Sga-max-size - System Free Memory Decreased?

Sep 18, 2012

i have altered the sga_max_size to 2gb.i found the system free memory is also decreased.Is system free memory changes when sga_max_size is changes?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Datatype Size Can't Decreased

Mar 22, 2010

In my table there is column with number datatype of size col1 number(15,3) and my data in column is like


and i am changing its size to number(10,3) by alter table command but it not allowing. why?????? as my data in that column still satisfy the the changes.

and even when i modify the char column to varchar2 column by alter table command and changing the size of that column,it is not allowing me to change it why?

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Server Administration :: Settings Infringe On Any Available Memory On System That Is Already Tight On Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

I have the following setup

SQL> show parameter sga;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3G
sga_target big integer 2G

from what I read I beleive this will initially grab 2GB of memory on startup and will grab up to to 3GB of memory total for the SGA. The "total" memory can be allocated to different peices of the SGA when needed but will never exceed 3GB. Is this correct or would these settings infringe on any available memory on a system that is already tight on memory?

Secondly, what happens if both these values are set to the same value?

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How To Get Free Space On Operating System Drive

Nov 5, 2013

is it possible to get information about free space on drive/path for example with some DBMS_*, UTL_* package or with stored function based on Java

(e.g. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetFreeSpace(driveLetter IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'DiskSpace.getFreeBytes(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String') but for JDK 1.3 

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Find Tablespace Size (used And Free) For Partitioned Table?

Aug 9, 2013

I need to find the tablespace size (used and free) for a partitioned table

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TimesTen In-Memory :: Error 802 / 6220 / Permanent Data Partition Free Space Insufficient

Oct 29, 2012

try to evaluate it as IMDB cache.I am facing this error repeatedly. I have increased perm size from 6.25 GB to 10 GB.After inserting about 460.000 rows I get the error again. Is it possible that 460.000 rows need 3.75 GB space?

In Oracle database these rows occupy about 200 MB space.

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Server Administration :: How To Free Up Tablespace Size When It Reaches Max Limit

Feb 15, 2011

How to free up the tablespace size when it reaches its threshold (Max limit)?

Say for example USERS & SYSAUX tablespace reaches above 90%.

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TimesTen In-Memory :: Limit For Size Of A Table

Oct 24, 2013

I'm using TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64)  1. is there any limit in size for a single table. How much a table size can be increased? 2. Is there any limit in number of records in a table?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Determine System Memory Usage By Oracle Processes

Jun 20, 2012

we have 96GB Memory on the UNIX server and 85% of its usage shows oracle processes I want to determine which Oracle processes are taking most of the memory

SGA is around 36G
PGA is around 4G

the total of around 40-45 GB of usage is understandable but what other oracle process are chewing up the remaining 30-40 GB on the server is not known

load averages: 7.35, 6.46, 6.15; up 248+11:33:21 12:25:03
2202 processes: 2196 sleeping, 1 zombie, 5 on cpu
CPU states: 83.8% idle, 10.5% user, 5.8% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Memory: 96G phys mem, 15G free mem, 128G total swap, 128G free swap

21720 oracle 258 0 0 40G 40G cpu/48 215:28 2.04% oracle
10709 oracle 1 0 2 1816K 1448K cpu/9 0:02 0.90% res_conf_email_

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TimesTen In-Memory :: Cannot Connect To Server With Ttisqlcs / Failed To Retrieve IP Address Of The System

Nov 16, 2013

I installed timesten server and client on different machines in LAN, but with the same user and group - ttadmin:ttgroup When I tried to connect to server with ttisqlcs -connStr "DSN=sampleCS"The output gave me error messages as below connect "DSN=sampleCS";S1000: Failed to retrieve IP address of the system. System error: -2The command failed.Done. The related part in sys.ttconnect.ini is set as below 

[]Description=TimesTen ServerNetwork_Address= 

And the

sys.odbc.ini [ODBC Data Sources]sampleCS=TimesTen 11.2.2 Client Driver [sampleCS]TTC_SERVER= 

What does it mean by "retrieve IP" ?Does it try to resolve IP by the hostname even when I already gave it the ip address?By the way I can ping and telnet at port 53397 with no problem.

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Server Administration :: Reduce The System Tablespace Size?

