SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call A URL

Jun 13, 2007

I want to send out SMS to Mobile by executing a PL/SQL procedure. I have a URL like [URL]....

Here parameters 'number' and 'message' takes dynamic values and Others are constant.

If I put the above URL with parameters values in a internet browser it sends out SMSs to Mobiles.

I want to call this url in a PL/SQL proc so that by executing the proc I can send SMSs to a group of Mobile nos, just like a batch process.

My main concern is how to call a URL in PL/SQL ........ ....

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Forms :: How To Call VB Or NET DLL From PL/SQL

Feb 2, 2010

Is there any way to call a VB or .NET dll from olsql or forms ?

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PL/SQL :: How To Call Web Services

Oct 31, 2012

how to call web services from PL/SQL? Steps, pros and cons, etc....

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Call A Procedure From Another Package?

Dec 10, 2007

in a certain procedure I'm trying to call a procedure from another package in the same Schema. Package-name: Haku_Hops, procedure-name: veto and submitted is a parameter called opnum. So the following brings no problem:


But what if in the beginning of the package body I create the following variable: hak_pah := 'Hops_Haku.'; Is it then in anyway possible to call this other procedure through this variable, like e.g. hak_pah||veto(opnum);?

Until now I've only gotten error, even after declaring the variable in the declaration part.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Dos2unix Utility

Aug 21, 2012

How can I call the dos2unix utility from Oracle ? I'm building an external table in a procedure where each time the latter is called the file name(s) are different.

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Forms :: Call Report From 10g

Feb 1, 2012

I have a form and i want to call report name is " DOCK_RECEIPT". I already create parameter report on this Form name is " REPORT82" and set property this parameter report contain {Name is REPORT82, filename is DOCK_RECEIPT.rdf, execution Mode is Batch, Communication Mode is Synchronous}. I also create a procedure name is F_PRO_PRINT follow:

pl_id ParamList;
V_rep VARCHAR2(100);
rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
rep_job_id varchar2(100);
v_mine_type varchar2(50);
v_palletid NUMBER(10):=0;

Now i have button and in trigger when-button-press add this code call procedure above


When i click button call report and appear error.

FRM-41214: Unable to run report

Now, i want to call report from form 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call A Procedure In Cursor

Sep 11, 2012

I have a procedure(used to delete the data from all tables) which taking two parameters as input. like EXCS_kiwldate(1,'keepitems')[/color][/size] but it taking only one parameter at a time if i want to delete all data using that procedure by calling it in a cursor

how to write a cursor by giving loop function to delete the data once.

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Call A Function In IN Of WHERE Clause

Oct 28, 2010

Can we call a function in IN of "WHERE" clause.I mean to say like:

Select *
FROM table1,table2
WHERE table1.col=table2.col and CONDITION IN FUNCTION1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Make A Call To A Proc

Mar 24, 2010

How to make a call to a proc and immediately return without waiting for the called proc to end.

Nothing I try seems to do the trick...The calling program always has to wait.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Outside Function In Procedure

Dec 3, 2011

How to call outside function in procedure

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Call Java Function?

Jan 3, 2012

I want to have something like this:Run PL/SQL function and in middle of function call JAVA function and when JAVA function is done continue PL/SQL function.

Because I have PL/SQL function who inserts into table information.And the JAVA function is uploading/streaming file to column->blob.And in the end of PL/SQL function goes insert into table with file extension and check for *.edoc validation.I can't do it with PL/SQL only. how to do this right or how to run JAVA function in PL/SQL.

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Forms :: Call A Block From Another?

Jan 16, 2013

I have a main interface that contains 3 buttons (emp, dept, mgr) I want when I click on the button 'emp' interface opens in the main interface(the buttons must remain in the main interface)

see the picture : [URL]

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Forms :: Call Report From 11g

Dec 26, 2010

i need call report from forms 11g..Example or Code I have a forms11g and system XP.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Call To Function In SYS Schema

Mar 5, 2010

I am defining a function in a schema as a user with admin role (default). The function is to do a call to another function on a custom package in SYS schema.

something funny happens : when I compile the function (defined with authid as DEFINER)it says that the function SYS.custom_package.myFunction is not defined.

however if I do a select sys.custom_package.my Function from dual it's okay.

why this behaviour and how to work around it? You see, the package in SYS proposes a number of other functions that I don't want to expose. I only intend to create some sort of wrapper function that would Marshall the call to the my Function only on the custom_package in SYS.

my wrapper function looks something like that :

create or replace function myFunction_wrapper authid definer return pls_integer is
return sys.custom_package.myFunction;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Call Procedures In Cycle?

Jul 21, 2011

I've got some quantity of procedures in package


I should call them in cycle instead of typing each of them manually. I know it's a bad idea to do something like this "dynamically".

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Call A Procedure In A Different Package?

Sep 13, 2010

I am wrinting a procedure. I want to call a procedure in a different package and get its out value to a variable.

how can I do that in PL SQL?

