SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Deduct Repeated Values In Crystal Report

Dec 17, 2011

In my report I'm using inner join in queries .I got correct record but itz repeated.How to deduct that repeat values?

this is my query:

SELECT f.feeid,
( s.first_name + last_name )AS studentname,


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Forms :: Run Crystal Report From Developer 10g R2?

Apr 15, 2010

I am using oracle developer 10g R2.also using Crystal Report 9. Now i want to call the report created by crystal report.

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Client Tools :: Unable To Get All Views In Crystal Report

Nov 11, 2008

One of my developer creating views in his own schema,we are able to see that views from sqlplusw. But we are unable view them from crystal report tool(CRW32) ,Except this schema all are visible...

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OLE DB :: ORA-03113 On Crystal Report - VS With 32bit Win7 And 64bit Oracle DB

Jan 10, 2013

we have moved our database to a new server which is 64bit. (earlier database was 32bit)

when i try to connect my crystal report or Vs .net to the new server i'm getting below error.

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

my computer is Win 7 (32bit)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Display Repeated Column Values As Null?

Dec 13, 2012

I have table with the values as below.


I dont want to print the repeated value(NAME) of C1 multiple times as below.


I could do it using the below query using union with the rownum.

select * from (
select rownum rn, c1,c2,c3,c4 from table_new
) where rn =1
select * from (
select rownum rn, decode(c1,null,null),c2,c3,c4 from table_new
) where rn between 2 and 3

Is there any other way of displaying using a single sql query.

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Forms :: Run Report Developed By Crystal Reports By Click On Button In Oracle Developer 6i?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to run a report developed by crystal reports by click on a button in oracle developer 6i.

Is it possible. If yes then how can i do this.

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Forms :: Oracle Report Excel Output Repeated Header In Each Line?

Nov 24, 2011

After running my report I generate into the file by delimited type and then I save as it by XLS extension.The problem is each row of this excel file has header repeatedly!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Repeated Volume Value Should Become 0?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a query in oracle report in which i am getting this output.Manager Arnav have 2 employees Inder and kaushal whose salary is 10000 and 20000 respectively,

And another manager is Anjali whose employees are Kavya and inder whose salary is 40000 and 10000 respectively .as Inder is repeated I want the salary become 0 in place of 10000 second time.I am in dilemma,What should i do ,if i want to change 10000 to 0
Manager employee salary
Arnav Tiwari Inder 10000
kaushal 20000
Anjali Kavya 40000
Inder 10000[/b]

What should i do in the formula of salary.according to employee name .means if Name exists already then salary value should be 0 and if it comes for the 1st time then its actual value i.e 10000 should be printed.

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Client Tools :: Return Data From Oracle For Crystal?

Aug 9, 2010

I have problems in Oracle returning data from a stored procedure. In MS SQL it's quite simple.



next the stored procedure:


Next trying to run the Stored procedure:

EXEC mytest (:resultSet);

Result always returns this error:

REFCURSOR - Unrecognized type.

I have tried using sample on the internet, but all returns the same error, what am I missing

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Of Repeated Words In A Column?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a table with the following column and data is like this.

column1 varchar2(50));


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Repeated Characters In String

Mar 9, 2011

Is there any function to count number of specific character inside string. For example :

my string is 'ABCEF AYZA'

I want to calculate how many 'A' exist in my string. result should be = 3

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Client Tools :: Oracle / Crystal Reports On Windows 7 64Bit Machine?

Feb 1, 2011

I recently got a new PC at work which is Windows 7 64 bit.

We run lots of crystal reports(1000's) that pull data from an oracle back end.

I have installed the Oracle Client 32 bit on this machine and have no problem connecting to the database and pulling back data.

However, when I use crystal to access the TNS Name it gives me the following error.


My path variable on the PC has "C:oracleproduct10.2.0client_1BIN;".

I also tried to create and ODBC using the 32bit ODBC on the machine and that connects fine, but when you try to access the DSN from Crystal, I still get the 12154 error.

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Select From Two Tables - Remove Repeated Rows

May 31, 2011

I have two tables one source table and one destination . Column names and data types of both table are same.

source table (source)

1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
. ...
. ..
. ..

destination Table(dest)

1 aa
2 bb

I need destination table like

destination table
1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
. .....
. ....

