SQL & PL/SQL :: Stored Procedure That Takes List Of IDs As Input Parameters

Oct 22, 2010

I need a stored proc that takes list of ids as input parameters. For all these Ids. the proc will send out data from another table as out ref cursor. Sounds very simple yet I am stuck with how do I pass the input list of ids.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Collections Fetch - Pass List As Input Parameters To Procedure

May 11, 2012

I have a record type and table of records as follows

type rec is record
empid employee.empid%type,
ename employee.ename%type

type tab_rec is table of rec;

Suppose data from employee table is fetched into this collection

Can you pls clarify if we can refer to all the rows of empid in the above collection ?

something like tab_rec.empid without using the subscript for referring to the nth row

My requirement isto pass this list as input parameters to a procedure(PL/SQL).

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Windows :: Calling Stored Procedure With Input And Output Parameters From Batch File?

Oct 4, 2011

when i am calling stored procedure with input and output parameters from batch file .. I am getting the following message ..

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Oct 4 11:48:51 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options 14

code which i have written ...


Procedure Name :



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Usage Of Loop - Creating A Procedure With 4 Input Parameters

Jun 6, 2012

I have a Table with 4 columns and I am creating a procedure with 4 input parameters and inserting into the table as 4 parameters and how to use loop to insert multiple records.The data to be taken from excel.please suggest how to use the loop to insert multiple records.

create or replace procedure PRC_add_data(
P_Emp_No varchar2,
P_Member_Name varchar2,
P_UHID varchar2
INSERT INTO UploadData (Emp_No,Member_Name,ID,UHID) values (P_Emp_No,P_Member_Name,P_ID,P_UHID)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Removal Of Time In Input Parameter In Stored Procedure?

May 15, 2011

I'm creating a stored procedure wherein I'm the field wherein I will use for date input parameter is having a datetime format.

The format that we need for user's to input is 'DD-MON-YYYY' (without the minutes and seconds.)

how should I proceed with the creation of stored procedure for this?

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Input Parameter From Arraylist To Stored Procedure In Oracle?

Nov 7, 2013

i have created a package & stored procedure which is working fine when i am passing single value to my package or stored procedure. But what approach i should take if i have to pass multiple values (ArrayList) like (from eg empid like I1001,I1002,I1003,I1004,...) in my input parameter . I am using C# & Oracle

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PKG_x AS type t_cursor is ref cursor;
procedure Proc(cur_x out t_cursor,
param_emp in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL);


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Update Store Procedure (List Of Input)

Jan 10, 2012

The current update store procedure that I have updates a list of input provided, but it there are fields that are left blank, they are being updated as null in the database.

I'm having a trouble creating a store procedure that will just update the provided fields only.

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Oracle 10g - Create A Stored Procedure Without Parameters

Oct 11, 2010

Iam using oracle10g . when i created a simple stored procedure,got an error

PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement

here is my code

create or replace procedure sp_TrialLiswt
as begin
select * from mivrs_studyinfo;

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PL/SQL :: How To Get Some Optional Parameters Inside A Stored Procedure

Oct 1, 2013

Can we call one or more parameters inside a stored procedure call (like func_get_args in PHP) ? Example : 

create or replace PROCEDURE test_proc (
val1 in varchar DEFAULT NULL,
val2 in varchar DEFAULT NULL,
val3 in varchar DEFAULT NULL,

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Client Tools :: How To Pass Ambersand (&) As Input Parameter To A Stored Procedure

Oct 26, 2010

i have a stored procedure whose input parameter is a varchar2 datatype.i created this procedure for an interface and tibco would be calling my procedure by passing input parameters.my problem is when there is a input string with & (ambersand) then its not working.

even i tried to pass the parameter with & in TOAD, it asks me to enter value for string.look at the sample code below which i wrote for testing purpose:

procedure is:

create or replace procedure testproc(p_in in varchar2)

i pass parameter as given below:

testproc('abc & def');

if i run above script, it asks me to input some string value as it sees & in the string. attached is the image that shows up in TOAD. if i run below script it works. but i dont know how many &'s will be there in the input parameter. hence i cant do. and also TIBCO cant modify the input paramter while calling the procedure.

testproc('abc &'||'def');

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Create A List In Oracle Stored Procedure?

May 14, 2013

How to create a list in oracle stored procedure and that list contains two columns.

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Stored Procedure - Retrieve List Of Employee Names From Given EmpID

Jul 21, 2011

I am new to Oracle. I want to retrieve a list of employee names from a given empID. How to create a stored procedure for this query statement

select name from employee table
where empID = 10
order by name;

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Procedure In A Job Takes Less Time To Run When Executed Manually

Apr 25, 2013

I am using oracle on RHEL 4.8 (64-bit). I am facing a strange problem. I have this one job in database that takes almost 12-15 minutes to execute but when I execute procedure in that job manually, it executes in one minute. Even when no other job is running in database, it takes more than 10 minutes to execute.

