SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Result Random

Mar 24, 2010

I run follwing query.

select * from crp_00_08

it shows result like


2NEAR MILL # 3, 3-1
3NEAR MILL # 3, 3-2
4NEAR MILL # 3, 3-3


i want that when i run above query every time bas_cod column should start with difference value. now it is starting from 1, i need when i run next time it should start with another number except 1,

i mean whenever i run above query,order of bas_cod must be change from last.

how can i do it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure Compiled Successfully But Not Show Result

Aug 17, 2010

I made one code for understanding purpose its complied successfully, but not show result...its give me message procedure successfully completed.

Code is :

For emp_rec in (SELECT * FROM EMP)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Result Of Query Just Like Pivot Table?

Jul 20, 2011

me in building a query. I want to show the result of the query just like pivot table.
Test case


I want that my query should look like the format as attached in the xls sheet.

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Client Tools :: Different Charactersets Show Line-break In Select Result

Mar 22, 2010

i have a little curiosity in result of a select statement.

One database has following characterset settings:


and the following select statement results in multiple lines:

SQL> select INSTANCE_NAME,STATUS from v$instance;

Another database has following characterset settings:


and the same select shows only a 2 line result:

SQL> select INSTANCE_NAME,STATUS from v$instance;
---------------- ------------------------------------

Both databases are version and both are running on HPUX 11.31.Why do we get this differents in showing the result?

Our problem is that the package-start scripts from HP, to start a database, check the result of the select statement above and if we have the multiline result the check gives an error and stops the package again.

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Application Express :: To Change The Default Behavior Of Hide / Show Region To Show

Jun 26, 2012

I am trying to change the default behavior of Hide/Show Region to show, after some attempts i got it partially working but now clicking the icon to toggle hide/show doesn't work also changed the icons and added type="" but its not working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Random Numbers

Jul 1, 2010

I want to get 10 random numbers from existing 100 numbers. How can we get/generate random numbers ?

for example I have a table with customer ID, customer Name, having 100 record. We want 10 customers ID randomly from that 100 record not repeated any number. Have any command or procedure for that ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Random Number Generate

Jul 6, 2010

I have 2 question....

1. i have a table and i want to pick data from one field randomly..

i write this query for this purpose...


2. can i write this query in forms 6i..

i know that this question not relevant but if i write it in forms section then i will be duplicate.

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Getting Random Results Creating Table

Jan 19, 2012

I am trying to create a csv file with summarized data. We have a huge table with claim details that is constantly being updated. I am pulling a subset of records that match my criteria into a tempory table (not technically an Oracle temporary table, a regular table that will only exist until I drop it when I am done). This table has multiple entries per claim with different effective dates, paid dates and amounts paid. The result file needs to have one entry per claim with the oldest effective and paid dates and the total of all of the amounts paid on that claim.

Originally I was doing create table new_table as select claim_nbr,other data...,min(ymdeff),min(ymdpaid),sum(amtpay) from my_table group by claim_nbr,other data...

If I ran a select sum(amtpay) from my_table and select sum(amtpay) from new_table I was not getting the same results... If I ran select count (*) from (select distinct claim_nbr from my_table) and select count (*) from (select distinct claim_nbr from new_table) or select count (*) from new_table I was getting the same number of rows. So I wasn't completely losing claims from one table to the next, just some of the details. So, I tried running this:

select * from
(select claim_nbr,sum(amtpay) paysum from my_table
group by claim_nbr
order by claim_nbr) m,
(select claim_nbr,sum(amtpay) paysum from new_table
group by claim_nbr
order by claim_nbr) n
m.claim_nbr = n.claim_nbr and
m.paysum <> n.paysum;

It came back with the claim number causing the issue. I looked at all the entries in my_table for that claim and every field was identical except the ymdeff, ymdpaid and amtpay. There were 4 records in my_table however the amtpay in new_table was only a sum of 2 of the records... I our admin look over my shoulder to see what was wrong and they wanted me to recreate new_table. So I dropped new_table and ran the exact same SQL to recreate the table. The number of distinct claim numbers was still the same in both tables and the sum of new_table was off but not by the same amount. I ran my comparison to see which claim was off and now there were two claims where the totals didn't match and neither were the same as the claim that was wrong that first time. We dropped new_table and recreated it several times and every time we got different results... No one else knows the name of my_table so no one was messing with it at the same time plus the sum of amtpay in my_table always comes back the same.

Our admin said he thought he remembered there being something "funny" with the min function sometime so he had me remove those fields. Ran the query several times and the total came out correct each time. Well I still need the dates so I came up with another way (very convoluted) using subqueries and ranking. It seemed to work at first then it started losing random numbers of claims (fewer rows in new_table than distinct claims in my_table) or keeping all the claims but dropping detail lines like I had using the min functions.

Here is the backwards way around using min that drops whole claims sometimes but works fine other times:

CREATE table new_table
(select claim_nbr,other data...,amtpay,ymdeff,ymdpaid
(select claim_nbr,other data... ,sum(amtpay) amtpay
from my_table
group by claim_nbr,other data...