I want to remove repeated rows

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Accept 4 Digit Number Which Should Not Be Repeated?

Aug 15, 2012

i nee a function which accepts 4 digit number and in four digit number the number should not be repeated. i want all the number in the output.

1262(is not valid)

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PL/SQL :: Number Range Query Causes Repeated Scan By Index

Oct 16, 2012

I have a query that seems to repeatedly call an index scan on a table for reasons I'm not sure about. Why it would be doing the index scan on totaldwellingarea in the dimensions table (DIMEN_PID_TDWELLAREA) repeatedly? This only seems to happen when I put on the range clause d.totaldwellingarea between scr.lowvalue and scr.highvalue.

I am using Oracle version

select d.propertyid,d.totaldwellingarea, e.size_,  scr.size_
from  eqid e, dimensions d,  brt_eval.size_code_ranges scr
where e.style not in ('1','A','G','L') and e.size_  = '0'
and d.propertyid = e.propertyid and e.style = scr.style and d.totaldwellingarea between scr.lowvalue and  scr.highvalue;

    "EQID"         CHAR(10 BYTE),
    "ZONE_"        CHAR(1 BYTE),
    "AREA"         CHAR(1 BYTE),

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Getting Different Values For Session Report

Sep 3, 2010

query for number of users connected to the database:

select count(*) "Number of users Connected" from v$session where type='USER'; it produces 125

The following query is used to describe where and when the users are connected to the database.

set pages 500
set linesize 750
column box format a20
column username format a7
column program format a20
column os_user format a20

It should produce 125. But its showing only 119 users. so around 6 users missing in the list. find why 6 users are not listed..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Report Parameter Values

Oct 21, 2012

For the below query:

SELECT id, pob,exp
FROM emp
where exp= (:exp)or @exp is null
id pob exp
1 CT 2
2 NJ 3
3 NY 2

It takes only one value of :exp but, I would like to give multiple values separated by ','. My problem is the parameter can be either single value or Blank or multiple values. My code do work for single value and Blank, Now how to implement multiple values .

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Get Profile Values To Display In RDF Report

Jul 3, 2012

how I can profile values to be displayed in RDF report.Here is what I have in my before report trigger

:CP_CompanyName := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('xx');

When I print the value of the user name it gets printed fine.But when I print the place holder column value for the profile I get null.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Matrix Report And NULL Values

Feb 25, 2011

I want to Fix Null values as 0 in Matrix Report. But i am not able to Do it...

let it be there is one item NUM1

what Sequencing and triggers(format trigger or else) should i follow on it with what code?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Inserting Values When Running A Report?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a report, where there are opening balance and closing balance, so i have to store the closing balance values in a separate table during runtime and should show this closing value as opening balance for next month.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report - How To Get Item Values

Mar 27, 2013

I have created a workflow which is going through 12 pages. At each page the user needs to choose his variables.

This could be the y-axes, x-axes, amount, surname ... etc. The variables are given to the next page via branch to next page process. Everything works well until I need to create an interactive report out of the chosen variables.

Lets say I have a variable called :P7_XAXIS with static LOV :


Page 8 is my IR. If I try :

Select :P7_XAXIS  from mytable This will not work.

But if I try

Select Date from mytable This will work. Why? In my workflow there are several variables that can be used in a where condition. This also works. But I need to access the values before the condition and I also need to get a chart out of it.

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Application Express :: Report With Multiple Values For A Single Parameter

Oct 4, 2012

I have a user requirement where they want to be able to select multiple values for a single parameter that will act as a filter for a report. The possible values for a parameter can come from almost any master data Oracle eBusiness table. I don't want to just present the user with a LOV where they search down a list selecting what they want. That wouldn't be very practical for selecting part numbers from 1000's of rows. I also want the user to easily see what values they have selected. I thought about providing a button that would navigate to a multi-row form where they could record their values and use those values in the where clause of the SQL for the report, but that is a somewhat complex solution I have never tried before. how to do this. I'm working in the latest version 4 of APEX.

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Application Express :: Updatable Report With Row Data Depended Dropdown Box Values?

