SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Variables In Trigger Block?

Jun 29, 2010

I am having some issues in creating the following trigger. It gets created but with compilation errors.

create or replace trigger min_max_update_trg
after insert on tidlrrep
referencing new as n
for each row
bltMaxSize number;
repMaxSize number;


when i tried without the comparison if repMaxSize < bltMaxSize then it got created successfully.

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Forms :: How To Read Values In A Multi Record Control Block Using Pre-insert Trigger (block Level)

Jul 24, 2010

I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.

I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Declaring Variables In Exceptions Block Globally

Aug 23, 2011

I have a PL SQL program block as shown below,

create or replace
procedure except_handle
v_errorcode VARCHAR2(10);
v_errormsg varchar2(200);
constr_violation Exception;
PRAGMA Exception_Init(constr_violation,-2292);

Here, I have assigned values to the variables 'v_errorcode' and 'v_errormsg' directly inside the exception block so that I can use them in both exception types 'constr_violation' and 'others'. I am getting an error message like,

Error(22,1): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "V_ERRORCODE" when expecting one of the following: pragma when

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Using Variables In A Trigger?

Oct 24, 2007

consider the trigger below,



The cursor HH_ATTR_CSR returns a set of values and I'm iterating each values using a loop, but when comparing the post and pre values, I have to use the variable(HH_ATT_VAR) instead of column names.Usually we give it as (re.XXXX_YYYY) but the cloumn names has to be given in the form of a variable got from the cursor like (re.HH_ATT_VAR).In doing so, I'm getting an error as "bad bind variable" So,Is there any to view the old and the new value in the local?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Usage Of Context Variables Inside The Trigger?

Feb 17, 2010

Am trying to use the SYS_CONTEXT variables inside a trigger. After reading the documentation I found that the below query when used inside the trigger code will return the trigger owner.

Select Username from User_Users

Will any of the below variables return the trigger owner when used inside the trigger code


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Form Trigger - Master And Detail Block

Dec 9, 2008

I have a Oracle Form which has 2 blocks, master and Detail.I have a pre-Insert Trigger on master block which has a sequence that acts as the id of the primary key column. Now, when I populate the master block and dont save then go to detail block and save(after populating detail block's data) it gives me an error that can not insert null into detail block foreign key column.I understand that his is happening because in the above scenario pre-insert is not firing for the master block.Am I writing the the sequence generation code in a wrong trigger?

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PL/SQL :: Dynamic Execution Of Block Inside Trigger?

Jan 3, 2013

Im using the following oracle database.

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

I have one problem in trigger execution. I have a small plsql block in trigger and, I want to execute it as a dynamic way. but it is giving the error. Please find the trigger code. Here my intension is that, the column name used in trigger should be dynamic. In future, if I want to switch the column name, I have to do without modification in trigger.
The error im getting is "ORA-01008: not all variables bound".



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Forms :: Post-Block Trigger - Trying To Capture Previous Item?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a form w/a tab canvas. BlkA is on Tab1 and Blk2 is on Tab2. In BlkA I have several items that have when-validate-item triggers. However, the trigger does not fire when I enter a value into item1 of BlkA followed by clicking on Tab2. To solve, I placed validate(form_scope) in the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger. This works well with invoking the validation. However, focus remains on Tab2 (Blk2).

I would like focus to return to failed validation item in Blk1. I can capture the block name using :system.cursor_block in the Post-Block trigger of BlkA, assign that value to a form parameter and when a validation fails via the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger I can return user back to BlkA(Tab1). However, I need direction on how to return user to the specific item in BlkA that failed validation

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Local Variables Are Bind Variables

Apr 27, 2012

Which of the below is considered a bind variable. In example one proc. Test the parameter p1 is directly used in the query, so this can be considered as a bind variable.

Is that true about the second proc. where p1 is assigned to a local variable v1 , or this needs hard parsing because v1 is not a bind variable ?

Create or replace procedure test(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=p1;
Create or replace procedure test1(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
v1 varchar2(100):=p1;
OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=v1;

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Forms :: When-Timer-Expired / Creating A Timer On On-Error Trigger Of Block

Jan 25, 2012

I'm having a problem with the When-timer-Expired trigger.I am creating a timer on the On-Error trigger of the block. in the when-timer-expired :

message (11); exit_form(no_validate);

If i run the program program for the first time,message 11 doesn't show thus it doesn't fire the when-timer-expired trigger. But if i logout from application server and enter all over again,the when-timer-expired works !

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Forms :: Insert And Update Directly Into Table From Pre Update Trigger Of Block?

