SQL & PL/SQL :: Dependencies Between Objects In Database?

Dec 3, 2012

Dependencies between objects in the database? I want to see the PL/SQL code which is an appeal to a particular procedure or function or package and where and how does a table use in any PL/SQL code.

Often do you have a need to get answers to these questions? I'm developing such tool now and I want to know, if everybody interested to one.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: List Of Dependencies For Invalid Objects?

Jun 11, 2013

find out the list of referenced objects which are dependent on INVALID objects.

I wrote the below query to get the referenced objects which depends on invalid objects.

select owner,name,type, referenced_owner,referenced_name, referenced_type, referenced_link_name , dependency_type from dba_dependencies
where type not in ('JAVA CLASS')
AND referenced_type NOT IN('JAVA CLASS')
select object_name, OBJECT_TYPE from dba_objects

And the output is something like below -



Our requirement is to drop all the invalid objects. But we need to know whether it effecting to any other valid objects?Do any valid objects gets INVALID after dropping of the INVALID objects. We need to know the hierarchy of it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Remote Dependencies Of Database Object

Feb 16, 2010

As a part of requirement need to clean up some of database objects from database. Before cleaning up need to check for dependencies with in database and also on remote database.

Is there any data dictionary in oracle which proivides information about remote dependencies.

Any other way to get a list of remote dependencies other then manual checking.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To List Database Objects

Jul 21, 2010

Is there a SQL that gives the list database objects (tables/views/packages/functions etc.) where a particular column in a table is used?



I want to know all the objects that used the column ID in table XYZ either in select statement or in a condition.

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Find Column Dependencies

Oct 22, 2010

I am having to pull out all the dependencies for a column as below.

When I select a column in a table, it should list

1. All Views that use this column and table
2. All Stored procs that use this column and table
3. All Functions that use this column and table
4. All Pl/SQL scripts that use this column and table.

Is there a easy way of getting this information from the Oracle dba tables?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Add Row Dependencies In Existing Table

Jul 20, 2012

How to add ROWDEPENDENCIES in an existing table. I mean How to Alter any table to add ROWDEPENDENCIES..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hierarchical Query With Many-to-many Dependencies?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a hierarchical data structure where a child can have many parents, and a parent can have many childs.See the attached file hierarchy_iliustration.jpg. This example has 4 hierarchy levels, in real problem there can be unlimited number of levels.I want to write a SQL query that lists all indirectly dependent child nodes for a given parent node.

Test structure for example attached:



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How To Move Database Objects From One Schema To Another

Sep 6, 2011

I wanted to move all db objects from one schema to another schema.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Script To Drop Database Objects?

May 13, 2011

I am looking for sql script which would drop all database objects like


The script should fetch the drop commands first and then execute drop objects.

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PL/SQL :: Logs Of Modified Database Objects

Jul 25, 2012

i have a sequence for one of my table that this sequence's current value was 3000 yesterday but today when i checked current value of it, i surprised because the value changed to 50, can i check who changed my sequence? is exists any data dictionary that shows logs of modified database objects.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Particular Column Of A Table Has Been Used In What All Database Objects

Jan 11, 2011

Is it possible that we can know that a particular column of a table has been used in what all data base objects?

i.e. like emp.empno is used in which all procedures/packages/triggers etc.

I would like to know the data dictionary view

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Server Administration :: Invalidation Of Dependencies?

Aug 10, 2011

In a document from the oracle website. "If a single-table view selects only a subset of columns in a table, only those columns are involved in the dependency".

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Server Utilities :: Move Objects From One Database To Another?

Jun 2, 2011

I want to move 350 database objects from one database to another database schema.

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Enterprise Manager :: Copy Objects From One Database To Another?

Mar 24, 2011

I need to copy all the database objects from one database to another database.I have 32 bit windows environment I tried export and put it in a dump file but dump file size exceeds the limit, my database size is about 300 GB.

What would be efficient way to replicate all the database objects move to another box ..?

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Server Administration :: How To Delete All Objects From Database

Jul 30, 2012

How can I delete all the objects from my database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Two Objects In Different Schemas In A Single Database?

Jul 25, 2010

Is it possible to create two objects in different schemas in a single database.

For example in Schema A, table "T1" is there, is to possible to create a table with the same name "T1" in Schema B.

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Auto Compile Invalid Database Objects

Nov 11, 2013

If i modify any procedure then auto compile should happen dependended objects.

Oracle Version: 10g

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Server Utilities :: Remove All Dependencies On Tablespace

Mar 4, 2011

I have been asked to take the export of a schema and then asked to remove all dependencies on tablespace. Provide me the syntax.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dependencies Of Tables On Package At Column Level

Mar 29, 2010

I need to identify the dependencies of all the Tables on Packages at column level.

E.g. : XYZ is a package that uses ABC Table having E,F,G has a column, PQR - Table and its columns - R,S,T

The resultant query / code should return like this

PackageName TableName ColumnName

Identify the dependencies at column level.

