I'm trying to fetch data from Ref Cursor OUT parameter filling by stored procedure. Using latest version of ODP.NET provider (
My stored procedure:
TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR;
PROCEDURE test_proc (p_recordset out cursor_type) AS BEGIN OPEN p_recordset FOR SELECT 1,2, CURSOR (SELECT 3,4 FROM dual) FROM dual END; END test_proc;
If i'm removing "*CURSOR (SELECT 3,4 FROM dual)*" from the procedure, all works just fine. But when the nested cursor exists in procedure, i'm getting the following exception:
System.NullReferenceException occurred Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Source=Oracle.DataAccess StackTrace: at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader.GetOraDbTypeEx(Int32 i) [code]........
My c# code:
using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connString)) *{* OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(); command.Connection = conn; command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "test_proc"; [code].......
If i'm changing procedure signature from out parameter, to return value, code throws the same exception.
I loop through the 1st cursor (account_csr), while in the 1st csr loop, based on some conditions being true, I want to loop through a 2nd cursor (acctper_csr) but I only want to retrieve data/rows in the 2nd cursor where the account_id column in 1st cursor = account_id column in the 2nd cursor. This will enable me to pull all the account_periods for each account I loop through in the first cursor.
I have attempted several different ways and cannot make this work. Thought I could somehow define a variable and store the account_id from 1st cursor and use on the 'where' clause in the 2nd cursor definition. Have not been able to make this work successfully.
Following is the sample of my
--First cursor (accounts) CURSOR account_csr is SELECT * FROM s_dev_xref1.account A WHERE a.source = 1
I'm dealing with an ORA-1000 error in a Pro*C application where all the cursors are correctly closed (or so it seems to me).
Here is the code for a simple program which reproduces the problem:
Each cursor is opened in a PL/SQL package:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_demo_pkg AS TYPE emp_cur_type IS REF CURSOR; PROCEDURE open_cur(curs IN OUT emp_cur_type, dept_num IN NUMBER); END emp_demo_pkg;
While testing the initialization parameter open_cursors is set to 50.
It's my understanding that Oracle doesn't close the cursors until it needs the space for another cursor, which in my test case seems to happen when I enter a value of 50 or bigger for "number of loops". To see how oracle is reusing the cursors, while the test program is running I run SQL*Plus and query v$sesstat for the session that's running the test with the following sentence:
select name, value from v$sesstat s, v$statname n where s.statistic# = n.statistic# and sid = 7 and name like '%cursor%';
Even before I enter a value for number of loops I can see that the session opened 4 cursors and closed 2 of them:
NAME VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- opened cursors cumulative 4 opened cursors current 2
Entering a value of 5 for number of loops yields
NAME VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- opened cursors cumulative 11 <----- 7+ opened cursors current 8 <----- 6+
With a value of 30
NAME VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- opened cursors cumulative 36 <----- 25+ (apparently, Oracle reused at least 5 cursors) opened cursors current 33 <----- 25+
With a value of 47
NAME VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- opened cursors cumulative 53 <----- 17+ opened cursors current 50 <----- 17+
Now I reached the upper limit set by the initialization parameter open_cursors.
Entering a value of 48, I get the ORA-1000 error.
ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.EMP_DEMO
Since I open and close the cursor in the same loop iteration, I expect to find in every iterarion 1 explicit cursor and a number of implicit cursors (the PL/SQL call along with the so-called recursive cursors), but I don't expect the sum of all of them to be greater than 50. If my understanding is correct Oracle should be reusing the 50 cursors previously marked as "closeable", not raising the ORA-1000 error.
-define a cursor with bind variables -get a cursor record from these cursor -and pass the bind variable in the OPEN clause
Did'nt succeed as shown in the example.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 900000; DECLARE --works fine CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM USER_TABLES WHERE rownum<3; --doesn't work --CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM USER_TABLES WHERE rownum<:1; crec c1%rowtype; BEGIN --works fine OPEN c1; --isn't possible ? --OPEN c1 USING 3;
There's a table T with a nested table within it on the master database. I need to mantain a materialized view of the table T on a remote database.
