Upgrade :: Upgrading From To - Password Concern

Jul 29, 2013

Servers:  Linux 5 & Windows 3 (seperate servers)
Database: Oracle
Upgrade to: Oracle
Upgrade type: Inplace upgrade (DBUA) on same servers ...

I am about to start our Oracle Production database from Oracle 10g to 11g and get a quick question: Will all database service accounts or usernames, or schema AND their passwords moved to the new environment?I am mostly concern about the password. I don't want to change them in the new environment. We have hundreds of jobs from all over the world using these usernames and password and do't want to change them.  

Example: Will username app_users and its password (PassWord@rAll)be usable in the new 11g environment? 

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Upgrade :: Upgrading Database From To

Sep 6, 2013

When upgrading database from to  , i am getting following error$

/run Installer Starting Oracle Universal Installer...Checking installer requirements...Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, SuSE-10, redhat-4, redhat-5,  UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1, asianux-2 or asianux-3 Passed All installer requirements met. Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2013-09-07_01-25-05AM.  Please wait ...  error:  invalid compressed data to inflate /tmp/OraInstall2013-09-07_01 -25-05AM/oui/jlib/ewt3.jarerror:  invalid compressed data to inflate /tmp/OraInstall2013-09-07_01-25-05AM/oui/gui de/htmlguide.jar

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Upgrade :: Upgrading The 11g Database Using Dbua Utility?

Apr 22, 2013

I have installed oracle 11g R2 in windows and i ve created database of vesrion I tried to upgrade the database to higher version using the dbua utility . But in this utility source & destination both is showing as upgrade the database from to higher version using the dbua utility

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How To Know Password (Exact Password Not Hascode) Of All Users As A Sysdba

May 28, 2008

How to know the password(Exact password not hascode) of all users as a sysdba in Oracle 9i or 10g.How to convert hashcode password to Actual password.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Procedure That Will Send In Customer ID / Password And New Password

May 14, 2011

I am trying to create a procedure that will send in the customer id, password and new password. The procedure will say if it has been updated or not. this is the code i have.

--Patty Carson
--Assignment 3 Question 3
--Description: Allows the user to change a password for a customer
CREATE or REPLACE procedure ChgPwd
(custid OUT number, password OUT VARCHAR2, newpassword IN VARCHAR2)

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Security :: Create Password File / Don't Know Password Of Sys User

Jun 5, 2012

I want to know what if any person don't know the password of SYS, can he create password file, becauase i dont know the password of sys users, generally login with '/ as sysdba',

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Upgrade :: Cross Platform Upgrade From Single Instance To RAC

Jun 26, 2013

I'm planning to upgrade a small database (~150GB) from on windows 2003 23bit to RAC on Linux 5.8.The database contains oracle spatial too. A suitable method and link to document to be followed. 

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Upgrade :: ORA-00904 / OBJ$EDITION / Invalid Identifier After Upgrade To

Nov 19, 2012

I recently performed an upgrade on a new server from oracle 10gr2 to oracle 11gr2 (

I take the rman backup from oracle 10g server and restore it on new server where I installed oracle 11gr2.

But on my previous oracle 10gr2 server I enabled the auditing. After doing successful upgrade now when I try to login with any user except sys I receive the following error:

SQL> conn scott/tiger
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier
ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier

I got the workaround by setting the parameter audit_trail=FALSE (Previous value was DB_EXTENDED) .But I want my auditing to be enabled as per y requirements.

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Upgrade :: Upgrade Patch For Enterprise Versus Standard

Sep 22, 2012

is the upgrade patch the same for standard edition and enterprise edition or there are two separate patches?

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Upgrade :: Reference Note IDs For Database Upgrade From To

Oct 22, 2012

find reference note IDs for DB upgrade from to, as I am finding only Exadata which I don't want but I want to find for Ebiz database, on OS - Solaris 10 9/10 s10s_u9wos_14a SPARC.

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Upgrade :: Oracle Database Upgrade Changes DATA_PUMP_DIR

Jun 6, 2012

Along with existing RMAN backups we do Exports - of our DB using and OS User and Oracle Wallet.Of the DB's we have upgraded the Data Pump Directory

Select * from dba_directories; (there are other commands to get this info as well).

I captured screens from the DBUA upgrades, but did not see an option to change this information.Is there a way to feed this information to the install moving forward. IE, ./DBUA -silent ?

Also, anyone tracked the percentage of storage increase from 10.2/11.1 to 11.2.

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Upgrade :: SYS Table Very Slow After 11g Database Upgrade?

Nov 7, 2012

All my sys tables are very slow after my database upgrade from to on AIX 6.1

For example
select * from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS; -- taking 19 seconds in and few millisec in

I have deleted and updated fixed and dictionary table statistics , till I facing this issue

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Upgrade :: Patchset Number To Upgrade Oracle

Jun 14, 2012

Know the Patch set number to upgrade a Oracle to on Solaris 10 Spark 64bits?

