How To Create SP For Taking Count Of Multiple Tables

Dec 7, 2012

i have 20 tables in schema and wanted to take count using store procedure.

how to create a sp for taking count of multiple tables

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Index On Multiple Tables?

May 21, 2013

we create index on multiple tables in oracle

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Create View And Joining Multiple Tables In Oracle

Apr 8, 2012

I'm stuck on the CREATE VIEW part and the SELECT statement to get the output of the CREATE VIEW. We were instructed not to use AND and simply use JOIN on this exercise.

Question - For employee John Smith, give the project(s) he is working on, his department's name and the name of his division. See crows foot diagram on a separate file.

(div_code NUMBER(5),
emp_num NUMBER(5),
div_name VARCHAR(25),
CONSTRAINT pk_division primary key (div_code));

SELECT - this SELECT statement is supposed to generate the output of the CREATE VIEW CODE above. SEE Crows Foot diagram attached.

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PL/SQL :: Create Multiple External Tables From Same Flat File?

Nov 28, 2012

using oracle 10g currently create many external tables like so..


"Q1_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q2_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q3_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q4_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE)

is there any way I can use 1 flat file (csv) to populate many external tables ?

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PL/SQL :: Taking Backup Of 50 Tables

Feb 6, 2013

What is the best possible method to take backup of 50 tables with data ? My DB version is 11gR2

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Server Administration :: Taking Partitions Offline In Tables

Feb 4, 2012

In an attempt to take older data off line and allow database refreshes to be faster, tablespaces associated with partitioned table data for a given time period was taken off line, leaving only tablespaces that relate to the current time period online. In effect, tablespaces related to 2010 and earlier were taken offline from a table.

1. Without giving a filter on the partition key (the business date) to scan for data greater than the dates in the off lined tablespace partition, we get a ORA-376/ORA-1110 error (data file cannot be read at this time).

2. Materialized views using fast refresh or refresh on commit, will also not work because of the partitions being off line.

Queries directly querying the tables are manageable from an application point of view.But the materialized views failing to aggregate is a bigger problem.

how we can manage this situation? I know that I can move the partitions to a different table in a tablespace to be taken off line. But if possible, we wanted to solve this without doing a move partition.

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Server Utilities :: Loading Multiple Input Files Into Multiple Tables

Jul 9, 2012


Required output:-

AREA_NAME = '3rivieres.export.ngf'

File :-mauri.export.ngf


Required output:-

AREA_NAME = 'mauri.export.ngf'....etc


find the ctl file (ngf_test.ctl) and modify the ctl file as per my requirement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Count Using 2 Tables?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm having trouble with some SQL code regarding count and an outer join.

Here is my code.

SELECT o.salespersonid, Count(*) from
salesperson s, Ord o
Where s.salespersonid(+) = o.salespersonid
Group By o.salespersonid;

Where salesperson is a salesperson table and ord is a table containing orders.

The orders table contains a FK to salespersonid in the salesperson table.

I want it to return all salespersons along with the amount of orders they are on. It works but does not show the ones that do not appear on any orders hence the outer join.

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PL/SQL :: Get Records Count Of All Tables

Sep 26, 2012

I am trying to get the record count of all tables using dynamic query. I don't know how to put the value in placeholder. I tried the below code.

CURSOR table_list
select OBJECT_NAME from user_objects
where object_type in ('TABLE')

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Group By Multiple Columns / Count And Then Find A Max

May 24, 2008

I have three tables,let's say

table stores
sid | store_name
1 | one
2 | two
3 | three

table products
pid | sid | p_name
1 | 2 | pone
2 | 2 | ptwo
3 | 3 | pthree

table sales
said | sid | pid
1 | 2 | 1
2 | 3 | 1
3 | 2 | 2
4 | 1 | 3
5 | 2 | 2
6 | 3 | 2
7 | 3 | 2

and i want display the product that sells best in every store. I try to group by multiple columns counting how many times each product was sold in every store, but don't know how to select the one which was best sold (maximal number of times)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Sum Over Multiple Tables

Feb 21, 2010

I'm trying to do a sum over 2 different tables but can't get it to work...This is the idea:I have a table A with client ID, time-id (per day), purchase amount and segment code.