I get this error: QUOTE ORA-22804: remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columnsIs there any recommended workaround of this problem? The remote data must have the same structure as the master one.
The data should be refreshed every day, the data changes moderately, there are more or less 500 records.
When i am trying to use another RECORD as a NESTED RECORD into another program, it shows the below error: "PLS-00201: identifier 'TIMEREC' must be declared"
Record 1: --------- declare type timerec is record ( seconds smallint); begin dbms_output.put_line('Hello'); end;
Record 2: --------- declare type days is record (day number(5),time timerec); begin dbms_output.put_line('Hello'); end;
I'm working on a nested case statement, can't seem to get it right.We have a table that has injury_codes. What I'm trying to do is come with a nested case statement that will put the codes in a specific_cat, and based on the specific_Cat, assign a Generic_cat.
Example. I have codes 11,12,13,14,15, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Codes 11, 12, 13 have a specific_cat "Head Injury" Codes 14, 15, 16 have a specific_cat "Spinal Injury" Codes 17, 18 have a specific_cat "Burns".
All 3 of these specific_cat come under the generic_cat "Trauma"
Codes 19, 20 have a specific_Cat "High Risk Pregancy" Codes 21, 22 have a specific_cat "Premature Birth".
All 2 of these specific_cat come under the generic cat "OBGYN"...So my case stement should return :
In the example below I believe I have created a Nested Table of PL/SQL type and have tried various references to get the SET operation to work, line containing MEMBER OF. Taking the example below from the oracle documentation I have two questions.
1) As I understand it I should be able to use SET operations on Nested tables of PL/SQL types, (I am not using the CREATE OR REPLACE DDL statement prior to the DECLARE block.). Is this correct? 2) I am assuming that I have to reference the record, can I reference by its type / row instance or can I only retrieve the record like a Cursor Fetch solution, (which would defeat the purpose.).
SELECT o.object_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_obj_info FROM (SELECT n.node_id, n.object_id FROM nodes n START WITH n.node_id = 100 CONNECT BY PRIOR n.node_id = n.parent_node_id) n INNER JOIN objects o ON n.object_id = o.object_id WHERE o.object_type_id = 285;
SELECT o.object_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_fin_tab FROM objects o JOIN ATTRIBUTES att ON o.object_id = att.object_id WHERE o.object_id = collection1.object_id AND att.VALUE = collection2.val;
how to implement for loop in the collection3 to get the values from collection1 and collection2. i have tried in the below way
I am studing Multidimensional Nested table and have the below code:
DECLARE TYPE table_type1 IS TABLE OF INTEGER; TYPE table_type2 IS TABLE OF TABLE_TYPE1; table_tab1 table_type1 := table_type1(); table_tab2 table_type2 := table_type2(table_tab1); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. 2 LOOP table_tab2.extend; table_tab2(i) := table_type1();
exception when others then dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);END; This code is working fine as of now.But,If i comment below code(table_tab2 is also extended latter):
I want to truncate table partition but I'm getting error:
CODEORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
because of table has a nested table. Currently this column is not in use so I could drop it, but I want to avoid it (table is huge). Is there another posibility to do truncate partitions in this table? ALTER TABLE ... SET UNUSED doesn't resolve the problem.
where NESTED_TABLE_FIELD is a nested table stored as T_NESTED_TABLE
And I get the error: ORA-12014: table 'T_NESTED_TABLE' does not contain a primary key constraint
Why should it if I try to create a MV with "WITH ROWID" refresh option and not "WITH PRIMARY KEY" one?
For each keeper, show the number of cages cleaned by the keeper, show the average number of animals in the cages cleaned by the keeper and the total cost of the cages cleaned by the keeper."
