Saving Email In Oracle DB

Aug 23, 2011

if it is possible to save an email send from an ORACLE pl-sql packages in the Oracle database it self? The email is in my case created and send directly using the oracle utl_smtp-package.

I have no problems with attaching doc's and so on in this mail. But i simply cannot find a way to save, the email i'm sending in the Oracle-database. The purpose of saving the email in the DB is that i want to be able to reopen an send email, to se exactly what was send.

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Forms :: Saving Excel Files As Object In Oracle?

Feb 13, 2012

How can we save Excel file as an objectin oracle. Like we can store image file.

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PL/SQL :: Text Fields Getting Disappeared After Saving In Oracle Forms?

Mar 1, 2013

I have developed a screen using oracle forms.... it has 4 text fields..then a LOAD button.After giving i/p in the 4 text boxes user will save (ctl+S) ..then hit LOAD button ,which will populate the fields below the screen.Everything is working fine but only problem I am facing...when user is trying to save (ctl+S) after giving the 4 i/ps in the text fields....the text fields getting disappeared and also becoming editable...though the data they have already given is being populated in the table..I want ..even after pressing ctl+S...the data should be there & non-editable.

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Storage Systems Used For Saving Archive And Backup Files Especially For Oracle Databases

Mar 5, 2013

what type of storage systems used for saving archive files and backup files "especially for oracle databases"

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Getting Name In Email Address (Oracle SQL Plus)

Nov 6, 2007

How do I select the name in an email address. I would like to be able to order a list of email addresses by the name of the person ie. what comes before the @ sign.

So is there a query I could use to get everything before the at line . So in pseudocode I would need to be able to do something like this.

select substr(email, indexOf(@)+1,email.length) from table order by email

So I how could I go about doing that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send Email In Oracle?

Apr 24, 2013

what is the best way to send an email in oracle?


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Do Attachment Email In Oracle

Jul 24, 2013

Below are my procedure and declaration. I can send email to internal and external with attachment.

But the attachment is blank. i don't know how to add path in the script. like i save 1 pic in d drive. from thr how i must do attachment.

below are the procedure

p_from IN VARCHAR2,
p_subject IN VARCHAR2,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send HTML Email From Oracle?

Dec 21, 2009

Am trying to send email from Oracle using utl_smtp.

My issue is regarding Arabic character. I set the charset to windows-1256 and even tried with other different charset like UTF-8.

I used also: utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_connection,utl_raw.cast_to_raw(dbms_lob.substr(data).

Before i set all these changes to the procedure i was receiving the Arabic text as '??????'

However, after above modifications, the text display changed to something like this : ÇäÇÓààååÑêå

Does the problem still in the DB side or it can be coming from mail server ?

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Forms :: How To Send Email From Oracle 10g

Sep 27, 2011

I wanted to send email from oracle 10g forms at any hotmail,yahoo and gmail so how can i send.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Return Receipt In Oracle Email

Jul 8, 2013

I have a requirement to use the return receipt functionality (how it exists in Microsoft Outlook emails)I tried with UTL_SMTP - using one of the 'Return-Receipt-To:', It is not working though.Rest of all features like cc, bcc works well.

Even I tried to use this with UTL_MAIL.SEND - I did not see this functionality in syntax itself.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Send Email From Oracle XE?

Jun 23, 2010

I have ORacle XE installed on my machine and everything works fine. I can connect to it using forms, run my application etc. Now, I wanted to write a proc which can send email from Oracle XE.So after investigating, I think UTL_SMTP and UTL_MAIL are my options. For which I need to enable the ut_mail package and one more which I have done. But everytime I run a package, I get the error

v_From VARCHAR2(80) := '';
v_Recipient VARCHAR2(80) := '';
v_Subject VARCHAR2(80) := 'test subject';
v_Mail_Host VARCHAR2(30) := '';
v_Mail_Conn utl_smtp.Connection;
crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);


Ora 29278 SMTP transient error.

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Forms :: Email Send From Oracle 6i?

