SQL & PL/SQL :: Invoking Oracle Bat File From Dbms_scheduler

Oct 21, 2011

I'm trying to call a simple batch file from dbms_scheduler, the job created successfully but I it doesn't invoke the batch file I've created.

This is the contents of my batch file :
EXEC hr.load_employees

And this is the job attempting to invoke it :

(job_name => 'EMP_HIST',
job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
job_action => 'C:sql_scriptsemployees_load.sql > nul',
start_date => SYSDATE,
-- repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=23', -- Every night at 23:00.
repeat_interval => 'FREQ=SECONDLY; INTERVAL=2', -- Every Minute
enabled => true,
comments => 'Copy the emp table to history');

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invoking Java Class From Oracle Server?

Jun 7, 2013

I need to invoke a JavaMail code from oracle server. Conditions are :

On insertion of a row in a table a TRIGGER is to be run. This trigger would invoke a java code, that shoots an email, with desired credentials and login.

The code to send email, is based on JavaMail API, and is compiled on JVM version, 1.6.

The javaMail code can be loaded in oracle server using:

loadjava -user scott@TESTDB SendMailSSL.class

Another code doscmd.class is written and loaded in oracle, that is compiled in java 1.5. It is intended to call the SendMailSSL.class

import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;


Is there a way to invoke SendMailSSL.class, without upgrading the oracle Java version

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Procedure Triggered By Dbms_scheduler / ORA-29283 / Invalid File Operation

Nov 10, 2010

This is regarding a problem we are facing during report(.xls) creation which is done using a procedure triggered by a job run.

The report file(.xls) file is not getting created when the job(using dbms_scheduler) calls.

The procedure uses utl_file to create an .xls file

We have a folder on the path /oracle/tata_aig_life/websales/dnld . This folder( dnld ) has the all the priviliges drwxrwxrwx.

We have a job scheduler as the attachment which in turn triggers a procedure(check the code attachment for the scheduler and the procedure).

In the procedure we first remove the file(.xls) created in the path and then recreate a new .xls file.

The reason for first removing the file and recreating is that the existing file is not getting updated with a new file when the job is run.

We capture the exceptions in a table. In the table the following exception is logged :ORA-29283: invalid file operation

The job is triggered and the files are created on the path mentioned in the procedure on the UAT Environment..

Also the files are created when we manually run the same procedure in the path.

The Oracle version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

The OS flavour is SunOS otlpsr5cora01 5.10 Generic_127111-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V490 -------

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Application Express :: Invoking API From One Server To Another

Dec 17, 2012

I want to create a DB job on APEX Server-1, when runs every 30 mins and on finding records, invokes an API available on another APEX Server-2 passing the parameters from Server-1. How do I achieve this ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invoking Statement Inside The Trigger Body

Jan 11, 2012

I need to find out the exact DML statement which invoked a particular trigger inside a trigger body.

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Exception String - Error In Invoking Target Install Of Makefile

Jul 9, 2013

I am getting error message while installing oracle database gateway 11.2 on linux el6 64 bit machine

Error in invoking target 'install of makefile dg4mqs.mk'...if we ignore the error and continue...after installation we can see missing executable files .

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Java Stored Procedure Invoking Windows Run Time Process

May 22, 2012

I am trying to invoke program from my local Windows machine (exactly java executor, which is in my environment on c:javajdkinjava) using database package with Java stored procedure.

Everything is fired by SQLPLUS script, this script invokes package with Java stored procedure (jar loaded into Oracle) and that procedure is trying to invoke runtime process (syntax:

c:javajdkinjava -cp

and here ara my classes and main jar) using my local java executor. I added all permissions using dbms_java.grant_permisions (execution forced me to give permissions java.io.FilePermission to <<ALL_FILES>> for execute), moreover I added to my database user JAVASYSPRIV and JAVAUSERPRIV role. Unfortunately, beside this I am still getting error:

C:javajdkinjava not found (Note that lookup with PATH isn't done due to the oracle executable being setuid.)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Schedule A Job Using DBMS_SCHEDULER?

Jan 31, 2013

I am trying to schedule a job using DBMS_SCHEDULER.

The job has to start on SATURDAY 12:00 midnight and should run every on SATURDAY 12:00 midnight.

Even if I create the job on MONDAY first it should start on coming sunday and following sundays.

But I am getting the below error.

ORA-27452: BEGIN APPS_GLOBAL.POPULATE_TARGET144('APPS_XX','APPS_BE',5959); end; is an invalid name for a database object.
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 124
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 271
ORA-06512: at line 2

The Job script is

DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
job_name => 'TEST_RAM',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
job_action => 'BEGIN APPS_GLOBAL.POPULATE_TARGET144(''APPS_XX'',''APPS_BE'',5959); END;',


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Executed Two Jobs Using Dbms_scheduler

Aug 20, 2011

I have executed two jobs using dbms_scheduler. The value of the job_queue_process is 10 in my database. It is RAC database with Oracle 10g.

