Assuming you have a 9i database . where you have it enabled in archive mode , yet constantly deleting the archived redo logs , due to space constraints .
Will you be able to perform a full level 0 backup , and the following incremental backups , in the absence of the archived redo logs ? And are these incremental backups enough to recover the database or particular data files , to the point of the backup itself at least ?
URL....I'm practicing for the OCP test and one of the questions is that there is a backup from yesterday and the last archived logs are from the day before yesterday not mentioned if it's cold or hot backup.
If its a cold backup - cant we recover it? is it a must to have the archived redo logs also when recovering a cold backup? That sounds not logical since those logs are made only for a hot backup. URL.....
Backup entire database, without archived logs, while the database is open for user activity and also This backup should be the base for an incremental backup strategy.
Backup your entire database, without archived logs, while the database is open for user activity. This backup should be the base for an incremental backup strategy
I trying to backup archive logs using rman in standby database. I'm able to backup archive logs using simple command it get's successfully completed. rman > BACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL When i'm trying to do with keep command it's getting failed.I'm trying to do on physical standby databaseBACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL KEEP UNTIL TIME 'SYSDATE+100' TAG = 'TEST'.
We have a nightly rman backup that was complete and clean.The backup contains a Data File, Control File and a backup Archive Log file.The database server crashed with all the subsequent archive logs lost.
We are trying to recover from the three backup files.We are bumping into the backup piece missing as all the archive logs are done. how to restore with the exising backup files. the lost archive logs are probably salvageable.
here i have an question with oracle database backup question is
how to backup my oracle database call DB11G without archived logs while the database is open for user activity and also this should be the base for an incremental backup strategy?
I'm running Oracle 9i on AIX 5.2. I'm not using a recovery catalog, nor am I using media management software. I perform a full, online rman backup of the database and archived redo logs daily to disk, then use operating system commands to copy the backup to tape. There is only space on disk for two days' backups, so I need to have a retention policy of "redundancy = 1", and run a "delete obsolete" prior to the backup. The problem is that I don't want to subject the archived redo logs to this retention policy.
I have two physical standby databases connected by WAN to the primary site, and I might need archived redo logs that are a few days (or more) old in the event of a prolonged WAN outage. I've read about the "keep forever" option, but apparently it isn't available without using a recovery catalog. Is there any way to spare the archived redo logs from my retention policy?
Note: I want to "protect" the actual archived redo logs from the retention policy, not the backups of the archived redo logs.
I got a database on dataguard and my primary (db1) is shipping files to my standby (db2) with no problems.However, when I query:
select sequence#, status, applied from v$archived_log;
I see this: SEQUENCE# S APP ---------- - --- 4 A YES 5 A YES 6 A YES 7 A YES 8 A YES 9 A YES 10 A YES 11 A YES 12 A YES 13 A YES 14 A YES [code]....
So I did an alter system switch logfile on db1 then looked again and I can see new archived logs being applied.I thought all archived logs had to be applied on the standby since this is the very foundation of the standby database.Am I going to run in trouble later if I have a failover (unsynchronized database)
Then I ran the restore, it failed with Quote:RMAN-06054: media recovery requesting unknown archived log....
When I backup archivelogs and choose to delete the input, it does not delete the multiplexed copy, but the specific file being backed up.So, ideally it should find it in Flah Area or at least in the backed up pieces which are there with it.Still why is it failing?
Also, in recovery, it is deleting the archived log after applying, RMAN does this if we use recover... delete archivelog command.I am using only RECOVER, still in output I can see RMAN deleting the log after it has applied it. WHY?
Is there any way I can get all the archive log files present in a backup piece. I tried following but it always gives me all the log files for each piece:
**** SQL> select s.set_stamp, s.set_count, s.PIECES, s.backup_type, s.controlfile_included from v$backup_set s, v$backup_piece p where s.set_stamp=p.set_stamp and s.set_count=p.set_count and p.handle='5mjv4do0_1_1';
I have recently installed a oracle 11g r2 standard edition in aix 6.1.database is on archive log but archived log is generated in daily different folder named after date on system.
i want to generate all archive log in only one folder.
ORA-16038: log 2 sequence# 284 cannot be archived ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: /redo02.log' USER (ospid: 792): terminating the instance due to error 16038 Fri Nov 02 13:14:19 2012 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=792), summary=[abnormal instance termination].