Aug 6, 2011

how to reduce the system tablespace size

my system01.dbf size is 6gb

i want reduce from 6gb to 2gb

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TimesTen In-Memory :: How Big Heap Size Of JVM To Be Set For Java Application When Enabling Direct Model

Nov 24, 2012

For applications and Timesten databases on the same server we can use direct model to gain the base performance. But I want to know that how big heap size of JVM to be set for my java application when enabling direct model?

Does my application need more head memory when direct model than other local communication protocols, such as Unix domain socket or IPC? Supposing my Timesten database takes 12GB memory from OS, does it mean I need specify the same size for JVM heap(-Xmx12G)?

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Server Administration :: Minimum Datafile Size Required For Creating Non-system Tablespace?

May 21, 2007

what is the Minimum datafile size required for creating a non-system tablespace?

I am trying to create a tablespace by giving the syntax like,

SQL> create tablespace t1
2 datafile '/home/data/t1.dbf' size 72k;
create tablespace t1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03214: File Size specified is smaller than minimum required

SQL> create tablespace t1
2 datafile '/home/data/t1.dbf' size 73k;

Tablespace created.

The blocksize for my database is 4096, as i have heard that the minimum size of the datafile is decided by blocksize, but i want to know that how it is calculated as by giving the above syntax the other values will be default. I am trying the syntax in oracle version.

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TimesTen In-Memory :: Process Of Initialization Of Database Into Memory

May 23, 2013

Can i know the internal process of initialization of DB into memory in timesten , when a new connection is establishing? Will timesten create tables and indexes in RAM when first connection is established if the RAM policy is default?

want to know the internal functional flow of timesten when any command is fired against it.

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Forms :: Difference Between System.current_item And System.cursor_item?

Apr 1, 2012

We have system.current_item and system.cursor_item.....

both represent the same....

like this we have few other system variables also .....

what is the main difference between current_item and cursor_item?

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CPU System Time (percentage) For Multi Core System?

Aug 21, 2012

couple of questions about below parameters, do they measure single processor or avg usage across all processorss and cpus for example will i recieve alert if CPU system time goes above 95% for single processors? or not

CPU Idle Time (%)
CPU System Time (%)
CPU User Time (%)

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Server Utilities :: Estimate Size Of FlatFile Based On Table Size?

May 8, 2013

We are planning to export the table data to a file pipedelimited. How do i estimate the size of the FlatFile based on the table size? or avg rowlength

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Server Administration :: How To Reduce Size Of TEMP DBF File Size

Apr 13, 2011

I am using oracle 8.1.5 database and my temp01.dbf file size is increased upto 19.8 GB now i want reduce its size .

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Free Oracle Download For Fedora 5

Nov 30, 2006

i am looking for a free download by oracle meant specifically for Linux. i am using fedora core 5 32 bit version of Linux.

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PL/SQL :: How To Free Temporary LOB Returned By A Function

Apr 4, 2013

I have a business need to have a db function that would construct and return a (temporary) CLOB value.

here is its sample code:

create or replace package PKG_TEST_CLOB
return clob;


when this function is invoked from a SQL Statement...


... the NOCACHE_LOBS counter in V$TEMPORARY_LOBS for my session is incremented by 1

when this function is invoked via a PL/SQL block...

l_clob clob;
select PKG_TEST_CLOB.FN_TEST_TEMP_CLOB into l_clob from dual;


... the counter doesn't budge

In real life, this function will be used by a Reporting Tool (cognos) via SQL. I tested it, and it seems that it is allocating a new temp lob segment with every invocation.

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Query Free Percentages Of Tablespaces

Jan 9, 2013

how can i check using query the free percentages of my tablespaces

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ODP.NET :: Is ODAC Free For Oracle10g User

Aug 6, 2012

My company brought Oracle10g server some years ago. I've noticed that ODAC support Linq and could be used to connect Oracle 10g.

Can we use ODAC 11.2 Release 4 ( with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio for commerical use due we already purchased Oracle 10g server?

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Oracle 9i Forms And Reports Free Download?

Sep 11, 2010

from where I can free download Oracle 9i Forms And Reports.

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Server Administration :: How To Know Which Block Contains Free Space

Feb 26, 2013

for some reason,i want to know which data block contains free space,or which table/index contains free space.

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PL/SQL :: Tablespace Allocated / Used / Free And % - Used By Every Schema Level

Mar 11, 2013

One tablespace used in two different schemas ,in this case how much space used,free space and persentage of used in each schema level.

Example: USERS tablespace used in two different schemas HR,SCOTT. in this suche case to find the total size of tablespace, used and free space of each schema level.I used the below query not giving appropriate result.

