Upgrade :: Migration Without Downtime - Goldengate Approach

Mar 24, 2013

We are facing a project where it is mandatory that the migration (from 9i to 11g) happens without any downtime. We thought about using Goldengate do to this migration. But i would like to listen to somebody who already did such kind of migration (i never used goldengate before). The basic steps to do such migration would be:

1) Install the Goldengate client on both source and target
2) Export only the metadata (structure of the table, for example) from source to target (here is one point of doubt of mine. This export can be only done using exp/imp?)
3) Perform the initial load from source to target (here i have another doubt: It it possible to perform an initial load from a whole database?)
4) Configure manager, export and replicat to perform the migration with the source database open in read-write

With the steps above, would i be able to perform a migration without downtime? What other considerations do you have?

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Zero Downtime Migration From Oracle To Sybase

Aug 3, 2012

Is there any way/ tool to migrate from oracle to sybase with Zero Downtime?

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Upgrade :: Migration From 10g To 11g?

Nov 2, 2012

my current database version is and we are going to migrate our database to .

Can we directly migrate database to or will i require to apply any patch before this ?

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Upgrade :: Migration / Upgrade 10g / R2 To 11g / 2

Jul 6, 2012

I am looking for for exact steps for migration. The important question ist:

-- If we migrate from 10g to 11g, do we need addition (more) CPU's as currently we have?
-- Do wee need more powerful HW.

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Upgrade :: Non-updatable View After Migration

Apr 24, 2013

DBA's are recently migrated oracle 10g to oracle 11g, we got some problem in views after it has been migrated to oracle 11g.

A view which is there in oracle 10g is updatable and the same view currently is not updatable in oracle 11g after migration

view is like

select aa.a, aa.b, bb.c
form t1_v aa, t2_v bb


t3_v is updatable in oracle 10g, but after migration to oracle 11g, t3_v is not updatable in oracle 11g,

we have checked underlying views t1_v and t2_v both are insertable, updatable and deletable in both oracle 10g and oracle 11g.

we checked constraints also in oracle 11g, everything is same as in oracle 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Apply Divide And Conquer Approach On Field Value

May 4, 2010

I want to apply divide and conquer approach on the field value, For example I have the field value like this

32,36,12,85, 85,9663

Remember that these value are taken from ONLY one field i.e Value. Apply the divide and conquer approach in such a manner that take the value of a single field and each row and divide the value into two half. Continue this process until single value until we reach the single value or single sub problems.

Apply the divide and conquer approach on all the value of field. When we get final value then match the value of two different rows. And check how much field value are similar (match or duplicated). If field values are match more then 80% then delete the duplicated value and keep the original entity.

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How To Apply Patchset With No Downtime

Sep 20, 2012

How to apply patchset (10.2.5) with no downtime?

My db version is 10.2.4 and OS is hp-ux

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Replication :: Applying DB Structure Changes Without Downtime?

Mar 16, 2011

We are trying eliminate/minimize the downtime for our application. As part of new code deployments sometimes we need to modify DB Structure also. As it is taking time to backup current DB and apply new DDL, the application is down.

Is there a way to eliminate the downtime, if I can leverage Data Guard, Golden Gate or RAC concepts?

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Server Administration :: Bdump Dir Deleted / Cannot Get Cause Of Downtime

Sep 19, 2011

Is there any way I can find out what caused the database to crash; either a history of commands executed within the database, I lost my bdump directory before the scheduled backup ran and the only logs available are after I re-created the directory.

SQL> startup
ORA-00444: background process "PMON" failed while starting
ORA-07446: sdnfy: bad value '' for parameter .

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GoldenGate Sequence Replication And Triggers

Apr 29, 2013

I have a question about GG Sequence Replication and Triggers. My main database, which I would like to replicate on another server, is highly dependent on sequences for assigning surrogate keys to every row in every table in the application. I know that I need to add Sequence support to my source database (plus supplemental logging, etc), but I'm curious about the target database.

I do not anticipate allowing Read/Write access to this database - we are migrating from (source) to (target) on a new platform, and I want to keep the 11g database up-to-date with our production data until it is time to begin the actual conversion of our application. My thinking is that if I use the SUPPRESSTRIGGERS dboption in my Replicat session, this should take care of the use of the Sequences for assigning the surrogate key values, and the data should add to the tables normally without any intervention by the sequences/trigger combination. I know I will have to manually "correct" the sequences on my database whenever I want to open this database up for use, but I have a script for this ready to go.

