Alert Log Monitoring?

Jul 23, 2012

I'm using this logic to avoid specific error.Does not seem to be working fine. Any other method to exclude perticular error from monitoring.

if [ -n "$line_no1" -o -n "$line_no3" ] ; then
cat $script_loc/alrt_chk.log | grep -i "ORA-" > $script_loc/ora_alert_only.log
echo "Entering in while Loop"


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Develop Shell Script Which Will Do Monitoring Of Alert Log Daily

Nov 29, 2012

Oracle on 11gR2 on hp-ux 11.23.Need to develop a shell script which will do a monitoring of the alert log daily.

It should do a audit trail (only check for warnings/errors) for the last 1 day daily till collection time and output to a file.if no errors should output "No Errors/Warnings", else ouput the relevant.

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Monitoring Runtime Of Procedures

May 23, 2013

runtime monitoring procedures....need a sample script

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How To Know Database Shutdown Without Monitoring

Nov 23, 2010

The Database is Shutdown, no user is complaining about it and also you are not monitoring it through alert log file, then how will you, as a DBA, come to know about it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Tablespace Monitoring Script

May 20, 2013

To create a script i want to monitor my tablespaces . I want monitor my tablespace by my sqlplus in this script i want tablespace name,total size(MB),user Space (MB),Used Space (%),Free space(MB).

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Monitoring Oracle Database

Aug 20, 2010

Whats is the best Tool for monitoring ORACLE DBs ?

I've heard about Toad, Spotlight, and of course The EM from Oracle..but i know there some other tools that i maybe don't know.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Monitoring Status Of Procedure?

Feb 24, 2010

I've got a pl/sql procedure that i would like to monitor its progress. Its been running for quite a few hours now and i dont really know if it is stuck in a loop or if it is just taking too long read/execute queries. Is there a way to find out what is the status of the procedure? or what it is currently doing?

I looked at views like v$sessions or v$session_longops but they dont actually tell me what it is currently doing. All of them just point to the call to the pl/sql procedure. Also, is it possible to look at the physical files on the filesystem to know if there is actually any processing going on and files are being written to? Is this possible or a files written to only after a commit?

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Database Monitoring And Report

Aug 31, 2012

I'd like to start monitoring the customer's database. I need a tool to monitor database's performances and I also need to run day by day a series of queries that produce control reports.

I'd like the tool alerts me by email if something goes wrong.

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How To Take Full Advantages Of Monitoring Tools

Aug 6, 2013 6.1 5L (quadcore, 16GRam) I am still confused how to take full advantage of these monitoring tools. Actually the our database performance is currently satisfactory, except for occasional few minutes spikes of CPU highs > 80 .I just want to catch the culprit process/program responsible for this spikes. Is it wise to run ASH, AWR, ADDM with an input from time 1AM to 1AM next day? What I mean is I will analyze a 1-day period, so that I can catch the program/process that has the higest cpu/memory usage for the day. 

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Why Is OEM SQL Monitoring Showing Parallel On Almost Every Statement

Jan 28, 2013

I'm running Oracle EE and when I look in OEM SQL Monitoring, it shows nearly every sql statement running with a degree of parallelism of *2*.

I've checked dba_tables and the 'degree' for all tables is only 1. I look at the actual sql statement, and there are no hints to tell it to use parallelism. So why and how is the database using parallelism?

I do see that parallel_threads_per_cpu is set to 2, but this is default for our Solaris 10 operating system.

REF: (for 11.2)
PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU specifies the default degree of parallelism for the instance and determines the parallel adaptive and load balancing algorithms. The parameter describes the number of parallel execution processes or threads that a CPU can handle during parallel execution.

The default is platform-dependent and is adequate in most cases. You should decrease the value of this parameter if the machine appears to be overloaded when a representative parallel query is executed. You should increase the value if the system is I/O bound.

how to tell if my database is actually IO bound or not?

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Performance Tuning :: Index Monitoring

Aug 26, 2010

get all the unused index in the system , if i put this query in batch job and execute it every night upto one months and store its data in a table and after one months i can get all the used indexes and left would be our unused indexes.

distinct p.object_name c1
dba_hist_sql_plan p,
dba_hist_sqlstat s


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Server Administration :: Monitoring Open_cursors

Sep 13, 2011

When I monitoring db, I see open cursor increase from a machine running Java application. On the develop machine, everything is ok, but on the production server, open cursors can not close.Although the parameters are the same on 2 servers.

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Script For Monitoring Database Buffer Cache

Mar 26, 2012

give a script to find how much my db buffe cache and redo log buffer cache is used and how much is free.

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Monitoring System With A Mobile / Portable Derivative

Feb 2, 2011

I am currently working on an app for Real-Time DB Monitoring and would like to know how many of you think that you could use such an app?

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Server Administration :: Monitoring Alerts And Logs?

