Application Express :: 3.2 - Validate Date Format

Oct 17, 2013

Apex 3.2 I have a field called P14_START_DATE.The display as type is Date Picker (DD.MM.YYYY). Now if the user uses the pop up calendar, the field is populated with eg 07.12.2013. I have 2 standard validations, not null and item specified is a valid date. If the user decides to type in the date, they can use a different format, eg 07/12/2013, which I do not want to happen.How can I validate the field, so they get an error if they do not use format

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Application Express :: Validate Date And Time

Jul 18, 2012

I am using Apex 3.2

I have a field on my form called P4_START..It has a format mask of DD.MM.YYYY HH24 MI and a default value of TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI').

I need to create a validation which fires on save, to ensure the user is inputting a date and time

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Application Express :: How To Validate Date In Column Section

Dec 19, 2012

How to validate a date in column section?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Validate Date Format

Feb 27, 2012

How can I check if date is in correct format ? I have In parameter for function. It is date. Example:


How can I check this format ?

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Application Express :: ORA-01821 / Date Format Not Recognized

May 15, 2013

My environment settings:

Oracle Database 64 bits
Weblogic 10.3.5

When I try to access the development environment of the apex or any other screen, this error occurs intermittently.These errors (ORA-01821: date format not recognized) and (ORA-02063: preceding line from) are related to existing dblink's.

Parameters from apex database:

SQL> select * from nls_instance_parameters;
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------


Parameters from dblink database:


------------------------------ ----------------------------------------


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Application Express :: Validation On Text Item / User Enter Valid Date Format

Oct 13, 2012

i have text item :P1_ADMISSION_DATE .i want to validate that item if user does not enter valid date forrmat then display me error.

Date Format is 'DD-MON-YYYY'

i have try with PL/SQL Expression in Validation

My validation code

:P1_ADMISSION_DATE=TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-MON-YYYY');How can i validate :P1_ADMISSION_DATE to enter valid date format by user.

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Validate Field In Tabular Forms?

May 13, 2013

1.- i have a product_item field (wich is a lov and user choose one value), so i need to call a function (sending it the selected value product_item) that will return me some data about the product i selected, for example :

if the function return 'A' then
disable the next item on tabular form, lets say quantity
enable the next item on tabular form, lets say quantity
end if

2.- i need to determine the result of two items operations:
total := final_quantity - start_quantity
the user will introduce start and final quantity and i will determine the total.

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Application Express :: Validate Database Column Using Validations Tab?

Sep 11, 2012

I'm trying to validate a database column using the validations tab in APEX, the data entered will always be in 'A0000' format but i cannot work out how to set up the validation correctly

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Application Express :: How To Validate In Common PL/SQL Package And Show Custom Messages

Feb 11, 2013

Currently if i let required field empty, then APEX puts systematic error message "XXX must have some value." near the field and into the page header. I want to create custom business rule, that would show message for example "This action cannot be performed, because this and that...".

That kind of custom validation should be in my plSql package and somehow it should throw/send the phrase "This action cannot be performed, because this and that..." to the page header where was message "XXX must have some value.".

How can i create such custom error message to appear out using PlSql package function that i define myself? I plan to create a common validation package, which has lots of plsql functions to validate lot of APEX pages/forms, all those functions should throw/send somehow error messages to page header. I looked that this unofficial solution does not suit for me:


Because it disables APEX systematic automatic validations as i understand, and is unofficial.

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Application Express :: Unable To Set Default Date Value For Tabular Form DB Date Field?

Dec 3, 2012

Version : 4.1.1, I have a tabular form on a DB table. One of the columns is a date field. When the user hits the "add Row" button on the tabular form, I want the Date field to be defaulted to sysdate. Here is what I have tried so far,

1. Created a "hidden" item P1_SYSDATE and populated the default value with sysdate. After this, under the DB tabular report date field, I used default type - Item/application on this page and entered P1_sYSDATE

2. Instead of populating the default value of the P1_SYSDATE hidden item, I created a before regions process and added

:P1_SYSDATE := sysdate

and added P1_SYSDATE to default type of the tabular date field with default type as "ITem/application on this page.

I get the error

ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression

I tried to_Char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and then converting it back to to_date. still no luck.

