In our testing DB local Server , we are using following script ... We are connecting Via putty ...
CODEexport ORACLE_SID=testdb sqlplus /nolog <<eof conn sys/sys as sysdba
QUOTE 1. How can i set pagesize to get good format Our problem is output format is not good .. we set set pagesize from 0 to 120 .. no improvement .. " Again Re-Installed VMware tools also ... no improvbement ....
2. We are planning to set alert message if "Archive destination crossed 60 % Script automatically will generate alert message via mobile or mail.. JUst we will configure crontab ....
select job,case when deptno=10 then ename ELSE 'null' end e10 ,case when deptno=20 then ename ELSE 'null' end e20 ,case when deptno=30 then ename ELSE 'null' end e30 from emp order by 1;
BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production {CODE}
here is my query to find out the list of indexes and positions in a single schema.SELECT
I use sqplus in oracle to output the command output to text file .
I use below set environment variable.
SQL> set echo off; SQL> set linesize 3999; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set termout off; SQL> set pagesize 0; SQL> spool mapping.txt select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN;
In ouput file , it look like
SQL> select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN; 060010007 10007 : : : SQL> spool off;
any setting or command that allow me to remove the first sql command line" SQL>select XXXX" and the last command "SQL>spool off" after start up the "spool mapping.txt"
I am looking forward for getting the output of audit records in a non-editable format as in pdf or something of that sort. Is it possible from Oracle 10g Rel-2?Can i spool output as PDF format?
I have Db in HP UX 11.31, I have to spool a table output in csv format which contains arabic letters in few columns. my spool output is not showing the arabic letters properly.
I use sqplus in oracle to output the command output to text file .
I use below set environment varialble.
SQL> set echo off; SQL> set linesize 3999; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set termout off; SQL> set pagesize 0; SQL> spool mapping.txt select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN;
In ouput file , it look like
SQL> select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN; 060010007 10007 : : : SQL> spool off;
any setting or command that allow me to remove the first sql command line" SQL>select XXXX" and the last command "SQL>spool off" after start up the "spool mapping.txt"
I have developed one rdf in Text Output Format.In this some special characters is coming for Text Output format of rdf.Shall i do any adjustments in layout? How to remove these special characters?
i have created a table called table2,with only one column as text,
SQL> select regexp_replace(text,'[:]',chr(10)) text from table2;
TEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 amar 11-jan-2011 15000
2 manju 22-feb-2011 20000 and i have to get output like this, TEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID 1 NAME amar DATEOFJOINING 11-jan-2011 SALARY 150000
I want to be able to name a column created from my query.
Query is:
select A.OrigRef, A.DisplayName, A.ExtCode, count(CalcId) from OrigRefView A, CalcView B where A.OrigRef = B.NewRef and A.OrigRef like 'AB%' group by A.OrigRef, A.DisplayName, A.ExtCode order by A.SusRef
and it returns the Count in "column4" Is there a way I can get the query to output a different column name without creating a whole new table (i.e. not by creating a new table for my query output and then running a new procedure at the end to rename the column...)?
I am trying to get query output into textfile.The following procedure is working fine by creating directory as follows in sys user.The output is getting onto text file and it seen on server machine even.My question is I want to see the text file on local machine also instead of everytime connecting to server machine drive.How can I perform that?
create or replace directory INFO_DIR as 'D:Swapna'; grant read, write on directory INFO_DIR to fairpoint; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FAIRPOINT.utl_file_test_write_xls(filename in VARCHAR2 ) IS output_fileutl_file.file_type; v_pathVARCHAR2(500); v_stringVARCHAR2(4000); v_sqlstrVARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN BEGIN [code]....
below query is returning two rows.The thing now happening is the query is returning the output for both the case statements.But what is need only when the first case staement is NULL then it should go for second case.
SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN esc.x1 = Substr(inp.y, 0, 3) AND esc.x2 = Substr(inp.y, 4, 2)THEN WHEN esc.mcc = Substr(inp.y, 0, 3) AND esc.mnc = Substr(inp.y, 4, 3)THEN [code]....
I tried using rownum=1 but it filters out valid records.correcting the above query so that if the first case is null then only it should go for second case.
create a procedure so that I could get minus query of 2 table as a result.
I have two table 1- src_table_list ,2- tgt_table_list both tables have 2 columns : serial_no,table_name and 100 records each. and details mentioned in column "table_name" are actually tables name which present in my testing database.
so I need one procedure which will pick one table_name from src_table_list and one table_name from tgt_table_name each time recursively and provide minus query as a result. as below.
select c1,c2,c3,c4 from table1 --(fetched from src_table_list) minus select b1,b2,b3,b4 from table2 --(fetched from tgt_table_list)
create the I have to prepare minus query for more than 200 tables and then I need to test them for integration testing..
now after having this data from "data1" table , we need to get the row from "data2" "data2" table there are total 6 combination on basis of "POS,ORDER" [ there are only 2 "ORDER" i.e. 'F' and 'S' , where as POS value can be changed, BUT THE "POS,ORDER" COMBINATION WILL HAVE ONLY 6 UNIQUE COMBINATION. ] so, for "POS and DAT_ID" combination we need to get the lowest rank data first, if that is not present then get the other rank given in "DATA1" table and so on and if no rank is present then select the NULL row row data from "DATA2" table for ex: in DATA1 table for count(*)>1 and id=1, we have data as
-------------- IDDAT_IDRNK
11231 11242 11253 --------------
so, in "DATA2" table, first we will see for "POS and ORDR" combination which DAT_ID is present, i.e. in case od POS=11 and ordr=F, we will select
as it is having lowest rank in "DATA1" table and it is present in "DATA2" table,
for POS=12 and ordr=F, we will select
as we don't have "123 and 1" in "DATA2" table so we will select the next rank given in "DATA1" ( i.e. 124 and 2 ), similarly , for POs=31 and ordr=S, we will select, as this is the next available rank and DAT_ID present in "DATA2" table
and if there is no rank present from "DATA1" table in "DATA2" table then we will select the NULL row, i.e. for POS=21 and ordr=F, we need to select :
"there will be 6 row for each id"
the output we want is : ----------------------------------------- IDNAMEPOSORDER DAT_IDRNK 1D111F1231 1D112F1242 1D121F 1D12321S1231 1D2322S1242