In another table (let call it B) I have a lot of client ID's and also their purchase amount, time-id and segment code. I want to sum the purchase amount for every client from table A and B for clients with certain segment code from table B.

This is what I have now:

select client_id, purchase_amountA+ purchase_amountB from tableA, tableB where
A.client_id = B.client_id
and time_id between 20090101 and 20091001
and B.segment_code = 'A'

This does the job, but it selects only client_id's which are in both tables. I want to select all client_id from table B with segment_code 'A' and add the purchase_amount from table A to their purchase amount from table B, at least, if they have any purchase amount in table A.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Tables

Sep 30, 2010

Video Rental Shop

Each customer has a video card , When Customer rent a CD , Shopkeeper register an issue date and a Return Date . If customer return CD after Return Date Then There will be a fine of 2 Dollor .

After every 6 Months The shop Keeper review each customer Account , and Send Gifts to those customer whose Total Amount is More than 50 Dollar .and also send letters to those whose Fines Are More than 20 Dollor .

Now I am unable to understand that how many table i need to create for this .

What i have created so far is given below ,

When Customer Rent a CD then Shopkeeper will submit Following Information .

Customer_id 101
Issue DateDATE
Fine -
Total_Amount -

And at the time of return , he will Put these information .

Customer_id 101
Issue DateDATE
Original_return_date DATE
Fine 2

But Do i need to create another table for each customer also ? That will store customer total amount , total Fines ,and shopkeeper will view it after every six months. Which type oo table i need to create ?

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PL/SQL :: Create View Which Is Aggregate Count Of Member Records / Grouped By Business_unit / Gender / Age Per Year

Oct 13, 2012

Using Oracle 11g...We have a table in our database of data with the following information:

DOB (date),
age [at time of month_record],
MONTH_RECORD (date) [31-MON-YEAR for recorded active month]

The table has ~55 million records. Existing index is only on MASTER_RECORD.There is now a need to create a view which is an aggregate count of member records, grouped by business_unit,gender, age per year. eg:

business_unit, gender, age, month_record, num_of_members -> for every combination
unit5, F, 25, 31-JUN-2011, 622
unit3, M, 18, 31-MAY-2011, 573

The view can be created now, but, is not fast enough to be reasonably considered a view. This table is re-created every month from a procedure, so there is flexibility on how it is created. Use interval partitioning by year( something I have not experienced using), create an index on the month_record,then create view.

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Selecting Via Multiple Tables

Jan 19, 2011

I need to calculate a list of people, who got some services more that 2 times with the same service koda (pas_kodas) to the same person (zmo_kodas). It should not depend on report number.


What I get is in green (services are calculated more than 2 times BUT in the same report).

What I need is in red: calculate servises more that 2 times ACCROSS all reports to the same person (zmo_kodas).


One person (zmo_kodas) can have a lot of reports (ats_nr).

Every report can have one or more services (pas_kodas).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Sum Amounts From Multiple Tables?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a primary table and some secondary tables. I need to use the key from Primary table and get the sum/totals from the other tables with a single query.

For example, I have 3 tables employee, employeesal and employeerewards in which employee is the primary table. I need to get the total salary for an employee from employeesal table and total rewards from the employeerewards table using one query.

I am pasting the test data below:

create table employee (eno number(9), ename varchar2(40));
insert into employee values(1,'Jack');
insert into employee values(2,'Jim');


I am looking for a better way of doing this in terms of performance. In my projecct, those 3 tables are very big tables and I doubt if I do two inner queries and then use a outer query may not be the best way to do it.

Is there any better way to write this query in terms of performance?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: JOIN For Multiple Tables

Mar 29, 2011

Here is what I'm trying to do:

I have three tables:


What I want to do is to return all of the rows from TABLE1 that are NCI regardless, and if they are NCI, I want to return the corresponding records from TABLE2 and TABLE3.

If TABLE1 has a record of NCI but there are no corresponding records in TABLE2 or TABLE3, then of course the columns for TABLE2 and 3 would be blank.

