Updating Millions Of Rows In A Batch

Nov 9, 2011

I have a table which has plenty of rows. In production, I would estimate it to be from 30 millions to 300 millions. I need to update on column (flag) in all the rows (created before certain date).Now saying just:

UPDATE MyTable SET flag = 3 WHERE created < to_date('2010-10-08 23:59:59', 'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');

Does not seem like a good idea - the commit-buffer would become too big.I will write a PL/SQL script for this. The question is, whether I should:

a) Update each row separately, and commit after every 10000 rows. ( WHERE RowId = [rowId] )
b) Update 10000 rows with set of dates ( WHERE rowId > [some_row_id] AND RowId < [some_row_id_2]

In the latter example the some_row_ids would naturally be fetched. The rowIds come from sequence. So which one would be more effective?I am not too familiar with PL/SQL or Oracle for that matter.

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Delete 4 Millions Of Rows From A Table Having 25 Millions Of Rows?

Dec 14, 2007

I joined the forum just today, i need some tips on deleting the millions of rows from a huge table having 25 millions of rows.

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Inserting Millions Of Rows Using Append?

Aug 6, 2011

INTO sales_fact
FROM customer_sales_fact_staging
ORDER BY time_wh_id;


Suppose in the above case

FROM customer_sales_fact_staging
ORDER BY time_wh_id;
returns a huge number say more than 10 million or 50 million

will the commit work(one single transaction)

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PL/SQL :: Delete Millions Of Rows And Fragmentation

Mar 18, 2013

i have deleted 20 lak rows from a table which has 30 lak rows,

and i wanted to release the fragmented space, what is the procedure other than exp/imp or alter table move

and also the recommended way to do this prod env... (coalesce /alter move etc.. )

db version is 11.2

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PL/SQL :: How To Improve DELETE Statement That Remove Millions Of Rows

Jun 18, 2012

The following query take lot of time when exectued, even after I drop the indexes, is there a better way to write the following query?

DELETE from pwr_part
where ft_src_ref_id in (select ft_src_ref_id
from pwr_purge_ft);

--UIP10371 foreign key (FT_SRC_REF_ID, FT_DTL_SEQ)


Explain Plan:

Description Object owner Object name Cost Cardinality Bytes
SELECT STATEMENT, GOAL = ALL_ROWS 224993 5492829 395483688
HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI 224993 5492829 395483688
PARTITION HASH ALL 60942 27156200 1792309200
TABLE ACCESS FULL PWR_OWNER PWR_PART 60942 27156200 1792309200

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PL/SQL :: Merging And Updating Rows

Jun 29, 2013

I have a table structure as follows  

Student(Id,First_Name, Last_Name, email, Contact, Address1,Address2,City,Edit_Date,Create_Date,Archived)  

Now if there is more than one row with same email the one with the latest edit date should be updated with missing fields by using same field value other rows (if the field is present in more than one row, the one with the next latest edit date is to be considered) and the archived status of all rows with same email except this master row must be set to 1.

The Create_Date must be set to the minimum of all the create_date values of rows with same email value The create table would be as follows:

CREATE TABLE student(Id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,first_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,last_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,email VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,contact NUMBER,adress1 VARCHAR(30),adress2 VARCHAR(30),city VARCHAR(30),edit_date DATE,create_date DATE,archived CHAR(1))

 Sample insert statements would be: insert into student values

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Converting Rows Into Columns And Updating A Table?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a table A, whose table structure is in the below format.

Table A

123 A 454
123 B 1111
123 C 111
123 D 222
124 A 123
124 B 1
124 C 111
124 D 44

Now i need to insert the data from this table to another table B, the sturcture of which is as below

Table B


How do i frame a query to fetch data from table A and insert that into table B? I don't want to use max and decode combination. as it would return only single row for an ID. I need all the id's to be displayed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Locking Views (rows Of Data While Updating)

Nov 10, 2011

I have a set of rows based on a complex view from multiple table.

I will be updating some of its columns from front-end . Is there any possible ways to lock those rows of data while updating and no other users can update it;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Identical Rows And Updating Records?

May 30, 2013

I need to find the identical rows in the below table based on ID column and update the previous identical record's end_date with latest record's start_date-1.