The data table is shown on the picture.i75.photobucket. com /albums/i297/lovebipbo/SIT103.jpg.. I can learn and do some similar task myself
I have added some records and created index on ID column. I want to get result of CODEselect id, p.addr1,p.addr2 from nested_table n,table(n.COL1) p where id=1
Explain plan for that is:
CODESELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWSCost: 8 Bytes: 231 Cardinality: 3 4 HASH JOIN Cost: 8 Bytes: 231 Cardinality: 3 2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE SYS.NESTED_TABLE Cost: 2 Bytes: 13 Cardinality: 1 1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX SYS.FDSFAS Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1 3 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE (NESTED) SYS.COL1_TAB Cost: 5 Bytes: 163,840 Cardinality: 2,560
How to avoid full table scan on nested table? Cardinality is sum of all records in nested column in all rows in main table, why?
SF at oracle.com/technetwork/issue-archive/o53plsql-083350.html states that you can compare two database tables (of the same structure) by defining a nested table type (using %ROWTYPE) and two NT variables of that type, and loading the contents of each table into its respective NT variable, before comparing them using the = operator. Having read the Oracle documentation which states that you can only compare NTs for equality if they don't contain record types, I was surprised to read this, but figured I would try it because I must be misunderstanding SF, but it didn't work.
SCOTT@ORCL> create table empcopy3 as select * from emp;
Table created.
declare type emp_ntt is table of emp%rowtype; emp_nt1 emp_ntt;
But SF goes on to say he timed the execution of his NT equality method, comparing it with a SQL-only equivalent, and so I must be missing something. My understanding is that using %ROWTYPE declares a record type.
I'm trying to sort a collection in a nested table in PL/SQL so these value can be used later for a display and for export to Excel. The sort is failing.
-- PLS-00642: local collection not allowed in SQL statements
-- PL/SQl: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
The error message are also noted below in the code on the line that fails.
A quick overview of this code- Using a nested table MyNestedTable the values from several select queries are combined into MyRecordsetZero using CURSOR, and MULTISET UNION. I'm trying to either sort MyRecordsetZero or populate MyRecordsetSorted with the sorted values for futher use.
IMPORTANT: The code is running in an enviroment that does not have permission to create.
select rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(e, table_name||',')).extract('//text()'),',') from ( select distinct table_name from tr_products tr join all_instruments v on tr.PROD_COA_ID = v.PROD_COA_ID where tr.LEVEL_06_VALUE like t1.COLUMN_VALUE||'%' or tr.LEVEL_05_VALUE like t1.COLUMN_VALUE||'%' or tr.LEVEL_04_VALUE like t1.COLUMN_VALUE||'%' or tr.LEVEL_03_VALUE like t1.COLUMN_VALUE||'%' or tr.LEVEL_02_VALUE like t1.COLUMN_VALUE||'%' or tr.LEVEL_01_VALUE like t1.COLUMN_VALUE||'%')
This is an excerpt of a code of a huge query, I didn't want to write it all here because there is no point in doing that since this is the part of the query that I'm actually having problem with, and I think you will be able to understand my question just by looking at this piece of code.
Anyway, this here is actually a subquery in a select-clause of a main query, and apparently it has a (nested) subquery of its own (as seen in the code). I want to reach some values ("COLUMN_VALUE") that are correlated to the parent query (t1 is alias of a table in the from-clause of the main query), and as you can see, I'm trying to reach it from this level 2 subquery. As I have recently found out, Oracle does not allow this, it only tollerates correlation down to level 1.
Here is a scheme of my query:
select something1, (select something2 from (select something3 from some_table2 t2 where t1.value = t2.value)) from some_table t1
can this be overridden somehow, is there a workaround for this limitation?
I want to check whether language is already there in database or not.
i have written the below query
select * from emp where language_known =nesttype('english','hindi');
i am getting the below error
SQL Error: ORA-22901: cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type 22901. 00000 - "cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type" *Cause: Comparison of nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type was attempted in the absence of a MAP or ORDER method. *Action: define a MAP or ORDER method for the object type.
need to use Extend() in nested tables in Oracle? What could be the problem if I do not use this method in my code?
I have a nested collection type (TABLE OF VARCHAR2(32)) declared in my package. My stored procedure takes the TABLE type as input and inserts that data into a database table. I see that my code works fine without using EXTEND method.
I am using a record type to print some column in a same line.
Eg: I want to create index on some composite key columns. But i dont know how many columns are there. So want to use a loop which will count the number of column and then create the index like: