How UTF8 Data Stored

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to store Chinese characters in certain fields in my database:

Version 11.2
Client NLS_LANG = UTF8
Client Region Settings = Simplified Chinese (PRC)

To Test - I have a string value I am trying to write to a field in Oracle. Looking at the source string with a hex editor, the multibyte value is E6 9C AC.

Looking the character up in UTF8 tables (U + 672C ) I can the symbol matches what I see when I look at the string with my editor.

I write the string to a field in Oracle. I can select from the field in SQLPlus and see the correct symbol.

However, when I dump the field I get the hex values B1,BE not E6 9C AC as I would expect.

explain why? And how is B1, BE getting translated back to the 'correct' symbol?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Source Code In Different Cases In Utf8 Or Unicode

Jun 7, 2012

How to write code in unicode/utf8 and used non-english variable written in different cases?The compiler is supposed to be case-insensitive. I just wonder how it handles case insensitivity for unicode or ut8 encoding.

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Client Tools :: Spool In UTF8 Not Always Works

Oct 25, 2011

I have a problem spooling flat files in utf 8. I have 3 different sql that needs to be spooled regulary in utf8 format.the first two containing special chars is spooled without any problem, but the third that is containg only numbers and pipe-s is spooled in ansi format.

i have set nls_lang=.utf8 in my shell script, but that only worked at the first two sql the last doesnt work.

I have also tried to convert file using iconv command, but the output is still in ansi (only works if i put a special char in the ansi file then it converts to utf8 without problem) if i open the file in notepad and save as utf8 then it works, but i cannnot reach the same from unix script.

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Security :: Spanish Character Encryption In UTF8

Jan 9, 2012

Recently the Oracle10g database has been migrated to UTF8 character set and the following have failed.

1. The password applied is not getting encrypted and the password contains a spanish characters.

Getting the below error.

"10057:ERROR WHILE ENCRYPTING GIVEN STRING:String:Uñomasuño5.::ORA-28232: invalid input length for obfuscation toolkit:-28232:ORA-28232: invalid input length for obfuscation toolkit"

The algorithm used for encryption DES. I tried with DESENCRYPT , DES3ENCRPYT and MD5 and it failing.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: UTF8 - Unable To Remove Hidden Character From Field

Mar 20, 2012

My database is in UTF8 character set..

And it is not supporting chr(194)||chr(160)

what character set you were using then ?

And.. is there a way to handle non breaking spaces in UTF8..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Previously Stored Data And Enter Only Current Data In A Table?

Jul 24, 2012

how to insert data in a table by deleting previous entered data and only inserting current data like:

name VARCHAR2(20),
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',5500);


I got two rows. now when I do insert statement I want to delete the previously stored data and only insert the current data like:

INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',8);
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',9);

it must show aaa,8 and aaa,9 bt not the previous values.

NOTE: we can not do sth like: update set... where id = ... becoz the values are dynamic.

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Server Administration :: Nvarchar (4000) With Setting Characterset To UTF8

Apr 22, 2010

Users are reporting that are unable to use the NVARCHAR(4000) due to the character set which is set in the database.

Currently NLS_CHARACTERSET is set to AL32UTF8

They want me to change both the character set to UTF8, so that they can use the NVARCHAR2(4000) datatype in their tables.

As UTF8 is the subset characterset and I did the cs scan and this found characterset can't be modified to UTF8 and there may be the data dictionary corruption.

Is there any other way so that users can use the NVARCHAR(4000) as datatype. And the reason why NVARCHAR2 is required is, users are trying to import the data from other database which is using NVARCHAR(4000) as one of the field.

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Networking And Gateways :: DB Link From SQL Server 2005 (Big5) To Oracle (UTF8)

Mar 18, 2010

We got a big problem that we have a db link to connect to sql server(big 5).

In original setting, there is no Chinese characters in the data. We simply grab the data from sql server and do not have any issue. But now we have data with Big5. When we import the data into our Oracle DB, which uses UTF8, all the text becomes "?

Changing character set in DB is not possible. We need to convert the text into unicode format, or allow oracle/sql server to convert it automatically.

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How To Name A Column From Data Stored In Certain Row

Oct 28, 2012

I am trying to name a column from data stored in a row (Phone number) I want to name it from the first 3 digits (Area code) and I have no clue how to do it I have googled but I think the query is a little too complicated for me to explain it and get a result from google or find it in a section of a book.

My phone numbers are strings, so I initially look for the first 3 characters and then start separating and counting, I can do that, the only problem I have is naming the column WITH the the first three digits that I just separated.