[Code] ...........

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Forms :: Random Selection From List

Oct 21, 2013

i have a parameter form where user will input from item to item and items within this range will be come as output , but i want an option to select the random items from the list, like i may not select all the items from 1 to 10 , but instead i want to pick or select randomly , i may opt for 1,3,4 and 7.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Exclude Value From Random Generating Function

Jun 25, 2011

I am in urgent need of Generating Random numbers for one of the application .The number once generated is getting stored in table

For this purpose i am using Oracle In-Built function

Quote:Select round(dbms_random.value(1,30)) into a from dual;

Problem is :How to eliminate those numbers to generate which are already stored in Table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Random Shift Rota

May 8, 2012

I wanted to create shift rota for the employees as per the below conditions.

1). Shift should be rotated.(it should check previous 2 shifts and assign to another shift).

2). The same employees should not be allocated for the next shift .

Ex : Now jones, jekku, henry and villiams are in "C" shift . So the same employees should not be allocated to the next shift, it should be random. Some of these employees should be allocated to "B" and some employees should allocated to "A" shift....

Below are the SQL statements to create the table and input the data..

create table resource_details
(empno number(5) ,
ename varchar2(30),
shift char(1));

alter table resource_details add constraint res_pk primary key(empno) ;

insert into resource_details values(51370 , 'Finney' , 'A') ;
insert into resource_details values(51371, 'Jerry' , 'B') ;
insert into resource_details values(51372, 'Jones' , 'C') ;
insert into resource_details values(51373, 'Smith' , 'A') ;
insert into resource_details values(51374, 'Krishna' , 'B') ;
insert into resource_details values(51375,'Chenna','A');


I have tried with employee number to check which shift he is/was in & assigned the shift accordingly , but here shift is getting rotated but not employees(same employees are going to the next shift, which should not be accepted..)

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Forms :: Update Random Rows In Table?

May 24, 2010

I have this requirement in Oracle FORMS ver 6i where I populate some records in a table in a datablock and display them on the screen. A facility needs to be provided to the end users to select the records randomly by just entering the count of the records in a non-d/b text field. The number entered in the count field will decide how many records are to be selected randomly.

I tried using the query -

UPDATE <table a>
SET <col 1> = <value 1>
WHERE <col 2> = <value 2>)

which I found on the link [URL] but while compiling, the Form gives a compilation error for the ORDER by clause - i'm sure there's no syntax error in the way I have written it...

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Replication :: Copy Data From One DB To Another At Random Intervals?

Apr 20, 2010

i need to copy data from certain table's from one DB to another at random intervals. Table structure for the one's getting copied can be same in both the DB.

After reading various posts here i have understood that it can be done using Oracle Replication and Oracle stream.

how these 2 methods work and how they are different from each other.

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Application Express :: Random Order By In A Pie Chart

Jun 13, 2013

We have a pie chart which has select like   

select null, '0-10' Days , count(*) from tableunionselect null, '11-20' Days, count(*) from tableunionselect null, '21-30' Days, count(*) from tableunionselect null, '>30' Days, count(*) from table   

The 3d pie chart was showing the slices is the correct order 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, >30 but now shows it in random order. how to get the order by working. I suspect since the Days column in the select is a Character column this issue is occurring, however, with the restrictions in the number of select items we can have in the Apex charts, was wondering how do you get the order by working?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sequence Generating Random Values After Increment By 1

Jan 28, 2011


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Generate Random And Unique 6 Digit Number In Oracle

Sep 29, 2008

I need to generate random and unique 6 digit number in Oracle. I need to insert these numbers into a table. I tried using DBMS_RANDOM package, which generates random 6 digit numbers, but fails to generate UNIQUE numbers.

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PL/SQL :: How To Generate Large Random Number Without Decimal Places

Nov 5, 2012

I need to generate random numbers from the range 71 million to 90 million. While generatind the same iam getting the value with decimal places.

How to generate with out decimal places ?

SQL> select ABS(dbms_random.value(71000000,90000000)) from dual;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Last 4 Digits

Mar 4, 2010

I have a requirement where I have a value stored in varchar2(12), and no matter what the size of data, I should mask all the characters except the last 4

eg: - 23115645

after masking should be - xxxx5645,

create table test1(x varchar2(12))
insert into test1 values('34567745')
insert into test1 values('438765311')
insert into test1 values('1112345')


y should store value of x in such a way that no matter what the size of x is (7 characters or 9), we should see only the last 4, but the remaining should be masked with xxxx

I tried the above update, but using substr, i am able to get this if x has 9 characters

not sure how to achieve this if x has 7, or 4 characters

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Row Value Show In Column Wise

Mar 1, 2012

I have a table which have three column.