I can get all of the NCI records from TABLE1 when I LEFT JOIN with TABLE2, but when I try to specify TABLE3 in the FROM statement, only the records that are NCI in TABLE1 AND have data in TABLE2 are returned, not just all records with NCI in TABLE1.

Let me know if I can further clarify.

I know that you do not have access to my tables, but here is an example of my code so that you may understand my quandary further:

SELECT l.sku AS "SKU",
l.loc AS "LOC",
l.qty AS "QTY",
o.ncikey AS "NCI",
r.description AS "NCI DESC",
o.qtyexpected AS "NCI QTY EXP",
o.qtyreceived AS "NCI QTY REC",
o.loc AS "NCI LOC",


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Data From Multiple Tables

Feb 11, 2011

What are some performance issues you might run into when having to query 3 or 4 tables at a time.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merging Into Multiple Tables

Feb 12, 2012

Can I use MERGE statement to insert the same thing into multiple tables?

Like below--

Merge into tbl1
using tbl2
when matched then update...
when not matched then insert all.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Selecting Via Multiple Tables?

Jan 19, 2011

I need to calculate a list of people, who got some services more that 2 times with the same service koda (pas_kodas) to the same person (zmo_kodas). It should not depend on report number.


What I get is in green (services are calculated more than 2 times BUT in the same report).
What I need is in red: calculate servises more that 2 times ACCROSS all reports to the same person (zmo_kodas).


One person (zmo_kodas) can have a lot of reports (ats_nr). Every report can have one or more services (pas_kodas).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger From Multiple Tables

May 1, 2013

I need to set up a trigger to check and enforce that the age of an employee at hire date is older than 18 when a new record is inserted. The age is on the PERSON table, and the hire date is on the EMPLOYEE table.

My attempt:


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Joining Multiple Tables

Apr 4, 2010

I tried to split the query into 2 parts , the outcome is fine but when ever i merge them ( include other table fields ) . The result is 3X3 rows .. it should be just 3 rows

The First Query ( Is running fine , 3 Rows returned )


The Second Query ( Is running fine also, 3 Rows returned )


The problem occurs when i try to merge both these queries , as the result shows 9 rows ..


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select From Multiple Tables?

Mar 29, 2011

I have two tables containing dates:

01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2013 || 01.10.2014

01.01.2007 || 01.01.2008
01.01.2011 || 01.10.2012
01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2015 || 01.01.2016

I need to get list of all entries from Table A and entries from B where dates are before min begin date from A or somewhere between any entry from A.

In this Example result:
01.01.2007 || 01.01.2008
01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2011 || 01.10.2012
01.01.2013 || 01.10.2014

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Multiple Tables With (UNION All) Clause

Aug 9, 2012

I have a view that contain multiple tables with ( UNION all ) clause , is there any way that if i query from this view I can explicitly specify the table that i need the data from ?

Let say i have view that contain salaries of 2011

Create view sals_2011 as select * from sals_jan2011 union all sals_feb2011 ..... union all select * from sals_dec2011.

if i issued select * from sals_2011 where emp_id >500 and date < 01-feb-2011 the explain plan show me that full tables and indexes are in processing, while i know that i need only to scan sal_jan2011, and of course it is taking much longer time than selecting from the original table only.

I am using oracle RAC 11g R2

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Coding Select In Multiple Tables

Aug 25, 2011

I am working on the following SQL select and I am having a mental block on how to get it fixed. I have two tables that I need to match on the codes in each table. If there is a just one record in Table1 with the same code as one record in table2 and both the date and name match then dont output those two records. Output all records if there are more than 1 record with the same code in each table. Below is some example data that is representive of a sample in the two tables and how the output should look based on that data:

code date name
aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob
bbbb 2/2/2004 louis lewis
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab
dddd 4/4/2006 mary little
eeee 5/5/2007 joe black

code date name
aaaa 2/2/2004 larry cole
aaaa 3/3/2005 nat king
bbbb 2/2/2004 louis lewis
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab
cccc 6/6/2008 dennis jackson
dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet
dddd 5/5/2007 joe black
eeee 8/8/2010 elton rocket

desired output results from select

aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob aaaa 2/2/2004 larry cole
aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob aaaa 3/3/2005 nat king
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 6/6/2008 dennis jackson
dddd 4/4/2006 mary little dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet
dddd 4/4/2006 mary little dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet
eeee 5/5/2007 joe black eeee 8/8/2010 elton rocket