Fri Nov 02 13:14:19 2012 ARC3 started with pid=23, OS id=822 Errors in file _ora_792.trc: ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of 10240 bytes is 100.00% used, and has 0 remaining bytes available.
I ran into the message RMAN-08138: WARNING: archived log not deleted - must create more backups during a backup. From what I understand this is caused when logs are removed that are needed for recovery.
i perform logminer in os (window xp and oracle linux 6) both. all the operation are successfully completed but at last i found the same error in both os. the error is
SQL> create table myLogAnalysis as select * from v$logmnr_contents; select * from v$logmnr_contents * ERROR at line 3: ORA-00310: archived log contains sequence 12; sequence 9 required ORA-00334: archived log:'/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/redo02.log'
I have an environment in which backup is performed of Oracle 10/11 databases with the use of RMAN and Tivoli Storage Manager (Data Protection for Oracle).There are several databases and for every one there is a daily full backup and hourly archive logs backup.
Sometimes when full db backup takes longer (up to 4 hours) archive logs backups are missed - as TSM node cannot perform two backups at a time. I would like not to have those missed backups.
Option A was to delete association of the arch log scheduler during full backup. But when removing association we lose historical data about backup. And we need historical data to be able to create weekly / monthly / quarterly statistics of completed backups. We need to have 99% completed.
Option B was to create two nodes in TSM (TDPO) and one will do full backup only and another one only arch logs backup. So the problem is moved to RMAN. But from RMAN specialist I heard that this may cause problems with full backup. During full backup also archive logs are backed up (at the start and end) so there might be a problem with accessing the file that is used by another process. And this may cause problem with full backup - which we want to avoid especially.
I have Oracle 10gR2 database on a windows server, I have scheduled rman backup for this database from Solaris server
set echo onrun { crosscheck archivelog all; backup check logical database plus archivelog; delete noprompt obsolete device type DISK; } exit;
It is deleting the obsolete backup pieces but it is not deleting old archive logs (obsolete archive logs) and it is not even showing old archives as obsolete when I check thru report obsolete
I've got a legacy SAP system with oracle 8i on Tru64. No changes at all are made but for legal reasons we have to keep it up and running.
we currently do a full backup monthly by shutting down oracle and doing a backup of all the files to tape and that takes around 12 hours.
If I stop doing the full backup and I only backup the control file and the archived redo log files every month and I had to restore the full database years from now, would I be able to restore the database using the last full monthly backup and use the latest control file and archived redo log files?
My supervisor wants to remove all the archivelogs since it was just a test for 1 year the DB is not actually YET been used. Problem is they want it to be used as soon as possible w/o recreating again the database and just removing some data on tables and removed archive logs. how to safely removed the existing archived logs and create a full backup with archived fresh to sequence 1.
We are using the following commands to take hot backup of our RAC database. Hot backup is fired by "backup" user on Linux system.
======================= rman target / nocatalog <<EOF CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '$backup_dir/$date/%F'; run { allocate channel oem_backup_disk1 type disk format '$backup_dir/$date/%U'; #--Switch archive logs for all threads [code]...... ======================= Due to which after command (used 2 times) "sql 'alter system archive log current';" I see the following lines in alert log 2 times. Because of this all the online logs are not getting archived (Missing 2 logs per day), the backup taken is unusable when restoring. I am worried about this. I there any to avoid this situation. ======================= Errors in file /u01/oracle/admin/rac/udump/rac1_ora_3546.trc: ORA-19504: failed to create file "+DATA/rac/1_32309_632680691.dbf" ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +DATA/rac/1_32309_632680691.dbf ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance ORA-01031: insufficient privileges =======================
I have 2 seperate rman backup one backup is of only datafile ,spfile and controlfile which i am able to restore and recover without any problem say bkp1 taken at 10 am
other set of backup is of only archive log files of same day but later time than datafile backup say bkp2 taken at 8pm...if i restore and recover bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 it gives error datafile exist (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)
if i just restore bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 so that i can do one recover at time it gives error datafile permission issue (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)
I want to restore database upto 8pm time how can i use both bkp1 and bkp2 to do it(restore datafiles and apply all archive logs on it)