May 14, 2010

I have a base table (Table A) block with multiple records displayed. I need to track audits to this underlying table in the following way:

If user updates a field in the block I want the pre-changed record's audit fields to be set and I need to create a copy of the record with the changed values. Basically any changes will result in the record being logically deleted, and a copy record created with the newly changed values.

Tried to implement in the block's pre-update trigger which will call a package to directly update Table A then Insert into Table A, then requery the block. Is there a clean and efficient way to do this?

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Forms :: Implement Exception Handling In Exception Block Of A Trigger

Oct 10, 2011

I have to implement exception handling in the exception block of a trigger, Quote:exception

when ora_java.java_error then
message( 'Unable to call out to java, ' || ora_java.last_error );

message( Exception_.toString(ex));
-- lv_exception := Exception_.getMessage(ex);

I get an error for the line: 'message( Exception_.toString(ex));'I have imported the java classes FException et IObject with their methods.

I have to create a Web Service Client, so I wonder if the paragraph Quote:when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_ JAVA. LAST_ EXCEPTION; is mandatory.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing One Row With Other Within Same Table

May 2, 2012

I have a requirement to get the count of those records whose department is not changed since they have joined the organization.

CREATE TABLE ddumps(orgid NUMBER, orgdate DATE, orgdept VARCHAR2(10))
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(1,'01-JAN-1999','ORG1')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(1,'01-JAN-2000','ORG2')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(1,'01-JAN-2001','ORG2')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(2,'01-JAN-1999','ORG1')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(2,'01-JAN-2000','ORG1')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(2,'01-JAN-2001','ORG1')

1 1/1/1999 ORG1
1 1/1/2000 ORG2
1 1/1/2001 ORG2
2 1/1/1999 ORG1
2 1/1/2000 ORG1
2 1/1/2001 ORG1

since the orgid 1 has changed the dept from org1 to org2 I do not want this to be appeared in the final count. Results should only include the orgid 2 since it didn't changed any dept.

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Trimming Strings - Comparing?

Jul 26, 2007

I have 2 strings that I want to compare for example

string1 = 'ABC~AB/10/1234'
string2 = 'ABC~AB/10/1234~.....'

There could be anything after the 2nd ~ in string 2 is there a easy way of trimming string2 to the first 14 Characters? Or do I have to find the 2nd instance of ~ and then remove everything after (and including) that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Data In Two Tables Row By Row

Sep 23, 2011

I have two databases.

one is "ora" it is a 8i version
2nd is "orcl" it is a 11g version

"Oracle" is the my local database. i wrote following program for comparing the row by row data in both the tables.
Q)Is it BEST practice? If not let me know the best practice to compare data in tables?
Q) If am not using the order by clause its giving me wrong output even though both the data tables has same data. WHY?

v_emptest1 EMP_TEST1%ROWTYPE;
v_emptest2 EMP_TEST1@ora%ROWTYPE;
v_suc_flg NUMBER := 0;
v_cnt1 NUMBER:=0;

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Comparing Timestamps In ORACLE

Mar 5, 2008

How to select the transactions out of the database that occurred within 70 seconds of each other. The toll_date field is a TIMESTAMP field.

Problem is, I seem to only get transactions that occurred within 70 minutes of each other. On the timestamp field I break the math down into the seconds in a day and I add 70. I then subtract that value and add that value to the timestamp and I should get anything between those values right?

SELECT Acct_ID, Ln, Tag_Rd, COUNT(*)
SELECT T1.Account_ID Acct_ID, T1.Tag_Read Tag_Rd, T1.Revenue_Date Rev_Date, T1.Toll_Date, T1.Lane_ID, T1.Plaza, T1.Lane Ln, T2.Toll_Date, T2.Plaza, T2.Lane
FROM Toll T1
JOIN Toll T2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Two Decimal Values

Nov 5, 2011

Recently i have started working on PLSQL coding. I have a requirement. Either error or un-processed record count is 90% of to be processed records then the script has to fail. Currently I am having a situation where error count is 1 and total to be processed is also 1.

in the below
V_ERR is error count
V_UPS is un processed count
V_PROCESSED_COUNT is total to be processed.

I am expecting PASS result but it is giving FAIL.

[Code] .......

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Two Tables Data

Mar 16, 2010

I want to do a comparision for the missing rows between two diffrent tables

TBL1 and TBL2 both with the same structure but with diffrent data some data is identical. though my data is huge i wanted to make sure the technique i am using

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Tables In Two Different Databases

Apr 13, 2011

As part of our project, we need to perform table comparisons in two different databases. I am currently looking for various options to accomplish this.

One of them is doing minus operation between these two tables. Also, i have looked at the data compare option in toad utility.