OWNER, round(SUM(BYTES/1024/1024),2) "Used Space in MB"
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','TEMP','SYSAUX','EXAMPLE','UNDOTBS1') 
group by tablespace_name,owner
order by tablespace_name

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Server Administration :: Free Space In Standby Database?

Jul 23, 2011

How do we find the free space in tablespaces in a standby database

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Server Administration :: How To Reclaim Temp Free Blocks

Jul 26, 2011

we have 5 tempfile ( each of 65 gb ) allocated to TEMP tablespace...and still we are running in short of space..when i checked the TEMP segment usage, i am able to see much FREE blocks. how to release those space ?

------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------- ----------
TEMP 1 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.3043.727779755 65535.9688
TEMP 2 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.3042.727779749 65535.9688
TEMP 3 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.3041.727779741 65535.9688
TEMP 4 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.4065.730387401 65535.9688
TEMP 5 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.4075.731586241 65535.9688SELECT tablespace_name,
total_blocks*16/1024 as total_MB,
used_blocks*16/1024 as used_MB,
free_blocks*16/1024 as free_MB
FROM v$sort_segment;

------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
TEMP 9994624 1007360 8987264 156166 15740 140426

1 row selected.
further when i checked the session details using TEMP segment, i got below output:

SELECT b.tablespace, b.segfile#, b.segblk#, b.blocks, a.sid, a.serial#,a.username, a.osuser, a.status
FROM v$session a,v$sort_usage b
WHERE a.saddr = b.session_addr
ORDER BY b.tablespace, b.segfile#, b.segblk#, b.blocks;

------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------
TEMP 15001 3549184 576 475 1237 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15001 4002368 64 796 4677 CRM infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15002 580608 20352 868 615 EDW infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15002 3962112 832 92 1065 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15002 4021120 576 1236 7257 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15003 23936 64 819 5586 EDW infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15003 3798400 832 855 1801 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15004 205056 21632 795 8171 EDW infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15004 4031488 832 403 1299 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15004 4131456 576 19 6802 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15005 3617856 832 1166 6204 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15005 3741760 576 862 953 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15005 4042752 18176 1226 5379 CDM infa ACTIVE

3 rows selected.
if i killed the SID - 1226, then those temp blocks ( 18176 blocks ) will be released and can other session use that space further ?

there is one more column - SEGBLK#
explain what is the exact meaning of this column ?

to reclaim the space, should i issue below command -
sql>alter tablespace TEMP coalesce;

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Server Administration :: Check Free Extents In Tablespace

Apr 29, 2012

which data dictionary view would you query to see the free extents in a tablespace.

i use dba_free_space;

SQL> select tablespace_name,sum(bytes),sum(blocks) from dba_free_space where

------------------------------ ---------- -----------
SYSTEM 9830400 1200

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Partition Drop Not Increasing Free Space In Dba_free_spaces?

Jan 16, 2013

I am Using Oracle I had a script that droped partitions for a table which should have dropped nearly 30 gb of data. We have data and index tablespace.

Query of dba_free_space showed no change on data tablespace. However, index tablespace showed increase in free space.

select  sum(bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) "Size (GB)"  from dba_free_space where tablespace_name ='&tbs_name'

I am using following command to drop partition

ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP PARTITION "partition_name"

What should be done to increase free space shown for tablespace after partition drop?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Checking Free Disk Space On OS And ASM Bug?

Jul 9, 2012

I've installed GI on AIX 7.1.And today I noticed strange ASM's behavior:

-bash-3.2$ getconf DISK_SIZE /dev/rhdisk2
-bash-3.2$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdsk -k
Total_MB Free_MB OS_MB Name Failgroup Failgroup_Type Library Label UDID Product Redund Path
*188616* 68204 *188616* DATA_0000 DATA_0000 REGULAR System UNKNOWN /dev/rhdisk2

I guessed that was because of LUN size (it was exceed 2 TB)After that I dinamically shrinked LUN size on our external storage, rebooted and perfomed cfgmgr command on both nodes. But I still have no enough free space.

-bash-3.2$ getconf DISK_SIZE /dev/rhdisk2
-bash-3.2$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdsk -k
Total_MB Free_MB OS_MB Name Failgroup Failgroup_Type Library Label UDID Product Redund Path
*188616* 68204 *1992294* DATA_0000 DATA_0000 REGULAR System UNKNOWN /dev/rhdisk2

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