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Application Express :: Format IR Total And Text

Nov 13, 2013

Apex 4.2 I have an interactive report.I use the sum attribute on the column and break formatting option to create a report total on one columnReport Sum Label Total:Break Columns No BreaksHow to I format the total text and value in to red 

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Application Express :: Format Mask For Percent Sign

May 16, 2013

Is there no format mask for Percent sign. My customer is creating a Computed field and wants to have the percent sign added to the result. (like a dollar sign). I saw some posts about adding jQuery..??? Is this going to be added to the APEX code some day?

Just like the Money format, FML999G999G999G999G990D00, where did FML come from? it translates to a dollar sign. Isn't there something that could translate to a percent sign

990D000PCT     75.328%

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Application Express :: Currency Format For List Item Values

Sep 18, 2012

How can i apply currency format to the select list values queried from database tables. The data is stored in database in number format. The user wants to see 1000 separator commas in the list item values.

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Application Express :: Proxy Error When Downloading Report (IR) In CSV Format

Aug 22, 2012

I'm getting the error below when downloading IR report in csv format. I'm getting that whenever the records is more than 108,000. Is there a limit in records to download? Is there a resolution.

I am using apex 4.1, EXCEL 2010.

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Application Express :: Where To Add HTML Format For Phone No So It Dials On Touch In List View

Sep 12, 2013

In Apex 4.2 Jquery mobile list view how can you apply html format for the phone# field to make it dial with a touch.  For example, I see how to do a list view of the 'DEMO_CUSTOMER' sample data, but I cannot figure out how to format the phone # fields so that they will dial on touch.  I know the HTML tags to use and I know how to use it in a standard report, but I can't figure out list view. 

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Application Express :: Number Mask Format With Tabular Form (Text Field)

Aug 24, 2012

By default number that "starts" with a leading zero with decimals - zero is removed. 0.49 => .49

I'm adding for e.g. the mask "FM990D0999". 0.49 => 0.49

Ok this is fixed.But if I have an integer without decimal. 1 => 1.0

If I change the mask to FM990D9999 1=> 1.

I would like to have a zero leading when it's 0.49 but also no decimal when it's an integer => 1

APEX 4.0 with 11g

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Visual Studio :: Set Query Window Default Date Format To Full Date?

Oct 24, 2013

When I run a query form the the Query Window in Visuial Studios 2012 all the date fields truncated to 'mm/dd/yyyy', but i need the full date returned. I am able to get full date from  TO_char(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), but if I do TO_DATE(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  it only returns  'mm/dd/yyyy'. I'm sure this is a simple setting in Visual studios but I cant find it to save my life. Is there there a way to have the full date returned by default?

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Can't Validate Date Overlaps For A Tabular Column

Oct 2, 2013

The validation I created to validate whether new or updates rows does not overlap with any records in the table isn't working. The columns are StartDt and EndDt  Validation Type:

NOT EXISTSValidation expresion:select 1    from  sample S    WHERE S.STARTDT BETWEEN :STARTDT AND :ENDDTOR(S.ENDDT BETWEEN :STARTDT AND :ENDDT)or (S.STARTDT <= :STARTDT and S.ENDDT >= :ENDDT)or (:STARTDT <= S.STARTDT and :ENDDT >= S.ENDDT)Error Message:Times overlapWhen Buttons pressed-Select Button- The validation works if a new row or updated row overlaps any existing start and end date records but it doesn't work if I update startdate and end date rows that doesn't overlap existing date times Example:TABLE


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Forms :: Date Field Gets Disabled When Date Format Is Given?

Oct 3, 2012

A field named xxx_date is a text item which we have to enter manually so as to update a record in that particular date. This is a mandatory field without which we cannot continue the data entry..

I am getting this error while trying to update the record

FRM-40509 :Oracle error :unable to update record

I have kept the enabled = yes
data type=Date.. in the property pallet

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PL/SQL :: Reset Date In Specific Format (Date / Time)

Dec 23, 2012

I want to reset my date to this format: 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM - see code below:

v_latest_close DATE;
v_latest_close := TO_DATE ('12/31/2012 23:59:59 ','MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The new date format is : '|| v_latest_close);

the code above displays only : 12/31/2012 instead of 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM

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Application Express :: Date Without Weekend

Apr 22, 2013

I need to block the weekends in Date Picker item. It must appear disabled.

