SQL & PL/SQL :: PMT Function Which Calculate Payment

Dec 14, 2010

PMT function which calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate. I need to build PMT function in oracle.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Calculate The Vacation?

Oct 31, 2011

how can create function to calculate the vacation example if i takes 10 days vacation and Friday , Saturday only a normal vacation but The rest of the days is Within the vacation

how can calculate the vacation and make this function dynamic such as when takes the vacation 1-1-2011 and number of days vacation 10 not including the Friday, Saturday days

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Function Which Calculate Sum Of Salary

May 8, 2010

I created a PROCEDURE in that i am calling function which calculate sum of salary...I just want Output in format for that which function i need to use...?

Actual Output:::

SALES 11600

I want Output in well alignment column...i WANT Output IN column format but my output in not geting in that format...Is there any function to align output...I want Output in well alignment column

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Calculate Working Days With Oracle Function

Mar 13, 2009

how do i can make oracle function for the following vb6 function.

This function is used for calculating working days between two date.

Public Function Work_Days(BegDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant) As Integer

' Note that this function does not account for holidays.

Dim WholeWeeks As Variant
Dim DateCnt As Variant
Dim EndDays As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_Work_Days
BegDate = DateValue(BegDate)
EndDate = DateValue(EndDate)
WholeWeeks = DateDiff("w", BegDate, EndDate)
DateCnt = DateAdd("ww", WholeWeeks, BegDate)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Function To Calculate Difference Between Two Dates?

Sep 22, 2011

create or replace function getDate(p_joing_date Date,p_sysdate)
Return Date;
SELECT into v_compltd_mnths MONTHS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE('sysdate','MM-DD-YYYY'), TO_DATE('joing_date','MM-DD-YYYY') ) "Months"FROM DUAL;
return v_compltd_mnths;

that i have worte..

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PL/SQL :: Calculate Standard Deviation For Some Rows With STDDEV Function

Oct 10, 2012

I can easily calculate the standard deviation for some rows with the STDDEV function. But that returns me a value expressed in the same units as the things being measured. (In other words, if I have times of 1,12,6,11 and 8 seconds, I will be told that the average time is 7.6 seconds, and the standard deviation is 4.39 seconds).

What I'd like to be able to do is to say that the record with value 1 is (say) 3 std deviations away from the average. Or that the 6 second row is within 1 standard deviation.

I am trying to find records which are more than 3 standard deviations of the mean, because they are the outliers I am interested in.

I cannot see how to convert a STDDEV result into being a "number of standard deviations".

(If I have not expressed myself clearly, I'm using this sort of stuff URL....and I'm trying to find >3-sigma records)

simply to multiply the STDDEV result by 1, 2, 3 and so on, and then compare to the time? That is, is it OK to do the following:

Mean = 7.6 seconds (from my sample data mentioned in the above post)
StdDev = 4.29 seconds

So 2sigma would be 4.29*2 = 8.78 seconds, plus or minus the mean?

So any record with a time value between -1.18 (7.6-8.78) and 16.38 (7.6+8.78) seconds would be within 2-sigma, assuming normal distribution?

I am still wondering if there's a nice function or something that returns the sigma value for any given set of records?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Stored Function / Procedure To Calculate Number Of Working Days Between Two Dates

Feb 17, 2010

I want Oracle stored function/procedure to calculate number of working days between two dates. We need to exclude Firdays and Saturdays as there are weekend holidays and also exclude official holidasy that lie between two dates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Payment Amount Before Withholding

Aug 8, 2013

I need to get payment amount. For example i have one payment for 3 invoices.I need to show in my report for this payment 3 invoices:

invoice_number, invoice_amount, payment_amount.

Total payment is $10,000.
Invoice A: $5,000
Invoice B: $5,000
Invoice C: $5,000
for Invoice A payment is 3,000$,
for Invoice B payment is 2,000$,
for Invoice C payment is 5,000$.

This is that i need to get.In action payment amounts are after withholding tax and i need to get amount before.

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Getting Error While Uploading Payment Using API (Insert Row)

Apr 22, 2013

Getting Error while uploading payment using API ap_checks_pkg.Insert_Row:

ORA-20001: APP-SQLAP-10000: ORA-01403: no data found occurred in
with parameters (ROWID = , CHECK_ID = 39368)
while performing the follow

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PL/SQL :: Query First Date Before Payment Date

Nov 25, 2012

How to get the payment date less than the sch date?


1) for 07/24/2012 sch date the nearest payment date is 07/27/2012.

sch date should be less than the payment date.

Sch dates 07/24/2012 and 07/26/2012 are less than payment date 07/27/2012 but we take the least one.

