Reports & Discoverer :: ORA-00920 Error In Discoverer

Jun 17, 2008

While executing the query i got an error saying "ORA-0092 - invalid sql query"


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Reports & Discoverer :: Launching Discoverer Viewer From Forms Menu

Dec 6, 2011

Is it possible to link to Discoverer Viewer from Forms without requiring the user to log in again. If so, can I then link to a specific Workbook within Discoverer?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle Apps Data Does Not Show In Discoverer

Mar 19, 2012

When running my query in sql developer, I have to execute the command apps.fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id, resp_id, resp_appl_id) in order to show the result of my query. Without this, the query returns nothing. The problem is I am using this query as a custom query for my Discoverer report and my report does not show any record.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Discoverer Admin - How To Copy Folder From One Instance To Another

Nov 9, 2011

I need to copy my discoverer report from dev to prod. How should I do this? Are the items created using calculation in the report can also be copied? These items are not present in the folder in discoverer admin.

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Reports & Discoverer :: During Open Report The Discoverer Application Frozen?

Jun 23, 2010

When I try to manage the report the Discoverer application frozen.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Runtime Error On Reports 6i

Aug 15, 2012

I am using windows 7 and running report from report builder 6i. I got this message error report builder has stopped working. And when i press on show problem details i got this info

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:RWBLD60.EXE
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:39c93f24
Fault Module Name:UIW60.DLL

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report End With Error

Jan 4, 2012

We are using APPS 11i, Yesterday some Report are end with Error. Error Details Given Below.

X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 15 (X_QueryTree)
Resource id in failed request: 0x2600001
Serial number of failed request: 614
Current serial number in output stream: 614

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Reports & Discoverer :: 11g Compilation Error

Aug 22, 2013

I am doing report migration from 10g report to 11g version 11gR2( It is not converting into REP when I check the logs . I got compilation error, then I convert 10g RDF to 11g RDF and try to compile it in 11g report builder developer tool, It is giving me compilation error.

It is not allowing me any sql in that proc but if i comment it it get successfully compiled and if the same report i open with oracle report 10g it get successfully compile.

Command using for Conversion:
rwconverter userid=<schema_name>/<schema_name>@tns batch=yes source=<source RDF path> stype=rdffile DTYPE=REPFILE dest =<Dest RDF/REP Path> OVERWRITE=yes

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Aging Report In Discoverer

May 28, 2010

[Message #1] how to get a unapplied receipts for ageing report? and RMA(credit and debit note)columns ?

Which tables should be refered for Ageing reports.

[Message #2] How to create an ageing report in discoverer?

Which tables should be refered for a Ageing reports.

Ageing report colums customer name, customer id,location,segment, credit note and debit note in different column,unapplied amount and applied amount in a different colum.Already i got a due remaning date and total amount I want a linked table names.

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Reports & Discoverer :: 10g Parameter Form Error?

Sep 26, 2012

While calling a report I am getting the following error.

REP-546: Warning: The value of restricted LOV parameter TOPROFIT is not among the selectable values.

When I call the same report through another PC it displays parameter form.

I am using Report Builder 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Getting Error While Printing User Name

Apr 6, 2011

following is my code written in formula column

function CF_1FORMULA0006 return Char is
v_user_id number;
u_name varchar2(100);

select user_name into u_name from fnd_user
where user_id =v_user_id;
return u_name;

getting no data found error.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Server Error?

Aug 25, 2010

I was having report server running well on my oracle database db1.

Now, I created new database :When trying to run the old report server it gives me error.

How could I uninstall the report server and install it again??

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error / Unable To Run A Report?

Sep 26, 2012

every time user run the report they have got an error like unable to run report.

select b.branchdesc ,
c.description ,
d.groupgldesc ,
e.customername ,
(sum(a.dramt) - sum(a.cramt) ) diffamt ,


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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Run Discoverer Reports In A Forms Menu

Jul 5, 2010

how to Run a Discoverer Reports in a Forms Menu.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error On Creating PDF File From A Form?