Also, in my source database, I am using Oracle Context indexes for generic name searching - this feature creates a number of DR$ named tables in the main application schema that I am replicating (approximately 50 of them). I am assuming that I should EXCLUDE these tables from the replication, as the context indexing should automatically update them as changes to the underlying data are applied via the replication of the indexed tables.

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GoldenGate Change IP Of Target DB Server?

May 31, 2013

What would be the steps involved if I will change the IP address of my Oracle GoldenGate target database?

Below are the steps that I thought of:

1. OGG Target: Stop the running change capture replicat and GG manager

2. OGG Target: Implement change process of IP address up to database startup

3. OGG Source: Stop the running data pump extract

4. OGG Source: Update data pump extract parameter RMTHOST pointing to the new IP address of the target

5. OGG Source: Start the data pump extract

6. OGG Target: start GG manager and the change capture replicat

Will it work or I missed a critical step?

OGG Source (PROD): Oracle 10g; Oracle GoldenGate 11.1.1; OS HPUX
OGG Target (Datawarehouse): Oracle 11g; Oracle GoldenGate; OS Linux

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Replication :: Using GoldenGate Between MS SQL Server And Oracle 10g

Feb 10, 2012

how to using GoldenGate between MS SQL Server 2000 and Oracle 10g?

i want the two database have the same data,how can i configuation the GoldenGate?

Can U provide some documents for me?

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Replication :: GoldenGate Encrypted TableSpace?

Jun 29, 2011

Using Golden Gate to replicate a database (Encrypted Tablespace, Oracle, Windows 2008) to a different database server (No Encrypted Tablespace Oracle 11.1 Linux)

Following error goldengate report
ERROR OGG-01771 DBOPTIONS DECRYPTPASSWORD must be used to decrypt TSE data. Use TRANLOGOPTION IGNORETSERECORDS if you do not need to capture any tables that are in an encrypted tablespace.

How use it

Add an entry to the Extract parameter file to decrpt the new shared password


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Replication :: Using Goldengate To Extract Data From ASM - 10G

Feb 17, 2011

We are getting following error when we are trying to extract data from ASM.

GGS ERROR 500 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext_1.prm: Getting attributes for ASM file +DATA/testgg/onlinelog/group_1.257.742844671, SQL <BEGIN dbms_diskgroup.getfileattr('+DATA/testgg/onlinelog/group_1.257.742844671', :filetype, :filesize, :lblksize); END;>: (6550) ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_DISKGROUP.GETFILEATTR' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignoredNot able to establish initial position for begin time 2011-02-16 16:42:05.

Database version is

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Replication :: Goldengate Extract For 12C Database

Aug 30, 2013

I am implementing GG 11g r2 for 12C database. But i am getting below error. My question Why Goldengate needs specific package ... Since this is homogeneous & heterogeneous.

2013-08-30 05:28:44 INFO OGG-01513 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm: Positioning to Sequence 66, RBA 25067536, SCN 0.0.
2013-08-30 05:28:44 ERROR OGG-01028 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_INTERNAL_CLKM' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored.
2013-08-30 05:28:44 ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm: PROCESS ABENDING.

Database details
SQL> select object_name, object_type from dba_objects where object_name='DBMS_INTERNAL_CLKM' and object_type in ('PACKAGE');

no rows selected

SQL> select object_name, object_type from dba_objects where object_name='DBMS_INTERNAL_CLKM';

no rows selected

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Moving Schema From One Database To Another Of Different Unix Flavour With Minimal Downtime

Aug 14, 2013

Oracle version : 10g, 11g (applicable to both) Consider a schema named 'UNIVERSE' present in the database A running on Linux platform where this schema needs to be moved to another database B running on  windows platform or AIX platform with no downtime provided and data needs to be consistent.  Is this practically possible?

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Upgrade :: Cross Platform Upgrade From Single Instance To RAC

Jun 26, 2013

I'm planning to upgrade a small database (~150GB) from on windows 2003 23bit to RAC on Linux 5.8.The database contains oracle spatial too. A suitable method and link to document to be followed. 

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Upgrade :: ORA-00904 / OBJ$EDITION / Invalid Identifier After Upgrade To

Nov 19, 2012

I recently performed an upgrade on a new server from oracle 10gr2 to oracle 11gr2 (

I take the rman backup from oracle 10g server and restore it on new server where I installed oracle 11gr2.