Jun 25, 2012

tell the setting and code how send email through oracle?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Email Notification Using Oracle Advance Queue

Nov 28, 2012

I want to send an email notification using oracle aq for events like when a message goes to error queue. Similarly,Can I send an email notification when I create a queue or drop a queue?

How can I do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Displaying PDF File In Email Through Oracle Procedure?

Jan 29, 2012

We need to display a pdf file in the email generated through the oracle database procedure.

We created a blob object to store the pdf file and it is working fine then we created a package to read the file and display it but when i am running the procedure from the sqlplus prompt the following message is appearing

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 325
ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 377
ORA-06512: at "WHADMIN.IMAGE_GET", line 14
ORA-06512: at line 1

i am copying the procedure and package that i created for the same

create table demo
( id int primary key,
theBlob blob
l_blob blob;
l_bfile bfile;


when i am running image_get.pdf(1) from sqlplus prompt following error message is displayed on the screen

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 325
ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 377
ORA-06512: at "WHADMIN.IMAGE_GET", line 14
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Application Express :: Can't Send Email Using Oracle 10g

Jul 17, 2012

Can't send an email using Application Express on oracle 10g.

my code is:
l_body CLOB;
v_email varchar(30);

INTO v_email
FROM persal_info
l_body := 'Your access code for the Transport system is:'|| :P48_CODE ;
l_body := l_body || '

This access code is needed in order for you to complete the claim form. It is important to change this access code for the confidentiality of your information.';

apex_mail.send( p_to => v_email,
p_from => '',
p_body => l_body,
p_subj =>'Access Code'

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Application Express :: Sending Email From 4.0 With Oracle 11g Ee

Dec 11, 2012

I the past when working with apex 3 I was able to work with apex mail send very nice. In apex 4.0 with oracle 11g ee I'm not able to send emails anymore.

Last error message in the queue is:

ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 550 through this server without authentication.

the smtp server has not been changed, the code is fine. How I can go further?

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Forms :: How To Send Automated Email From Oracle Form

May 10, 2011

I have to send several reports to various branch via email, I created a branch table in which email of that branch is stored in a column. Now if report is generated for particular branch, its PDF should also be sent via email to that branch, How can this be done on When Button Pressed,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Email ID From A String / Text Using Oracle Regular Expressions

Oct 14, 2013

code to extract email id (full email id) from a string/text using Oracle Regular Expressions.

Example -

"This is my String with email to test" O/p -

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Email Excel File As Attachment In Mail Through Oracle Procedure?

Mar 3, 2011

I need to email an excel file as an attachment in the mail through oracle procedure. I am using UTL_TCP option.

The remote_host i use in test environment is the 'name of the test server'. This test server is a oracle10g database on AIX server.In the test environment the mail works fine.

utl_tcp.open_connection(remote_host => 'test server',
remote_port => 25,
tx_timeout => null);

The same thing if i use in production environment, it does not work. The production server is a 9i database on a unix server.

utl_tcp.open_connection(remote_host => 'prod server',
remote_port => 25,
tx_timeout => null);

Does the 10g has option to host SMTP service as apposed to 9i?

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Test Instance With Oracle 11gR2 - EM Sending Email Notifications Too Late

Feb 18, 2013

On a test instance with Oracle 11gR2 with Enterprise Manager Database Control I try to activate the Email Notifications in Enterprise Manager, so that I can use them for monitoring.

So i configured following settings:

Under Setup -> Notification method I gave him a valid mail address with a vaild SMTP server. The test mail was send successfully.

Under Preferences -> General i gave SYS a valid mail address to receive. The execution plan i let in standard configuration, so every time at everyday i will get an email, when something happens. the test mail was send successfully too.

Now i created an own rule to test the configuration:

I went to Preferences -> Rules an add an rule. Name and description I named "test" and set "database instance". At availability I activated all checkboxed, so i should be informed when the instance goes down, comes up, getting an error, when the error is fixed, when agent is not available, when agent is available again, when there is a metric error, when the emetic error is fixed, when a blackout starts and when it ends.

