SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Handle Primary Key Violation?

Sep 5, 2012

I am trying to handle PK violation error on a certain table, on INSERT, my best guess is I should use a trigger. The basic idea is this:

The table consists of 7 columns, and 6 of them are PK, and the seventh one is "amount". I want to handle PK violation in such way that, if it occurs during INSERT, then instead of inserting a new row, it should just update the "amount".

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How To Handle Unique Constraint Violation

Feb 5, 2013

I've set up Oracle Streams replication between multiple N-way zones like this:

Nway1 |Intersect| Nway2
DB1 --|-- DB3 --|-- DB5              DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4 - N-way1
  |   |    |    |    |               DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6 - N-way2
DB2 --|-- DB4 --|-- DB6              DB3, DB4 - intersection zone
      |         |  

Physically DB1 .... DBN connected sequentially, so I want to prevent segmentation if some DB is unaccessible, but at the same time fight unneeded redundancy which uses too much link bandwidth to send N-1 LCR-s to all members of a single N-way group (so I want to split one big N-way zone into smaller ones and sequentially connect them into chain - it significantly reduces load on link if N is big enough (>10)). Also I want to have 2 DB in intersection zone to prevent single point of failure.

This scheme has one drawback - if change originated on DB3 or DB4, then it will be propagated (more correctly - applied and captured again) to DB5 and DB6 by both DB1 and DB2 (and, as far as I know, I have no means in capture rules to detect state of DB2 from DB1 and vise versa), so on DB5 and DB6 I get:

CODEORA-00001: unique constraint (DUMMYUSR.UNIQUE_RECORDS) violated error

I've set up standard conflict handler for apply process:


    cols DBMS_UTILITY.NAME_ARRAY;                                                              
    cols(1) := 'no';                                                                          
    cols(2) := 'name';                                                                        
    cols(3) := 'ddate';                                                                        
        object_name       => 'DUMMYUSR.DUMMYTBL',                                              
        method_name       => 'DISCARD',                                                        
        resolution_column => 'no',                                                            
        column_list       => cols                                                              

but it seems that it does not handle uniqueness conflicts. What is the best way to handle uniqueness conflict (is there a better way than to write custom error handler) and how serious is the impact on insert performance of having unique constraint and corresponding error handler. (In real world I will have to deal with tables with metainformation and without any keys).

Also, how to proceed with no error or raise exception from apply error handler with error that caused this handler to run? In oracle docs I can find only example that modifies LCR and runs lcr.EXECUTE(TRUE), but what to do if I don't want to reexecute LCR, but merely check error code and propagate error if it is not ORA-00001?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Primary Key Violation Error

Jun 25, 2013

In my application I am facing peculiar error. For easy understanding I am considering emp table. In my package P1 I have two procedures Proc1,Proc2.

Proc1 : It is receiving employee details and for checking if employee already exists it is calling Proc2.
Proc2 : Here it checks if employee exists. If exists it deletes old record, commit and inserts new record in sequence.

But however in few instances Proc2 is returning unique constraint (CONSTRAINT_NAME) violated. I am very much confused why this error is coming.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Trigger With Requirement Of Achieving Primary Key Functionality?

Sep 22, 2011

I want to create a trigger with the requirement of achieving Primary key functionality.

I have a "EMP" table. the table already contains a duplicate data on "EMPNO" column. i want to restrict entering duplicate data further into table for that i want to create a trigger.

where can i find different triggering events of DML(like update, delete etc...)and DDL(database and schema level).

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RMAN Unique Constraint Violation

Aug 23, 2011

Our RMAN backup failed because of the error:

starting full resync of recovery catalog
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 08/22/2011 22:19:07
RMAN-03014: implicit resync of recovery catalog failed
RMAN-03009: failure of full resync command on default channel at 08/22/2011 22:19:07
ORA-00001: unique constraint (ODBA.DF_U2) violated

Searching metalink, its related to bug 6014994 and the proposed workaround is to delete the constraint:

Dropping a datafile from a tablespace followed immediately by adding
another datafile to the same tablespace will cause this Unique Key violation.
Taking a RMAN debug trace will show the file# related to the error
This is reported as bug <<6014994>> Unpublished on Metalink and fixed in 11g
RMAN RESYNC catalog signals DF_U2 violated constraint when a file# is reused in
the same tablespace
WORKAROUND: Drop df_u2 constraint

where can I delete the constraint, is it possible to do in RMAN or in the target instance?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get The Rows That Produced A Constraint Violation

Nov 5, 2012

drop table t1
create table t1
insert into t1
select 1
from dual
union all
select 2
from dual
union all
select 2
from dual
union all
select 3
from dual

ERREUR à la ligne 1 :
ORA-00001: violation de contrainte unique (SYSTEM.SYS_C0011990)

how to get the rows that produced the constraint violation ?

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Client Tools :: Access Violation And F4 Functionality

Jan 14, 2012

I am using the Toad10.After i enter the user, Pwd it displays the Toad error that""Access violation at address 6761CB21 in module 'ORA805.dll'. Read of address 00000010 ""

while i try to use the F4 functionality, it again displays the above msg and Object not found...After i execute the query, all the characters data displays in chinees.