Here is the select that I have so far:

select table1.rowid, table1_code, table1_date, table1_name,
table2.rowid, table2_code, table2_date, table2_name from table1, table2
where table1_code= table2_code
order by table1_code;

The above select gives me all records just fine, but does not eliminate single records that match. I tried using the Count(table1_code) > 1 and table2 code but I get a message about inproper grouping.

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Select Fields From Across Multiple Tables?

Mar 25, 2011

I have had a google around and can't seem to find an answer as to how do do the following Select statement. i am wanting to Select the following fields from across multiple tables.


with 2 types of WHERE criteria:
WHERE SalesDate is between 'dateX' AND 'dateY'
and also WHERE OrderComplete = 'Y'

i understand this will require some sort of join in the statement so the keys for the different tables are as follows:

CustNo - PK

SalesNo - PK
CustNo - fk

ItemNo - PK

SalesNo -fk
ItemNo - fk (compound PK)

i have had a play around with using some joins & embedded statements

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Trying To Load A XML File Into Multiple Tables

Oct 8, 2010

I've been given the task of importing an XML file into multiple tables within our database using PL / SQL and I am wondering what the best approach would be.

The files will be quite large and I need the code to be as flexible as possible.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View Is Created Using Multiple Tables

Apr 28, 2011

Suppose a view is created using multiple tables. Can we update the view? And when we update the view will it effect the base table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Statement Using Multiple Tables

Aug 26, 2010

I am issuing an update statement in which I am using multiple tables it is giving me an error " set keyword missing"

update E_CONT_DETAIL_NUMB_VALUE ecdnv, y_obj_category yoc, t_contact tc
set ecdnv.ContTPRecCount = 1000
where tc.default_category_id = (select primary_key from y_ojb_category where tree_position = 'CONT')
and ecdnv.detail_field_id=tc.default_category_id;

update E_CONT_DETAIL_NUMB_VALUE ecdnv, y_obj_category yoc, t_contact tc
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00971: missing SET keyword

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join In Insert - Multiple Tables

May 20, 2013

I am trying to insert records in multiple tables. I know how to view data using joinig, but unable to understand how to insert records in multiple tables using Joining. I searched it on net, but didn't find much. I have also tried to write a code, but it is not working, I have seen some examples on different websites where people are using SELECT in INSERT statement for joining. What is the correct Syntax to INSERT record in Multiple tables.

Insert into library_users, library_users_info
(library_users.username, library_users.password, library_users_info.address, library_users_info.phone_no) VALUES (...)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Insert From Multiple Tables?

May 29, 2013

We get data from our customers which we load into temporary tables.The goal is to consolidate this data into one single table.

Following are the rules:

1) final table should have all the columns from all the tables. If there are common column(s) then add only one column with that name.

2) the join would be based on all the common columns

3) if there is a common row, we merge the row into one (example, the row with DOMAIN = ACME.COM)

4) There could be 'N' number of tables

Following is the most realistic data.

1) T1/T2/T3 has the sample data which cover most of our test cases

2) We are expected to transform the data from T1/T2/T3 as depicted in table T4.

3) we might have more than 3 tables in our production environment, so the query should work for N tables.

4) I have given the explanation of how each row should be derived to be inserted in T4

5) the only information we have to work with is the TABLE_NAME(s) and its metadata from USER_TAB_COLUMNS



Explanation for each row:

row1) This row comes from T1 and T2 (not T3 because HOSTNAME would not match)
row2) This row comes from T1 and T3 (not T2 because HOSTNAME would not match)
row3) This row comes from T1 and T3
row4) This row comes from T2 and T3
row5) This row comes from T3

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