Metrics, policies and jobs there wasn't defined anything in standard, so i let it so and set nothing here. I activate the checkbox for sending emails to sys and sending repeat emails every 15 minutes 3 times at all.

Now, to test this notification i logged into my testserver and killed the listener process, to see, what will happened. After 1 Hour waiting i didn't get any email, so i restarted the listener. after the listener was started my outlook was fluted by emails from the server, that the listener was down. But why i didn't get them earlier.

I checked the procedure with the database to, here i get it down by "shutdown abort" and "shutdown immediate". But i get the mails, that the database is down, when its up already. And thats to late!

When I want to use such email notifications for productive servers and someting is going wrong, for that a notifications is configured of course, I want to get the mail directly, when that happened and not, hen the problem is fixed!

For example, here an email from testing, where the listener was down, that i've get at 13:01 :

Target Name=LISTENER_<hostname>
Target Type=Listener

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SQL & PL/SQL :: XML Not Saving In A Particular Directory

Jul 16, 2013

I want to create a xml file for a particular query and i have used the following


the output of this is

<?xml version="1.0"?>


and i need to save this as .xml file in a particular file directory in client machine and i have coded like this

DIR_STR varchar2(100);


XML is the name of directory name i have created in my user and I have also created the directory manually in D:/xml.

UTL_FILE package access given to public..

but still this error(refer the pic) exists!!

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Forms :: Exit Without Saving?

Dec 5, 2010

I have created one master detail form where on master i have one field with name status and if the status is changed to A it will prompt me to another detail block where i will fill the details and in case after i entered the details and then i decide it not to save and come back to main form without i can do it . I used go_blok In detail to go to master it goes to master but when i am saving the master the details get saved along with it.I dont want to save the detail and go to master block.

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Forms :: Saving Form To View On Web

Jan 26, 2010

i have developed a form in 9i. can i view the fmx file on web. or tell me the extenstion what name of form should i use to save the form to view on the web.

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Forms :: Saving Of Multiple Records At One Go

May 17, 2011

My query is: I have created a master-child forms on one canvas. In a child form i have to enter multiple records, but after entering every record its prompting me to save it. I want to avoid it and save the entire thing once all my records are entered.

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Forms :: BLOB Image Is Not Saving?

Nov 12, 2011

I am failed to saved image in the table via forms. (Although i have successfully updated the table with a procedure at PL/SQL level).

Here is what i have done.

1) Table created

create table prod
(pcode number,
image blob);

2) Made a form with guidence present at orafaq

3) It reads and saves image BUT enter/execute query does not show the image

4) even the following code gives me 0

select dbms_lob.getlength(image) from prod

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Saving Procedures With Compilation Errors

Feb 21, 2010

When creating objects, is there a way telling Oracle not to store(overwrite) procedures or other DDL in the database until the statements have no compilation errors?

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Forms :: Saving The Object Group

Dec 13, 2010

I've created Object Group which consists of (alert, parameters, visual attribute and property class). Now I want to save this Object Group.

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Forms :: Saving Records In Tables After Updating

Jun 8, 2013




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SQL & PL/SQL :: Mail Reading / Saving Through Package Or Procedure

Nov 14, 2011

sample code to read attachments in inbox(from POP3 mail server) using plsql package or procedure.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Local Timezone With Day Light Saving Time?

Oct 22, 2011

Order time is not properly displayed in the local timezone format and day light saving calculation is also another issue. Description:

We have web application & a centralized database where users can create orders globally. When orders are created time is saved in UTC format in the centralized global database.

somehow along with the UTC order time, timezone description is also being stored in one of the Database table as

UTC time as: '28-NOV-2010 11:24:54 PM'
Timezone description:
(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
(GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
(GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa
(GMT+02:00) Athens, Beirut, Istanbul, Minsk
(GMT+02:00) Bucharest
(GMT+02:00) Cairo
(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallin

With this information how can I map timezone description to V_$TIMEZONE_NAMES. I read Oracle automatically converts to local timezones by considering day light saving timings when TZNAME is given as input with the datetime. by using above timezone descriptions how can I get TZNAMES which are in V_$TIMEZONE_NAMES.

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