SQL & PL/SQL :: Store Sub / Super Script Characters Which Is Used In Chemical Units?

Mar 16, 2011

I want to store sub/super script characters which is used in chemical units like NO3 or H+. I read blogs. Using select to_char('1'||chr(185))from dual returns 1¹. But how can i handle sub three and super plus ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Backward Accessing Super Type Attributes From Sub-type Body In Oracle Collection?

Jan 2, 2013

I have 3 user defined collection types. I am trying to access the type3's attribute in type1 body (like backward accessing).

Ex. My Collection Types Structure (something like master detail structure)

create type type1 as object
attr1 varchar2(10),
attr2 varchar2(10),
member procedure function1


so, in the type1 body i have to get or assign the value either to type2's attribute or type3's attribute. I have search all the in internet but i haven't find anything such. how to find the reverse method of accessing the super type's attribute(s) in sub type's body.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Units Of Cost?

Sep 28, 2010

I was questioned in an interview what is the unit of cost and based on what was it calculated.

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PL/SQL :: Order By Business Units?

Mar 12, 2013

i have business units for which i have multiple department ids so just wanted to have dept ids order by business units

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Removing Special Characters And Get Desired Characters From Column Values

Jul 23, 2013

create table test
name varchar2(50),
descd varchar2(50)
insert into test values ('kethlin','da,dad!tyerx');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr');
insert into test values ('jennybrown','fsa!!trtw$ fda');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr ,try');

how do I get the first three characters and last three characters from name field and remove all the junk characters from descd field?

so my o/p be like;

('jenown','fsatrtw fda')
('tauson','dfegr try')

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Stored SQL And Returning Data In Different Units?

Jan 30, 2007

I work on a client-server application, where users need to be able to run rather complex queries.

We currently have most of the queries defined in views on the Oracle database server and the client application simply downloads the data (i.e. SELECT * from example_view). This is good for us as we can maintain these queries without releasing new versions of the client tool.

However we have some queries implemented by a colleague that have caused a lot of trouble (efficiency and quality) and these are stored client-side.

The issue I have is that these client side queries can return records in different units (i.e. in standard cubic metres, or barrels of oil etc), as the SQL is defined at runtime on the client, and I want to know the best way to replicate this with SQL stored server-side.

The client-side SQL has column definitions such as: SELECT oil_production * decode(&unit,'Nm3',.948,'Sm3',1,'MMBOE',6.0924,1) ... The &unit parameter is then replaced by the appropriate text (i.e. 'Sm3') before the query is sent to Oracle.

Is there anyway to pass variables to server-side SQL and get a recordset back? I don't think PL/SQL procedures can do this? and views can't contain bind variables.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Calling Program Units?

May 8, 2013

How to call program unit(procedure/function/package) in to report is it like formula column & placeholder?if not, how to call external (procedure/function/package) in to report

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PL/SQL Program Units - Global Variable Specification / Type

Jul 31, 2012

This assignment allows you to pick your own subject in which you Code a Package Header that contains the following:

Global Variable Specification
Four (4) Procedure Specifications
Two (2) Function Specifications

Submit your code in a series of Notepad or Wordpad documents. Include the code for the assignment and the output that is realized from running the code. Note: You are responsible for creating the database on which the project will run. This includes the responsibility for loading the database with sufficient data.Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the project to include the compilation, and execution of the project code.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Update Trigger That Allows Any Quantity Reduction Of 5 Units

Oct 27, 2011

i am trying to create a update trigger that allows any quantity reduction of 5 units and if the reduction is more than 5 units it blocks it and just reduces it by 5.here are two scenarios

SQL Update statement where the new Quantity value being smaller than 5 is allowed by the trigger.

-- old qty 20
update purchase_order
set quantity = 18
where po_no = 'PO11';
-- new qty 18

SQL Update statement where the new Quantity value being larger than 5 is only reduced by 5 by the trigger.

--old qty 25
update purchase_order
set quantity = 19
where po_no = 'PO15';
-- new qty 20

i just have the basic trigger code, but i think it is the math that i am not getting (i was never good at math)

create or replace trigger purchase_quantity_updt
before update of quantity on purchase_order
for each row
when (new.quantity < old.quantity )
-- not sure what to put here

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PL/SQL :: Wait Event Starts With SQL*Net Message From Client - Time Wait 178577 Units

Dec 11, 2012

I am trying to look at wait events for a long running query in TOAD.I start the query on one instance of TOAD and open the Session Browser on another instance.But I am surprised to find that in "TOtal Waits" on the RHS-> SQL*Net message from client is the longest time taking and is already -> 178577 units whereas I have just started the query.