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Networking And Gateways :: Objects Referring To Database Links

Jul 21, 2011

how to find out what are all the objects referring to particular database links in database?

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JVM :: How To Extract Java Class Objects From Oracle Database

Jun 26, 2013

How to Pick / Extract the java class files from the database.? We have not maintained the latest codes in the oracle application server where java class code is residing.

All the Java Classes are available only in database. So we need to pick the latest java class code from production environment. In TOAD we tried but all class objects are listing at the left side but we are unable to take the code. So how can we take the latest codes(java classes) from the Production Database as a backup. 

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Query To Identify Invalid Objects In Database Per Schema

Sep 29, 2012

I need a job to get executed for every 1hour.Like i need a query to identify invalid objects in database per schema ,invalid type and this is a job to run every hour.How to schedule it.I only know that dba_jobs have the info.

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Server Administration :: IPPS Has Use Up This Amount Of Space In Database From All Objects?

Oct 3, 2011

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from dba_segments where owner='IPPS';

Does the above finding means that IPPS has use up 'this amount' of space in the database from all his objects?

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Server Utilities :: Find All Objects Of Schema HR In Imported Database

Jul 25, 2010

I imported a schema HR from export DUMP ....i can find all the objects of schema HR in the imported database... but i got an error for a plan_table which is assigned to USERS tablespace in the source database.. ...


[oracle@localhost mom]$ imp file=exp_schema_ref.dmp log=imp.ref.log fromuser=hr touser=hr commit=y
Import: Release - Production on Mon Jul 26 00:03:57 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Username: sys/sys as sysdba

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

Export file created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via direct path
import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
. importing HR's objects into HR
. . importing table "COUNTRIES" 25 rows imported
. . importing table "DEPARTMENTS" 27 rows imported
. . importing table "EMPLOYEES" 107 rows imported

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Client Tools :: Compare Schemas And Database Objects Using TOAD And SQL Developer

Apr 17, 2013

My primary objective was to compare objects in schemas in two different databases and find out the differences, Execute DDL's in the database where objects are missing and syn schemas in two different databases. So I need to compare schemas in databases. make a comparison of database objects existing in schemas in two different databases. I'd like to see if I can get a list of pro and cons between Toad and SQL Developer for comparing schemas pros and cons. navigation in SQL Developer to compare schemas.

Connect to Source
Connect to Target
Compare schemas with different object types
Find out differences
Generate DDL's for the missing objects or for the objects in difference report
Run them in missing instace(Source/Target)
Make sure both are in sync.

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Server Administration :: Validate OLAPSYS Schema Objects After Transferring Database

Apr 21, 2011

We transferred our Oracle database from windows 2003 enterprise edition 32 bit to windows 2008 enterprise edition server 64 bit.Database is working fine but we have 53 uncompiled objects which are related to OLAPSYS and public as follows


Our business objec is working fine and all other schema does not have any uncompiled objects.How can we validate the OLAPSYS and PUBLIC schema.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Access Attributes Of Objects Of Nested Table In Member Function Of Oracle Database

Nov 17, 2011

I have created two types and a list of the first type:

create type type1;
create type type1_list as table of ref type1;
create type type2;

I have now just created the two types as follows:

create type type1 as object(
id# number
create type type2 as object(
attribute1 type1_list,

Ok, I've created the tables (I don't know if it's necessary to point out my problem)

CREATE TABLE type1_table OF type1;
CREATE TABLE type2_table OF type2
NESTED TABLE attribute1 STORE AS nested_type1_list_table;

And what I wanted to do now is to implement the member function1 and check something of the attributes of type1 in the list of attribute1... And that's where my question occurs, how does it work, I can't figure it out. I tried something like this:

create or replace


But I don't get the right way, it doesn't work

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Roles Given To Objects

Feb 27, 2011

I have granted execute, select, insert, update, delete privilege on objects to roles. Now i want to check status. we have around 2000 objects.

Require out put should be like this.

Object_name Object_Type Role_Granted
----------- ----------- ------------
Table1 Table ABC_ROLE
Table2 Table CDE_ROLE

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Constraints On Objects?

Mar 5, 2012

Ive created a scenario to what im trying to achieve here so ignore how its set-up attribute wise.

obj_id NUMBER,

CREATE TYPE object_ext UNDER object_obj (
course_name VARCHAR2(20));

CREATE TYPE object_ext2 UNDER object_obj (
location VARCHAR2(20);

CREATE TABLE object_tab OF object_obj(obj_id PRIMARY KEY);

Now for the course_name i need to make sure it can only be on of these three values ('Science','Math','English'). I can't find a way to apply this constraint without making a table. But then that creates another issue of how to insert the data from the main supertype (object_obj) and i only want the object_tab table and view the subtypes via a select query.

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Get SYS Objects Access?

Oct 26, 2010

What is the minimum access level ( or grant) needed be able to alter user defined (non sys or system) Stored Procedure in residing in SYS schema.

Example - User A need to alter SP sys.myStoredProc.

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