors. The problem is, it only works when a user has authenticated. It throws a PAGE NOT FOUND error for public users.

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Application Express :: 4.2.2 Upgrade Now Giving Apex_mail ORA_2427 ACL Error

Sep 30, 2013

We just upgraded to APEX and we are getting ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) errors form apex_mail. This had been working correctly prior to the upgrade.

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Application Express :: 4.2 Upgrade - Unable To Test Report Queries?

Apr 5, 2013

After upgrading to Apex 4.2 I'm now unable to test Report Queries. Each time I click on the Test Report button via Shared Components|Report Queries I recieve the following error message:

ORA-20001: The printing engine could not be reached because either the URL specified is incorrect or a proxy URL needs to be specified.

I still have Apex version 4.1 installed on a different server and it appears to be working fine.

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Application Express :: Upgrade Within Oracle XE Database Installation On Windows 7

Aug 28, 2012

O/S: Windows 7 64-bit
DB: Oracle XE 11g2 32-bit
APEX: 4.0.2

Trying to upgrade APEX within an Oracle XE database installation on Windows 7. The version of APEX that came with Oracle XE is 4.0.2. Trying to upgrade to 4.1.1 and, from the SQL*Plus command-line (ie. the 'Run SQL Command' tool which comes with Oracle XE), I try to run @apexins.sql.

It starts to run momentarily, then the MS-DOS windows just closes. Can not find any install log to determine the cause.

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Application Express :: Custom Download Procedure Not Working?

Oct 16, 2013

I have created a custom download procedure to download uploaded files from custom table records which are displayed via links and i call my procedure as #OWNER#.my_file?p_file=#ID#. Now the problem this procedure call works in my development system not any other system.

is there any grant i need to provide but i don't want to grant to public also apex 4.1.1  create or replace PROCEDURE

my_file(p_file in number) AS        v_mime  VARCHAR2(500);        v_length  NUMBER;        v_file_name VARCHAR2(400);        Lob_loc  BLOB;BEGIN    SELECT trim(MIME_TYPE), BLOB_CONTENT, trim(filename),DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(blob_content)          INTO v_mime,lob_loc,v_file_name,v_length      FROM EMP.FILE_attachments                WHERE id = p_file;     owa_util.mime_header( nvl(v_mime,'application/octet'), FALSE );        htp.p('Content-length: ' || v_length);     htp.p('Content-Disposition:  attachment; filename="'||replace(replace(substr(v_file_name,instr(v_file_name,'/')+1),chr(10),null),chr(13),null)|| '"');  owa_util.http_header_close;                wpg_docload.download_file( Lob_loc ); ---------------------------------

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Application Express :: Filter In Interactive Report Is Not Working

Dec 18, 2012

I am facing very strange situation. In one of my Interactive report, Filter option is not working (Processing symbol is appearing on top of the page, but nothing happens.). Is there any setting or something like that?

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Application Express :: JavaScript API To Set Item Values Not Working In 4.2 EA2?

Aug 7, 2012

I had a complex drill-down dashboard where I was setting page items through $s(Page Item, value) from the Chart Links. But when I did the same thing in APEX 4.2 EA on [URL] is simply opening a blank page. whether in 4.2 that Java API has been removed?

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Application Express :: Installation (or Upgrade) Supporting Objects On Command Line

Mar 31, 2013

is it currently possible to install the supporting objects using sqlplus?

When I export an APEX application which contains supporting objects (scripts to install images, css files, tables and seed data) I can run this script on the command line using sqlplus to install the application into the target environment.

After installing the application (which works fine), I cannot invoke the installation of the supporting objects nor the upgrade of the the supporting objects.

Am I overlooking the obvious, have checked APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL but there is no function available for that purpose?

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Application Express :: 4.2 Upgrade - Update Record Button Apply Changes Disappeared

Aug 27, 2012

I got a bug related to update information in APEX.

the situation occurs when I go to update a record the button Apply changes disappeared, it shows me only the button create, so when the user click on it, it creates a duplicate.. so how can i have the button "apply changes" back?

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Application Express :: 4.2 Upgrade - Static File Upload Mim - Type Error?

Apr 17, 2013

After Upgrading to Apex 4.2

When uploading a static text/javascript file (i.e. filename = 'thisFile.js') the file Mime Type defaults to 'application/octet-stream' (instead of 'text/javascript'). This issue occurs in I.E. 8 but not in Firefox.