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Application Express :: How To Put More Than Date Per Row On Calendar

Jun 11, 2013


I need to put the ITEM_NAME+'DEV', ITEM_NAME+'PROD', ITEM_NAME+'TESTING' on one calendar,

the calendar provided by APEX is supposed to ask one date per item, so how I can put more than a date per item?  So for example


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Application Express :: Global Item Date

Dec 19, 2012

in my application I have several pages with the item of date. How to ensure that all items had the same date for all pages and can be set on each page ?.

Application Express:
DB: Version

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Application Express :: Date Picker With Seconds?

Apr 11, 2013

I'm using Apex 4.2.1 against Oracle 11gR2 and mod_plsql.create a date picker item that allows users to select seconds as well as hours and minutes.

I have searched this Forum and see that others have asked this question. The answers have all been "No". However, I've seen no such question since version 4.1 has been released, and so, am hoping there now is a way to do this.

I have adjusted the Date Format field to be "DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS", both under the date picker item itself as well as under the "Global" parameters section of my application. All to no avail. The date picker shows only hours and minutes for the time portion.

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Application Express :: Report String Column To Date?

Apr 22, 2013

v: Apex 4.2

I have Dynamic report and column say some_date column and data can be in the columun (01-JAN-13) OR (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13), (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13,10-JAN-13) so on.

in actual table column some_date is date field but in report as above (string) because using RTRIM(some_date, ',') some_date within the select MODEL clause.

my problem is when run the report and select filter from action menu then it doesn't give option such as < , > or so on because of string but I want it should give <, <=, >, >= operators too as date column.

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Application Express :: IR Report Date Column Popup

Apr 30, 2013

I have an IR report and want to add another column such as complete_date. I want to add as a link so when user click it then should display the popup window or javascript popup for date selection. i don't want to use apex_item.date_popup or apex_item.date_popup2. On date selection popup user can choose only two dates such as yesterday or today all other date should be disabled?

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Application Express :: Update Record In Another Row When Date Changed

Oct 10, 2013

As all of you know, In the Apex,  when you create a form with report in the page, you are able to insert and edit data. But when you edit the data, the data will be modified in the same row. In other word, you loose the old data.

What I need to do is: I have revised_num field and production_date field. I want to create a form with report and insert and edit data as is in the apex and insert 0 to the revised num until production date is null. But when  production date is not null, then from that point, I want to insert data to another row and modify revised num to 1. and I want the revised num be incremented by 1 each time the user modifies the data after the production date is not null.I don't know where I should start.

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Application Express :: Combined Date Sorting With Anychart

Apr 25, 2013

I have a table in which I extract the year and the month and both in combination (from a date type). This is needed to summarize for example the year in a chart.

I need the combination of month and year because people could do a query which switches through years. For expample: From 02.2012 to 03.2013.My problem is I dont know how to tell anychart to sort the dates. I have already tried:

to_number(to_char(testdate,'YYYY')) as Year,
to_number(to_char(testdate,'YYYY'))||to_number(to_char(testdate,'MM')) as MonthyearApex now sorts:


I would like that apex realizes to order:

1.2012,2.2012,3.2012 .........01.2013,02.2013.03.2013

The report itself has now four date relating collums:

1) Date (Type Date)
2) Year (Type Number)
3) Month (Type Number)
4) Monthyear (Type varchar)

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Application Express :: Default Value Date Picker Field

Nov 21, 2012

In a detail tabular form I am referencing a date picker field from the master form as default value.This is the situation in the detail form:

Column Name: FECHAREGISTRO -- the field's name in the detail tabular form

Default Type: Item (application or page item name)
Default: P68_FECHAREGISTRO -- It's a field in the master form and also is Date Picker format
Reference Table Owner: SAMPEDRORIVEROS
Reference Table Name: BITACORAABOGADO
Reference Column Name: FECHAREGISTRO -- It's a date field in the database

At execution time I have the error:

report error:ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression

I think it is because i must use to_date and to_char in order to change the datatype and i have tried using:

Default: to_date(to_char(:P68_FECHAREGISTRO,'DD-MON-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY')

and in Default Type: PL/SQL Expression or Function but I get a different message at execution time:

report error: ORA-01722: invalid number.

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Application Express :: Date Formatting - Not A Valid Month

Apr 29, 2013

I am using the cloud version of APEX for a college course. The database script I am trying to load has dates formatted in "DD-MON-RR" and I receive 'not a valid month' and 'a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected'. Is there a workaround in APEX for this? I'm trying to avoid changing thousands of lines of data.

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