1 "a" 05-MAR-10 31-DEC-99
1 "B" 30-MAY-12 31-DEC-99
1 "C" 30-MAY-13 31-DEC-99
2 "A" 02-APR-10 31-DEC-99
2 "B" 02-APR-10 31-DEC-99
2 "C" 30-MAY-12 31-DEC-99
3 "C" 04-MAR-10 31-DEC-99

Result should be like below format..
1 "a" 05-MAR-10 29-MAY-12
1 "B" 30-MAY-12 29-MAY-13
1 "C" 30-MAY-13 31-DEC-99
2 "A" 02-APR-10 01-APR-10
2 "B" 02-APR-10 29-MAY-12
2 "C" 30-MAY-12 31-DEC-99
3 "C" 04-MAR-10 31-DEC-99

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Multiple ROWS With Different Values Using Single Statement?

Feb 16, 2011

The requirement I have is :

I have two tables eim_asset and eim_asset1.I want to update the table eim_asset1 using the following update SQL (Or Logic)

update eim_asset1
set emp_emp_login = (select login from s_user where row_id in
(select row_id from s_emp_per where row_id in
(select pr_emp_id from s_postn where row_id in
(select position_id from s_accnt_postn where ou_ext_id in
(select row_id from s_org_ext where row_id in
(select owner_accnt_id from s_asset where owner_accnt_id is not null)))))

It gives me the ORA error : ORA-01427:single-row subquery returns more than one row.know why I am getting it, because of the one-to-many relationship between owner accounts and their assets.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Multiple Rows With Single Update Statement?

Aug 20, 2013

create table temp_tst


Can I write a single update statement to update filename column replacing "_tst" with "_check"?

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Updating Rows To Highest Security Level Of Missions Of Same Type

Jan 25, 2009

I am trying to update the security_level of a mission to the highest security level of missions of the same type.

Attributes of the missions table:

mission_id, code_name, mission_type_id, mission_date, security_level

The following is an intermediate output.

318 3 6
329 3 2
286 5 6
521 5 3
281 6 4
396 7 3
331 8 4
14 9 4
230 9 0
486 10 2

The maximum output for each mission_type_id

6 3
6 5
4 6
3 7
4 8
4 9
2 10

According to this 3 records (329,521 and 230) should update.

But my code returns an error.
ERROR at line 4:
cannot update (......"SECURITY_LEVEL") to NULL

this is my code

AM_X_442_2 amx

I have intended the query to make it legible but it removes all spaces.

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Best Way Of Deleting Data In Millions

Feb 11, 2013

I am trying to delete the one month data from the table , which contains the end customer sales data.The total data count in the table is 30 crores. And the data of one month is nearly 10 Crores.I am using oracle 10g , The date field to be used in the condition of delete is indexed.

best way to delete such huge data count.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Max Date Using Selected Columns - Millions Of Records

Dec 16, 2011

I am having a requirement like below,

Scene 1:

If duplicate records found for SSN,BWE with SAME DATE_CREATED than take the record with HIGHEST DATE_MODIFIED.

Table Structure:
123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014
123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

Output needed:

123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014

Scene 2:

If duplicate records found for SSN,BWE with different DATE_CREATED than take the record with HIGHEST DATE_CREATED.

Table Structure:

123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014
123 01-JAN-2008 04-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

Output needed:

123 01-JAN-2008 04-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

How to achieve this requirement. My source data has 25 million of records like this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Tens Of Millions Of Data In Oracle 11g

Mar 12, 2013

i have a problem to view tens of millions of data in oracle 11g i have table Book_Issue that have tens of millions of data but when i execute query to see all the data select * from Book_Issue

it only view 5.000 data

what query should i execute to view million data in oracle 11g

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Performance Tuning :: Query Using Row Num In Where Clause With Millions Of Records

Dec 8, 2010

There is a table in Database with millions of records and a query --- Select rowid, ANI, DNIS, message from tbl_sms_talkies where rownum<=:"SYS_B_0" ---- using the high CPU and also this query having high number of executions.

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Fast Way Of Inserting 60 Millions Of Records From A View To A Table?

