I have a particular sql code which works perfectly fine on sql developer. But if I run the same sql code through a batch file it does not get executed. It does not throw an error too.
SQL code - clean_tables.sql
execute immediate 'drop table external_tables';
execute immediate 'drop table security';
when others then
Batch file - Clean.bat
set ORACLE_SID=orcl
set ORACLE_HOME=C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1
set PATH=C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1BIN
I am executing multiple PL/SQL files(.sql) with single batch file. The batch file sql.bat has got 3 sub sql sub-tasks to complete once its run. The sql.bat is show below
@Echo off
CD C:Report echo Loadin tables from text file Report.txt sqlplus security/password <c:Reportloader_security.sql echo Creating Security table sqlplus security/password <c:Reportcreating_security_final.sql echo Inserting text file Security table sqlplus security/password <c:Reportinsert_security_final.sql
The sql.bat runs perfectly if I double click on the sql.bat file separately. But if I call the sql.bat from a different batch file 'Final.bat' it throws the below error.
Error ----------- Executing SQL commands and loading file into SQL tables Loadin tables from text file Report.txt Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory [code].....
The Final.bat file calls other bat files too. It is as show below.
CD C:ReportSecurity echo Merging all Files CALL merge.bat
CD C:ReportSecurity echo Deleting old files CALL del.bat
CD C:ReportSecurity echo Executing SQL commands and loading file into SQL tables CALL sql.bat
when i am calling stored procedure with input and output parameters from batch file .. I am getting the following message ..
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Oct 4 11:48:51 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options 14
I am trying to setup incremental backup on my windows OS based server using RMAN command in batch file. When I use batch file in OS scheduler it is working fine, when I am calling same batch file from my LOCAL desktop PC it throws errors as below.
D:> \ mankp_acressit.bat D:>rman catalog rman/******@acressit target / cmd file=E:sgdba mankp_arch.rcv log E:sgdba mansit_arch_rman_backup.log RMAN-00557: could not open MSGLOG "E:sgdba
Both single and double quotes (' or ") are accepted for a quoted-string.
Quotes are not required unless the string contains embedded white-space.
RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00556: could not open CMDFILE "E:sgdba mankp_arch.rcv"
* on my DB server I am login using my administrator account, on my PC I dont have admin account.
* I have checked remote execution using local user as well as admin user.
* I have checked the permission and my local ID & EVERYONE has all permission in that folder.
I have got an unattended install (via the Oracle provided response file) working fine for Oracle Client 8.1.7, however the setup isn't working quite as I would like it...
I am calling the setup.exe with appropriate switches for the response file from a DOS Batch file.� Once setup.exe has been called, the batch file then assumes it has finished its job with the Oracle setup, and continues processing as normal, however the Oracle setup has only just started.
command line switch to add on the end of setup.exe to make sure that the batch file pauses until the Oracle client installation has completed?� Just using Sleep.exe from the Windows Res Kits isn't really good enough, as I don't want to be guessing how long an Oracle install takes - I'd much rather have the setup.exe tell the batch file when it has finished, so the Batch can carry on.
we are running a front end application on classic asp and we are using microsoft ole db version to connect to oracle 9i database.Now as the users are increasing daily, the application performance is degrading day by day.
my question is will oracle ole db increase the performance of my front end application. and is it possible for me to migrate from microsoft oledb to oracle oledb without much changes in the application.
I have a .bat file in my client system,which will open a web page after executing(after double clicking on it).I want to execute the same batch file from my pl/sql block.So,after executing my pl/sql block that .bat file should execute,and it should open the same web page.
I am trying to create a batch file which will be executed with windows scheduled task. This batch file will have sqlplus script running Oracle query. I can run this query from the command prompt, no problem,
When i double click .bat file, it will get proper info.But when i call this .bat file thru form, it will show blank screen..why this .bat file not running ?
I run this script through batch file its working.Problem is dump file showing with this format C:dmp_wed.dmp.I want to date format like that C:dmp_18052011.dmp.
for date formatting.How I can add date format in a batch file.
I am running Oracle Database 10g R2 on windows 2003, I want to create a batch file to check if the database is idle or not, and if it is idle shut it down and start it up.
BEGIN dbms_scheduler.Create_schedule(schedule_name => 'RMAN_TICKER_STARTING', repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=9; BYMINUTE=15,30,45,59', comments => 'schedule to run daily'); dbms_scheduler.Create_program (program_name => 'TICKER_PROGRAME',
It was created successfully, but when I execute, it shows the error message.