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Upgrading From To

Sep 16, 2010

We have downloaded the version from the below link


The downloaded dump name is win64_11gR1_database_111070.zip.This dump is intended for Windows 2008.

we have installed this dump on Windows 2003 and upgraded from to .

In the process we have not encountered any issues. Whether the steps we followed would suffice for an upgrade from to or Should i go for base version installation and apply patch set.

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ODP.NET :: Upgrading From Version 10 To 11

Jun 6, 2013

We have several applications hosted on a server using ODP.NET 10, but we are the first to decide to upgrade to ODP.NET 11 which means we need a method where only our application uses ODP.NET 11 without affecting any other existing applications.

I've read about the policy files which automatically redirects application to use latest version installed on the machine. Is there a method available which can avoid this situation as the owners of other application may not allow this to happen.

How can I ensure that my application is using ODP.NET 11 or ODP.NET 10 if both are installed? I created two sample app one with Oracle.DataAccess.dll and other one with Oracle.DataAccess.dll With below line of code, I found both applications are showing Oracle.DataAccess at runtime.


Last thing, I may be wrong saying latest ODP.NET wouldn't work with NHibernate please validate.

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Server Administration :: Upgrading From To 11.1.0?

Feb 15, 2011

I am upgrading oracle database from to 11.1.0 (clients need 11.1. andnot 11.2).

Metalink tells me that I can do a direct upgrade and don't have to go to so that's good news. Since time is of essence here : )

I ran the utlu111i.sql.

And made the following changes, per its recommendation.

Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]
--> "log_archive_start"
--> "max_enabled_roles"
--> "parallel_automatic_tuning"
--> "background_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
--> "user_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
--> "core_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"

ISSUE 1:I already have a sysaux tablespace in my db, but the log still says, SYSAUX Tablespace:

[Create tablespace in the Oracle Database 11.1 environment]
--> New "SYSAUX" tablespace
.... minimum required size for database upgrade: 500 MB

ISSUE 2:I copied the 9i orapw file to the 11g $ORACLE_HOME/dbs location but when I try to login, using the same login (after I source the new profile) it still asks me for username/password. Doesn't allow remote sysdba login ? DO I NEED TO DO SOMETHING SPECIAL WITH THE PASSWORD FILE ?

ISSUE 3:Here are the steps I took before I get the next error:

I copied the init file from 9i location to the 11g location made the above changes in the init file.

I set the compatible to 10.1.0.

Added diagnostic_dest and got rid of bdump, udump and cdump

Then I shutdown the db (9i) I sourced the 9i profile (IS THIS TRUE OR SHOULD I SOURCE THE 11G PROFILE ?), and tried to start the db using startup upgrade (my changes have been made to the 9i init file and that is the one I am using to start the db with in the upgrade mode, is that ok ? ) I GET THE FOLLOWING ERROR SP2-0714: invalid combination of STARTUP options

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Server Administration :: Upgrading From 9i R1 To R2?

Nov 30, 2010

Need to clarify upgrade procedures from Oracle 9i R1 ( to Oracle 9i R2 ( Do we need to first upgrade to (as base) before proceeding to patch it by version Or could we patch it directly from to

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Server Administration :: Upgrading From To

Apr 25, 2011

I am upgrading my server from to in DST check the timezone values returned is 2 and not 4. I have checked using utltzpv4.sql and the jobs returned are as below.

Owner table_name Column_Name.

I dont have any userdata using TSTZ or TSLTZ.

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Forms :: Error After Upgrading To 10G?

Mar 23, 2011

So I have an extremely weird error that I just found after several month of being upgraded to 10g from 6i. Right now I have several data blocks where users input data. The field that they input into is fairly long, so we give them the option to double-click which opens up the editor.

Now, if they do this when entering the field for the first time, everything works great. However, if they save, then decide to go back into the data block and edit the field, they can edit it in the text just fine. However, if they double-click and bring up the text editor, after they click ok (or cancel) it jumps back to the first data block.

What is more weird is I can't get it to happen on my own machine, only when it is running on the unix server. On top of that, I was able to avoid the issue by simply showing a message saying "field is about to be edited" and making them click ok. Of course, it's a work-around

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01843 After Upgrading To ORACLE 11.2g

Sep 12, 2011

I just upgraded my oracle DB version from 9 to 11.2g with the assistance of a DBA. The upgrade went fine, and all the data transfered as it should.

The only problem that I got is that almost every query that I try to run via my PL/SQL developer throws the ORA-01843 error. I checked the NLS-lang property from the previus DB and it is the same as the new one. The DBA says that the problem is in the PLSQL properties (althogh I didn't change them).

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Upgrading RHEL3 To RHEL5 Is Not Possible

Sep 23, 2011

I have a virtual Linux RHEL 3 server with Oracle DB running on VMWare. Now I need to update Linux to RHEL 5 and oracle to 11R2.upgrading RHEL 3 to RHEL 5 is not possible, so I need to install a new RHEL 5 server.