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How To Name Column From Data Stored In Certain Row

Oct 28, 2012

I am trying to name a column from data stored in a row (Phone number) I want to name it from the first 3 digits (Area code) and I have no clue how to do it I have Googled but I think the query is a little too complicated for me to explain it and get a result from Google or find it in a section of a book.

My phone numbers are strings, so I initially look for the first 3 characters and then start separating and counting, I can do that, the only problem I have is naming the column WITH the the first three digits that I just separated.

I am trying to learn by myself how to use databases and am using the HR database that comes in oracle since I read in a forum that it is a great way to learn how to use queries.

I read about using Pivot to do it, but in pivot I need to know how many area codes there are. I will post a screen shot of the table that I am working on the other post


I can group by phone number with this:


But what I am interested in doing is that instead of Area appearing as a column, that the actual first 3 digits would appear as the column name.

This is kind of what I am trying to do, but instead of AREA appearing as column name I would like for each one of the area codes to appear as column name, here is the


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Stored SQL And Returning Data In Different Units?

Jan 30, 2007

I work on a client-server application, where users need to be able to run rather complex queries.

We currently have most of the queries defined in views on the Oracle database server and the client application simply downloads the data (i.e. SELECT * from example_view). This is good for us as we can maintain these queries without releasing new versions of the client tool.

However we have some queries implemented by a colleague that have caused a lot of trouble (efficiency and quality) and these are stored client-side.

The issue I have is that these client side queries can return records in different units (i.e. in standard cubic metres, or barrels of oil etc), as the SQL is defined at runtime on the client, and I want to know the best way to replicate this with SQL stored server-side.

The client-side SQL has column definitions such as: SELECT oil_production * decode(&unit,'Nm3',.948,'Sm3',1,'MMBOE',6.0924,1) ... The &unit parameter is then replaced by the appropriate text (i.e. 'Sm3') before the query is sent to Oracle.

Is there anyway to pass variables to server-side SQL and get a recordset back? I don't think PL/SQL procedures can do this? and views can't contain bind variables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: XML Data Stored In Oracle Table

Nov 8, 2010

I have a XML data that needs to be stored in oracle table and it is read from a java application. what datatype will suit for XML storage varchar2 or CLOB. The length of XML will be less than 4000.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Export Data To Excel Through Stored Procedure

Aug 1, 2011

CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE T_name_column
file_handle utl_file.file_type;


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PL/SQL :: Randomize Data Stored In One Column Of A Table

Jul 12, 2012

I have a problem that I don't know how to solve is it:

I have a table test1(intitule varchar,age number):

------------------------------ ----------
nom1 1
nom2 2
nom3 3
nom4 4
nom5 5
nom6 6
nom7 7
nom8 8
nom9 9
nom10 10

I want to disorder(randomize) column INTITULE without touching to 'age'.

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Forms :: How To Create Data Block Using Stored Procedure In 10G

Apr 30, 2010

How to create Data Block Using Stored Procedure in Forms10G ?

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XML DB :: Insert Element Into Data Stored In CLOB Column?

Dec 14, 2012

My ORACLE DB version is:

('Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production');
('PL/SQL Release - Production');
('CORE Production');
('TNS for Linux: Version - Production');
('NLSRTL Version - Production');

I have this XML data stored in a CLOB column:



I need creating an update that will insert another <Activity>SomeGUID</Activity> into the <Spawned> parent.

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PL/SQL :: Materialized View Based On Stored Procedure Data

Sep 23, 2013

is it possible to base a Materialized View on results returned from a stored procedure?If not, do you see any other way except of filling a table with data from the stored procedure and then basing the MV on it? 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Database 10g - Data In Column Stored In Different Character Set

Sep 23, 2010

Oracle database version is : 10G.

When we try to query a column from a table the output is shown as "?????". Seems the data in that column is stored in a different character set, which is not recognised while displaying the output. The column size is 35byte.

The nls parameter table shows the character set as "we8mswin1252".

get this issue resolved.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Stored Procedure / Extract Data From Excel To Multiple Tables

Oct 14, 2010

This is my first time running a stored procedure. The procedure is already written.