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Client Tools :: Access Violation Error In Toad?

Jun 2, 2008

What i have to do to overcome the following error..whenever im using toad im getting this error since start writing and executing procedures and functions.

access violation at address 006b5b1b in module 'toad.exe' read of address 0000011d

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Application Express :: Session State Protection Violation

Nov 21, 2012

I have upgraded from APEX 4.1 to 4.2.all read only items with dynamic action are arising below error:

session state protection violation: this may caused by manual alteration of protected item P2_IDACCSET.

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Application Express :: Session State Protection Violation Error

Jan 15, 2013

Using apex 4.2. I have created form item on page and item attribute DISABLES IN SETTINGS , set value as YES and SESSION STATE value as YES.


by doing this i am getting the error. Error is

Session state protection violation: This may be caused by manual alteration of protected page item P98_CHECK_AMOUNT. If you are unsure what caused this error, please contact the application administrator for assistance.

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Forms :: Oracle Unable To Update Record - Unique Key Violation Error

May 10, 2011

I have the search screen in my form so after searching if i select the row by using the button it will navigate the first tab page that is "gas" screen here if i tried to change the value like update and save the form it is not allowing me to update the value raising the error message "oracle unable to insert the record". if i see the "display error" in menu it is having the select statement with error "unique key violation error ora-00001".

In save button containe "commit_form"

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Server Utilities :: Data Pump Import Order - Causing Constraint Violation

Nov 16, 2010

We are trying to import data into existing tables in a schema using data pump

However the foreign key tables are being imported first and then the master table data thus violating the constraints

Apparently it seems larger tables are being imported first regardless of referential integrity constraints thus causing constraint violation (contrary to my understanding)

Is it a normal behaviour during data pump import?

Is it possible that the keys being sequence generated are causing this?

As I understand import will commit after each table In that case can we defer commit at all at the expense of large undo, set constraints to deferrable and try the import?

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Handle When No Value In (Select Into)?

Mar 24, 2008

I have a stored procedure that does a "select name into v_name" SQL statement, which works fine. The only problem is when the query finds no data (the procedure will error because there is no value to put into the variable). Now i have a work around to this by running the query first with a count statement (which will always have results) and then if it is not equal to 0, then i will run the select into.

My question is, is there a better way to handle this kind of issue?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle The Exception

May 19, 2011

The following code is working fine,But the thing is if column already exists in the table,then also the other statements should be executed instead of coming out of procedure.SO how can I handle that exception??

colname IN VARCHAR2,datatype IN VARCHAR2)
2 AS
3 v_sqlstr1 VARCHAR2(1000);
5 v_sqlstr1 := 'alter table '||tname||' add '||colname ||' '|| datatype ;

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How To Handle The Old Data

Oct 6, 2013

we are using oracle database. We hold the company records in the database. The records of the company should be available at anytime but over years the database keeps growing. Now how to handle the old data. All the data is important but if this goes for few more years then we need more and more disk space to handle. Is there any efficient methodologies to handle the old data? For us old mean the data that is 10 year old. 

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During Primary (old Standby) To Standby (old Primary) Switchover Hang?

Apr 4, 2013

I am using RAC to RAC data guard environment. Os hp-unix. during primary(old standby) to standby(old primary) switchover I am ussing:


I have environment with standby and when performing switch over - it was hanging for more than 2 hours and i had to cancel it. This is what all i see in the database alert.log:

Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/drpdb/drpdb1/trace/drpdb1_m000_15160.trc:
ORA-01155: the database is being opened, closed, mounted or dismounted
Thu Apr 04 17:44:03 2013
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/drpdb/drpdb1/trace/drpdb1_m000_15780.trc:
ORA-01155: the database is being opened, closed, mounted or dismounted
Thu Apr 04 17:59:03 2013
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/drpdb/drpdb1/trace/drpdb1_m001_16373.trc:


ORA-01155: the database is being opened, closed, mounted or dismounted.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle A File With UTL_FILE

Mar 11, 2013

I Got a scnario like a upload file contains

1.Header(Contains the File Name,Branch Name,MIS date)
2.Body(Customer Details)
3.Footer (File Name,Contians Total Number of Records and Number of Customers)


103,CCC,Deposit Acct,'F',3000

How to handle this scnario through UTL_File

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle Multiple Exceptions

Apr 11, 2012

I am having a pl/sql code with two blocks namely one inner block and outer block

v_v1 varchar2(10);
v_v2 varchar2(10);
v_v3 varchar2(10);


from the above code I want to execute both the inner block exception and outer block exception and is there any way to pl/sql engine that execute the outer exception first and inner next

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Forms :: How To Handle TList

Jul 7, 2010

I handle newly the Tlist. I have Tlist Which is generated on runtime by the following code

cursor C1 is select 'A' col
from table
select 'B' col

The list have 3 element now. But when i try get the element count in tlist using Get_list_element_count. i am not getting anything.

