SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Format To Show Scientific Notation

Feb 10, 2012

I have a function returning a number . It can return a very big number like

say 14444444444444444444355555.3444444444444444445

i want it to return in scientific notation.

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Client Tools :: EXCEL Preventing Large Numbers Being Displayed In Scientific Notation

Sep 13, 2010

Here is one way to create EXCEL file from oracle sql query and prevent excel displaying large numbers in scientific notation(exponential notation)

set feedback off
set verify off
set heading off
spool c:excel_test.xls
select 'PO_NUMBER'||chr(9)||'VENDOR_NUMBER' from dual
select '=PROPER('||po_number||')'||chr(9)||'=PROPER('||vendor_number||')'||chr(9)
from invoices
where rownum < 12
order by 1 desc

Note that PO_NUMBER is 16 characters, VENDOR_NUMBER is 15 characters in invoices table.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Show Date In DD/MM/YYYY Format

Jan 2, 2013

I have a date column , and i want to show the date in 'DD/MM/YYYY' format for eg days with 2 digit or comming properly but when it comes to single digit the 0 is not comming for example 4/11/2012 should come as 04/11/2012 like 16/11/2012 , i even did the conversion like to_char(rh_dt,'DD/MM/RRRR').

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PL/SQL :: Not Show Last Row Of Test Number?

Feb 7, 2013

I have below mentioned records in mount so whenever i select any mount it should now show the the last row of that mount i.e. test no-3 any records of mount which will not show last row of test number

mount     day     org1 test_No org2 org3     org4
299.00 1     0     1     1     0     7186
299.00     1     0     2     1     0     7186
299.00     0     3     3     0     7186


but i want test_no should be in asceding order

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Show Total Number Of Department

Apr 19, 2013

how to show total number of department with their department name assign to employee table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Number Of Days Between Two Dates?

Apr 18, 2013

i want to create function to show number of days between to days such as number of Friday days between to dates

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COUNT - Show Names / Room Number According To Students?

May 10, 2007

I have been asked to show the names and room number according to students who have 4 classes in a room.

select s.name, r.room_no
from s, r
where r.room_no = u.room_no
and e.unit_code = u.unit_code
GROUP BY s.name, r.room_no

However I get the error 'ERROR at line 4:
ORA-00904: "U"."UNIT_CODE": invalid identifier'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Datatype Formatting To Show $ Sign And Commas

Mar 8, 2011

I have a Number(18,0) datatype.It could have millions/billions stored in that field.How can I show that amount in the form of $7,123,787 ($ sign and commas)?

By using To_char function like below, I am not getting the desired format.

Select to_char(123000000.25, '$9,9999999999.00') FROM dual;

Result is (no commas):


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PL/SQL :: Right SQL To Show Employees Detail Attendance According To Number Of Days

Jun 12, 2012

There is a attendance table having structure(empid number,signtime datetime)It has data of attendance of employees:

What is the right sql to show employees detail attendance according to the no of days attendance . i.e.(According to the maximum no of attendance first and so on)

suppose: 3 employees abc,bbc,cca abc has 20 days of attendance ,bbc has 21 days,cca has 19 days..The report like this:

bbc 1/5/12 10:30
abc .....

according to the no of attendannce

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Forms :: How To Show Total Number Of Records In Text Item

May 3, 2013

I have a multi record field of five rows. And 3 values.

the values are


And i have one text item name is COUNT.

how to show the total number of records in Text item .

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Application Express :: How To Show Data From A Table Having Large Number Of Columns

Oct 8, 2013

I have a report with single row having large number of columns . I have to use a scroll bar to see all the columns. Is it possible to design report in below format(half columns on one side of page, half on other side ofpage : 

Column1DataColumn11DataColumn2DataColumn12DataColumn3DataColumn13DataColumn4DataColumn14DataColumn5DataColumn15DataColumn6DataColumn16DataColumn7DataColumn17DataColumn8DataColumn18DataColumn9DataColumn19DataColumn10DataColumn20Data I am using Apex 4.2.3 version on oracle 11g xe.

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Creating A View To Show Employee Names / Age And Total Number Of Projects Assigned

Apr 14, 2009

I have following tables:

EMPLOYEE (E-Number, Name, Department, age)
ASSIGNMENT (E-Number, P-Number )
PROJECT( P-Number, Project, Manager)

Create a view to show employee names, age and total number of projects they are assigned to

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display The Current Date With Post Fix Notation In Oracle?

Jul 2, 2013

Is there any way to display the current date with post fix notation in oracle?

Ex : 2nd ,5th , 3rd , 1st , 8th ,

select to_char(sysdate,'DD') from dual;

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Server Administration :: Change Datatype To HEX Notation / Base 64

Jul 10, 2013

I am currently in the process of migrating our database from US7ASCII to AL32UTF8 using DMU.

I am stuck at a point where I have encrypted data that, when the conversion happens, will be destroyed. Oracle suggests to move the data which is currently stored in VARCHAR2 datatype, to a "character set safe way" like hex notation or base64 before converting.

