XML DB :: Generating XML Data From A Table In XML Format
May 3, 2013
generating an xml file using the below data.Table name is T_Data having 4 columns as given below with some data.
Region Divison District Store
---------- ----------------------- ----------- -----------
Northwest Northern California San Jose SJStore1
Northwest Northern California San Jose SJStore2
Northwest Northern California North LA LAStore1
Northwest Northern California North LA LAStore2
Northwest Northern California North LA LAStore3
I want to generate an XML File using SQL/XML Functions and the XML File should look like as given below.
how to get data from a Table in Date and Time format? Curently I'm using To_TIMESTAMP for a date range.
Here is the code Snippet -
i need to do a loop on a table and export the data in Excel format (so i need a procedure to do it).
write a java class that build this Excel.. oracle procedure loop around the data and every step my Java class write on Excel file.
So, for this i should initialize my java class for example
public class ExcelExporter{ private String fileName; public ExcelExporter(String fileName){ this.fileName = fileName; } }
So, for this issuse i should call the ExcelExporter costructor from my PL/SQL so i can create an object of it and next i use this to populate my Excel.
How its possible to create Java object from PLSQL ? I've seen on the net all procedure call only Java static methods...
Below is what I am trying to find from the above data.
col1Unalloc Alloc Metric 13450.16 1.07 1.3
the result is Hours.Minutes.
I am trying to minus the two dates and find the time taken for a particular section( eg, unalloc ).
I tried using three union queries .
Select block,timestamp From ( Select 'Unalloc' As Block ,col1,col4 From table_1 Where col2 = 'Batch Started' And col3 = 'proc_unalloc' And Parms Like '1345' Union Select 'Unalloc' As Block ,col1,col4 From table_1 Where col2 = 'Unalloc Ended' And col3 = 'proc_unalloc' And
I will minus the start and end time for unalloc to get time taken for un alloc. Then i will minus end time of unalloc and end time for alloc to get time taken for alloc... like wise for metric.
we have to split the date by 7 days,should be on Sunday...and if we split by 7 days we have upto 31/01,07/02 and 14/02...but we have to generate 6 days because 20,10,10,15,25,20 (since comma separated value is 6 ).
I am actually having problems with a report that is generating wrong data in Windows 7 only. I have the same report working correctly on many Windows XP Computers.
I have a query on displaying data as per my requirement. I have created a table called sales it has four columns
create table sales(country,state,district,sales); and am inserting some same data
insert into sales('india','TN','Chennai',100); insert into sales('india','TN','KPURAM',120); insert into sales('india','TN','Bangalore',35); insert into sales('india','ANDR','Guinder',100); insert into sales('india','ANDR','Nellai',76); insert into sales('london','city-a','xstreet',89); insert into sales('london','city-a','binroad',100);
select * from sales;
country state district sales india TN chennai 100 india TN KPURAM 120 india TN Bangalore 35 india ANDR Guinder 100 india ANDR Nellai 76 london city-a xstreet 89 london city-a binroad 100
the data is displayed in this format. How i am trying to display data.
I have one table storing all the information about employye, i have to develop three different reports based on the same table with different groupings , is there a easy way to call each format differently using single interface ,something like ref cursor.I dont want to create two or 3 different reports , instead choose the format.
I want to print data from a clob in XML format and use the following
PROCEDURE printClobOut(result IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) is xmlstr varchar2(32767); line varchar2(32767); cnt NUMBER;
However the length of the clob is 13832630 which is too large for a VARCHAR2. Thus my output of line is cut off at 4000 characters. How can i increase this... Do i overlook something here in my code?
I have a table where multiple combination of records are store and i want to display data in range format as below, there is any way to group data as below.