My job gets executed. But the next run is not getting executed at the next run date. In the below example, the systimestamp is 12:27. The first job's next run date is 12:30 so that is fine. But the second job's run date is 12:21 which is 6 mintues less than current time. As a result, the second job does not get executed after this at all..

SQL> select job_name, next_run_date, last_start_date, last_run_duration from user_scheduler_jobs;
+000000000 00:00:01.307071

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Daylight Savings With Dbms_scheduler?

Apr 23, 2012

During the daylight savings time our scheduler jobs are running either an hour before/after depending upon the time switch.

I went through the Oracle documentation and found below suggestions which I have already tried in vain.

Document says scheduler first picks the timezone from the start date of the job if provided so i tried setting the start date using the TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2012/01/22 18:50:00 US/Eastern','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss tzr') which did not fix the problem. I have noticed that oracle automatically converted into tzh:tzm format.

second solution: setting default timezone of scheduler to the TZR i.e (US/Eastern) instead of the TZh:TZM value. I did that using below script

DBMS_SCHEDULER.set_scheduler_attribute (
attribute => 'default_timezone',
value => 'US/Eastern');

above 2 solutions did not work for me. I have read on internet from some article that below query should return something like

"4/23/2012 11:02:13 US/Eastern" after setting the default timezone of scheduler to TZR but I am still getting "4/23/2012 11:02:13.715816000 AM -04:00".
select dbms_scheduler.stime
from dual;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error In Creating DBMS_SCHEDULER Job?

Feb 25, 2013

I have create the following procedure to create individual jobs dynamically on each schema.

V_SQL VARCHAR2 (1000);


While executing this procedure I am getting the below error.

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "APPS_XX" when expecting one of the following:

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Schedule Using Dbms_scheduler

Mar 13, 2011

I have create a schedule using dbms_scheduler and the problem is its not running on exact time that is start time , i even changed the attribute as following but its not.Its running using dbms_scheduler.run_job(veh_insp) when run directly.The schedule is as follows.

name => 'INTERVAL_DAILY_2000',
attribute => 'start_date',
value => TRUNC(SYSDATE)+9.50/24);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Repeat Interval For DBMS_SCHEDULER?

Oct 13, 2011

I have created a job using DBMS_SCHEDULER and I want it to run every 30 seconds:

dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => 'jobu',
job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',


My question is how can I take the value 30 from a configuration table? Let's say I have a query like select value from config_table where property = 'job_interval' that returns the number 30. How can I set this value to be the repeat interval for my job?

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Scheduler :: Run DBMS_SCHEDULER Job As Other OS User?

Apr 23, 2013

We use AIX 6.1 and - 64bit. When we create an Job it will be execute as OS User Oracle, but this is not wanted.The file permisions are set as described in Guide to External Jobs on 10g with dbms_scheduler e.g. scripts,batch files

-rw-r----- 1 root dba rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora
egrep -v '^#|^$' rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora
run_user = nobody
run_group = nobody


We tried different Users in the rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora file but every time the same behavior, the job runs as oracle.

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PL/SQL :: Set Out Parameter In Procedure For Dbms_scheduler

Sep 6, 2013

I see example for a dbms_scheduler setting in parameter values but what about if it is an out parameter ? 

create or replace procedure vd_tst (v_id out number) asbegin   v_id := to_number(to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'));end vd_tst 

how do I set a hook to do an alert let say for dbms_ schedulerlet sayif v_id mod(9)==0 then <alarm>

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Security :: Create A Job Using DBMS_SCHEDULER

Jun 27, 2012

I connected to Scott user & I am trying to create a job using DBMS_SCHEDULER as mentioned below.

job_name => 'job1',
job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
job_action => 'Insert into tab2 values(70,''TR'');',
start_date => sysdate,
repeat_interval => 'FREQ = DAILY; INTERVAL = 1');

When i execute this code i'm getting an Error Message as

ORA-27486: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 99
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 262
ORA-06512: at line 2

I have given grant manage scheduler to scott; Manage Scheduler privilege from SYS User.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBMS_SCHEDULER Calling Shell Script

Sep 13, 2011

I am facing issues with DBMS_SCHEDULER..I am receiving error while executing the "DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job"..The OS folder has full permission.

OS : UNix
Database: 10g
Error Received:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit 274664
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Executing A Job Using DBMS_SCHEDULER Inside A Trigger

Oct 10, 2013

I would like to execute an external batch file in Windows using DBMS_SCHEDULER in an Oracle database (10g or a higher version). I intend this to be done through a trigger, which would be called on encountering specific errors in Oracle.

The problem is that I can't create triggers on SYS objects, but DBMS_SCHEDULER is owned by  (and as far as I understand, supposed to be used with) SYS user. what permissions need to be granted to which user? Also, can this be done on creating a new user and not using the default SYS and SYSTEM users? 

