Server Utilities :: Daily Base Backup File

Apr 11, 2012

I made small Inventory software for Medical store. Now I want daily base data in DMP file. How to make current date in DMP file don't need all.

I mean I have 30 tables in oracle sql . They are daily update with new entry and some table has date column and some not. Actually I want to send daily Data via mail.

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Server Utilities :: Data Pump Expdp To ASM Daily?

Jun 16, 2011

i succeeded to expdp to ASM diskgroup such as

create directory asmexpdir as '+RECO/FILTDB/EXPDP';
grant read,write on directory asmexpdir to oraasfs;
expdp oraasfs/oraasfs2301 directory=asmexpdir dumpfile=SBSR_EXP.dmp tables=TM_SFS_CUST_01 logfile=EXPDP_LOG:SBSR_EXP.log


. . exported "ORAASFS"."TM_SFS_CUST_01" 387.2 MB 817684 rows
Master table "ORAASFS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
Dump file set for ORAASFS.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01 is:
Job "ORAASFS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully completed at 03:34:59

And I like to run this daily and delete after 14 days. but it show error, what can be the solution to run this script?

#Script to Perform Datapump Export backup Every Day
#Change History


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Server Utilities :: Backup Through Batch File

May 18, 2011

exp system/abc@c file=c:dmp_%date%.dmp log=c:log.txt owner=xyz

I run this script through batch file its working.Problem is dump file showing with this format C:dmp_wed.dmp.I want to date format like that C:dmp_18052011.dmp.

for date formatting.How I can add date format in a batch file.

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Server Utilities :: What Kind Of Backup By Looking At Export Dump File

Jan 2, 2012

Is there a way to know what kind of Backup (table/tablespace/full/schema) by looking at export dump file ? If yes, can you tell me the command ?

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Database Script Take Backup On Daily Basis

Sep 30, 2012

OS Window Server

I need to create a script to take the oracle database backup on daily basis for windows. Which method will be good exp imp, rman or coldbackup?

In our case mostly chance system will crash and we need to OS install first and then restore the oracle home and full database.

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Server Utilities :: Do EXPDP Utilities Does Backup At Block Level As What RMAN Is Doing

May 29, 2013

I have one doubt on Expdp & RMAN. Do EXPDP utilities does backup at block level as what RMAN is doing? Which one is faster, expdp or RMAN?

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Server Utilities :: Can Hot Backup Called As Logical Backup

Feb 2, 2011

how export is called as logical backup ? If export is logical backup then what is hot backup .Can hot backup be called as logical backup.

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Forms :: Editing Base.htm File?

May 4, 2010

can I add a session (php code) to base.htm file?

if yes, what i have to do?

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Server Utilities :: Unable To Open File And 503 File Not Found

Mar 30, 2008

I am trying to have sqlldr running against a file:


Is it possible I get SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file and 503 file not found just because the file name does not have an extension?

I can see that any file name I try it looks after whateverFileName.dat! Is there a way to have sqlldr working with files that do not have extensions?

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Server Utilities :: Import From 10g Backup To 9i DB?

Dec 31, 2011

I have a backup of Oracle Database 10g (business_bk.dmp). Now I would like to import it into Oracle DB 9i.

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Server Utilities :: Error When Try To Get Backup

Aug 3, 2011

When I am trying to get backup the following error occurred in a specific table.

Error Description:
ORA-00056 is means DDL lock on object 'string.string' is already held in an incompatible mode.

How can I resolve this.

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Server Utilities :: Hot Backup Of Tablespaces

May 11, 2011

Is the tablespace actually off-line when doing a user-managed hot backup? I know the data blocks are copied into a redo stream but I am not sure if that means it(tablespace) is actually on-line or off-line.

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Server Utilities :: How To Execute SQLLDR / Where Data File Reside In Another Server

Mar 24, 2010

How to execute the SQLLDR, where Data File Reside in another Server?

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Server Utilities :: How To Access Local File Residing At Client From DB Server

Nov 23, 2011

I have a requirement to read flat text file(around 15000 lines) residing at a client location from DB server and write into a table in One cell.

I tried UTL_FILE and DBMS_LOB but, i am not able to access client location to read the file as it reads path from Oracle Directory.

my client path is and my DB server is in unix say
file location is: \
So I created One Oracle directory as MY_DIR having DIRECTORY_PATH as '\'.
But both UTL_FILE and DBMS_LOB is not able to access the file.

Error Message:
Unable to process CLOB -22288 ~ ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN
No such file or directory

Few Details for reference:
File Location: \
Unix DB Server location:
Table : Test (filename varchar2(30), Content CLOB)
Oracle Dir: MYDIR
Directory_Path: \

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Server Utilities :: Exporting Metadata Backup

Jul 19, 2011

i am using a schema which i need to take a backup of meta data only i am using exp utility

exp shan/shan@shan file=/backup_dump/shan.dmp log=/backup_dump/shan.log owner=shan rows=n

but it will return me below error, i have only access to user shan our client cant allow me to use system or sysdba schema or any other required grants or privileges so is there any way to take metadata backup of user shan from user shan.

EXP-00008: ORACLE error 942 encountered
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
EXP-00024: Export views not installed, please notify your DBA
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

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Server Utilities :: How To Backup Tables In A Schema

May 31, 2012

How to backup the tables in a schema? I need som halp on this subjekt. I hav Dev envrnment that I must to backup.