My plan is to install a new virtual server with RHEL 5and Oracle 11R2 in it. And then migrate DB there.What would be the easiest/fastest/safest way to do this? I would prefer using the DBUA method because of simplicity and my knowledge of Oracle :-)

I already tested this certainly unsupported scenario and it seemed to work:

I was unable to install Oracle 9 to RHEL 5 (not supported on RHEL5). So I just shutdown the DB on old environment and just copied everything related to Oracle from old RHEL 3 server to same locations on new RHEL 5 server. The DB started up just fine on RHEL 5 server.

So now as I had Oracle 9 DB running in RHEL 5 and also Oracle 11R2 binaries installed, I just followed DBUA instructions to do the upgrade and it seemed to succeed.

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Upgrade :: Oracle Upgrade To - Compatible

Jul 19, 2013

I am going to upgrade database from to

1) If compatible is set to 10.2.0 in, will it work ?
2) If compatible set to maximum level, will it affect our application ?
3) Whether any code related problem occurred after upgrading like PL/SQL codes ?

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Upgrade :: Oracle Database Upgrade

Mar 13, 2013

We are planning to upgrade our database from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi to Oracle Standard Edition 11g . We also have oracle apex installed on Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi database with oracle apex 3.1

No our plan to upgrade the database and oracle apex to 4.2. Since Oracle Enterprise Edition is licensing is very expensive we though of buying standard edition and upgrade to this version.

can we upgrade the oracle database from enterprise edition to latest standard edition?

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Upgrade :: Database Upgrade From 9.2.0 To 11gr2

Aug 6, 2012

Iam doing some oracle database upgrade from 9.2.0 to 11gr2 . is it possible to upgrade directly from this 9i version to 11gr2 .

Version : 9.2.0 to 11gr2

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Upgrade :: Compatible Parameter During Upgrade

May 21, 2013

Why COMPATIBLE Parameter is important to be at a certain value before you UPGRADE( to to 11g ?

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Upgrade :: Upgrade To On Linux Environment?

Mar 23, 2013

I try to upgrade to on Linux environment. I have to apply patch P1253900 before the upgrade per oracle doc.

however I got following conflict:

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
Checking skip_duplicate
Checking skip_subset

Conflicts/Supersets for each patch are:

Patch : 12539000
Conflict with 12827726
Conflict details:

Following patches have conflicts: [   12827726   12539000 ] Refer to My Oracle Support Note 1299688.1 for instructions on resolving patch conflicts.

I checked above oracle note, and did not say any resolution.

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Server Administration :: Upgrading To 10g Or Higher

May 8, 2010

where I can download the software for upgrading to 10g or higher, but not 11g. I am not going to install 11g. Currently, I have 10g and I have Windows XP. I don't consider to install 11g.

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Server Administration :: - Upgrading Only 1 Database?

Feb 16, 2011

If have several databases running on a Oracle Home. I want to upgrade one of them to My thinking is that I install 10.2 to another location e.g. /u01/app/oracle/product/ and patch this OH to Regarding the steps to upgrade a particular database. Oracle documentation as I'm unable to locate?

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Forms :: Upgrading Java With Reports 6i?

Feb 16, 2010

We currently are running Forms and Reports 6i.

We intend upgrading Java to jre 1.6.0_14. Would this have any impact on our environment? Can we safely go ahead with the upgrade?

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Application Express :: Error Upgrading From To 4.1.1?

Aug 27, 2012

I receive this error. In my opinion the problem could be related to the presence of one personalized authentication schemas, based on a DB function, taken from a Packaged application, some years ago, called "menu_framework".
This is the error report:
-- Now beginning upgrade. This will take several minutes.-------
-- Ensuring template names are unique -------
-- Migrating metadata to new schema -------
-- Switching builder to new schema -------
ERRORE alla riga 1:
ORA-00600: codice di errore interno, argomenti: [kgiinb_invalid_obj],
[0x26962168], [0x1A1042F4], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

1) after the error trap, I copied the Image folder and tried to launch APEX. It was possible to lunch the development pages, but impossible to execute any application with the error: Authentication Schema not Supported
2) then decided to downgrade to APEX 4.0, following the proper instructions: received a similar error:
SQL> exec apex_040000.wwv_flow_upgrade.switch_schemas('APEX_040100','APEX_040000
BEGIN apex_040000.wwv_flow_upgrade.switch_schemas('APEX_040100','APEX_040000');

ERRORE alla riga 1:
ORA-00600: codice di errore interno, argomenti: [kgiinb_invalid_obj],
[0x16D5D9E4], [0x27F2074C], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

The execution of application reported the same problem.Then decided to restore the entirre DB.

Where is my problem?Are my suspects real or the Authentication schema malfunctiong is a conseguence of the upgrade error?

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