Unable To Schedule MMON Slave - Error 100?

Feb 28, 2011

We have recently upgraded the database from Oracle 9i( to Oracle 11g ( environment:OS - AIX 5.3, application - COBOL server express 5.1-front end, which means cobol programs having embedded SQL connecting to Oracle database.

When executing programs, the a file with name "dbname_mmon_84444.trc" got generated in the "/trace" path with below message.

Unable to schedule a MMON slave at: Auto Flush Main 1
Slave was not permitted to be scheduled
- A slave for this action is already running.

ktte_monitor_ts: unable to schedule MMON Slave, error 100
ktte_monitor_ts: unable to schedule MMON Slave, error 100

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Server Administration :: Kkjcre1p / Unable To Spawn Jobq Slave Process

Dec 7, 2010

Yesterday I found in alert log file bellows warning. and In that time some clients inform us they are cannot log on to the application. after few times they could log on to database automatically.

In parameter file
processes = 4000

Content of alert log file.

Mon Dec 6 16:03:00 2010
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 67690 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 3 seq# 67690 mem# 0: /d01/oracle/oradata/stlbas/redo03.log
Mon Dec 6 16:20:39 2010
Process J000 died, see its trace file
Mon Dec 6 16:20:39 2010
kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process


content of listener log file like bellows (in that time only)



why it shown "Solaris Error: 32: Broken pipe" ?

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Enterprise Manager :: Job Giving Error At Schedule Page?

Mar 13, 2012

I am attempting to make a job on an active database and I keep getting the error "An error occurred checking if the script file directory exists. Correct the error and try again. Error message: Agent Unreachable"

I can't find any information about the error on the logs and I don't knwo what to do about the error. I really need the script the job makes but how to get it.

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What Is Slave Process

Jan 19, 2013

What is slave process? why we use slave process? when it is used?

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Oct 4, 2012

I need to identify, whether my current session is one of slave sessions scheduled as Oracle scheduler job via DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE or not. I already succeeded using join of dba_scheduler_running_jobs, user_parallel_execute_chunks and v$session, but I feel that this is not optimal approach.

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Unable To Restart Database - Not Logged On Error

Jul 30, 2012

I just shutdown the database and it seems to take a while, don't know if it's stuck or just takes awhile. I try to restart it in another session and get this error:

'ORA-01012: not logged on'

1) Shutdown
SQL> connect sys/Welcome1 as sysdba
SQL> shutdown normal

2) So I try to restart it as sysdba on another session and get this error
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORA-01012: not logged on

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error / Unable To Run A Report?

Sep 26, 2012

every time user run the report they have got an error like unable to run report.

select b.branchdesc ,
c.description ,
d.groupgldesc ,
e.customername ,
(sum(a.dramt) - sum(a.cramt) ) diffamt ,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Schedule A Job From 8 Am To 8 Pm

Aug 30, 2013

I want to create a scheduler which should run from 8 am to 8 pm and every half an hour.How to do that. I tried dbms_scheduler because my procedure accepts two parameters.

schedule_name => 'in_program_schedule',
start_date => trunc(sysdate)+(1/3),-- it is not taking
repeat_interval => 'freq=minutely; interval=30; bysecond=0;',
END_DATE => trunc(sysdate)+(5/6),-- it is not taking
comments => 'Repeats every half an hour');

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Forms :: FRM-40505 / Unable To Perform Query Error

May 13, 2010

I am getting the same error on a form I am setting up under version 10.1.2 Form Builder. But when I press Shift-F1 I get a Getting Started with Internet Explorer popup. I am running the form under OAS. I have a parent/child relationship between 2 tables that I query on the form.

A copy of the fmb file is attached to access it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Schedule Job To Run Every Sunday At 12 Pm IST

Jun 11, 2013

I want to schedule a job which will run evry Sunday at 12 P.M IST.I have written the below script.

,start_date => SYSTIMESTAMP


But the server in US.

SELECT sysdate from Dual;
6/11/2013 3:58:58 AM
--But the time in India is 02:28 PM

How to convert the timezone to IST. how to schedule the job to run evry Sunday at 12 P.M IST.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Schedule Jobs

Dec 19, 2011

I want to run a procedure every day at 9 AM ,so how can i schedule it.

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How To Schedule A Job Chain

Mar 26, 2013

i want to schedule a job chain. I 've created 4 chain steps. The first perform an action and the second must be executed only if the first completed successfully.
The third must be executed only if the second ends successfully, etc.

The Chain_rule_2 is
The chain_rule_3 is
But the job is actually running because there isn't an end steps (I suppose). End step must be done if all steps works fine or if only one failed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Schedule A Job Using DBMS_SCHEDULER?

Jan 31, 2013

I am trying to schedule a job using DBMS_SCHEDULER.