But on my previous oracle 10gr2 server I enabled the auditing. After doing successful upgrade now when I try to login with any user except sys I receive the following error:

SQL> conn scott/tiger
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier
ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier

I got the workaround by setting the parameter audit_trail=FALSE (Previous value was DB_EXTENDED) .But I want my auditing to be enabled as per y requirements.

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Upgrade :: Upgrade Patch For Enterprise Versus Standard

Sep 22, 2012

is the upgrade patch the same for standard edition and enterprise edition or there are two separate patches?

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Upgrade :: Reference Note IDs For Database Upgrade From To

Oct 22, 2012

find reference note IDs for DB upgrade from to, as I am finding only Exadata which I don't want but I want to find for Ebiz database, on OS - Solaris 10 9/10 s10s_u9wos_14a SPARC.

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Upgrade :: Oracle Database Upgrade Changes DATA_PUMP_DIR

Jun 6, 2012

Along with existing RMAN backups we do Exports - of our DB using and OS User and Oracle Wallet.Of the DB's we have upgraded the Data Pump Directory

Select * from dba_directories; (there are other commands to get this info as well).

I captured screens from the DBUA upgrades, but did not see an option to change this information.Is there a way to feed this information to the install moving forward. IE, ./DBUA -silent ?

Also, anyone tracked the percentage of storage increase from 10.2/11.1 to 11.2.

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Upgrade :: SYS Table Very Slow After 11g Database Upgrade?

Nov 7, 2012

All my sys tables are very slow after my database upgrade from to on AIX 6.1

For example
select * from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS; -- taking 19 seconds in and few millisec in

I have deleted and updated fixed and dictionary table statistics , till I facing this issue

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Upgrade :: Patchset Number To Upgrade Oracle

Jun 14, 2012

Know the Patch set number to upgrade a Oracle to on Solaris 10 Spark 64bits?

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Upgrade :: Oracle Upgrade To - Compatible

Jul 19, 2013

I am going to upgrade database from to

1) If compatible is set to 10.2.0 in, will it work ?
2) If compatible set to maximum level, will it affect our application ?
3) Whether any code related problem occurred after upgrading like PL/SQL codes ?

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Upgrade :: Oracle Database Upgrade

Mar 13, 2013

We are planning to upgrade our database from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi to Oracle Standard Edition 11g . We also have oracle apex installed on Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi database with oracle apex 3.1

No our plan to upgrade the database and oracle apex to 4.2. Since Oracle Enterprise Edition is licensing is very expensive we though of buying standard edition and upgrade to this version.

can we upgrade the oracle database from enterprise edition to latest standard edition?

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Upgrade :: Database Upgrade From 9.2.0 To 11gr2

Aug 6, 2012

Iam doing some oracle database upgrade from 9.2.0 to 11gr2 . is it possible to upgrade directly from this 9i version to 11gr2 .

Version : 9.2.0 to 11gr2

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Upgrade :: Compatible Parameter During Upgrade

May 21, 2013

Why COMPATIBLE Parameter is important to be at a certain value before you UPGRADE( to to 11g ?

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Upgrade :: Upgrade To On Linux Environment?

Mar 23, 2013

I try to upgrade to on Linux environment. I have to apply patch P1253900 before the upgrade per oracle doc.

however I got following conflict:

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
Checking skip_duplicate
Checking skip_subset

Conflicts/Supersets for each patch are:

Patch : 12539000
Conflict with 12827726
Conflict details:

Following patches have conflicts: [   12827726   12539000 ] Refer to My Oracle Support Note 1299688.1 for instructions on resolving patch conflicts.

I checked above oracle note, and did not say any resolution.

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Upgrade :: To Upgrade 32bit

Jun 24, 2012

I am trying to upgrade the database 32bit from to version in lunux 32 bit . I faced the version incompatibilty error during patchset installation and hence ran the patchset installation with -ignoresysprereqs option.Now during the patchset installation i encountered the below error in in the install logfile.

INFO: Start output from spawned process:
INFO: ----------------------------------
INFO: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/genclntsh
INFO: genclntsh: genclntsh: Could not locate /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin/shrept.lst

Need certified os and versions for oracle db 10gr2

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Upgrade :: Database Upgrade From To

Jan 2, 2013

After many tries of upgrade'ing oracle I decided to make backup of my database and then remove and install to recover db. Unfortunately I am not sure how should I perform restoration.I backed up data by calling RMAN> backup database include current controlfile;

After that I moved files from fast_recovery_area and cleared my machine from current oracle release.I also did a copy of directories:


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