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Server Administration :: DBMS_Scheduler Modify Time Zone

Mar 1, 2010

I have created a job using DBMS_SCHEDULER with named schedule.

After i have modified the schedule using the below queries,

exec dbms_scheduler.disable( 'JOB1' );
exec dbms_scheduler.set_attribute_null('JOB1','schedule_name');
exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE( name => 'JOB1', attribute => 'repeat_interval', value => 'freq=WEEKLY;BYDAY=SUN,WED,FRI;BYHOUR=05');
exec dbms_scheduler.enable( 'JOB1' );

I am using the client system to change the setting and the time zone differs from that of production. Even though the job is scheduled to run at 5 AM it show the start date as 6:30 PM which is the client system time.

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Scheduler :: Dbms_scheduler.run_job Not Updating Last_start_date And Last_run_duration?

Aug 17, 2012

I have a job that i want to run on demand. I create the job with disabled status.

job_name => 'myjob"',
job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',


I call dbms_scheduler.run_job('myjob') when i have to run the job. It runs the job and does my action. But if i query select * from user_scheduler_jobs;

last_start_date and last_run_duration column values are null. I want to know how long my job runs to perform the action.

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Scheduler :: DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM With Optional Input Parameters

Feb 27, 2013

I have a procedure that has a number of "optional" parameters.

procedure get_files(
file_name_in in varchar2 default 'dummy_file',
layout_in in number default 1,
client_in in number default null,
data_supplier_in in number default 99999

This procedure can be called with any combination of the input parameters.I can set up program(s) using the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM procedure using a program_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK' like this:

program_name => 'GET_MY_FILES',
program_action => '
get_files( layout_in => 11111, client_in => 2222 );
end ;',
program_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
number_of_arguments => 0);

My question is: Can I set up programs(s) using the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM procedure using a program_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE' when I have "optional" parameters? It appears that ALL of the program input parameters must be defined and there is no way to indicate that a parameters is "optional".

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Application Express :: Button Process With DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job

Jul 17, 2012

I need to execute the DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job on click of a button .I tried creating a process (On submit) with DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job('JOBNAME')

when i tried executing directly in db there is no problem, but when i create the process in apex i am running into the following error

ORA-06550: line 2, column 19: PLS-00222: no function with name 'RUN_JOB' exists in this scope ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored.

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Scheduler :: DBMS_SCHEDULER / Program Argument Not Generating Sysdate Value As Default

May 22, 2013

Recently we come across DBMS_SCHEDULER issue while passing SYSDATE as default value. Job executed with corect date value on creation time, but further schedule its not incrementing date value.

Snap of the Program

job_name => '"OBIEE_ADM"."First_Job"',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
number_of_arguments => 1,
start_date => NULL,


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PL/SQL :: Calling Dbms_Scheduler From Forms Trigger To Invoke SqlPlus Script In Linux

Mar 25, 2013

I would like to use Dbms_Schedule to call SqlPlus script in Linux .

sys.Dbms_Scheduler.Create_Job (
job_name => 'TEST_SQL_JOB',


This is giving me the error: ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: No such file or directory

BUT when I issue the command: /usr/local/bin/sqlplus -s s/ibs @/usr2/dms/run/lkp_sql_test.sql
it works fine.

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Backup & Recovery :: ORACLE Dump File To Text File

Apr 9, 2011

Oracle10g to Sybase12.5 Migration:- How a Oracle dump file can be converted to any text file/xls file which will be loaded in sybase database later through BCP.

1.Exporting objects as dump file from Oracle.
2.Is there any tool/process available that can convert this into csv/txt/xls file.
3.This files can be loaded in sybase.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete OS File In Oracle 8i

May 13, 2010

I am facing a problem while trying to delete an OS file using PL/SQL in Oracle8i v8.1.7.I have tried to use UTL_FILE.fremove but it is not supported in Oracle8i.

how can I delete a file Test.txt from C:Test location?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Execute KSH File From Oracle 8i?

Jul 4, 2011

calling .ksh file from Oracle8i Pl/Sql code.We have Unix and Oracle on same server.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Run A Batch File In Oracle

Aug 18, 2009

I have a .bat file in my client system,which will open a web page after executing(after double clicking on it).I want to execute the same batch file from my pl/sql block.So,after executing my pl/sql block that .bat file should execute,and it should open the same web page.

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PL/SQL :: Insert Into From CSV File Oracle

Oct 30, 2013

I need to insert about 15000 rows into a table called STOCK_ADJUST What is needed for the insert it two columns:


These two values I have in a CSV-file. Now I want to import these rows into the database... How do I do this in the most easy way? If it was just one row I would do it like this Insert into


 But with 15000 rows in a CSV file this isn't going to work...

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Which Command Use To Set File Storage In Oracle

Oct 26, 2006

I am new to oracle which command do I use to set the file storage in oracle? I learnt the we have the option of specifying the storage pattern as per our queries.

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