Dec 19, 2012

I have version installed in a server AIX and i'd like to know where are alerts and logs like "max extents reached in table....". I don't see them in alert.log.

Where is the best way to monitoring this class of alerts and logs?

How can i see how many actuals extents go consumed in tables and indexes?

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Enterprise Manager :: RAC Monitoring Through 12c Grid Control?

Jul 11, 2012

I have plan to monitor RAC database (2 instance) through 12c grid control.

Do i need to install agent on both the nodes.?

Do i need to configure both the instance.?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Monitoring Database For Resource Intensive Queries

May 31, 2012

I am database developer and suddenly i have been given a DBA work. I have to monitor database for resource intensive queries , whether i/o is more , process memory and many other stuffs.

Provide me some sql queries or scripts which shows that process are over loaded and memory needs to be allocated, queries are taking long time , i/o operation are more instead of memory.

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Server Administration :: Monitoring Unusable Objects

May 6, 2012

How monitor the unusable objects in oracle 10g ( os rhel 5? is it same as invalid objects and can be monitor as same?

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Monitoring Of Prod Database Using EMCA Control

Apr 23, 2013

I am monitoring out PROD database using EMCA database control.

Under "Performance" tab I check the AVERAGE ACTIVE SESSION and I see spikes of "CPU concurrency". (figure emca1)

figure: emca1>


I want to investigate what causes this "spike" in cpu so I drill it down further:

figure: emca2>


Then figure drill down further:

figure: emca3>


But I can not understand what causes the spike thing.

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Client Tools :: SQL Tracker Monitoring W3wp.exe

Oct 6, 2010

I am trying to use SQL Tracker but when ja want to start monitoring w3wp.exe proccess, it says:

"Failed to create remote thread; error=8(Not enough storage is available to proccess this command.)"

When I try to monitor some other proccess(example toad.exe), it works. I run SQL Tracker in administrator mode.

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Enterprise Manager :: How To Add Standby Monitoring On Grid Control

Mar 5, 2011

I have primary database on RAC 10g and i have a standby, i want add this standby on Grid Control for monitoring this standby.

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Server Administration :: Monitoring User Session And Killing It?

Jun 8, 2010

I am using TOAD to monitor user sessions. I have a user who uses nearly 80% of Overall resources in the mornings. He calls me daily and say that his work is done. But even then the TOAD shows that he is using same resources for some time.

My question is can i kill the session once he confirms his work is done OR do i need to wait till the redologs are cleared.

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Performance Tuning :: Tools For Monitoring Load Of Database?

Dec 3, 2010

which tools are available for monitoring load of the database?

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Server Administration :: Monitoring Auto Allocate Tablespaces

Nov 7, 2011

Currently all my tablesapces are "UNIFORM" and I am looking into going to "AUTOALLOCATE" so space will not be some much of an issue.

I am using the following code and here is the output

sqlplus -s / <<-EOT
set pages 50
set line 100
set verify off
set feed off
set trimspool on

Have a script that can emulate my above output and also deal with tablespaces that can autotallocate?

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Monitoring Script From Client Side (no Access To Server)

Sep 12, 2012

We are on oracle on Solaris 10. I dont have acces to the db server but connect to the db from the client side using sqlplus. though I have dba privilege (at oracle level) but no access to db server at os level. I also dont have access to enterprise manager console where such information is available.

I want to set up monitoring so that I can get a mail when the space falls below some threshold like say tablespace is 90% full. Is it possible to get mail from pl/sql script for example?

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Enterprise Manager :: Monitoring Standby Database Using Grid Control

Mar 3, 2008

I'm monitoring and all my databases using grid control. Recently I added a dataguard configuration but the standby database shows me a lot of error simple because it's in MOUNT state. how I should configure grid control or the standby database so the errors disappear?

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Enterprise Manager :: Unable To Apply Monitoring Template On Database Instance

Sep 13, 2011

I have to apply monitoring template on my databases. Databases are already added and configured into OEM. They are visible under Databases tab and also under Groups where I have added them.

But when I try applying monitoring template and look for database in search window, it doesn't appear there.

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Exadata :: Monitoring Cell Server With OS Watcher / Other Command Line Tools

Aug 7, 2012

we can't use the Exadata Plugin for Cloud Control but we need some monitoring of the Cell Servers.Does OS Watcher is the right tool or do we need ADRCI for incidents and so on.

What do have to install and what information do we get.

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Multiple Alert Log In 10g RAC

Jan 9, 2013

We have Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit RAC in Linux and syslog server also in Linux.

syslog server is a centralize server to monitor all the system and database log.

is there any way to create a multiple alert log file. so that we can keep one alert log file in default location and another alert log file in centralize syslog server for monitoring purpose.

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XML - Formatted Alert Log?

Jul 7, 2013

 My database version is  Is there any added advantage using XML-formatted alert log file over text format alert log?

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