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Forms :: Comparing Date In 6i

Aug 3, 2011

I am working in form 6i, database 9i. I have datablock on table t1.

table t1: name(varchar2), date(varchar2)

datablock: name(varchar2), date(varchar2)[i have insert date with time stamp]

for date column, i am inserting date with time stamp.While querying data, user just enters only date(no time stamp), i should be able to query data. I tried in data block where condition

WHERE: substr(date,1,11)=nvl(:block.date,substr(date,1,11)

i am not able to retrieve data through date, through name it's working fine.how to retrieve data by only entering date (without time stamp)

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PL/SQL :: Comparing Two Counts Using Subquery?

Feb 10, 2013

Managed to confuse myself significantly. I essentially want to write a query to determine when two counts are the same using a subquery.


Select count(x)
from R
group by x;

Then I want to run another query to determine which x's have the same count value and output these corresponding x's.

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PL/SQL :: Not Comparing String In Case

Mar 21, 2013

i executed the below code and found that output should be 5 but it shows 7(always else part). it is not comparing string in case.

check_in_date date;
var_day varchar2(11);
rate_id number;

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Forms :: Multi Data Block And Checkbox Field Based On Control Block

Nov 19, 2010

i have multi data block filed. and checkbox field which based on control block...My task is when i check checkbox only one field should enabled and my mouse goes to that field


item11 item21 item31 chkbox1
item12 item22 item32 chkbox2

Scenario like this :

My item field based on data block and checkbox based on control block,while i checked chkbox1 , only item31 on that current record should be enabled and i changed value only on that field

when i checked chkbox1 , my cursor goes to item31...not item32

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Forms :: Distribute Master Block Total Amount In Detail Block Line Wise

May 5, 2012

i have a master detail form, In Master block we have one field cheque amount and in Detail block we have field receiveable amount invoice wise. if company paid us a cheque amount we will enter this amount in Master block field Cheque amount and in detail block there will be invoice wise receivable amounts. i want to distribute the cheque amount in detail block invoice wise for example

Cheque amount in master block = 291

Invoice wise receiveable amount is as follows

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196 , 0
20 , 95 , 0
30 , 54 , 0

Result should be as follows:

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196, 196
20 , 95 , 95
30 , 54, 0

Received amount field should be distributed according to the receivable amount when recevied amount = cheque amount then remaining will be 0.

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Backup & Recovery :: Error / Corrupt Block Relative Dba / 0x01c12a58 (file 7 / Block 76376)

Jan 25, 2011

i have an error with block corruption

Error: Corrupt block relative dba: 0x01c12a58 (file 7, block 76376)

What all the ,methods I can go for if we are working on a production environment with out any down time.

I can go for dbms repair package and restore and recover

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SQL Performance When Comparing To NULL In Where Clause

Oct 29, 2008

I have a SQL query which joins several large tables (so indexes matter here) from Oracle database. In the where condition I use IS NULL with one of the date field values. Query takes 40 sec to run and if I comment this one line...it takes 1 sec to run. This date field is an index on the table and I learn that --

1. IS NOT NULL in where clause uses an index
2. IS NULL in where clause does not use an index

Is there any work around to make the query faster...other than changing all the NULL date values in the table to some string. In other words can I force it to use the index.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Nested Tables For Equality?

Jul 1, 2013

SF at oracle.com/technetwork/issue-archive/o53plsql-083350.html states that you can compare two database tables (of the same structure) by defining a nested table type (using %ROWTYPE) and two NT variables of that type, and loading the contents of each table into its respective NT variable, before comparing them using the = operator. Having read the Oracle documentation which states that you can only compare NTs for equality if they don't contain record types, I was surprised to read this, but figured I would try it because I must be misunderstanding SF, but it didn't work.

SCOTT@ORCL> create table empcopy3 as select * from emp;

Table created.

type emp_ntt is table of emp%rowtype;
emp_nt1 emp_ntt;


But SF goes on to say he timed the execution of his NT equality method, comparing it with a SQL-only equivalent, and so I must be missing something. My understanding is that using %ROWTYPE declares a record type.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Strings Entered In A Form?

May 27, 2011

I have to compare a string entered in a form with a series of English strings in back-end PL/SQL( using LIKE operator )

But it so happens, the string entered in the form is specific to the language used in the country. for ex. in Dutch, it is entered in Dutch language.

So on comparing, it fails as the PL/SQL compares it with English Strings.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Column By Comparing Date

Oct 16, 2012

i am fetching one record based on date but not able to fetch the data.

in my table pdate column is there with date datatype and value is in that is:15-OCT-12 so i am fetching empid based on dates.

select empid from masterprocessdailydata where pdate=to_date('15/OCT/12','dd/MM/yy'); but not getting the empid.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing 2 Char Columns Using Trim?

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to compare 2 char columns using trim to avoid space padding

(ABC CHAR(6));


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