Server Administration :: Miss And Hits - Ideal Value?

Feb 15, 2012

My production database version: and
OS version is :Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Standard Edition
Service Pack 2

what is the ideal value of following to my database,

Redo latch statistics
statistics per seconds
Library Cache Latch Statistics (Per-Second)
Total Latch Misses (Per-Second)
Total Latch Sleeps (Per-Second)


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How To Audit Query Hits

Oct 4, 2012

We got an apps that queries an EMP table , using select * from EMP where fname like '%SCOTT%' and Lname like '%TIGER%';

How do I list all the hits being encountered by the query within the day? Is it available in the flashback query or archived logs or anywhere in the database?

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Performance Tuning :: SQL Library Miss Rate?

Mar 18, 2011

in spotlight toad tool alarm appears about sql library miss rate 61,2%

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Server Administration :: Create Tablespace For Administration

Nov 29, 2010

i'm a student currently learning database administration security.

I need to create a tablespace for administration of database but i don't know what datafile settings are best suited for admin usage.

I have attached the schema that was given to me for this assignment.

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Server Administration :: Monitoring Script Required For Oracle On Windows 2000 Server

Apr 8, 2010

My manager is asking to create a SQL scrip, which will provide following information.

Our database is on Windows 2000 Server

-How many records Insert / Update or Delete daily in my Oracle database?

- Check Archive log / Redo Log switching information?

-Check database growth ?

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Server Administration :: Installing Oracle Database On Windows 2003 Server 64bit?

Jan 11, 2011

i am trying to install Oracle on Windows Server 2003 standard x64 Edition Service Pack, but when i try to run the installer or open DVD it gives me below error.

"The image file D: is Valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine."

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Server Administration :: Restoring The Oracle Services In Windows 2008 Server

Jun 27, 2012

I was trying to delete the database in the test server. When i was deleting listener was already stopped, i continued deleting using dbca, it shown me some alert that datafiles cant be deleted because system could't find database, since listner was stopped so only service was deleted(the one showing in the windows administrator toolsservicesOracleServiceTEST).

All the datafile parameter files are still there. How can i delete the datafiles and parameter files belongs to that database or how to create the deleted service, so that i will start the listener and do the complete deleting of the database.

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Server Administration :: How To Migrate Database From Windows 2003 To 2008 Server

Oct 31, 2012

I have to migrate production database version 10gR2 on windows 2003 server to oracle 11gR2 on windows 2008 server . So far i have just installed the oracle software on 64bit windows 2008 server. How to move the data or migrate from old server to new server .

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Server Administration :: Server Installation Gets Abruptly Ended For Client Get TNS Errors

Jan 11, 2011

after a long time,(i never remember when was the last time i installed 9i)i was asked to install 9i.So, whether i install server or cilent i get this error <attachment>

after i ignore it and finished the installation,The server installation gets abruptly ended for the client i get TNS errors.

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Server Administration :: Unable To Find Server Process In Oracle Database For Specific Application / Client

Feb 13, 2013

I am trying to find the unix process for one of my application in the database but I am unable to view the same. To simulate, I did the following.

1. My database runs on different server.
2. I invoked "sqlplus" from another unix box to login to the database.
3. I found that the process id (ps -ef |grep sqlplus).
4. When I execute the below mentioned query it does not display the process id that I am looking for. But the osuser, username, program and machine details are correct. How can I know the process details from the database?

and SYS.GV_$SESSION.MACHINE like '%hostname%'

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Server Administration :: While Creating Index ORA-00603 / ORACLE Server Session Terminated By Fatal Error

Jul 26, 2010

While creating the index we are getting the error "ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error".

We have the space in tablespaces and also in the file systesm.

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Server Administration :: Create Multiple Database In Single Server

Apr 18, 2011

I have database in single server. I already have ORACLE_SID=stagedb. So i want to create new sid and named as proddb.Is it possible have multiple db in single server? This server not running as RAC. It run as single only.

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Server Administration :: Access To Database Server Machine Login?

Apr 30, 2012

database administration , we are planning to use amazon cloud database , this database does not allow us to login to server machine , unfortunately amazon don't provide ssh to this machine , in general for doing any of adminstration task on the database will there be need to log into the machine ? we can always log in through toad or any other sql client but we cannot do ssh to server..general can this limitation effect administration ?

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Server Administration :: Oracle 11g R2 Installation On Windows 2008 64 Bit Server

Apr 19, 2011

I want to install Oracle 11g R2 in windows 2008 64 bit server. How can I know whether my server is ready to install Oracle ie is all components are available in server or any patch is to be applied etc.

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Server Administration :: How To Connect Oracle Client To Remote Server DB

Jun 29, 2013

I'm trying to connect a oracle client application on the client machine to a remote oracle server on the server machine but i get a connection fail.

On the server machine I configured oracle server in the following way:

Installed oracle server. Created a database "DB_Test" with the database configuration assistant Created a LISTNER with the Oracle NET Manager with the following parameter:

Protocol: TCP/IP HOST: server pc hostname (ENZOVAIO) or server machine address ip ( in the network lan Port Number: 1521 Created "dbtest" service with the Oracle NET Manager with with the following parameter:
Service Name: "dbtest" Protocol: TCP/IP HOST: server pc hostname (ENZOVAIO) or server machine address ip ( in the network lan Port Number: 1521

All services on the server machine are running and I opened port number (1521) in the router. On the client machine I installed SQL PLUS and SQL Developer.

With SQL Plus as by the official documentation I have entered the following command:

CONNECT username/password@[//]host[:port][/service_name]. In my case is:
CONNECT SYSTEM/oracledb@//ENZOVAIO:1521/testdb.

With SQL Developer I have entered the same parameter.