The job has to start on SATURDAY 12:00 midnight and should run every on SATURDAY 12:00 midnight.

Even if I create the job on MONDAY first it should start on coming sunday and following sundays.

But I am getting the below error.

ORA-27452: BEGIN APPS_GLOBAL.POPULATE_TARGET144('APPS_XX','APPS_BE',5959); end; is an invalid name for a database object.
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 124
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 271
ORA-06512: at line 2

The Job script is

DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
job_name => 'TEST_RAM',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
job_action => 'BEGIN APPS_GLOBAL.POPULATE_TARGET144(''APPS_XX'',''APPS_BE'',5959); END;',


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Forms :: FRM-40508 / ORACLE Error / Unable To INSERT Record

Jan 14, 2013

I have an interface composed of five elements:

1.display_item (primary key)
2-list_item (foreign key) / / dynamic list :this is the cause of the error
3-lis_item (foreign key) / / dynamic list
5-button (insert commit)

when I click the button, an error is displayed:

FRM-40508: ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record.in detail: ora-02291 integrity constraint Violated - parent key not found


-the elements of two lists already exist in the parent table!!

-I use a block based.



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Forms :: 91120 Internal Error - Unable To Load NLS Character Set?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm facing this error: FRM-91120: Internal Error: Unable to load NLS character set

when I try to run command runform50.

I've set my NLS_LANG to American_America.WE8ISO8859P1 (which the the same as my DB),
I've set the ORA_NLS33, ORA_NLS32 and ORA_NLS vars to /usr/oracle/OraHOme1/ocommon/nls/admin/data
I've set the NLSPATH to /usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N

If I run runform50 command without any options, it shows me the help file, so I think it is correctly installed..

I guess the same thing as you're probably thinking .. that I'm missing some charset ... but where ? they should be in ocommon/nls dir ? if so, I've already installed pretty much everything of the developer2000 cd

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Forms :: ORACLE ERROR Unable To Read List Of Values

Sep 28, 2010

We have recently shifted our database from 10G to 11G and after the intial hickups most of the thinghs have stablised. We had changed system by Alter System command so that database does not have case sensevity problem and with that all the reports from the forams have also stabilied However some of the forms are failing with the above error ORACLE ERROR Unable to read list of values

These form are running fine with users having DBA privelege. However other users this is failing.

We have also checked that with users not having DBA privelege we are able to read the data in the table within the form also. The query in the record group is very simple


All these forms were fine previously when database was on 10g.

Moreover there are many other fields where list of values are there and allthose are ruing fine.

I have also checked datatype and length in query as well as fields on the form

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Unable To Open File Error?

Mar 9, 2012

I am recieving errors when trying to load the control file. The errors are as follows:

SQL*Loader-500 Unable to open file (homework.ctl)
SQL*Loader-553 file not found
SQL*Loader-559 SYstem error: The system cannot find the file specified.

My control file is located directly in the C drive (C:homework.ctl). The control file contains the following

INFILE 'c:country.dat'
fields terminated by ',' optionally encloded by '"'
(country, month, day)
WHEN (month='April')

The command I am entering is:

sqlldr system/password control=homework.ctl

I've tried c:homework.ctl, 'c:homework.ctl', and placing the file in the BIN folder of Oracle.

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Application Express :: Unable To Bind Error In Tabular Form

Jul 5, 2013

I have an application which includes a certain page with a tabular form.After I copied this to a second schema, Apex threw an error

'Unable to bind ':126_ENG_PROJ_ID' 

It took me quite a while before I found out that one of my fields in that tabular form has a Popup Key LOV.The SQL for the LOV was: 

select dv, rv from (select loop_short dv, cmpnt_id rv from SPI_MAIN_TAG where eng_proj_id in (:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID, -:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID) ) order by dv

 Turned out that the view SPI_MAIN_TAG didn't exist in the second schema.Apex error message would have been more clear, like a simple 'Table or view does not exist' error, where possible even with the table name.I had Debug turned on, but in the debug window there was no reference to above SQL,

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Forms :: Oracle Unable To Update Record - Unique Key Violation Error

May 10, 2011

I have the search screen in my form so after searching if i select the row by using the button it will navigate the first tab page that is "gas" screen here if i tried to change the value like update and save the form it is not allowing me to update the value raising the error message "oracle unable to insert the record". if i see the "display error" in menu it is having the select statement with error "unique key violation error ora-00001".

In save button containe "commit_form"

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Reports & Discoverer :: FRM-41213 - Unable To Connect To Report Server Error

Feb 27, 2011

I am getting the error FRM-41213: Unable to connect to the report server error when trying to run report by calling from form.

Im not able to access even
with the urls.....rwservlet/showjobs
and /reports/conf/showjobs.