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Application Express :: LDAP Authentication Working But How To Add Roles And Rules

Jan 22, 2013

I have got single sign on working via the built in LDAP Directory authentication in APEX. But at the moment this is letting everyone who is within AD log inHow can I assign role permissions to each logged in user so some users have an admin role and see certain parts of the application / pages / navigation items while editors and readers have different permissions

And also to restrict access to certain pages within the application

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Search Not Working Properly?

Jun 12, 2013

I am using Apex 4.2, The Interactive report Search is not working properly, when i am entering complete date or time it is not showing any to increase performance of the search...

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Application Express :: Enable / Disable Of Button Based On LOV Not Working

Oct 10, 2012

I have a Select list which when null should disable a button and when not null should enable it. For which I tried the Advanced DA. Strangely, in the final page where we select the item that is going to be controlled, the button is not listed! I can see other display items etc which I can select but not the button.

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Application Express :: 4.2.2 - Import / Export Particular Page Are Not Working Correctly

Aug 21, 2013

I am running my oracle apex application on 4.2.2 on Exporting the application seems to work but when I go to import the application as a copy the regions within a particular page are not working correctly.  I want to be able to export the application and import a new copy as a DEV/TEST application and have it function the same way.  On the original application the region will display to the right when hovered over the edit button but in the new one it will go to the left and not format correctly.How I would like it is just for the copy application to perform the same way the original copy does.  I selected to install all dependent objects and don't know what steps I have missed to have the regions not working like they do on the original application. related to CSS not exporting/importing correctly?

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Application Express :: Failed To Load Background Images After Upgrade To 4.1.1 In Mozilla Firefox

Aug 27, 2012

I have recently upgraded our test APEX environment from 3.2.1 to Everything went smoothly - I have only one small but annoying problem. In both administration and administration services some background graphics are not displayed. This issue occurs only under Mozilla Firefox (in MS IE it OK). The application frontend is OK in both browsers.

Under Firefox, I inspected the sourcecode in Firebug and the relative links to images. e.g.

background: url("../apex/builder/bg-region-darkblue-r.gif") no-repeat scroll

show message "Failed to load the given URL".

somehow related to the fact that our application is accessed via apache proxy. Because when I open the administration and/or administration services page in FF directly on the server, it displays correctly (incl. images).

But the network (Apache proxy) configuration is exactly the same as in the previous version of APEX where we had no problem. Something must have changed in the sourcecode of the new version.

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Application Express :: Hiding / Displaying Regions Using Radio Button Not Working?

Jun 30, 2012

APEX 4.1 / 11g
Theme 21

I have a page with about 8 Classic reports. 4 of them percentage values, 4 totals. I have one RG with a Percentage or total option. When I select the percentage radio, it should hide all the total regions. When I select the totals radio it should hide all the percentage regions. Simple? So I thought. This is what I did.

1. Created a RG(P2_RG) -> Page value is redirect and set value.

2. STATIC:Percentage;P,Total;T

In the RG, I have created a normal DA which has the true and false events as follows.

Event -> Change
Items -> P2_RG
equal to -> P

In the true actions, I have hidden the 4 totals regions.
shown the 4 Percent regions.
In the false action, I have shown
hidden the 4 percent region
shown the 4 totals region.

The event specification for one these true actions is

Action -> Hide (If I am hiding)
Fire when event is ->True
Selection type -> region
Region -> The region I want to hide/show.

But it does not work! I tried to replicate the issue on apex, by using a small example but could not. Works fine in apex following the same process.


I tried to debug by having a display item to show the value when I change the radio button. The values are changing properly. I tried actually, adding a condition filter in the region itself by using the "Value of item/column in expression1 = expression 2" where expression one I tried :P2_RG and expression 2 as P but that just hides the whole region.

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Application Express :: JavaScript - Execute When Page Loads Not Working When Paging Results Grid

Aug 12, 2013

I have some Javascript in an Apex page, running in 'Execute when page loads'. It does some stuff to a results grid. It works fine on page load, but then doesn't run when I page through, or sort the grid. I presume this is because the grid is being sorted / paged using Ajax, which means the page isn't being fully loaded. Is there anywhere else I can put the code so it gets applied to the grid on sorts and paging?

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Real Application Clusters :: 11g DB Standalone To Cluster Upgrade Approaches?

Jul 6, 2012

We have to upgrade our existing 11g R-1standalone DB to Cluster & ASM. Upgrade DB from to & Enable RAC.

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