BEGIN dbms_scheduler.Run_job ('RMAN_TICKER_JOB', TRUE); END; begin dbms_scheduler.run_job ( 'RMAN_TICKER_JOB',TRUE); end; Error at line 1 ORA-27370: job slave failed to launch a job of type EXECUTABLE ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:accessing execution agent failed with status: 2
But I have the CMD file in the location - "F:FEEDLGRTOOLSfeedlgr.cmd".
i get flat file and i have set up a control M job so that it runs at a particular time.
initially my control file was as below:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'DFILEabcd.dat' BADFILE 'BDabcd.bad' REPLACE INTO TABLE abcd_table (A position(01:09) CHAR, B position(11:12) CHAR, C position(14:33) CHAR, D position(37:50) char)
this was working fine. control M did not send FAIL message.but later i had to change the ctl file due to requirement. i had to add a when clause.
my code after modification is:
INFILE 'DFILEabcd.dat' BADFILE 'BDabcd.bad' REPLACE INTO TABLE abcd_table when A<>'10' (A position(01:09) CHAR, B position(11:12) CHAR, C position(14:33) CHAR, D position(37:50)
now the control M is sending an erro message after it runs the job. error is Return 5. thats all it gives.
i think it is due to errorlevel 1. in log file it says zero records inserted due to data error. then what is causing control M to send fail message??
sqlloader is loading all the required records correctly.
I am trying to create a silent install as part of a batch file that does other things after. I'm running into the following issues
1) I need the batch file to wait until the install is done to continue. Trouble is that running setup with a response file opens up a new windows to run the install. I tried the wait command but doesn't work right either 2) Same issue with DBCA and a response file.
Any way to run the silent installs and have the batch file wait until the install is done and then continue? The less user intervention required, the better.
How to call a batch file existing in network path through oracle forms 6i. I am using following code in Forms 6i which is supposed to FTP some .text files to a UNIX box.
I have a Batch file(.bat) where I get the user name password ans schema name as a input . Based on that input I connect the sql and run some update query from bat file itself. Now I have issue ,when the user give wrong credintials it ask for the credintials again.
Is there any way to check the credintials of oracle and give the invalid credintial error via bat file. The sample of my Bat file is as follows.
@echo off for /f %%i in ('sqlplus -s usename/password@db @H: est_db_connection.sql') do @set count=%%i echo %count% IF %count% EQU 1 ECHO ("Database connection working fine") IF %count% NEQ 1 ECHO ("Not able to connect to database")
I have countries, sites, states tables (total 3) in database (i have user id and password to connect to this database).
every week i need to extract data from these tables into excel files and i need to save those in shared drive for team use.
Currently i am connecting to database every time running sql query and manually exporting that latest data to excel and saving that as excel files in (G: eamcommon) folder with specific name.
output format should be :
excel (.xls) file names should - countries.xls,sites.xls,states.xls server name : ap21 output location : G: eamcommon ( G is shared drive).
i heard that we could create batch file to do this task and also we could use oracle procedure to do this task. but not sure which one is the best option.
I have a bit of an issue with Oracle datapump dump files.
Today, I manage the export and import of oracle dump files. As part of the batch export process I have a script which essentially says:
For each schema realated to my application in THIS instance, export schema via the system user (system user allows me privs to all schemas).
On the import UI side of things I am able to run a "head -20" command on the dmp file and determine the "export client version", "date the schema was dumped", and "what schema it was dumped from". All useful info presented in my UI.
in that I allow the importation of production schemas into test schemas, (contained in a different tablespace). Based on naming convention I can determine the schema type (production or test). Additionally and probably most importantly, I am assured where the data has come from.
In looking at "expdp" and the dump file. Using the same method as above, it appears the data pump dump DOES NOT carry similar headers. Because of this, I am unable to return very little useful info from the dump file.
I realize I could run the impdp with the "sqlfile=myfile.sql" and then interrogate the sql file for the info. But on large dump files this would be fairly time consuming compared to a "head -20" on a dump file.
How I can install and use Oracle Developer 6i and Oracle Developer Suite 10g on the computer? It needed registry edition or is there any "official" way?
I instaledl Oracle Database 11g in my PC and try to login to it. I am able to log to it via SQLDeveloper but I can not login via SQLPLUS and I got ORA-12154. Here is my TNSname.ora and SQLplus.ora
# sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File: C:appmhakimjavadiproduct11.2.0dbhome_1 etworkadminsqlnet.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. # This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to # install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native
I am using Oracle 11g version, and i am using plsql developer 7.1.I am able to connect Oracle through sql*plus, But i am not able to connect Oracle through plsql developer from past few days, it is giving me error like: ora-12545 connect failed because target host does not exist...I recently installed oracle dev_suite 10g client first and then i installed oracle 11g server in windows 7. Both tns files are having identical entries.