Oct 14, 2010

When a creating a pdf report in reports 6, under oracle 10g, the error message displayed is: The file is damaged and could not be repaired. If I change the report definition from a pdf to a txt file, the error does not display, but the output has the margings distorted.. It only happens when using reports 6

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-0066 Error Executing CA Utility

Jul 17, 2010

I have an Report .My report worked correct . But Now this Error :

REP-0066 Error executing CA utility
REP-3335 Unhandled Internal CA Error

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle Report Engine Error

Jul 4, 2013

I m trying to run reports from my application developed using Oracle FORMS6i but the report engine does not show any job. Platform Information: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Version 6.2 (64 bit).

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Reports & Discoverer :: Terminated With Error / REP-300 - Invalid Identifier

Nov 4, 2013

I've modified a report and I am able to run the SQL from toad and executed with no errors and output the results as expected. The SQL from the report is calling a function from DB. I granted execute permisiion to public. when I run the report, it has o errors, the result were fine. However, when another user run the report, it get the the following error.

Terminated with error:
REP-300: "GET_NSCL_TOT": invalid identifier
to_char ==> (get_NSCL_Tot('NFL',to_date(:period_end_date,'DD-MON-RRRR'),'1'),'999999.99')||','col2

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-0066 / Error Executing CA Utility

Jul 6, 2010

I have An Application with 30 reports. these report run without error but Now when I want to Run Reports , I see this error :


REP-0066: Error Executing CA utility .

REP-3335:Unhandled Internal CA error calaa 1

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error Messages Handling In Report

Jan 18, 2011

I am generating a report with parameter form.

I do not want users to leave a parameter value null . so I applied after parameter form trigger

function AfterPForm return boolean is
IF ( :my_no IS NULL ) THEN
srw.message(101, 'Please enter proper No.');
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);

it is working fine, it displays proper message but after my message, a default message is displayed

REP-0771: After Form Trigger Failed.

I want to avoid this message. if i comment out return(false) then it displays message and runs the report. I want to avoid default oracle message and stop running report also.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Arabic Font In Discoverer 10g

Oct 1, 2013

we have upgraded our discoverer from 3i to 4i and from 4i to 10g. After that we faced a strange problem related to arabic font

when opening discoverer desktop and open the list of the saved reports. some reports that was saved by an Arabic name are display by name '????'(question marks)

also another issue when opening it . It open normal but some columns that are Arabic are displayed in this way (ßÇÑÊ-ÇíÌíÈÊ Êáì ßÇÑÏ- ÝÆÉ 100 Ìã). so i must change the column font from "tahoma" to "arial" or any other font that support Arabic.

- my NLS_lANG =american_america.ar8mswin1256
- this problem didnot happens on the discoverer 3i

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Reports & Discoverer :: Privileges In Discoverer Administrator?

Nov 29, 2011

We are using Discoverer 10g, apps mode EUL. I have assigned administrator privileges to System Administrator responsibility using EUL_US as well as SYSADMIN (re-did with SYSADMIN, just in case). I have 2 Business Areas in EUL and gave access to both of them to System Administrator responsibility and the userid TESTER (this user already has System Administrator responsibility assigned to it). But when I login to Administrator using TESTER and System Administrator, I don't see any business Areas available to select.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-1800 - Formatter Error VGS-1701 - Not Enough Memory?

Dec 14, 2007

While running large report to screen the error is:

"REP-1800: Formatter error. VGS-1701: Not enough memory"

My Observation:When running report to screen, report builder creates 3 temporary files to REPORTS60TEMP folder. When one of the file size reaches to exactly 2GB it gives the above mentioned error and report crashes.

I have visited metalink and get the following:

Problem Description
You are running a very large report to screen or preview and you get the following errors:

rep-1800 formatter error
vgs-1701 not enough memory

Solution Description

Increase the size of the buffer for the report.

i've tried following solutions but problem still there:

1) increase and decrease the size of the buffers
2) Removing total number of pages filed so all pages not formated at once.
3) increase the size of the virtual memory of OS
4) increase the size of the PC to 1 GB

I am using report builder 6i, Oracle 10g and windows XP

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error In Event Driven Report Procedure?