We have various related table. I need to use this stored procedure and extract information from an excel sheet into the multiple tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Debugging Stored Procedure / Populate Data Warehouse Dimension

Nov 20, 2011

The following code is a stored procedure I plan to use to populate a Data Warehouse dimension using data from two OLTP tables which already exist in my database. Notice that in my cursor select statement, I calculate an attribute using substr and instr, and I also assign a true or false value to a flag using a CASE statement.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE populate_product_dimension
v_Count NUMBER := 0;
v_NumRecs NUMBER;
/*Declare a cursor on the following query which returns mulitple rows of data from product and price_hist tables*/

In my mind, Product_Code is declared correctly in the Cursor declaration Select statement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Stored Procedure To Load Flat File Data

Oct 24, 2013

I need to create an Oracle Stored Procedure to read a Flat file(pipe delimited) and load the data into an Oracle table. I believe the file should be located in any of the path as logged in dba_directories table or it can be anywhere on the local client machine?

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ODP.NET :: Updating Dataset / Datarow If Data Is Populated From Stored Procedure

Mar 11, 2013

I am using:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 : VB Express
Microsoft .NET Framework : Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel

When I populate dataset using select query and use OracleCommandBuilder and update dataadapter, data is saved in database.

But if I put same select in store procedure and use this to populate dataset then data is not updated in db.

I get this error

Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows.

at da1.Update(ds1, "req") where I am going wrong.

Dim conn As New OracleConnection
        Dim da1 As OracleDataAdapter = New OracleDataAdapter
        Dim ds1 = New DataSet
        With conn
            If .State = ConnectionState.Open Then .Close()


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PL/SQL :: Check If Data Stored In Varchar2 Type Column Is Date Or Not

Jun 29, 2012

Is there a seeded function by which I can check all the rows which stored dates in varchar column.

I have a table say test (test_data varchar2(100));

Now I will insert all types of records into the table varchar,number dates and then i will write q query to etch all those records only which has dates only

INSERT INTO test(1);
INSERT INTO test('15/01/2012');

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Stored Procedure For Searching Data From A Table By Passing Tablename As A Parameter

Feb 6, 2012

This procedure is not working properly.

create or replace procedure bank_search_sp
p_tablename in varchar2,
p_searchname in varchar2,
p_bankcode out varchar2,
p_bankname out varchar2,
p_dist_code out number
v_tem varchar2(5000);
v_tem :='select bankcode,bankname,dist_code from ' || UPPER (p_tablename) || '
where bankname like '''|| p_searchname||'';
execute immediate v_tem into p_bankcode,p_bankname,p_dist_code using p_searchname ;
end bank_search_sp;

the Procedure is getting created but i dont know what actually happens when it was executed ,This is the error shown..ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated

ORA-06512: at "PENSIONS.BANK_SEARCH_SP", line 14
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Archive Old Data Which Has Stored Before 2012 And Can Be Restored For 2011 Or 2010 Needed?

Jan 29, 2013

I have a database in which two table contains millions of data and the whole database size is getting more bigger. is there any option to archive the old data which has stored before 2012 and can be restored when the data required for 2011 or 2010 needed.

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Application Express :: Where Sample Application Data Stored

Apr 11, 2013

I downloaded a sample chart application from oracle website


it is working perfectly, but I want to know how it is build exactly. This is one of the queries,

"select null link,
decode(status,'Closed',100,'Open',60,'On-Hold',10,'Pending',0) status
from eba_demo_chart_tasks
order by project"

But I don't know where eba_demo_chart_tasks is stored, where can I find it!

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PL/SQL :: Call More Than One Stored Procedure In New Stored Procedure

Dec 24, 2012

Execute sp1 param1...param6
Execute sp2 param1...param8
Execute sp3 param1...param4

All these stored procedures deals with insert/updated transactions . i need to create a new stored procedure to execute all this in a single stored procedure which will be something like

create procedure sp4(param1...param8)
Execute sp1 param1...param6
rollback if any error
Execute sp2 param1...param8
rollback if any error
Execute sp3 param1...param4
rollback if any error

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Scheduling Job In Stored Procedure

Dec 21, 2011

PFB code i used to schedule a job as per my requirement. And the procedure is executing fine, but when im about to run it is getting hang.

create or replace procedure scheduler_alert(frq varchar2,intrvl number) is

When im trying to run the job it is getting hang.

exec dbms_scheduler.run_job('scheduler_alert');

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How To Use Synonym In Stored Procedure

Aug 28, 2009

how to use a synonym in a stored procedure.

I have created a public synonym for a remote table on a different schema.

Im now trying to use the synonym to load that data into a temporary table in my schema using a stored procedure and im getting an error.

how to use a synonym in a stored procedure.

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Shellscript From Stored Procedure

Jan 10, 2012

I want to call a shellscript which is in application sever through a stored procedure in database sever.i dont do this by dbms scheduler.

May i knw some sytax with examples and the settings to change to accept the external procedure call.

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