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Forms :: How To Get Window Handle

Feb 9, 2010

The following code works fine in the form 6i, but in the same form 10g I get map_handle='0' and win_handle='0' instead of certain value as in 6i.


MAP.MAP_ITEM has Chart Item type.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle Exception For ORA-06550

Nov 17, 2011

I trying to Assign XML content to the clob variable inside the pl/sql block, But i am getting the Below Error:

t clob;
t := 'xml content exceeds 32000 characters'

update test
clob_cloumn = t;
where id =2;

when others then

ORA-06550: line 5, column 4:
PLS-00172: string literal too long

I need to handle this exception, i know it length exceeds 32000 characters, but even though i need to handle the exception and to perform other operation after handling the exception.

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PL/SQL :: How To Handle Breaks On Collection

Oct 22, 2012

I'm working on a plsql program and i'm using collections. I loop the collection and delete rows of it depending on the edits of my program. Here is the question.

if my collection holds

i can simply do something like FOR indx in invoice.first..invoice.lasthowever if i delete row 2 of my collection i get an error. no data found.
ive been researching this site



is there a way to tell plsql i just want it to loop the collection from top to bottom regardless of the index values?

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Reg - Handle Not Showing Alias Name?

Oct 1, 2012

My OTN account handle shows the number but till yesterday it was showing the Alias Name "ranit B".

Handle:      912545
Status Level:      Newbie (20)
Registered:      Feb 6, 2012


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Clob Handle In Custom Type In PHP

Apr 17, 2013

I created a custom type what it has a clob member variable:

c_type INTEGER,
c_number NUMBER(38, 8),
c_varchar2 VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR),
c_clob CLOB,

The inserting and updating works with constructor: ... custom_type (to_clob('foo')) . But if the data is longest than 4000 characters then the PHP isn't access to it.

The normal case:
$sql = ("INSERT INTO table ( clob_field ) VALUES ( EMPTY_CLOB() ) RETURNING clob_field INTO :clob");
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $sql);
$clobdescr = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_DTYPE_LOB);
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':clob', $clobdescr, -1, OCI_B_CLOB);
$clobdescr->save('more than 4000 chars');

This case:
I tried:
$sql = ("INSERT INTO table ( ctype ) VALUES ( custom_type(EMPTY_CLOB()) ) RETURNING ctype.c_clob INTO :clob");
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $sql);
$clobdescr = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_DTYPE_LOB);
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':clob', $clobdescr, -1, OCI_B_CLOB);
$clobdescr->save('more than 4000 chars');

ORA says: "ORA-00904: CTYPE.C_CLOB: invalid identifier";

How to?Or how to access with any solution?

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How To Handle Spaces In Path Name Of File With PL/SQL

Apr 10, 2009

How do I handle spaces in the path name of a file with PL/SQL? This is what I am trying to do.

start f:folder namefolder name with spacesfoldernamescript.sql

I keep getting an error:

"The file 'f:folder.sql' does not exist."

Is there a special character I need to put in there for the spaces? How can I get this to work?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle Null In Date Time

Jan 13, 2013

create table top22 (timed timestamp);
insert into top22(timed)
values (current timestamp),(null);
select timed from top22;
2013-01-14 10:50:22.17
select 'no is '||coalesce("num",'') from "bifrost"."top22"

getting error in DB2

if i remove this coalesce function
select 'no is '||timed from "bifrost"."top22"
no is 2013-01-14 10:50:22.17

but i need the second result is no is null

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Handle Exception Invalid Identifier

Feb 27, 2013

In my code i am selecting a column which does not exist for a table so i m trying to handle that error in exception handler but i am getting error

I want to handle ORA-00904 invalid identifier error

l_count INTEGER:=0;
invalid_identifier_exception EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (invalid_identifier_exception, -06550);
invalid_identifier_exception1 EXCEPTION;

select sdsd from emp;
ERROR at line 14:
ORA-06550: line 14, column 8:
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "SDSD": invalid identifier
ORA-06550: line 14, column 1:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle Exception And Continue Process

Aug 24, 2012

I am trying to execute the below package. While executing i face a problem where when NO DATA FOUND the excpetion is handled and coming out of the loop.but i want to to continue the loop after handling the exception.

Is there anyway i can modify the code

CREATE OR replace PACKAGE BODY pkg_purge_archive_check
PROCEDURE Purge_archive_tables_check (purgerows IN NUMBER)
v_num_1 NUMBER(10);
v_num_2 NUMBER(10);
v_multiplier NUMBER(10);


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Forms :: Rep-300 OCI Invalid Handle Error?

May 8, 2013

i have some form and reports, whenever i call report from forms i got rep-300 OCI invalid_handle_error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle Ref Cursor Returned From Another Function

Dec 16, 2011

type osd_refone is ref cursor;
osd_ref osd_refone;
l_status number;

abc_reports in this pack "ab_report" it is the function it having the ref cursor as out parameter . when am executing the above anonymous block am getting the below error,so how can i print the out ref cursor data in my block.

ERROR at line 8:
ORA-06550: line 8, column 12:
PLS-00221: 'OSD_REF' is not a procedure or is undefined
ORA-06550: line 8, column 3:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

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