2) sch date 07/27/2012 is less than the payment date 08/08/2012 so 07/27/2012

Below is the scripts and output needed.

create table cust_sch_tbl
customer_NUMBER     number,
c_CODE     char(5),
sch_DATE date


Output needed:

cust   cust code payment date      sch date
4611     c1     7/27/2012      7/24/2012
4611     c1     8/8/2012 16:57      7/27/2012
4611     c1     10/19/2012 16:37 10/11/2012
4611     c1     11/15/2012      10/30/

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Calculate On Itself

Jun 3, 2011

only one table A(autoid, number)

how SELECT statment result: B(autoid, number, numberB)

numberB is sum of all the number have autoid > its autoid.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Package To Calculate Pay

Oct 20, 2010

Trying to accomplish:

I am trying to calculate pay with a package which consists of four functions for calculations and a procedure that calls the functions to calculate net pay.

DML DDL and package

I the DML and DDL and the package as an attachment.


Errors below

32/9 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "E" when expecting one of the following:

, ; for group having intersect minus order start union where connect The symbol "having" was substituted for "E" to continue.

32/54 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following:

-------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
. ( * @ % & - + ; / at for mod remainder rem <an exponent (**)> and or group having intersect minus order start union where connect || multiset

33/9 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "INTO" when expecting one of the following:

. ( ) , * @ % & = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not rem <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like like2 like4 likec between || member submultiset

View 39 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Exact Age

Oct 21, 2011

How to calculate exact age for example my date of birth is 10-04-1972 and today current date is 21-10-2011 so i want to calculate age how many years, how many months and how many days.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Working Day

Jan 1, 2013

I need a query to find out the working days. I have attached the sample script to create table and data. Here is the description of the tables.

Emp1 : To record the employe's information and weekly rest day.
Attendance :- To record daily attendance.
Leave_appovd : To record the approved leaves.
Holiday : To record the holidays.

W = Attendance
R = Weekly Rest
L = Leave
H = Holiday
A = Absent

Required output is

Emp No.In Date Out Date Type

Separate Query will be run for the following output.

Wroking Days
EmpnoAttend WeeklyRestsLeavesHolidays TotalAbsentsG. Total
7369 17 4 4 2 27 4 31
7782 6 0 0 0 6 25 31

If any body work on weekly rest or holiday, it will be considered as weekly rest and holiday. There working on these days will be treated separately.

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PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Value Column

Dec 21, 2012

We have 2 tables.

Example :
Table Name1: Sales_orders - Columns(Cust_Id,Customer,Quantity,Unit_Price,........etc)
Table name2: Sales_taxes - Columns(Central_sales_Tax,Service_Tax,ValueAdd_Tax,Entry_Tax,Professional_Tax)

My requirement is;
I what create new table/view which contains all value of both table and new column called Total Amount.
Total amount=SUM(Quantity*Unit_Price+Central_sales_Tax+Service_Tax+ValueAdd_Tax+Entry_Tax+Professional_Tax)

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How To Calculate Redo Rate

Nov 14, 2006

how would I be able to calculate the Redo rate for using in the Required bandwidth Formula as seen below :

Required bandwidth Formula ((Redo rate in bytes per second / 0.7) * 8) / 1,000,000 = bandwidth in Mbps

Example: 385 KB/sec peak rate would require an available network bandwidth of at least

((394253 / 0.7) * 8) / 1,000,000 = 4.5 Mbps.

SOURCE OF FORMULA Network Bandwidth Implications of Oracle Data Guard...I'm using Oracle 10g

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Running Percentage

Mar 13, 2013

I want to calculate the running percentage. sample data is as below.

code VARCHAR2(8),
name VARCHAR2(30),
stdate DATE,
itons NUMBER(7,3),
rtons NUMBER(7,3)


Required Output is

-------- ------------------------------ --------- ---------- ---------- -------
0-01-001 SEEDS 17-JUL-12 193.155 0
1-01-001 OIL 17-JUL-12 0 81.906 42.404
1-02-001 MEAL 17-JUL-12 0 104.304 54.000
1-03-001 DURT OIL 17-JUL-12 0 1.242 0.643
2-01-001 WASTE 17-JUL-12 0 5.703 2.953


Percentage will be calculated as rtons of code not having first digit 0 devided by itons having having code 0 result multiply 100 for the same date code wise e.g. For dated 17-jul-13 meal percentage will be calculated as round((104.304/193.155)*100,3)=54.000

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Forms :: How To Calculate Average In 6i

Apr 5, 2011

How To Calculate Average in Forms 6i for example a summary column named (Amount = 5000) and i want to calculate 15% average of this amount i want to calculate it like summary column .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Proper Hrs Between Two Dates

Jun 25, 2011

i have two dates like

30-may-2011 11:50:34 and 27-may-2011 13:59:37

how i can calculate proper hrs between these dates? My condition is time calculate from 8.30AM to 5.30PM

it does not considered 24 hrs

if i calculate hrs

30-may-2011 11:50:34 - 27-may-2011 13:59:37

then it shows 69.85 hrs . but it considered full 24 hrs.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Period Date

Sep 14, 2011

Following is the scenario:


--How to calculate START_PERIOD_DATE and END_PERIOD_DATE for every time insert reocrd, like for 4 cases?
--I need to check start_date with last period date for same employee.