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Insert Text In A Specified Format As Number (x / Y)

May 29, 2012

Im trying to insert a number specified by the format for ex. S999.99, but the original text is of the form S99999, is there any way i can insert the data which will store it in the DB with the datatype as Number(5,2), the decimal is not present in the supplied value(through PreparedStatement) but needs to be put while inserting into the DB.

P.S.- 'S' in S999.99 signifies the sign(+/-).

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Reports & Discoverer :: Number Format

Oct 20, 2011

I have a value 233560.66 but in report its showing 233560.67 using format NNNGNNNGNNNGNN0D00 but when i remove format it shows 233560.665 but i want result 233560.66

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Alter Session Number Format?

Dec 20, 2010

how to change the default format of a number value using alter session statement?

I've a problem when I show a value like this "0.123456": the select statement returns ".123456". Is there any way to force a zero value before the character separator?

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Forms :: Phone Number Format

Jan 7, 2013

how and where can i specify the phone number format

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Get Month Number From Date Format

Oct 31, 2012

I am trying to get the month number from this date format '19-OCT-12' . when i try to run the below statement i am getting an error like "not a valid month"

select to_date('19-OCT-12','MM') from dual

i need to get value as 10

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Wrong Number Format Display Using DBLink

Jan 7, 2013

I have an issue trying to execute some queries using a dblink. When i run any query with numeric fields only display 4 digit and int the source database the fields have 5 digit. The dblink work between ans MSSQL database to an Oracle Database

select cardnumber from card

Oracle (with dblink)
select cardnumber from card@dblink1

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Number Format

Aug 25, 2011

I have a small problem when I am trying to load data into a table using SQL Loader. The data I am trying to load should be a number, but it is in the format '999,999,999 USD'. When I try to load the data, I am getting an invalid number error, due to the USD (I have already accounted for the thousands seperators). My question is, how can I load the data as a number with USD in the format?

Sample Data(testfile.dat):

sample1, "342,2343,543 USD"
sample2, "564,324,465 USD"
sample3, "534,753,213 USD"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Number To Specific Format Using Query

Apr 14, 2011

I want to convert a number to this format using below query but i'm getting error. how to correct the below query.

SELECT TO_CHAR(12345678, '99G9999D99') FROM dual;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Year / Quarter Number To Date Format

Oct 5, 2010

I have year/quarter number field (200903 3-rd quarters of 2009) and I need to convert to data format.

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Application Express :: Number Mask Format With Tabular Form (Text Field)

Aug 24, 2012

By default number that "starts" with a leading zero with decimals - zero is removed. 0.49 => .49

I'm adding for e.g. the mask "FM990D0999". 0.49 => 0.49

Ok this is fixed.But if I have an integer without decimal. 1 => 1.0

If I change the mask to FM990D9999 1=> 1.

I would like to have a zero leading when it's 0.49 but also no decimal when it's an integer => 1

APEX 4.0 with 11g

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Application Express :: To Change The Default Behavior Of Hide / Show Region To Show

Jun 26, 2012

I am trying to change the default behavior of Hide/Show Region to show, after some attempts i got it partially working but now clicking the icon to toggle hide/show doesn't work also changed the icons and added type="" but its not working.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Find Page Number And Total Number Of Pages

Jan 26, 2010

i am using oracle developer 6i report builder i required this type of query


if (:page number LIKE '1')
end if;

return (TRUE);

but page number is not my table database item how can i use builtan page &<pagenumber> use for conditional format.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Replacing 4 Digit Number In A Given String With The Same Number Incremented By 10000?

Jun 17, 2010

i want to replace 4 digit number in a given string with the same number incremented by 10000.

That mean in the given sting 1201 should be replace by 11201 (Icremented BY 10000).

Input String:

<query><matchAll>true</matchAll><row><columnId>1201</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>North America - Houston</val></row><row><columnId>1212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Agreement Date Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>1212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Facility Type Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>1224</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>y</val></row></query>

Required output :

<query><matchAll>true</matchAll><row><columnId>11201</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>North America - Houston</val></row><row><columnId>11212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Agreement Date Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>11212</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>!=</op><val>Facility Type Mismatch</val></row><row><columnId>11224</columnId><dataType>31</dataType><op>Like</op><val>y</val></row></query>

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Number And Previous Character From Where 5 Digit Number Starting

Oct 21, 2011

I have a text field and if the text field has 5 consecutive numbers then I have to extract the number and the previous character from where the 5digit number starting

For example i/p asdfasfsdS251432dasdasd o/p should be S251432

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Express Edition (XE) :: Why Maximum Number Of Voting Disk Is Even Number (32)

Oct 3, 2013

I gone through many forums and found that the number of voting disks should be always in odd number. Then why the maximum number of voting disk is 32?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count A List Of Number Value And Find Maximum Number?

May 21, 2010

how do I count a list of number value eg 1,1,1,1,3,3,6,4 and find the one with maximum number which is 1

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