Whereas in the Current Waits it shows DB File Scattered Read currectly as some seconds.

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Store Image And PDF Files In 10g?

Jan 5, 2011

i want to store image and pdf files in oracle 10g.

i success with blob variable.

what are the other methods.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hiding Store Procedure Possible?

Jan 11, 2012

I have a question like, Is it possible to hide the Store Procedure?

Scenario: I have write the SP which contains some logic based on my requirement. Once i developed this i need to implement this to my client page. So i need to hide the logic even the client opened the SP like exe file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store Xml In Blob From A Query

Jul 13, 2012

i want to store xml in database. i have following questions,

1) in which col should i keep xml .
2) right now i am keeping it in blob columns, how can i insert update a record in blob col from query, which can be run from worksheet.

I am using oracle 11g express edition.

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Forms :: How To Store PDF In Database

Mar 23, 2010

I want to store files in the database using oracle forms 6i. The file may be in the form of .pdf .

Its possible, if yes How to code in form.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Script Store Data?

Feb 10, 2013

My requirement is to get primary key column name and there values of a table and store in a stage table

create table easy(id integer, event_rowid integer,txn_rowid integer,txn_name varchar2(200));

for i in 1..5 loop
insert into easy values(i,'777'||i,i||89,'Ris'||i||i);


I was able to fetch primary keys and there values for a table and store them in stage table but only 1 record , I am stuck when there are more than 1 record Here is what i tried

SQL> SET serveroutput ON
2 V_prim_key VARCHAR2(2000);
3 l_tab DBMS_UTILITY.uncl_array;


If you look at the above code in the execute immediate where condition i have used id=1, which is 1 records only but if i change id <3 then there will be 2 records and i will get below error ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

Other problem if there are 3 primary keys as in above case i am fetching there values 1 by 1 , is there any way if i can fetch those values once in for all data to be stored in stage table in below format

------- --------- ------- ------
EASY TXN_NAME,EVENT_ROWID,ID Ris11,7771,1 10-Feb-13
EASY TXN_NAME,EVENT_ROWID,ID Ris22,7772,2 10-Feb-13

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store Value In Date Variable

Oct 17, 2012

i am having one query which is

select to_char(date '1900-01-01' + 1439/(24*60),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:ss')from dual;

when i am running this query i am getting this value: 01/01/1900 23:59:00 and this value i am inserting in one variable which has date datatype.here i am storing like this:

v_nshiftmax := to_char(date '1900-01-01' + 1439/(24*60),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');

while storing getting error: not a valid month....how to store it in this variable?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Right Way To Store IPV4 And MAC Address

Jan 26, 2012

The title for this new topic is self explanatory. Since PostgreSQL has data types for storing IPV4 and MAC address and Oracle don't, I would like to know the right way to store this values so we can do different operations and validations with these network address.

I been doing some research but I don't like the solutions like storing just number values whit out any validations like PostgreSQL.

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PL/SQL :: Store XML Data In Tables

Jul 21, 2012

I Have to write a procedure which takes XML data and inserts into some tables.

If the XML format is fixed then i can use extract function for parsing and can insert into the tables.

But the problem is there is not fixed format for the xml.

Are there any built in packages which takes the xml data for parsing..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store PDF Files In Oracle10g DB

Dec 2, 2011

how to store pdf files in oracle10g database

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SQL & PL/SQL :: FIFO Store Consumption

Apr 25, 2013

I need a query to divide the total consumption of an item into parts as it was stored in store on the basis of FIFO. The item that was stored first it will consumed first.

My sample data is given below.

no NUMBER(4),
vdate DATE,
code VARCHAR2(8),
clqty NUMBER(8,3),
dept_id NUMBER(4)

SQL>select * from store_stock
2 order by dept_id,vdate,no;

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
359 21-JUL-12 012-042C 1050.1 19
2144 14-NOV-12 012-042C 990 19
1876 23-OCT-12 012-042C 1010 34
4006 12-MAR-13 012-043D 515.425 34
4086 15-MAR-13 012-043D 870 34
4495 13-APR-13 012-043D 498 34

6 rows selected.