1) empid
2) date
3) status

I want to show the value empid intime outime.

select in1.empid,in1.atttime,out.atttime from (select empid ,atttime from attend
where status=1 and to_char(atttime,'mmyyyy')='022012' order by empid,atttime desc) in1,
(select empid,atttime from attend where status =0 and to_char(atttime,'mmyyyy')='022012'
order by empid,atttime desc) out
where in1.empid=out.empid and in1.empid='02256'
order by in1.atttime,out.atttime

But this query do .one value relation with all column.means first february in time with all out time.

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Forms :: Reports Does Not Show Any Value

Feb 17, 2011

i am using oracle 10 forms ! in report i have used form Query "select sum(sale_price) from (table) expense. i attached it to oracle forms but at that time it does nt show any value!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Show Nanoseconds Of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Jan 20, 2011

I am using 10g database on Microsoft Windows family OS

when i run following query


then i get result

20-01-2011 11:52:17.921000 AM +05:00

but i want to get result as

20-01-2011 11:52:17.921256 AM +05:00

is there any way to get up mentioned result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Want To Show Data Quarterly

Apr 8, 2013

i want to show data quarterly.My quarter structure is 3 mOnths.

q1 - apr-2013 to jun-2013
q2 - jul-2013 to sep-2013
q3 - oct-2013 to dec-2013
q4 - jan-2014 to apr-2014

I input parameter is from date and to date..

Suppose user enter from date - '01-apr-2012' and to date - '01-aug-2012',
only q1 shows..

and user enter from date - '01-apr-2012' and to date - '30-sep-2012',
only q1,q2 shows..

how i do that..My data is like this

create table t1( t1_month VARCHAR2(10),
t1_val1 number(10),
t1_val2 NUmber(10)
INSERT INTO t1('APR-13',100,200);
INSERT INTO t1('MAY-13',100,200);
INSERT INTO t1('JUN-13',100,200);
INSERT INTO t1('JUL-13',100,200);
INSERT INTO t1('AUG-13',100,200);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show End Date Based On Next?

May 19, 2010

How to write a single query for the below scenario?I got only start date column, but I need show the end date based on next (start date-1). For the last row, need to show the same date in the end date column.

For Example:I have the data as shown below,

Start date End date

I wanted to output as shown below

Start date End date
1-Jan-10 2-Mar-10
3-Mar-10 2-May-10
3-May-10 4-Jul-10
5-Jul-10 31-Jul-10
1-Aug-10 1-Aug-10

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Mar 31, 2004

In MySQL, I can get a list of all tables w/ this query: "SHOW TABLES"

Whats the syntax w/ Oracle 9i ?

Looked through the docs online, but w/o knowing what you're trying to look up, you can't really look anything up (kind of a catch22).

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PL/SQL :: Not Show Last Row Of Test Number?

Feb 7, 2013

I have below mentioned records in mount so whenever i select any mount it should now show the the last row of that mount i.e. test no-3 any records of mount which will not show last row of test number

mount     day     org1 test_No org2 org3     org4
299.00 1     0     1     1     0     7186
299.00     1     0     2     1     0     7186
299.00     0     3     3     0     7186


but i want test_no should be in asceding order

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11g RAC Listener Show Only One Instance?

Jan 31, 2013

Though I have it all configures:

On node1:
SQL> show parameter listener

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
listener_networks string


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Show Parameter Audit_trail And Function

Dec 16, 2010

Is there any way to get audit_trail.VALUE? I know the statement: show parameter audit_trail; can show that value. But, i want to build a function which will return a string that contain audit_trail.VALUE

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Show Sequential Numbers For Each Group

Oct 4, 2010

MyTable has missing records:

id_group id_column
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 5
1 9
2 1
2 2
2 4
2 6

As you see, it could be missed record 4,6,7 and 8 of group 1 and record 3 and 5 of group 2. That's is an example.

I need to show all sequential records, incluing missing ones, like this:

Id_group Id_column
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6

I try this query:

Select G.id_group, C.rownum id_column
from (select distinct id_group from MyTable) G
cross join (SELECT rownum FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (select
max(id_column) from MyTable)) C

but it shows record 7, 8 and 9 as members of group 2.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Missing Rows In Query

Feb 7, 2012

SQL> select * from t1;


SQL> select * from t2;


SQL> select a.name from t1 a, t2 b where a.name <> b.name
2 order by name;


I would have expected to see the following:


how to fix this query? In additon, is there a way to print the table name or some arrows (>>, <<) to show which table the values came from


JOHN t1 or <<
JENN t1 or <<
PAUL t2 or >>

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Performance Tuning :: How To Show Right IO Of Query

Jun 21, 2011

I use oracle 11g r2

i have created a table for objects

create table table_t
(Record_no number,
t_no number,
, occupation_time number);

and inserted many values (examples below )


and( position) indexed as Rtree spatial index

now when i run spatial query such as

MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,9000,0)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE' and t.position.sdo_point.X=1;

i do not know how many IO accrued ?

i tried set autotrace on

but the physical read is 0 , this is not possible because i have more than 100000 objects there and all indexed as R-tree

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