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Scheduler :: Procedure In Job Takes Less Time When Executed Manually

Apr 25, 2013

I am using oracle on RHEL 4.8 (64-bit). I have this one job in database that takes almost 12-15 minutes to execute but when I execute procedure in that job manually, it executes in one minute. Even when no other job is running in database, it takes more than 10 minutes to execute.

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Scheduler :: DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM With Optional Input Parameters

Feb 27, 2013

I have a procedure that has a number of "optional" parameters.

procedure get_files(
file_name_in in varchar2 default 'dummy_file',
layout_in in number default 1,
client_in in number default null,
data_supplier_in in number default 99999

This procedure can be called with any combination of the input parameters.I can set up program(s) using the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM procedure using a program_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK' like this:

program_name => 'GET_MY_FILES',
program_action => '
get_files( layout_in => 11111, client_in => 2222 );
end ;',
program_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
number_of_arguments => 0);

My question is: Can I set up programs(s) using the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM procedure using a program_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE' when I have "optional" parameters? It appears that ALL of the program input parameters must be defined and there is no way to indicate that a parameters is "optional".

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PL/SQL :: How To Write Procedure To Load Data Into Table Using XML File As Input To Procedure

Sep 20, 2013

how to write procedure to load the data into a table using xml as input parameter to a procedure and xml file is as shown below which is input to me. 

xml version="1.0"?><DiseaseCodes><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(I87)Other disorders of veins - postphlebitic syndrome</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J04)Acute laryngitis and tracheitis</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J17*)Pneumonia in other diseases - whooping cough</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity></DiseaseCodes>.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Table As Input Parameter In Stored Procedures?

Feb 22, 2011

i need to pass table as input parameter in stored procedures. during the run time, i am getting error

CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type IS OBJECT (
id NUMBER(4),
ename VARCHAR2(10));
CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type_tab
CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Test_proc (in_emp_type IN EMP_TYPE_TAB)
FOR i IN 1.. in_emp_type.COUNT LOOP

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PL/SQL :: Call More Than One Stored Procedure In New Stored Procedure

Dec 24, 2012

Execute sp1 param1...param6
Execute sp2 param1...param8
Execute sp3 param1...param4

All these stored procedures deals with insert/updated transactions . i need to create a new stored procedure to execute all this in a single stored procedure which will be something like

create procedure sp4(param1...param8)
Execute sp1 param1...param6
rollback if any error
Execute sp2 param1...param8
rollback if any error
Execute sp3 param1...param4
rollback if any error

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Application Express :: Enter Input In For Select List?

Nov 28, 2012

I would like to enter input in for a select list. That is, if I have a select list for the common colours (blue, green, red, ... ) that a user could query on, then I would like a user to be able to type in the colour - purple in the box next to the select list. I've looked at the select list options and couldn't see anything obvious?

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Client Tools :: Separate User Input List Into One Column Of Entries?

Oct 3, 2011

I am trying to ultimately as the title says separate a user input list into one column of entries. I am doing this through Cognos not a normal SQL editor which is what makes this a little harder to do. So far I have gotten that in general I can use the

SELECT 'First Entry' Asset FROM Dual Union
SELECT 'Second Entry' Asset FROM Dual Union
SELECT 'Third Entry' Asset FROM Dual

and this will give me 3 entries of data in one column. More can be added as long as the last statement doesn't have the union on it. So, the next step it would seem is to have a for loop combined with an if then or case statement that would find the number of entries and loop until we reach the number of entries and give me either SELECT 'First Entry' Asset FROM Dual Union or SELECT 'First Entry' Asset FROM Dual if we are on the last entry. I don't know the lingo to do this though. I have tried to get this to work with a simple test like cat, dog, horse, cow, pig, etc but it's frustrating that I can't get it to work. I can do all the individual steps I just can't seem to get it to work together. I have all the functions I need, I just need to the syntext to do a for loop along with an if then or case statement where the outcome is a valid select statement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Have Input Parameter In Procedure

Oct 11, 2010

i am trying to create a procedure that will take an input and based on that input it will delete or update a row, if the input is wrong we will dbs_ouput a line telling the user to enter the input again. can i have a input parameter in a procedure and insert multiple rows with a single insert on a procedure?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Collect Input Parameter In Procedure

Mar 4, 2010

I have a procedure, which is getting called from ado.net with a input parameter named p_inp_oids which is a character string like '(122,323,434,444)',