But with both SQLPlus and SQL Developer the connection fails.

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Server Administration :: Server Hang Very Often / How To Check Reason For Hanging

Mar 14, 2012

We a running oracle9i database and forms 6i application.

We have 4 gb ram size and sized the sga for 700mb pga for 400mb for past 4 months there is no problem.

Now from last week we encounter the server hang, and we do restart. How to check reason for hanging.what are all the check list to carried out.

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Server Administration :: Connect 500+ Client To Remote Oracle Server?

Aug 10, 2010

we have oracle server. we have to connect 500+ client machine to oracle server.

is it i need to install client version to all 500+ or any other shortcut way?

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Server Administration :: Find Or Set New Oracle Instance Name On Backup Server

Sep 22, 2010

We performed image copy of production Oracle server (OS and instances) to a backup server. After a few weeks, we try to restore a latest Oracle database backup from production server to backup server. As we know, Oracle instance must be unique on the network.

Even we log on to backup server and bring up the instance, I think that still point to production instance since all init file, TNSNAMES.ora and listener file are still same. If we restore the database, we will end up bring down the production instance and restore on top of productions. How to change instance name on backup server including TNSNAMES, sqlnet, listener files in order for us to restore Oracle database from production to backup server?

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Server Administration :: Oracle 10g - Database Server Startup / Shutdown

Jun 29, 2011

I recently installed Oracle 10g on my windows Xp laptop. It has become considerably slow since then. I want to start the database server only when I need it, and not every time I start my laptop. I looked around in OEM and did found a way.

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Server Administration :: SHUTDOWN And STARTUP DB Server From Client Machine?

Sep 21, 2010

I have installed oracle 11g Release on windows server 2008.I access this server from a client machine running on winXP through SQL PLUS. I wanted to shutdown and start DB server from this client machine. Accordingly i issued shutdown immediate command from SQLPLUS.

Now when i tried to start the DB with "STARTUP NOMOUNT" command i received error 12514. I understand this error means that the listener received a request to establish connections to a database but since DB services are not up and running, hence the error. So my first question is how do I resolve this error.

Continuing further, i tried to re-connect to the database as sys, and i received another error ORA-01041. So, my second question is why did i receive this error and again how can i resolve it

may be you can point me to relevant reference in Oracle documentation) how can i start and stop oracle from a client machine using SQL interface in CLI mode and windows environment and avoid this error.

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Server Administration :: Oracle Database Server - Logon Denied

Jul 19, 2011

I am connected as System. It was the only user I set-up a password when installed the database on personal computer.

SQL> alter user sys identified by mypass007
2 /
User altered.
SQL> connect sys/mypass007
ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER


SQL> conn sysoper/mypass007
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

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Server Administration :: Fetch Procedure Of One Database From Another Server

Oct 22, 2011

I want to know if I can access a procedure created on Database server A from database server B.

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Server Administration :: Oracle DB Server Migration Checklist

Apr 11, 2012

We will be having a meeting with our client regarding their Database Server Migration (They are planning to buy a new server). Their current database is Oracle 10gR2, they will not upgrade to 11g, they just plan to migrate to a new more powerful machine.

I was planning to ask the following questions.

1. Specifications of the current server and the new one.
2. Operation system (I think they will use same OS, just an updated one)
3. Can the business afford full downtime on current servers?
4. Size of the DB, because it can take hours to move large files.

And is there documentation regarding Server Migration (Change of machine only, not database upgrade or anything,

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Server Administration :: Oracle 10G Client Works With 11G Server?

Jul 17, 2013

Does a 10g oracle client works with an Oracle 11g server?

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Server Administration :: How To Install Oracle 8i And 9i Databases On Same Server

Feb 20, 2011

How to install oracle 8i and 9i databases on same server for example i want that both type of databases run on same server.

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Server Administration :: Oracle 10g Server Went In Hanging Condition?

May 18, 2012

Sometimes our db server goes in hanging condition. It does not save any transaction & user waits for long. When I restart, it starts working fine.What should I do, I mean regarding diagnosis & performance tuning.

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Server Administration :: Creating Physical Standby Server?

Feb 10, 2010

I am currently running my production database server on win 2003 with oracle9i, I want to create a physical standby server, so I had created new server with same configuration. Need command to apply these datafiles and archives which are generating everyday in my primary database server.

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Server Administration :: Server Down Automatically After Every Half An Hour Or 15 Min

Feb 4, 2010

the reason why this happen with our server.

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Server Administration :: Moving 10 GB Data To 200 GB Database Server

Jun 22, 2011

We have an Oracle Server database of Size 50 GB having 10 GB Data. And Planning to have a new Database Server of 200GB . So my question is after moving all the 10 GB data to 200 GB Database Server, will the performance of the system come down? Will it reduce the speed?

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Server Administration :: Updating Jdk 6 On Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 On EBS 12.0.4?

Mar 2, 2011

In Process of upgrading Oracle EBS 12.0.4 to 12.1.1 I updated the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jdk to jdk 6u24. After replacing the original jdk with jdk 6u24 when I attempted to start the apps failed with below error. /d4/app/oracle/apps/12.0.0/vdd700/web/10.1.3/appsutil/jdk/bin/java: fatal: open failed: No such file or d

I followed below steps to update the jdk
1. extracted the jdk-6u24-solaris-sparcv9.tar.Z to $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jdk
2. Copied lib from old jdk to $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jdk
3. Copied lib from oldjdk/jre to $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jdk/jre
4. The java was not infact in jdk/bin rather it was /bin/sparcv9 so I copied them to /jdk/bin. The same way copied the executables from /jdk/jre/bin/sparcv9 to /jdk/jre/bin .

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