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Forms :: How To Call C++ Code In 6i

Jan 27, 2012

how to call this c++ code by using forms 6i To open and configure the COM port:

char str_com[10];
unsigned short no_com = 0;
sprintf( str_com, "\\.\COM%d�", no_com+1);
hCom = CreateFile(str_com,GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,


To close the port :


To monitor communications events :

SetCommMask(hCom, dwEvtMask );

dwEvtMask is logical or with :


and used WaitCommEvent function

BOOL WaitCommEvent(
LPDWORD lpEvtMask,

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PL/SQL :: Call Function Without Parameter?

Feb 27, 2013

i am trying to call a function from Sql statement and i am getting this error ORA-06572: Function XX has out arguments.

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PL/SQL :: How To Call Procedure In Jasper

Sep 16, 2012

How to call plsql in jasper. i have try this code in jasper -> select query langiuage = plsql

{CALL STD03_MERIT_PROCESSING($P{std03_studentVal},$P{std03_studentVal})}

but there is error taht said no data found.

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PL/SQL :: How To Call Procedure From Sql Prompt

Jun 12, 2012

I have a procedure with signature as proc_temp(deptno in number, empdetails out sys_refcursor);

how can i call this procedure from sql prompt.

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PL/SQL :: Syntax To Call Procedure?

Apr 8, 2013

I have 2 procedure defined in a package.Procedure is defined so that, it has 3 varchar2, which is used to store the insert statement.

PROCEDURE MOVE_table1_TO_table2;
PROCEDURE MOVE_table2_TO_table3;

My problem is how can we execute this procedure in SQL DEVELOPER tooL?I tried using,

CALL PK_LOGIC .MOVE_table1_TO_table2(); or EXEC PK_LOGIC .MOVE_table1_TO_table2;

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Forms :: How To Call Any Application (EXE) From Menu

Oct 1, 2012

I called an application from Oracle forms using: Client_Host('cmd /c START "" "\localPathmyApplication.exe"'); This works fine on local as well as server.

But when I use the same command to call the application directly from the MENU ITEM, it gives error alert: "WebUtil Error: oracle.forms.webutil.host.Host bean not found. WEBUTIL_HOST.Execute will not work."

I even tried using DDE.App_Begin(). This gives error: ORA-106561. How can I call any application (.exe) directly from the menu item on the server?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Function Using String Variable

Aug 6, 2010

I have a package includes 22 functions, each function just returns a sql template (clob type).

I also have a stored procedure called query_builder, query_builder has applicationName and statementName as parameters. I need to call these functions in the package based on the given applicationname and statementname.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Query_builder (ApplicationName varchar2, StatementName varchar2) IS
SQLSkeleton varchar2;
PackageName := ApplicationName||'_SKELETON;
SQLSkeleton := PackageName.StatementName; -- I know this will not work, but how can i call these function dynamically?

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Forms :: Call Another Canvas In Same Window?

Feb 22, 2013

I want to call another canvas in same window.using this code /it not work show_view('canvasname');

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call A Procedure From Anonymous Blocks

Jul 12, 2010

I have a written a script which doesnt take any parameter. this is an anonymous block. I run my script as below: SQL> @filename.sql

I would like to convert this into a procedure which should be called in an anonymous block. run a procedure from an anonymous block.

I would also like to know how to run the same from the SQL prompt.

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Forms :: Call From Through Menu With Parameter

Feb 3, 2010

how can i call form through menu bar with parameter...

i made a log-in form in which i take user name and i send it to called form in and which forms is called there i create a parameter of that name which i called log-in form...

but when now i reached it on second form there is i use menu.. than how can i send this user name to other forms which i called through menu bar....

I Use this code for calling form through log-in form...

but what can i do for call form with parameter through menu..



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Forms :: How To Call Canvas From Menu

Mar 25, 2013

How to call the canvas from the menu module on which the form linked to the menu items.

The canvas lies in the same form where menu is attached.

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Forms :: Call Reports Using Parameter

Mar 25, 2013

i have one report.the report name is emp and i have 3 user parameters in that report. i want to call report from form. in form i have 3 text fields date ,name ,empno and one button runport..code to call the report from form using this parameter.

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Forms :: Call Report Using RUN_PRODUCT On 6i And 11g

May 4, 2012

I have a form which calls a report. We are maintaining form's source code in FORMS 6i but the form has to be compiled and executed by FORMS 6i and 11g. We have to maintain source code in FORMS6i as we have clients running multiple version of FORMS. The report calling mechanism uses RUN_PRODUCT which is not supported by FORMS11g. suggest a method (other then RUN_REPORT_OBJECT) to support report calling simultaneously on FORMS6i and 11g.

The reason for not using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT is that we don't want to attach report to form.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Call Private Procedure Outside Of The Package?

Mar 2, 2010

There is any way to call private procedure out side of the package.

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