Mar 30, 2011

.I created the following procedure to implement Event Driven Reporting:

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure ABC.eve_drv_rep as
myPlist system.SRW_PARAMLIST;
myIdent system.SRW.Job_Ident;
myPlist := system.SRW_PARAMLIST(system.SRW_PARAMETER('',''));


Procedure is created successfully but when I execute this procedure, I get the following error:

ORA-20001'Error sending email.Error: ORA-20999
ORA-06512: at "Nml.Eve_Drv_Rep", line 17
ORA-06512: at line 1

2ndly I want to know that whether I should give IP address or Application Server Machine Name in GATEWAY parameter?
And in SERVER parameter either I should give the Application Server Machine Name or Report Server name installed on Application Server Machine?Lastly from where I can get the complete list of Parameters to be added in SRW.Add_Parameter like SERVER, GATEWAY etc.

note that we r using Database 10g Rel.2 and Forms and Reports services on Application Server and the report being called was developed in Reports 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error On Pressing Hyperlink Of Object In Report

Apr 27, 2012

I have a report where the Shipments list will appear.The shipment_id appears as hyperlink and when it is pressed it should be redirected to another report which displays the cost details on the respective shipments

But we get an error message as in the attachment when i press the hyperlink. what would be the issue and where should i check for the error to resolve? Also the query used to extract data is


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Reports & Discoverer :: Error Font Unicode When Report Use &TotalPages?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a report that use &totalpages. output PDF, font unicode is error (Mã) but two last page's font is OK (Mã).

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP3335 - Unhandled Internal CA Error Depep 2

Aug 28, 2004

I work with Developer 2000/Report Builder Oracle 8i...When I try to save a report in any format whether RTF or HTML it says:PDE-PER001 Internal error (REP3335: Unhandled Internal CA Error depep 2) ...Some reports can be saved,some not,especially those reports that have a PARAMETER FORM

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Reports & Discoverer :: ORA-0999 - Unimplemented Error Patches Enquiry

Aug 25, 2010

Recently, my client side report runtime experience the following bug:

--> ORA-0999:UnImplemented Error

When user attempts to convert the generated report into PDF format.

I had found out from the net that by applying the following:
Patch 18 for Windows Client/Server Forms 6i.

The Ora-0999 bug will be resolved. True enough the bug has been resolved.

However, I had chanced a post recently and this raised my concern on whether I had done the patching correctly.

From the post it stated that,

Quote:Forms 6i ( stand alone ) is currently desupported/extended support. So patch 17 is the last one.

2. Forms 6i is still supported for Ebusiness Suite. Hence patche 18 is the latest patch for form 6i with fixes specific to ebusiness suite. There might be an another patch for forms6i later but specific to ebusiness suite. This is because Forms 6i is supported for EB.

If you are not using Forms along with EB then I dont think the new patches are useful. So remaining at patch 17 is recommended.

Link: [URL]

FYI, I had only selected the custom installation with only the Report Runtime to be patch over the previous version.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-1401 / Afterpform / Fatal PL/SQL Error Occurred

Mar 6, 2013

i am getting below error while running Aging report.

Enter Password:

MSG-01001: inside beforepform
MSG-00100: p_reporting_level = p_reporting_entity_id =
MSG-00100: Get_Predicate calls complete
REP-1401: 'afterpform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

this is my code in After parameter.

srw.message('100','Get_Predicate calls complete');
:p_reporting_entity_name := substrb(XLA_MO_REPORTING_API.get_reporting_entity_name,1,80);
:p_reporting_level_name := substrb(XLA_MO_REPORTING_API.get_reporting_level_name,1,30);


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Reports & Discoverer :: Clob In 6i - Error Function Return Must Char

Jun 23, 2011

I having issue when i try to use CLOB as varchar2 is not enough in my case. I'm developing function column in oracle report. I'm using developer 6i. I get error function return must char?

How I can use CLOB in oracle report?

function CF_RnoFormula return Char is
--v_release_num CLOB;
v_release_num varchar2(32767);
FOR rec IN

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