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Server Utilities :: Export / Import Backup

Sep 19, 2010

We are doing daily cold backup. Due to lack of disk space,we couldn't Hot backup. We want our database to be up when doing backups. Since only export/import is possible in our scenario, clarify few queries:

1) Export was done during off period from the live server.
2) We have a development server, in which we have to update our database daily. Can i overwrite the Development server using IMPORT daily? Since this import might show lots of errors (Object already exist), what parameters can i use for import.

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Server Utilities :: Data Pump Backup

Feb 22, 2011

why datapump is faster than normal exp ? one ans that i know is dp use block mode and exp use byte mode . is there any other major reason? if say i have database of size 10g and want to take datapump backup, but condition is that i can take dumpfile of size 2g only. there is any way to take full backup of database in part wise .

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Server Utilities :: Data Pump - How To Take The Consistent Backup

Jun 22, 2010

In oracle 10g data pump (Logical backup) How to take the consistent backup. What parameter can we use?

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Server Utilities :: How To Import Backup On Newly Created Database Using Imp

Nov 18, 2011

I have near 114 export.dmp.z* export backup. I am trying to import it on newly created database using imp.

But i am not getting how can i select all export.dmp.z* files using imp. Its easy in impdp, but i have exported backup.

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Server Utilities :: Take Backup Of The User Tstcvs Of Cvmdb Database?

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to take backup of the user tstcvs of cvmdb database but it fails due to some reason [oracle@cvs ~]$ exp

Export: Release - Production on Tue Jan 3 12:37:06 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Username: sys/sysdba@cvsdbm as sysdba

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Enter array fetch buffer size: 4096 >

Export file: expdat.dmp > 3-1-12-tstcvs

(1)E(ntire database), (2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U > 2

Export grants (yes/no): yes >

Export table data (yes/no): yes >

Compress extents (yes/no): yes >

Export done in AL32UTF8 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

About to export specified users ...
User to be exported: (RETURN to quit) > tstcvs

User to be exported: (RETURN to quit) >

. exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
. exporting foreign function library names for user TSTCVS
. exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
. exporting private type synonyms


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Server Utilities :: How To Know Dmp File Contents

Sep 24, 2011

Is there a way to list contents of a dmp file(using expdp generate),which objects(tables/vies/procedures/packages) does it contain?

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Server Utilities :: How To Write CTL File

Jun 10, 2013

How to write the CTL file for this kind of situation.

id name subject


i have files a.text which is parent file and another one is child one called file b.txt . Both files are linked together by common field called "id". Interesting part child file have multiple layers name associated with ids. (we are only aware that in b.txt for each id there could be max 3 layers)

So they needs to get loaded into Table called PARENT_TBL

So PARENT_TABLE looks like

How I'm going to achieve this ?

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Server Administration :: How To Find The Base Table Of A View

Aug 15, 2011

How to find the base table of a view,such as a view:

create or replace view vw_test as select * from tb_test;

Is there dic view to get the base table of view?

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Server Administration :: Change Datatype To HEX Notation / Base 64

Jul 10, 2013

I am currently in the process of migrating our database from US7ASCII to AL32UTF8 using DMU.

I am stuck at a point where I have encrypted data that, when the conversion happens, will be destroyed. Oracle suggests to move the data which is currently stored in VARCHAR2 datatype, to a "character set safe way" like hex notation or base64 before converting.

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Server Utilities :: Tool To Create CTL File?

Oct 25, 2011

Are there any GUI based tools that can auto generate a CTL file based off a CSV input? I'd love something like this since I have quite a few SQL*LDR projects coming up!

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Server Utilities :: Where Clause In Control File

Oct 18, 2010

Is it possible to use where clause to discard one of the item which is not able to fit into column because of the length constraint.

1.Remove first digit from the item_ID where ITEM_ID IN (12345)
2.Do not load data WHERE ITEM_ID IN (12345)

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Server Utilities :: Load From A Text File

Aug 8, 2012

I would like to load a text file into an oracle table.

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Server Utilities :: CSV File As Datafile In SQL Loader

Sep 5, 2010

1) can we use a CSV file as a Data file in any format (fixed, delimited...) of Sql loader. I tried, but not succeeded.

2) if not then tell me the reason for it....

3) Also tell me is there any restriction on using the file format for a datafile?

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Server Utilities :: Unable To Do Import Of DMP File?

May 7, 2013

I'm unable to do an import of a *.dmp file.

[oracle@oracledbserver ASG1]$ cd /media/volume-01/u01/app/oracle/product/
[oracle@oracledbserver product]$ ls
11.2.0 20-04-2013full_backup.dmp full01-03-2013_backup.dmp new.dmp today.dmp
[oracle@oracledbserver product]$
[oracle@oracledbserver product]$
[oracle@oracledbserver product]$

[oracle@oracledbserver product]$ impdp full=Y directory=agge_dir dumpfile=/media/volume-01/u01/app/oracle/product/new.dmp NOLOGFILE=y;

Import: Release - Production on Tue May 7 16:51:47 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Username: sys as sysdba

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-39088: file name cannot contain a path specification

[oracle@oracledbserver product]$

This is Oracle 11g hosted on an eucalyptus cloud instance.

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