SQL>select * from store_issue;

-------- --------- ---------- ----------
012-043D 24-APR-13 34 1650
012-042C 24-APR-13 19 990

Required Output will be

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
359 21-JUL-12 012-042C 1050.1 19 990 0
2144 14-NOV-12 012-042C 990 19 0 0
1876 23-OCT-12 012-042C 1010 34 1010 640
4006 12-MAR-13 012-043D 515.425 34 515.425 124.575
4086 15-MAR-13 012-043D 870 34 124.575 0
4495 13-APR-13 012-043D 498 34 0 0

The total consumed against code '012-042C' is 990 for dept_id 19 and we have stored qty 1050.1 against goods receipt no 359 dated 12-jul-12. So have issued the whole qty against no 359 and balance is 0. For item code '012-043D' the total issuance is 1650 and we have issued it against 03 goods receipt nos.

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Store Procedure Insert / Update?

Dec 7, 2011

Store procedure code, I want to insert data in a database in this fashion,I want to check first if the record exist, if not Insert or else Update.

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To Store Data In Materialized View

Apr 14, 2011

I have a PL/SQL procedure which gathers data from multiple places as well as calculates some data. I want to store all this in a materialized view.

So, I created an object type (I've shortened the definitions):

(identifier VARCHAR2(6),
name VARCHAR2(100));

Then created the table type of the object:

CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mf_table_type IS TABLE OF mf_record_type;

Then in the stored procedure defined a variable of the table type:

v_mf_record mf_table_type := mf_table_type();

Then I loop and populate the record type:

v_mf_record(x) := mf_record_type(v_rec.identifier, v_mf_detail.name);

When all that is done I try and create the materialized view:

SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST (v_mf_record AS mf_table_type))');

ORA-00904: "V_MF_RECORD": invalid identifier

Am I doing something wrong here? Can't I create the materialized view based on something other than a physical table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Store Image In Oracle 9i Table

Jan 3, 2012

I want to store Image file in Oracle table without storing it physically in the system. how can i store the image file into the oracle table and also retrieve it without storing it physically in the system at any path.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store Images In Table Column

Dec 21, 2011

How to store images in table column. I have table called emp with datatype empno,name,photo_id(long raw)
i want to store image in table for each record.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store A Large String In Oracle

Nov 20, 2009

how do i store large string in oracle.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Store Date Time From CSV File?

Aug 6, 2013

I have a csv file where a field has values like "Fri Aug  2 19:22:02 EDT 2013". through unix i am able to place the value into an unix variable but the problem is this should be inserted into a date column in my database table. Basically, the relevant data to be extracted is "Aug 2 2013 19:22:02" and then i need to insert the same into my database column. And the date column in the table should displays like '08/02/2013 19:22:02'.

create table tst_var(a varchar2(50))
create table test_dt(a date)
insert into tst_var values('Fri Aug 2 19:22:02 EDT 2013')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Store The Date And Time In GMT Format

May 13, 2010

Our data centers resides in different zones and we would like to store the date and time information in GMT format and it should aware of daylight savings.

Which data type is preferred ? Date or timestamp with timezone or timestamp with local time zone. Do we need to configure any parameter on the database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Store Large XML Data In Blob?

May 8, 2010

Since XML-files only contain character data, we could/should store it in a CLOB, rather than a BLOB.

But, One of my friend having a table where a column is defined as bloband came to know that XML data are being stored. I searched for some article with keyword 'How to insert large XML data in BLOB' But did not work.How to store the large xml content in a Blob and How to extract it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store Spanish Content In A Table

Jul 29, 2011

The requirement is to store "Spanish" content in a table. The input will be passed from the web page. What settings do i need to make in the database to store the Spanish content. Will a varchar2 accept Spanish text ? I need to retrieve back the content and send to web page based on request.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store Special Character In Database

Aug 19, 2010

i want to store special characters in database. i have tried following but not succeed. how to store and retrieve it. Herewith i'm posting my try.I want to store and retrieve following character.

SQL> select nchr(181) from dual;


SQL> create table temp (uom varchar2(10));

Table created.

SQL> insert into temp values(nchr(181));

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select * from temp;


here i'm getting the '?' but i want 'µ'.

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