May 8, 2012

which is the fast way of inserting 60 millions of records from a view to a table.

method 1:

create table t_temp_table as select * from v_dump_data;

method 2:

through bulk collect

---Bulk_Collect With FORALL----------
TYPE srvc_tab IS TABLE OF t_temp_table%ROWTYPE;
l_srvc_tab srvc_tab := srvc_tab();
l_start_time NUMBER;
l_end_time NUMBER;
l_error_count NUMBER;


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Server Utilities :: Import Millions Of Data From Excel To Oracle 11g?

Mar 6, 2013

how to import millions of data from excel to oracle?

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Performance In Batch Run

Sep 15, 2012

We are having a major issues with the batch run. we are using oracle 11g db. We run the scripts to populate the tables and then call scripts to run the extractions. The issue here each time we run the sql it takes so much inconsistent time.We have created index and run the db stats then run the extractions.The sql sometimes takes 10 minutes or sometimes takes hours to run? This is major show stopper of the project.

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Windows :: PL/SQL With Batch File

Aug 17, 2012

I am executing multiple PL/SQL files(.sql) with single batch file. The batch file sql.bat has got 3 sub sql sub-tasks to complete once its run. The sql.bat is show below

@Echo off

CD C:Report
echo Loadin tables from text file Report.txt
sqlplus security/password <c:Reportloader_security.sql
echo Creating Security table
sqlplus security/password <c:Reportcreating_security_final.sql
echo Inserting text file Security table
sqlplus security/password <c:Reportinsert_security_final.sql


The sql.bat runs perfectly if I double click on the sql.bat file separately. But if I call the sql.bat from a different batch file 'Final.bat' it throws the below error.

Executing SQL commands and loading file into SQL tables
Loadin tables from text file Report.txt
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory

The Final.bat file calls other bat files too. It is as show below.

CD C:ReportSecurity
echo Merging all Files
CALL merge.bat

CD C:ReportSecurity
echo Deleting old files
CALL del.bat

CD C:ReportSecurity
echo Executing SQL commands and loading file into SQL tables
CALL sql.bat

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Batch ID From Child Status

Mar 27, 2013

Im looking for a query which returns the batch for which all the child should either be in 'A_STATUS','B_STATUS' or 'C_STATUS'. In this query im expecting a query which returns batch 2,3 and 4.

create table batch (batchid number);
insert into batch values(1);
insert into batch values(2);
insert into batch values(3);
insert into batch values(4);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Run A Batch File In Oracle

Aug 18, 2009

I have a .bat file in my client system,which will open a web page after executing(after double clicking on it).I want to execute the same batch file from my pl/sql block.So,after executing my pl/sql block that .bat file should execute,and it should open the same web page.

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Tuning SQLs In A Batch Process

Mar 18, 2013

I'm having an issue with stale optimizer statistics for some SQLs that are run in a batch process. The problem is that the process runs many times during the day - sometimes 20 to 30 times. And each time, the tables are updated, i.e. rows are inserted or deleted, etc.

So eventually the optimizer statistics for those tables become stale and the performance of the SQLs start to slow down (a lot). How best to gather the optimizer stats on the tables so they don't become stale when the batch process runs each time? The problem is that I also can't add/modify the code in the batch process because it is delivered by the vendor as is.

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Generate Last Seven Days Batch Run Times

Jan 8, 2013

I would the query to do the following:

1. Make the jobname distinct, because it keeps giving me multiple entries for each jobname
2. Add the the start_time of SOD_start_data9_UAT1 to end_time fodba_MUAT1 to get the combined duration
3. CONCAT jobnames SOD_start_data9_UAT1 and end_time fodba_MUAT1
4. Generate the last seven days batch run times
5. Generate a report into .csv format and email out
6. I have access to sqlplus and plsql developer

select distinct JOBNAME, schedtab
, to_char(to_timestamp(trim(timestmp)
, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') - numtodsinterval(elaptime / 100
, 'SECOND'), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as start_time

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SQLPlus Script To Run In Batch File

Nov 1, 2010

I am trying to create a batch file which will be executed with windows scheduled task. This batch file will have sqlplus script running Oracle query. I can run this query from the command prompt, no problem,