now after having this data from "data1" table , we need to get the row from "data2" table.in "data2" table there are total 6 combination on basis of "POS,ORDER" [ there are only 2 "ORDER" i.e. 'F' and 'S' , where as POS value can be changed, BUT THE "POS,ORDER" COMBINATION WILL HAVE ONLY 6 UNIQUE COMBINATION. ] so, for "POS and DAT_ID" combination we need to get the lowest rank data first, if that is not present then get the other rank given in "DATA1" table and so on and if no rank is present then select the NULL row row data from "DATA2" table for ex: in DATA1 table for count(*)>1 and id=1, we have data as
-------------- IDDAT_IDRNK
11231 11242 11253 --------------
so, in "DATA2" table, first we will see for "POS and ORDR" combination which DAT_ID is present, i.e. in case od POS=11 and ordr=F, we will select
as it is having lowest rank in "DATA1" table and it is present in "DATA2" table,
for POS=12 and ordr=F, we will select
as we don't have "123 and 1" in "DATA2" table so we will select the next rank given in "DATA1" ( i.e. 124 and 2 ), similarly , for POs=31 and ordr=S, we will select, as this is the next available rank and DAT_ID present in "DATA2" table
and if there is no rank present from "DATA1" table in "DATA2" table then we will select the NULL row, i.e. for POS=21 and ordr=F, we need to select :
"there will be 6 row for each id"
the output we want is : ----------------------------------------- IDNAMEPOSORDER DAT_IDRNK 1D111F1231 1D112F1242 1D121F 1D12321S1231 1D2322S1242
i have data in date format for in time actually it should be 9:30 am and out time at 2:30 pm
T3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-MAR-11 24-MAR-11
system@id.world> select t4 from t;
T4 --------- 24-MAR-11 24-MAR-11
system@id.world> select * from nls_instance_parameters;
PARAMETER VALUE ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- NLS_LANGUAGE AMERICAN NLS_TERRITORY AMERICA NLS_SORT NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE
system@id.world> select * from nls_database_parameters;
PARAMETER VALUE ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- NLS_LANGUAGE AMERICAN NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET AL16UTF16 NLS_TERRITORY AMERICA NLS_CURRENCY $
20 rows selected.
system@id.world> show parameter nls_timestamp_fo
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ nls_timestamp_format string system@id.world> create table newt(t1 timestamp);
system@id.world> insert into newt values('12-jan-2010 11:00:00:068801'); insert into newt values('12-jan-2010 11:00:00:068801') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
system@id.world> insert into newt values('12-jan-2010');
1 row created.
system@id.world> insert into newt values('12-jan-2010');
1) what is significance of '.' here? insert into t values(timestamp'2011-03-24 11:03:00.05','12-mar-2011',systimestamp,localtimestamp);
2) while inserting using "values(timestamp'2011-03-24 11:03:00.05'" where this yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.FF format comes from?
3)what is role of nls_timestamp_format of nls_database_parameters in this? how it allowed me to insert value "'12-mar-2011'" which has hh24 format?
4) Does the format of localtimestamp is decided by nls_database_parameters?
Note : I have not set nls_date_format in my session
I tried to read the link below but could not understand above
1) I got column date of joining which accepts date in below format DD-MON-YYYYDD-MON-YYMON-DD-YYYYMON-DD-YYMonth DD,YYYY Question:-
how do i check whether all dates in Date of joining column are in above format or not using sql query? 2) I got one more date column which accepts date in below formatMMDDYYYYYYYYMMDDMM/DD/YYYYMM/DD/YYYYYY/DD/MM Question:-
how do i check whether all dates in date column are in above format or not using sql query?
i like to display a Table data like the below format,
EMPNO JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 00094 122 153 145 224 245 545 114 544 444 111 555 222 00095 233 123 145 224 205 545 114 444 444 111 555 222 00096 163 123 145 224 215 545 114 551 444 111 555 222 00097 163 0 145 224 215 545 114 551 444 111 555 222 conditions:
where condition: where year = 2007
Table Structure:
create table HR_PAYSLIP ( EMP_NO VARCHAR2(6) not null, YEAR NUMBER(4) not null, MONTH NUMBER(2) not null, BASIC_PAY NUMBER(9,2), )
Insert Command;
Pls Note: The above table data i have mentioned is an example with employee numbers and the basic_pay for all months in the particular year 2007, the employee no may be more and that must be displayed only one time like above for year 2007, and if the basic salary is zero for a month then it should be displayed as zero for a particular month
I'm using the oracle xml db 11g in my website application. Last week I found that using the deletexml() to delete a node in the xml may cause a terrible problem that the rest data in the database had wrong xml format. I wonder is it a bug when using binary xml storage. My xml data is describe below,
I using deletexml() to delete just a node once time, "update projects set object_value=deletexml(object_value, '/root/nodes/node[@id="1"]')" Usually it successes and the rest data is as expected, but sometime, I find that after deleting a node, any query in the database except "select * from projects" gets null. And the rest data has wrong format like below,
Issue with Date format. I am having data in date column in History table like
'2012/02/22 11:05:20 AM' '2012/08/15 17:00:00'
I am doing extract from this table to txt file. i want date fomrat in "YYYYMMDD HHMMSS".
i tried below query:
select to_char(to_date('1998/05/31 11:00:00 AM','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'),'YYYYMMDD HH24MMSS') from dual;But it is giving error like "ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string".
I am using ORACE 11g verion. Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
I have a database in access 2003 with the empno,empname and photo (bounded image). Using queries and an ODBC connection I have inserted the table into Oracle 8i (8.1.7). When I try to read the data using reports I get 'REP-1818 Unable to read data in image format.' error for the photo field.