And based upon calculate START_PERIOD_DATE and END_PERIOD_DATE,,,,,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Time Difference

Aug 10, 2003

I want to calculate time difference b/w two time clocks, just like we calculate the date difference and answer is in days, In the same way i like to have answer in hrs,min and ss.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Balances For Each Month

Apr 8, 2013

have this SQL query works fine but I want to calculate the balances for each month...I STARTING to do so: I have to:

JanuaryBalance = Initialbalance + January;
FebruaryBalance = JanuaryBalance+February;
MarchBalance = FebruaryBalance + March;

Sum("F0902"."GBAPYC"/100) AS "initialBalance",
Sum("F0902"."GBAN01"/100) AS "January",
Sum("F0902"."GBAN02"/100) AS "February",
Sum("F0902"."GBAN03"/100) AS "March",

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Forms :: Calculate Sum In A Form?

Nov 23, 2007

how do w calculate sum in a form? for example in datablock sale, I have few rows of data, i want to calculate the total of product purchased (column totitem) and , sum of the customer have to pay. (totalprice). how to do the calculation in a program unit?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Outage Time For Each Day

Jul 8, 2010

We have a table which contains the outage data as below,

IM10366 FD0004 06-jul-2010 10:00:00 10-jul-2010 10:00:00

so from the above record, the outage is from 6th - 10th July. So for the given TAG & CI_NAME, we have to calculate the outage for day. So the above record should be split as below

IM10366 FD0004 06-jul-2010 10-jul-2010 06-jul-2010 14HRS
IM10366 FD0004 06-jul-2010 10-jul-2010 07-jul-2010 24HRS
IM10366 FD0004 06-jul-2010 10-jul-2010 08-jul-2010 24HRS
IM10366 FD0004 06-jul-2010 10-jul-2010 09-jul-2010 24HRS
IM10366 FD0004 06-jul-2010 10-jul-2010 10-jul-2010 10HRS

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate With Calculated Fields?

Feb 24, 2010

can I use calculated fields (b) for another calculation (c) in the same select?

select 10*a as b,
10*b as c
from tab

The code gives an error, but how can I do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Two Parameters A And B Which Are Interdependent?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to calculate two parameters A and B which are interdependent. Unfortunately, my code is not working correctly:

create table temp_res1 as
select *
from temp_res
dimension by (rn)
measures ( 0 as A,
0 as B


The correct result should be:

create table temp_res (rn integer, a integer, b integer);
insert into temp_res values(1, 5, 10);
insert into temp_res values(2, 11, 6);
insert into temp_res values(3, 7, 12);
insert into temp_res values(4, 13, 8);
insert into temp_res values(5, 9, 14);
insert into temp_res values(6, 15, 10);
insert into temp_res values(7, 11, 16);
insert into temp_res values(8, 17, 12);

but I get:

create table temp_res (rn integer, a integer, b integer);
insert into temp_res values(1, 5, 10);
insert into temp_res values(2, 11, 6);
insert into temp_res values(3, 1, 12);
insert into temp_res values(4, 1, 2);
insert into temp_res values(5, 1, 2);
insert into te

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Sanctions To Employee

Aug 1, 2012

i have two tables

first table
emp_no pk
second table
emp_no fk

i need the following

if employees take sanctions and his salary 1000 and sanctions value 50 then the net salary is 950 . I need if the same employee take another sanctions values 50
the result will be
the old net salary is 950
and the new old salary is 900

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Doesn't Calculate Any Excel Functions

Jul 26, 2010

My applications is integrate with Excel 2003 by Ole2 package. Some of them excel books are using functions activates with Excel Complements (activate with men options: Tools-Complements-Analyisis Complements and Analysis complements VBA).

The problem is when I invoke this excel book in Oracle Forms, this functions don't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Calculate Number / Average / If

Dec 15, 2011

I have to procedure that computes number of project, and average working hours of employees where employee id is passed as a parameter to the procedure. If the average working hours is less than 10 then employee's salary remain the same, otherwise check if number of project is less than 4 then 5% of salary, else 10% of salary is added to the salary.

my tables are:

CREATE TABLE employee(
empid number(5),
empname varchar(20),
address varchar(20),
no_of_dependents number(5),
deptno number(5),

the problem is i have to use only 2 cursors - 1 for select and 1 for update.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Difference Between Multiple Numbers

Feb 28, 2013

I need to subtract multiple numbers to get the difference between each numbers, the amount of numbers to subtract between each others can vary between 2 and 10.

create table table_1 (
col1 varchar2(5),
col2 number(6,0),
col3 number(12,0)

insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 34379, 11111);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 39032, 11111);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 54337, 11111);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 78005, 11111);

insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 66793, 22222);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 74323, 22222);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 81426, 22222);

Expected Output:

col1 col2 col3
AAA -4653 11111
AAA -15305 11111
AAA -23668 11111
AAA -7530 22222
AAA -7103 22222

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