Is there any configuration need to be made in order to run report from form.

I use my report server name as rep_dpaoscit211 .

I havent added any line to any config file for reporting....

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Networking And Gateways :: Unable To Connect To ORACLE ODA 11g - JDBC Connection Error

Aug 21, 2013

I am not able to connect to ORACLE ODA 11g. but using sqlplus its getting connected with below credential.

URL------------------- jdbc:oracle:thin:sacblmdbuser/sacblmdbuser@
Oracle JDBC driver loaded ok.
Unable to create connection
java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=186647296)(ERR=12505)(ERROR_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12505)(EMFI=4))))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Schedule Procedure On Oracle 10g?

Apr 11, 2012

If I have a sql file containg 'EXECUTE Proc_Test' i.e or any other procedure then to call that sql file what I will mention in the job_type.


If the sql file contains a procedure and I want to call that file through scheduler then what I need to mention in the job type.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Scheduled Job Not Running As Per Schedule

Aug 30, 2011

I have set up two scheduled jobs in oracle 11g for executiong a procedure in specific time intervals. One as Hourly and other as minutely.But the scheduled jobs are not running as per schedule. i.e the minutely job is not running every minute. But If i see the run logs for some period it would have run every minute, and suddenly it will not execute and give a gap of 30 mins or 1 hour and then run again.

P.s. The job priority is set as 3. and except for these two jobs there are no other jobs set. But this is an important job which needs to be run every minute.

JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is set to 1000, which is max. And there are only 3 scheduled jobs in the whole DB.
job_name => 'LOGTBLPURGE'


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Interval In Schedule Job

Jul 17, 2012

How to set time interval in schedule job i need five minutes interval..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Schedule Using Dbms_scheduler

Mar 13, 2011

I have create a schedule using dbms_scheduler and the problem is its not running on exact time that is start time , i even changed the attribute as following but its not.Its running using dbms_scheduler.run_job(veh_insp) when run directly.The schedule is as follows.

name => 'INTERVAL_DAILY_2000',
attribute => 'start_date',
value => TRUNC(SYSDATE)+9.50/24);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Job Schedule To Run Every Wednesday In 20 Min Interval

Aug 5, 2010

schedule the dbms_job to run every Wednesday in 20min interval. I am using below script but getting error

exec dbms_job.isubmit(44,'ER2.LOAD_CRID2_DATA;',trunc(sysdate),'trunc(SYSDATE,''WEDNESDAY'') + 20/1440),TRUE);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Repeat_interval In Oracle Schedule

Mar 18, 2013

How to set a Schedule or run a Job where repeat_interval should be null.

Like Below

-- Create jobs.
M_PROC varchar2(4000);

I am running now then Job is not getting created and not able to see it in SELECT * FROM dba_scheduler_jobs;

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Server Administration :: Unable To Connect To Database / ORA-12560 / TNS / Protocol Adapter Error

Feb 7, 2013

In one machine I have windows xp with Oracle database installed and I am able to connect to the database using both sql developer and sql plus.

In another machine I have windows 7. I installed Oracle client, then using Net configuration tool, I installed both listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files.

Now, I want to connect to the database which is installed on windows xp from windows 7 using the oracle client. When I tried to connect, I got the following error :

ERROR:ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

In order to rectify the above error, I was making sure that ORACLE_HOME AND ORACLE_SID were properly set in the regedit file (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ORACLE). The ORACLE_HOME was set properly. But I found ORACLE_SID missing. So I added ORACLE_SID environment variable in the registry and re-tried connecting to the database. But I am not able to connect. What else should I do in order to connect?

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Server Utilities :: Data Pump Error - ORA-39070 / Unable To Open The Log File

Nov 1, 2006

I'm getting an error when trying to use the new Data Pump Export/Import utility.

I am able to create a directory using SQLPLus, and I get the "Directory Created" message, but no directory actually gets created on the server.

SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY datapump AS 'C:Inetpubdatafiledatapump';

Directory created. But I dont see the directory created on the server.

Then on the server:

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>expdp ******/****** FULL=y DIRECTORY=datapump DUMPFILE=expdata.dmp LOGFILE=expdata.log
Export: Release - Production on Wednesday, 01 November, 2006 1:51:55
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 475
ORA-29283: invalid file operation

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Oracle 11gr2 DB Client Error - Unable To Extend Temp Segment By 128 In Tablespace

Apr 1, 2013

On Oracle 11gr2 DB Prod DB client error log gives error "Txxnx_AxSxNERGY service terminated unexpectedly" and it has done this 25 time(s) but from DB size in alert.log i can find only "ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TIVOLIORTEMPTS" error.

After increasing table space size it starts working fine but i am not sure whether Table space was a reason for service termination or network issue i can not find any error in listener.log file .

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