This is the sqlplus scipt to run query:
C:\Documents and Settings\testuser>sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Nov 1 19:54:25 2010
Copyright © 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
Enter user-name: TEST1
Enter password:
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
TEST1@DB> spool testuserfile
here goes my query
TEST1@DB> spool off
TEST1@DB> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
C:\Documents and Settings\testuser>

How do I put this in a batch file. I was able to figure how to logon, but I get stuck at the spool command. My batch file starts like this:

cd C:\Documents and Settings\testuser
sqlplus TEST1/Password

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Critical Application Batch Performance

Sep 21, 2012

We have a critical application batch that runs daily and had a 7.5 hr window after which the application needs to come online. During the peak batch times the truncates are running very slow leading to slow down of the batch jobs quite considerably due to which the batch is going beyond the window.

Technical details:
Database version:
OS: HP-UX 11.31

The wait events that show up when the truncates are running are local write wait

enq: RO fast object reuse
enq: CR block range reuse ckpt
db file parallel write

The ASH reports show that the top sessions are those executing DMLs(insert, merge, update) and DDLs(Create/alter index & truncate). In addition to this it also shows that the blocking sessions are background wait events: CKPT and DBWR. Changes to DB configuration done with respect to addressing these issues are:

1) We have increased the DBWR processes to 2
2) Reduced the buffer cache size to 20G(from the original 30G)
3) Flushing the buffer cache before the batch begins in order to reduce the load on DBWR during the batch peak time
4) Set the parameter filessytem_io to SETALL(from none)
5) Tuned the EVA(SAN storage) to improve its performance - by distributing the loads evenly between the controllers, reducing the IO transfer block size, etc
6) Suggested using the reuse storage clause to improve truncate performance.

All of these have worked bring a semblance of control but the fact remains that the batch is generating more jobs(hence increasing data volume) over time due to it being the peak season. This causes an inevitable increase in the number of sessions all running DMLs and DDLs which are IO intensive operations.

Suggestions pending from our end:

1) Increase DBWR beyond 2. For this we need a H/W upgrade since we have maxed out the maximum number of DBWR that can be configured
2) Implementing asynchronous IO for DBWR which on HP-UX requires moving to raw disks. Hence have suggested using ASM.
3) Tuning the application to either reduce the IO generated or redistribute the jobs such that those with maximum loads don't run together

instead of truncating tables, can we rename the tables and delete them later . will this improve performance ?

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Forms :: Batch Creation At 10 Records

Dec 13, 2011

I'm working on a Self assessment project regarding our tax returns. Currently, this is how it works - a return lodged generates a return number, but is batched later. In the change proposed, they want the same process whereby a return is generated still, but at a count of 10 returns generated on the same screen, a batch is to be created and these 10 returns will have to be added to that batch. We are on Oracle 10G and work with Forms, Reports 10G and TOAD/SQL Plus as tools so I was thinking of changing it on Post-Query but suggestions are to add on to System Parameter table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error Handing With Batch SQL Scripts

Jul 16, 2012

I want run servral scripts in batch, and I use autorun.bat to call main.sql, which including servral scripts. If there has any pl/sql error in script, then the script will stop to run, but not exit SQL*Plus. If the pl/sql must exit, can it output the error messages in a file?

Please don't use "whenever sqlerror exit|continue...", because it will exit pl*sql tool or continue to run the other sql, it's not easy to know where the error happened

sqlplus "sys/manager@ORADB as sysdba" @main.sql

select sysdate from dual;

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Forms :: Run Batch File Through Form?

Jan 12, 2012

I create a form with button....whenever i click button my batch file should be run..

My batch file code :

ipconfig /all

When-button-pressed trigger :

client_host('D: est_ipa.bat');

When i double click .bat file, it will get proper info.But when i call this .bat file thru form, it will show blank screen..why this .bat file not running ?

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PL/SQL :: Validating Connection From Batch File?

Sep 3, 2012

I am trying to create a .bat file where I need to take inputs for below variables

So I have done like this
SET /p DNAME="Enter the Database Name "
SET /p UName="Enter the Username "
SET /p Pswd="Enter the Password "

Now I need to validate whether I am able to establish the connection

sqlpus -s "%UName%/%Pswd%@%DNAME%"

if the above connection is valid one then perform certain action else need to echo user that Access is denied.

(ex: I am trying to say if cond is valid

echo message to user. )

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