My procedure body contains a query whose WHERE clause contains

AND OID IN p_inp_oids

I cannot post the whole procedure. Also OID is number.How to collect that input parameter in my procedure?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Debugging The Procedure With XML As Input Parameter?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a procedure where it contains an XML as input parameter.And i have to debug this procedure in pl/sql developer to check whether this is the correct XML and inserting the XML data in to my table. But when debugging, I am getting an Error "EXPRESSION IS OF WRONG TYPE". Below is my

px_xml xmltype;
px_xml:='Xml content';
--call the procedure
(parameter1 => :parameter1,
px_xml => px_xml,
pvo_out_mesg => :parameter3);

Is there any other way to debug XML in plsql developer.

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Passing Sh Variable Value To Input Of PL/SQL Procedure

Aug 30, 2012

how can I pass the sh variable (.i.e file name stored in sh variable called($F)) as a input of below mention procedure (YODEL_XL_ INS_SDG_ COMMER_ PROD)

for F in *.dat; do
echo $F
#sqlldr apps/apps control=$CONTROL data=$F
# Below Part is used for Add the file name into table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Input Parameter To Like Variable In Procedure

Dec 27, 2012

I have a procedure named 'GetShipperinfo' which takes i_name as input and needs to build a cursor taking i_name as input


The following sql when executed at sqlplus prompt gives correct results.

select dept, supplier, shipper_id
from shippers
where upper(shipper_name) like upper('Frank Robert%');

How can I transform this inside a cursor within a procedure passing 'Frak Robert' value as i_name input.

i.e I should be able to call the procedure as follows

sql> variable v1 varchar2;
sql> exec pkg_shipment.GetShipperinfo('Frank Robert',:v1);
sql> print :v1;

Should the cursor inside the procedure be built as follows

cursor c1 is
select dept, supplier, shipper_id
from shippers
where shipper_name like ''||upper(i_name'%''||)'';

Iam unable to build the sql for the cursor.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Get Or Sum The Closer Numbers To On Input Number?

Aug 14, 2011

in have one input number for example 300 and in database i have 3 number as below :

1 100
2 200
3 50

i need procedure to give the closer number , for this example the output should return 2&1

example 2 :

input number 100
database number
1 50
2 100
3 140

the output should be 2 and so ....

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PL/SQL :: How To Concatenate Quote To Procedure Parameter Input Value

Dec 6, 2012

create or replace procedure ab(a in varchar2, b in varchar2)
test varcha2(8);
if (a is not null) then
for i in(select c
from t
where c between ||'''||a||'''|| and ||'''||b||'''||)
end loop;
end if;

I want both parameter input values to be enclosed in quotes so that it considers both parameter values as char.Receiving ora 00936 missing expression error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert As Procedure Based On Input Date Parameter

Dec 12, 2012

i have the below query

select to_char(report_date, 'YYYY MM Mon'), count(1) no_of_times
from (
select to_date('&&YYYYMMDD', 'YYYYMMDD')+rownum report_date
, mod(rownum,14) mod_result
from all_objects


need to convert as procedure based on input date parameter.I will pass the input date from java environment and need to see the sql query output in front end.

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How To Use Parameters In Plsql Procedure

Oct 21, 2010

I have excel file which I am reading through plsql procedure using UTL_FILE utilities, one of the column in the excel has multiple values in the same column, I am getting the values into plsql, but when it is coming to where clause its not working.

in excel the column has : 'ABC','GEH','HGT',LTP'

create or replace procedure abc(temp_col varchar2)
WHERE TCOL IN temp_col;

This is not working, if the column in excel has one value say ('ABC') then the above sql is working, if it has more than one value its not working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using NVL Function With Parameters In A Procedure?

May 16, 2011

I am currently studying a Foundation degree in computer software development, and one of my assignment in PL/SQL I am stuck on one of the tasks.

I have to create a procedure where one of the parameters needs to have a default value of one, if no value is entered when the procedure is called. I have trued to use the NVL function which worked when using a anonymous block, but now I have to convert that to a procedure. My problem is I'm getting an error.

The code for the procedure is

(p_number_of_classes NUMBER := NVL(NULL,1), -- This will enter a default value of 1 if the user does not specify a number
p_course_id classes.course_id%TYPE,
p_period classes.period%TYPE,
p_frequency classes.frequency%TYPE,


I then use this to test it


and the error I get is

Quote:ORA-06550: line 2, column 4:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'ADD_NEW_CLASSES'
ORA-06550: line 2, column 4:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
2. add_new_classes(1002,'first','daily',3002);
3. END;

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