Apr 17, 2013

Oracle 10, Apex 4.0.

Working on this query:

SELECT waarde1,waarde2,
APEX_ITEM.POPUP_FROM_QUERY (3,waarde3,'select select ((waarde1-0.1)+(level*0.1)) d, ((waarde1-0.1)+(level*0.1)) r from (select * from lov_test where waarde1 = c001) connect by level <= (((waarde2-waarde1) *10)+waarde1)') waarde3
FROM lov_test

The idee is to get a popup or dropdown box for "waarde3" in witch the selectable values are waarde1 to waarde2 rising with 0.1 at a time.

And this in a multi row updatable report.Example

waarde1 waarde 2 waarde3

(possible values in the dropdown box)

1 4 1-1.1-1.2 ... 3.8-3.9-4.0
3 7 3-3.1-3.2 ... 6.8-6.9-7.0

The error I get is:Error in init lov: ORA-00936: Ontbrekende uitdrukking. p_lov:select select ((waarde1-0.1)+(level*0.1)) d, ((waarde1-0.1)+(level*0.1)) r from (select * from lov_test where waarde1 = c001) connect by level <= (((waarde2-waarde1) *10)+waarde1)wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id:1264429985836387wwv_flow_security.g_curr_flow_security_group_id:1264429985836387 Unable to initialize query. For every row in the table lov_test.

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Server Administration :: Negative Values Of Library Cache Hit Ratio In AWR Report

Jul 29, 2012

We are getting Negative values of Library cache hit ratio in AWR Report of 11g( with Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit). Why it shows negative value.

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)

Buffer Nowait %: 99.87 Redo NoWait %: 99.99
Buffer Hit %: 92.17 In-memory Sort %: 100.00
Library Hit %: -3,321.23 Soft Parse %: 81.95
Execute to Parse %: 92.88 Latch Hit %: 95.11
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 87.25 % Non-Parse CPU: 81.39

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Application Express :: Assign Values In Many Rows Based On Search Values?

Jul 25, 2013

I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by. 

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Replacing Null Values Of Outer Join With Meaningful Values

Dec 3, 2010

I have a scenario where I have to get all the available dates of a resource. I am using the below query to get it.

Select Avail_Date AS MONTH
, Resource_Id
FROM res_tsk
, (SELECT Rownum - 1 + TRUNC (sysdate) avail_date

The result of this is:

Month Dates Resource_ID
12/3/10 0:00 NULL
12/4/10 0:00 NULL
12/5/10 0:00 NULL
12/6/10 0:00 100033868

As I am doing a outer join, if the resource is not available on a particular day the resource_id is coming as NULL as it is not available. Is there any way to populate this NULL resource_id with the original resource_id as the resource_id is same for all the result set.

I need the output to be

Month Dates Resource_ID
12/3/10 0:00 100033868
12/4/10 0:00 100033868
12/5/10 0:00 100033868
12/6/10 0:00 100033868

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Values Into Another Column By Comparing Values Of Two Columns Of Same Table

Dec 23, 2010

My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.

The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.

fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.

i_e NUMBER(10);
FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL)
FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ad Hoc MINUS - Compare Values In Code To Values In Table

Oct 28, 2013

I am searching the simplest way for ad hoc MINUS.I do:

FROM uam_rss_user_XXXXXXX
WHERE host_name IN

and look in the table which values are missing (values that are in host_name IN but not in actual table).is there a simpler way for doing an ad hoc MINUS? I know to insert values in temp. Table. How are experienced Oracle pros doing this task?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Print A Report Name With Full Path At Left Bottom On Report

Sep 20, 2012

How can i print a report name with full path at left bottom on report.

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Application Express :: Saving Private Interactive Report Overwrites The Primary Report

Dec 10, 2012

Having this issue in Apex 4.1.1 and 4.2 (haven't tried it in versions prior to 4.1.1 yet). So I got my standard IR, and trying to create a private report with control breaks, aggregations.

Once I save it as a private report, It applies the same on my primary report.

It's no big issue as I can flip back to Primary report and delete the control breaks, aggregations but is some kind of bug? Ideally it shouldn't modify my primary report unless I try to save it as "Default Report Setting".

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